EDD Oct 2013


Active Member
my 1st wan i also got hair on my belly, i never notice much after birth but now i see the hairs are getting darker liao so think after birth the hair will drop off wan


I have hair too on my tummy quite early, its fine black hair but as im fair, i can see it !! Hope they wont grow more in the later stage, i dont want to be a bear mummy.

Also feel tummy smaller in the morning and bigger in the evening, also very gassy in the evening so I tink its normal due to bloated and gas.

I see there are online shops selling those kind like a protective case made of plastic (like a cage) for preggy women, tink it will protect the baby and make tummy look bigger haha.


New Member
Dear Mummies,

Do you all have slping problem? I cant seem to sleep well at nights... I usually used to sleep once i hit the bed. But nowadays i keep lying awake as well as keep waking up at night. Is it normal?

Bcoz of this.. Every morning, i find it so hard to wake up in the morning for work and I feel so tired.. :(
Hi Princess Irsh, yes, i'm having problem sleeping and wake up almost every 2 hrs to pee, kind of irritating, till now, i havent had a good night sleep before, i'm wondering how long does it lasts? Kind of sad and moody cos not enough sleep every night and got to wake up early morning for work, not easy being a mum though. :(


New Member
Hi Mummies-to-be!

Are you looking to enroll for cordlife banking for your child? It is the best gift you can give yourself and your baby!

If you are interested please email me on sonal.agarwalin@gmail.com. I can refer you to them and you will receive vouchers of SGD 150. I would need the following details from you -

first name
contact number
estimated due date



I have the same problem too..I get up every night at about 3am without fail to pee....after that, i can't get back to sleep...I'll keep tossing and turning until about 6am when I am just about to fall aslp...but by then, about time to wake up for work already....soo tired....
Beautiful and relaxed environment, delicious and nutritious confinement meals, immaculate and professional care and guidance by our nannies = relaxed and happy mummies who are able to put their babies solely on 100% breast milk. We are delighted that all mummies staying with us now are successful in 100% breastfeeding! Well done, mummies!



Anyone know normal measurement for baby neck thickness for mummy below 30 years old is how many mm then consider ok? Jz went for the NT scan n the thickness is 26mm..so worry but still have to wait for gynae explanation next week.


Hi, is it 26mm or 2.6mm? I believe it should be 2.6mm...as long as you are lower than 3.5mm, should be considered low risk....but this also depends on factors like your blood test results also...this reading alone can't tell you much...i suggest you wait patiently for you gynae's analysis :)


Active Member
Hey tvh - me used to wake up at 3am to pee too. One way to sleep after that is to relax and not be stressed about not sleeping. Also try breathing deeply... And oh what yoga once taught me was imagine your body shutting down from bottom up. So toes shutting down and still, followed by ankles, calves, thighs - slowly imagine the shutting down sensation one by one slowly...

I tried that and it lulled me back to zzz.

Hope it helps...

Me now no longer wake up at 3am to pee but I must wake up at 8am to pee - this is ok for weekdays but not weekends!! And it's harder to go back to bed at 8am....


Littlej, I shd really take up yoga soon. My shoulders are stiff and aching. I hope yoga can help me sleep better too. It is difficult for me cos once I can't sleep, mind automatically thinks any a lot of stuff. That's why I can I told and turn until 6am. How I wish the peeing can stop...*groan*


Hi, is it 26mm or 2.6mm? I believe it should be 2.6mm...as long as you are lower than 3.5mm, should be considered low risk....but this also depends on factors like your blood test results also...this reading alone can't tell you much...i suggest you wait patiently for you gynae's analysis :)
Thanks TVH. Ya..its 2.6mm haha..I only choose to done the nt scan..I din do the blood test..my blood test is only the infection test..


I don't expect the rest of the commuters to give up seats for me. So I think if U take e MRT w/o any expectations, U wun feel that bad. :D

Maybe my thinking is a bit skewed but I've never believed that a pregnant lady should have the mentality that they have the right to 'demand' a seat juz coz they are pregnant. Although it is basic courtesy for the rest to give up their seats, they also have a choice not to do so.

Some pregnant ladies give such shitty faces for not getting a seat, e rest oso sianz wanna stand for them!;) I will be too shy to ask for a seat too so if I really have to take e MRT and there are no seats, just 'tahan'..bo pian..:(


New Member
Nowadays I also take train to Marina Bay and wait for the train to turn back to the North. The peak hour crowd is too scary.. They just push and squeeze like its the last train on earth. I think they wont even notice even if our tummy is 8 months...
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Ya true..I think these days the humanity level has decreased tremendously!! They just shove and push like nobody's business! I think maybe one day I wanna put one of those electricity nozels at my stomach so that it will give them mini electrical shocks each time ey langgar my tummy!hahahaha!


*gasps* No air nvm..skali mix with super bad armpit odour¡¡Oh gosh..can juz die aredy lor..hahahahahahahaha¡

faithmummy:780967 said:
i am not scared of squeezy trains... i am more afraid of MRT trains with no Air !!!
hahaha.. gross....

For those with understanding colleagues can ask for flexi work hours. Some days I go in before 8am, and i leave by 5pm just to avoid the crowd or traffic. (Usual working hours 9am-6pm).
But The downside for me is i have to declare that i'm always contactable..coz I needed to give assurance that i'm not skiving (!).. so at home i'm expected to return calls/emails at any time, even after working hours also.


That's a good idea! I intend to do it during later part of pregnancy too. My working hours is 10am - 7pm, I will opt to go for 9am - 6pm so my hubby can send me to work.


anyone have problem taking the fish oil? I will feel like throwing up and even puke out my food with pill within 5mins of consume.
My body gets very turn off n feel sick whenever i take any vitamins pill =(