EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Have been waking up at 4am these days and just can't go back to sleep. I will feel sleepy again at 6am but alarm goes off at 6.30am... I'm so tired right now that i'm getting bit dizzy.

Hi ja13, my gynae gave me fish oil only as i have my own calcium and folic acid. I started eating folic even b4 i started trying. As for calcium, well, i fractured my foot in Dec last year so i was put on 1 year calcium by my doc in SGH. The supply will end in Dec this year so i guess once it ends i will get my calcium from my gynae or just go back SGH to buy since it will be cheaper to get it at SGH. Lol.

Any mummies here have gotten a package from your gynae to look through? My gynae offered a package price from 16 weeks onwards at $1500. Includes consultation, scans and certain supplements.
ebichan - congrats! :)

All - I puked again yesterday (after the 5am debacle) into a dustbin along the basement of vivocity at around 630pm... felt so nauseous and got that uncomfortable feeling in my throat... felt so paiseh cos 2 of my good friends from work were there to block me from busybodies and provided me tissue, etc... so of course after that I had to tell them my happy news... and they are so supportive and nice, one of them even went to buy me honey lemon drink and axe brand medicated oil from the nearby chinese pharmacy...

So anyway, one of them had the brilliant idea that maybe I only puke on an empty stomach and to prevent further puking, I should therefore always eat something to fill up my tummy... I stocked up on snacks and put them on my bedside table, and at 3am this morning when I woke up, I ate some stuff... and indeed I have not puked since... so keeping fingers crossed that this method works for me! :p


Welcome happywoman! You know what they say about morning sickness? They say the worse it gets, means the stronger the pregnancy.. lol
I'm 12 weeks today! Edd is 15th May!

Miso, i also have problems getting back to slp! :p guess its just the growth speed inside us! :p

excitedwifey, ya sometimes hunger makes us wanna puke.. so its always encouraged for us to eat small snacks on the go .. don't wait till over hungry and get all nauseous.. :) i have my pocky sticks, sour plum, fruits, etc.. i don't snack usually, but now pregnant must eat more often to keep stomach settled.

Wah actually i don't know what i ate past few days that caused me to bloat like mad .. super gassy and stomacg bloat till stretched and pain.. keep having to let out gas.. :( v v uncomfy.. that bloatedness also makes me nauseated easily.. :p

JA13, ya i do have the prolacta dha fish oil, calcium tabs and multi-vits fr mgynae.. started my own folic acid the moment u found out i wa pregnant.. stocked it from guardian pharmacy.. :p Recently this fish oil has been lingering ard my breath and making me sick lol..


Happy Woman, firstly congrats! But am sorry to hear your MS has been so bad. I hope it gets better for you as the pregnancy progresses.

JA13- have not been prescribed with the said supplements you mentioned.

Meltie, actually I was not sure why I was offered the Oscar because I was going to bypass it and go straight to the Harmony or Maternit21 due to my age (I'm 37).
I understand that most of ladies who are pregnant here might be younger so perhaps it was not offered to you. But my gynae was concerned about my age risks.
There are really so many tests to do!

Excitedwifey - sorry to hear about your puking incident but glad to know your good friends supported you.
I hope it gets better soon!

Miso, im only about 14 weeks so have not been offered a package. It doesnt look like they offer packages at my clinic though :(

Tannie- you're right. cost is 2000 and not claimable by medisave. It depends I guess on the risk potential of the mother. I think usually recommended for women above 35.


Hmm i know most gynae clinics have packages after 4 mths.. mine is $900 (includes all scans, consult ) I think max of 11 times? after that got to pay.. can't remember. But supplements is excluded. From what i know the packages range frm $500 and beyond. Depnding on what they include. Some include 3D scan.

Ebichan, i guess your gynae is on the more cautious side.. hmm wah really alot of money.. :p


ebichan, I am also 37 this year too. My gynea suggest OSCAR is good enough, unless OSCAR test result failed thn go for Harmony or the other test.

JA13, I was prescribed fish oil, multi vit and calcium cause I can't take milk for this pregnancy. .. I get bloated n uncomfortable.


Hi ladies.. hmm seems like some have some havent.. cos I dont like capsules/pill hence I tense to forget to eat someday.. haha.. but I will remind myself to remember!

I m not offered any package only when I reach 16 weeks/4 mths pregnant.. so I dont know how much yet.. so far my gynae consultation n ultrasound quite reasonable is at $50 & $60 (excl. GST).. so far my per visit ard sgd 160 max..


Ebichan, I'm in my 13th week only. The nurse gave us the package pricing for us to look through and decide if we wanna take up the package. Coz the next visit is 4 weeks later, which is just nice 16 weeks. She mentioned that we need to pay upfront if we want the package.

Anyway, me and hubby did the calculations and decided to take up the package. Means next visit we gotta fork out $1500 (excl GST). Oh dear...

Big hole in pocket. Haha... Most importantly is baby is growing and healthy. Can't wait for my next appt! 23rd Nov seems so far away!
JA13 - I asked my gynae a few times already, she said 1st trimester just continue with folic acid and my duphaston... 2nd trimester then she will prescribe the multi-vitamins, etc... she seems like she knows what she's talking about, so I trust her loh... haha... plus I'm loathe to take too many vitamins too, already now I struggle to down the pills (never been good at taking medicine haha)

Happy Woman - congrats! And welcome :) Your MS should be over soon, hang in there!

Meltie - congrats!! My EDD is 28th May so I'm 2 weeks away from your milestone! I'm excited yet cos of my sudden onset of puking incidences, I don't really bother to read on all the "what's happening to your body/baby" articles anymore and just trying to focus on not puking haha... and yah cos usually I'm not a snackish kinda person, but now no choice, I need to keep on eating to keep my tummy full else I will merlion LOL

Miso - NUH only offers the package from 20th week onwards but I think it's quite cheap! Less than $1K heh but of course may not be as comprehensive as your gynae's package?

ebichan - am very happy for you that your test results are so positive, don't worry that you're an "older" mama! There are so many pregnant women above age 40 or even 45 these days, and their babies are healthy... jiayou! :)


New Member
Hi all, just sharing my experience..previously I was having really bad ms,couldnt eat a single thing.. lost 3kg by the 8th week.. Now im at 10th week,somehow or rather, I realised that eating a partial full meal somehow works wonder for me. Instead of puking, I don't really feel nauseous as much as before. (A lot of saliva still) I also took gavison at times because of the indigestion but it definitely feel much better than puking and empty stomach. Maybe some of you going through bad ms can try? Had that mentality of since I'm gonna puke, might as well eat mode.. Oh, if it's empty stomach, all the gastric juices really makes thing worst..


Hi all, I'm from Jan 2014 EDD. I have some preggie pops drops available and wish to give away, together with some maternal milk powder samples. Mummy who is interested can PM me. You will need to pay for postage though ($2). More details of this item can be found in the eBay link below. Once someone takes up, will be removing this post in eBay. The preggie pops is to help with morning sickness.

If you are worried about dealing here and you have an eBay acc, you may bid for the item in the eBay link and let me know you are from mummysg forum. Will only request for postage then. I don't want to waste the preggie pops and wish to just give it to someone who needs it.


updated: item taken. Thanks!
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New Member
My Oscar scan went well! Baby was very cooperative! Sigh the package for the scan and 20 weeks detailed scan is $480!!! So i think the oscar is $200plus?

Had my breakfast and now dizzy in bed.. holding my girl.. zz she is hyper..
After asking my doctor, the price of Oscar test is around 300 and FA scan at 20weeks around 130 (excluding GST).
I haven't known my Oscar result yet. After checking, the nurse said that I could come home, that is why my husband n I just follow what the nurse said. Maybe I will ask my doctor in the next visiting.


New Member
Cyphuong84, i think you can read up more and sign up for cord banking later. I did it only 1-2 weeks before delivery, They can meet near your house and deliver the cordlife kit to you one. If tyou sign up too early, quite hard to keep the kit properly and keep it fresh. Coz i side got all the stickers and bags and tubes for gynae to use. And u have to keep it in a cool dry place. I just carried it wherever i go near my EDD with my hospitalbag. But try not to leave in car under sun.. might affect quality of the ziplpck bags that will eventually keep the cord blood. Also! Please get some referral before you sign up! Their prices are quite liquid one.. if you got friend's recommebdation, its a different and cheaper price! If you got no one, i think i can go read up how i can recommend a ffriend. That time i got my friend's friend who work at cordlife to give me a gd price one.. if not like pay so much for nothing.. Ultimately can wait till baby fairs to sign up coz got fair price too.. Same for baby stuff! Or thomson parentcraft course! I signed ip at a big discount at the baby fair! As for the AXA or prudential insurance for mum n baby , also got more perks when sign up at fairs.. like free bouncer that i got. Only can sign up after 20+ weeks and before 32 weeks i think.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your advice Meltie.
Because I have already placed deposit, so I must to sign the Cordlife contract but the Cordlife consultant will keep the Cord kits for me till Mars 2014. It is Ok.

By the way, I would like to share that drinking Chicken essence bottle is quite ok for me. Because I am always hungry but don't like to eat, then I try to eat a little bit of food and drink 1 bottle of Chicken essence. It makes me feel better. I drink 2times per week.

Today, I bought a black chicken and 1 bag of herbal then i cook it together. I think It is good for baby. You can try it :)

I just want to share my experience for you all.

Ah, I have one more question: Do you feel your baby inside your tummy? If yes, can you share the way how you can feel it? Because my friend told me that she can hear the baby's heartbeat by putting the hand on the left side of tummy. I try but I can't feel anything.

Have a good sleep all mummies!


hi am #2 time mummy to b
edd 24 may
hopefully this time can hold to full term as my first one came out at 31 weeks.


hi am #2 time mummy to b
edd 24 may
hopefully this time can hold to full term as my first one came out at 31 weeks.
Welcome SImbaobao! Congrats! How old is ur no.1? :) I'm a #2 mother-to-be too! no.1 is 13mo now. :)

Thanks cyphuong84 for the info! I think it works out to be abt there.. :p Hope all our oscars tests come back perfect! :) Hmm i am not really good at chicken essence.. don't really take the taste v well.. previously tried to take n kept me awake.. and i tried to take post delivery during breastfdg, bb stayed awake longer.. haha i got alot from gifts though!! Will try to take here n there for strength!
As for feeling baby movements, still abit early.. but i can slightly feel baby tugging abit.. can't feel heartbeat though.. Hmm probably i know how it feels coz i'm a 2nd time mum? So can differentiate? Haha don't worry! V soon we can all feel pur little ones kicking and dancing inside!! :)

Shiningnails! Glad you've worked a way to manage ur m/s! :) Yup having small meals always keeps the nausea away and avoid bloatedness.. haha i know that but i always forget and with my daughter around, i don't get much chances to munch.. have to gobble down my lunch n dinner.. end up bloated..

Miso, i think most impt is u find ot comfortable with your gynae.. its a long journey together all the way to delivery table lol.. Oh ya, do keep that $1.5k receipt! At end of pregnancy can claim medisave! Must bring w u post delivery! ;)
glad to see so many mother to be in may 14:)
im mother #2 to be, now 10 weeks , edd estimate 28 may. but will get c-section earlier though:) first preg made me go thrg more than 12 hrs labour and end up emergency c sec:(

this pregnanacy is alot worse to me. the m/s is very very bad. no choice but to take medication fr gynae. but every pregnancy is different, go to face it:)


glad to see so many mother to be in may 14:)
im mother #2 to be, now 10 weeks , edd estimate 28 may. but will get c-section earlier though:) first preg made me go thrg more than 12 hrs labour and end up emergency c sec:(

this pregnanacy is alot worse to me. the m/s is very very bad. no choice but to take medication fr gynae. but every pregnancy is different, go to face it:)
Welcome ilovebbdylan! :) Congrats! Ya i agree every pregnancy is different.. gotta face it. I had v v bad m/s in my 1st preg.. this time dtill have but milder.. so i already thank God for that! Trying to manage it better. Aww i guess if its very serious, it won't harm taking abit of medicine to relief.. especially all the nausea and vomitting.. affects our appetite and strength.. hope your m/s gets better soon!

Wow seems like you had quite a long delivery .. must be very tiring and nervous coz so many unpredictable things happen.. i had normal delivery with epidural.. bb came on my actual EDD.. waited for about 7 houts before pushing ans she came out in 15mins! Hope my 2nd birth easier! :)


hi everyone!

2nd time mummy here.. glad to see fellow Sept 12 mummies -Piglim, Meltie and Erlina! Jus got my oscar test result and assured by gynae everything's normal and fine! Coming to 13 weeks and realli glad to be leaving behind my worrying 1st trimester with the worrying spotting.. Hee.. Hoping to share all e ups and downs throughout the next 7mths and beyond! ;)