EDD May 2014 (maybe)


melancholy, every pregnancy is different so it's normal. I have a more tough pregnancy this time compare to no.1 :(


no wonder everybody keep saying every pregnancy is different.. with my first I jus felt nauseous but din puke and all these disappeared once I hit 12wks.. now with my second at 13 wks,im still nauseous and din puke though sometimes I feel e feeling of wanting to puke but cant puke is worse.. and everytime I open e bottle of multivit from the gynae I gag.. e smell is horrible.. I had e same multivit during my first pregnancy and I dun rem feeling e same way.. argh..

and yeah.. I feel it's so much more tiring for this pregnancy.. maybe cos im older and maybe cos I gotta entertain my princess who seems to makr it a habit to scream and cry non-stop these days.. I tried to harden my heart and ignore her cries but she will cry till she gag and im afraid she will have nightmare at night if I dun soothe her.. so mummy lost.. Princess 1: Mummy 0

ahh.. I haven booked my confinement nanny yet.. gotta hurry hurry..

Piglim! u mus b so proud if ur son! I oso wanna bring my girl for such contests too.. Hee.. all babies are e cutest in their mummies' eyes..
Hi all,

Yah I puked again ytd in the cab... thank God I had a plastic bag... actually my method of prevention works, i.e. don't have an empty stomach, but too bad, I did not digest the cereal and milk yet so you can imagine what came up... -_- although it's only been 3 times, I am SO over MS and puking... am praying it does not last past the next 2 weeks... but hard to say, since my MS only started in week 10 :(


Haha ms ms.. tell me more abt it.. i gagged while swallowing my fish oil n multivits just now.. told myself i must not puke it out coz v ex! lol Forced myself to swallow down n squirmed... :(

Ya every pregnancy different.. though this time milder but still takes a toll on me.. my hubby asked me if its another girl again coz my ms like getting serious at times.. :p Girl or boy i oso ok.. but if got boy i can close shop? :p

I just put my girl to nap.. fussed like mad , twist n cry.. threw her tantrums.. i'm so exhausted , nausea too.. just kept coaxing her.. before that had a hard time feeding her porridge..:( she spat everything out n sprayed all over.. my patience is at the limit.. haiz she still thinks its funny n wanna throw everything away and mess up everything.. my hormones are making me short tempered too.. maybe i'm not feeling well too.. :/

Welcome Melancholy and Shersy! :) Lets share this journey tog! Rant here if u like lol.. :)

Argh i'm going into 13 weeks.. hope i can get my appetite back to eat some of my fav food... :pno more gagging i hope.. and no more insomnia i hope..

There's Parenthood fair this weekend at expo.. anyone going? haha maybe also too early! Only for 2nd time mums like me! Wanna find a more secure highchair for my little imp (currently using ikea one), and time to change all milk bottles and teats soon! $$$$


Worthy lady, I dun think there is any relation between gender n m/s... I dun feel nausea at all when I am expecting my gal...

Wish to go for the parenthood fair but not sure if my hubby would wana go... I am aiming at Huggies offer n to get some maternity clothing... My tummy is showing... So sad... I still can hide my bump for my first pregnancy till about 5-6months thn start maternity wear...


Tannie so envy! This is my first pregnancy but my bump alrdy quite obvious at 11+ week! Haha.. ytd went to buy 1 dress at spring maternity it is expensive! @ $89.90.. i alrdy standby.. haha..


Haha tannie, ya gender and m/s may not have much relationship.. but i really suffered v bad m/s while carrying my girl.. lol
My tummy is also showing... zz many bottoms cannot fit liao.. but i'm lazy to shop n buy.. plus with a baby very hard to go into fitting rm..

JA13! Wow i did not buy any maternity during my 1st pregnancy.. just bought loose dresses.. and friends passed their maternity dresses to me for work.. but i've returned them all.. i'm not working, so now looking for more casual one.. u can consider buying nursing+maternity 2-in-1 kind.. save abit of money.. i bought some stuff from maternity blogshops too.. they are much cheapee than retailed ones..


meltie can share the blogshop? i also bought 1 from shoplah! to see if worth to buy or not.. cos alot cheaper too..


I also find those maternity shop v ex... I bog some online too, qlty not v good but wear for few months so I dun bother... Qoo10 got a lot. Actually I bog some nursing wear but never use cause I dun dare to nurse in public... If u nurse in nursing room, can just lift up the top... I also din pump when I return to work... So up to individual... Nursing bra can get some not that ex one from OG... After all u will not be able to fit after u stop breast feeding.... My boobs shrink...


Tannie - thanks thanks.. i will go see see.. ya cannot buy too many expensive de.. hehe
But if u r expecting no.1 n planning for more thn 1 then can buy more expensive... Cause can wear again. Some cheap ones I throw after give birth ...


New Member
@sherin86 you are not alone.. I am 14 weeks now and I don't feel hungry (most of the time). I can only stomach about one meal a day? and I usually have to force the food down my throat..


Same for me in first trimester... But my appetite increased when enter 2nd trimester... Just hang on... Try to eat small meals n nutrients food.


Glad that I'm nt alone. Just felt weird that my hunger is nt as severe as my first one. Mayb cause it's still at the first trim. This Thursday is my week 12!which is my 2 trim starts! Cause of my mum din knw I'm preg, and my tummy is starting to get bigger.she keep saying that I'm fatter! lol.


haha.. am I e onli different one? I've got a huge appetite (both first and current pregnancy).. but the thing is after a full meal I get bloated v easily and feel like puking.. if I eat small meals, I will not be satisfied.. haha..


Hi ladies!

I am so freaking worried. I keep coughing non stop. Went kkh 24hr clinic and given linctus dextromethorphan hbr bp. Did anyone has the same experience?