EDD September 2013 Mummies


Naangfaa: agree with you. I also don't believe in eating for 2 during pregnancy. It's going to make us fatter later on. I read somewhere food intake for the baby will be stored somewhere and is definitely enough unless we are skipping meals. I try to eat regularly like at least 3 times a day, definitely no skipping of meal or into diet. Of course this doesn't apply to mummies who have started specific food craving. It's hard to control the diet if food craving happens anytime in the day or night.

mrsvistamio: I am about the same weeks as you, same condition too, appetite not improved, still sharing dinner with my hubby, but vomit has lessened.

Went for scan last weekend. Didn't manage to see baby's gender because the little one was doing head stand :err: with knees blocking!! I was a little worried, never thought the head would be at the bottom when I am only like in 16-17 weeks! Gynae told me for us, doing head stand maybe straining but for the baby, it's ok for them. I guess I can only buy baby stuff in neutral colours during my coming BKK trip. no pink, no blue.


19 weeks today! still havent felt baby movements yet, or maybe i just do not know how it feels like.
morning sickness is gone, but always low energy and very very sleepy. supposed to be energetic isn't it? i really don't know why. maybe my body is weak or i am not eating right? i also sleep much earlier, 9.30pm and i need to be in bed, and waking up at 8am is just nice or still feel slightly tired.

i've been eating normal sized meals (or actually bigger than pre-preg meals) since my ms left. i didn't normally finish off a plate of food, but now i do and i want a cup of juice or a bowl of desserts after that.

today i went for prenatal pilates and a classmate commented that my tummy is tiny at 19 weeks! hehe. maybe cos it's first pregnancy. and no one has given up a seat for me on public transport yet.


by the way i am keen on meeting up for tea! in fact, any mummies are free this Saturday? we could meet for an hour or 2 for tea and have baby chit chat.

A mummy

19 weeks today! still havent felt baby movements yet, or maybe i just do not know how it feels like.
morning sickness is gone, but always low energy and very very sleepy. supposed to be energetic isn't it? i really don't know why. maybe my body is weak or i am not eating right? i also sleep much earlier, 9.30pm and i need to be in bed, and waking up at 8am is just nice or still feel slightly tired.

i've been eating normal sized meals (or actually bigger than pre-preg meals) since my ms left. i didn't normally finish off a plate of food, but now i do and i want a cup of juice or a bowl of desserts after that.
aHHHH so true! I'm sleepy now again at this week. Was fine last week. The transition between 1st to 2nd trimester was pretty bad for me as I was so lethargic and kept on sleeping and it got better was active.And last week never felt so fatigue like before but slightly sleepy.Yes since ms gone,been eating alot bigger in portion and a dessert/juice after that.

A mummy

Hehe, my baby though is quite intense.There's a few times where beside my navel will thump out.like throb out.Don't know how to explain.haha. Thank god now no longer on my bladder, but around navel area. Bladder was quite uncomfortable.

A mummy

Went for scan last weekend. Didn't manage to see baby's gender because the little one was doing head stand :err: with knees blocking!! I was a little worried, never thought the head would be at the bottom when I am only like in 16-17 weeks! Gynae told me for us, doing head stand maybe straining but for the baby, it's ok for them. I guess I can only buy baby stuff in neutral colours during my coming BKK trip. no pink, no blue.
My baby has already turned at week 16 (head bottom,leg ontop) So far from week 14 has been in that position thus I can safely rule out c saerian. It was breach before that(standing), now turn so it's like headstand.It should be ok for baby my gynae was happy that it turns..hmmmm not too sure about straining......but baby can also go back to its standing position if there's any room.

I hope I can see the gender at this position=(


A mummy: I believe there is still alot of room for the baby to turn around, gynae also told me baby tends to play with the umbilical cord, sounds so dangerous to me.

Hopefully you will be able to see the gender soon! I have gota wait till May for the next scan. :(


I think my appetide has improved but watching my weight :( coz I think third tri will put on very quickly n I want to save it for then in case I get weird n odd cravings! Ha. So scared my appetide is back with vengence.

have fun ladies who r meeting up. Doubt can meet coz my weekends are already quite packed!

Cant wait for detailed scan.. It's in early may too!

A mummy

A mummy: I believe there is still alot of room for the baby to turn around, gynae also told me baby tends to play with the umbilical cord, sounds so dangerous to me.

Hopefully you will be able to see the gender soon! I have gota wait till May for the next scan. :(
My gynae never say anythg but i really saw the umbilical cord was like under my baby's butt and kept jerking. God. I told my husband afterwards I was very scared. But he told me we can't do anythg about it.Just leave it to God I guess. I'm just worried too because baby is active. I mean so far I have been feeling lots of movement plus the scan too_One thg is the umbilical cord might snap with that kind of motion and secondly get all tangled. My friend's baby was active and the neck got wrapped with the cord when she's delivered and she's slightly blue. With these kind of possible stories, i'm dead scared. Sometimes, I just want the baby to chill inside and calm down. But knowing that there's movement, I felt relieve my baby's still in there breathing. Sometimes, the movement teared me up. I really feel like I wanna see my baby now and hold my child in my arms=(....

A mummy

I think my appetide has improved but watching my weight :( coz I think third tri will put on very quickly n I want to save it for then in case I get weird n odd cravings! Ha. So scared my appetide is back with vengence.

have fun ladies who r meeting up. Doubt can meet coz my weekends are already quite packed!

Cant wait for detailed scan.. It's in early may too!
Yeap gotta watch. Sighs.
hi mummies,
i seldom post here but when i can access the forum, i will silently read all of your posts :)
today i had my gynae check and i am having a boy :)
Congrats to all mummies here. My edd is end Sept :)


A mummy: exactly! I have also heard of baby entangled by the umbilica cord and stuff like that. Gynae did mentioned to me baby loves to have the umbilica cord kept in-between their legs. I hope it will remain like this.

: congrats to knowing yours is a baby boy! Does your EDD gets earlier during each monthly scan? Mine used to be 20th and recently it was estimated to be mid sept.

A mummy

hi mummies,
i seldom post here but when i can access the forum, i will silently read all of your posts :)
today i had my gynae check and i am having a boy :)
Congrats to all mummies here. My edd is end Sept :)
Awee, congratulation! how many weeks are you now? 16 weeks??

A mummy

A mummy: exactly! I have also heard of baby entangled by the umbilica cord and stuff like that. Gynae did mentioned to me baby loves to have the umbilica cord kept in-between their legs. I hope it will remain like this.
really>? so cute just imagining it. Maybe it feels good in between the legs rubbing against their pelvic. Lol like a bolster.
thanks hehe
the weird thing is my gynae never tell me about my edd everytime, only say end sept.
i also dunno how to confirm confinement lady like that...

A mummy
thanks.... ya i am now in approx 16 weeks.

A mummy

Good to know. My EDD is 1st week of SEPTEMBER. Who knows maybe earlier=x
Just wondering, I have been drinking chrysanthemum tea. Is it ok>? I read it online and it's not safe?!I have been drinking it for 1 week everyday!

A mummy

My hip is crazy pain. Anyone feeling it yet?have to put hot balm then it kinda ease but 2 hours later there it resurface again.Could not sleep,walk or sit.


Good to know. My EDD is 1st week of SEPTEMBER. Who knows maybe earlier=x
Just wondering, I have been drinking chrysanthemum tea. Is it ok>? I read it online and it's not safe?!I have been drinking it for 1 week everyday!
I asked my TCM doctor he says chrysanthemum and Luo Han Guo all ok.


me too, been drinking chrysanthemum tea (bottled, carton pack, canned) everyday. I still cannot take plain water because my tongue still tastes bland/metallic. I only drink plain water when I need to take folic acid and calcium pills. How about green tea? safe?


I like chrysanthemum tea too!! ESP if chill but cannot take in front of mil. She don't allow but I don't see the big deal. Think coz it's cold drink not so much the type of drink. Ha.. I m not sure about green tea but think better not ... Can't rem but I read from somewhere. Drink soya milk? I drink orange or apple juice too so I be variety! My EDD does shift I think but my gyne says to keep with orig date we first knew.

Also, faith mummy , better book CL if haven't done so! It's getting late.

anyone has been drinking birds near or taking "dong chong cao" known as cordyceps?