EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Congrats meltie! :) Feeling excited for u winniemint! :D

excitedwifey ya better call to check with gynae n do take good care! :)

I think oscar scan is ard 200sgd+ cos I asked my gynae's nurse n she told me ard this price.. my gynae sending me to NUH Kent Ridge for the scan.. looking forward to it.. hee
JA13 - yah gynae confirmed is normal MS symptom -_- i asked her how come so late in my 1st trimester then got this urge to puke/dry heave and she said it's different for everyone... sigh...

Am having severe heartburn and bloatedness now... for someone who loves to eat, this is torturous :(


excitedwifey hw do you feel having heartburn? Cos few days ago I seems to experienced it at midnight also.. for it last for 10 secs only.. I felt pressure on my heart like my heart was been squeezed. . Haha
JA13 - hmm heartburn is not so much like heart being squeezed, it's actually a feeling of a burning sensation in your chest due to acid reflux :(

I think what you felt was more like an anxiety chest pain? Or heart palpitations... 10 secs is quite long... check with your doctor? if you are much older it is actually a symptom of a heart attack I think...


Suddenly I got v good appetite today. ..:mad:
I had fried noodle this morn, wanton mee for lunch n jus ate a tau sa piang ... hope is only for today. .. I've put on weight faster compared to my #1.


Wah Sherin86.. did u double check if its a package? where's ur gynae? MtE?

Tannie! That's gd! Good appetite is always celebrated.. better than puking.. i cane back frm my scan n was super exhausted, did not get enough slp as my no.1 had been kicking n rolling over me while night! Apparently she seems to know i need to wake at 6.45am and woke us up to go for the scan.. had a long morning out.. maybe due to insufficient slp, i suffered nausea.. gagged on bread.. and came home just wanted to lie down n close my eyes but can't coz this little girl is playing big time beside me.. tugging me and i have to hold her n watch her in case she falls off the bed.. :/ It was torturous.. had cooked lotus root soup for lunch but gagged at the smell n taste of the pork.. but no choice got to eat.. ate n fed my girl who spat non stop .. testing my patience big time.. and putting her for her nap was a big fight.. she fussed n screamed murder! :( After 1 hr she finally drifted to slp.. now i'm left awake beside her, too tired to slp.. :( life of a mum..

I hope my m/s go away... it's taking a toll on me especialky my little girl is soo soo soo hyper n fussy at her age...


No lei..my gynae is located at tpy. I dun think he is tt famous? lol.he is Dr James Lee.. have anyone of u heard him before? the test is done at his clinic. I hear alrdy tio shock sia. It's not a a package. Only for oscar test which includes scan and blood test.


sherin86.. wah thats v ex!! Hmm shld ask abt details! Is the machine image clear? My gynae said her maxhine not as clear as thomson medical, hence recommended me to go over to do.. :p


Meltie, try taking some soda cracker or lightly salted cracker, heard it helps for m/s. Take some beverages like milo or holick or some fruit juice. Take care.


I felt very tired for this pregnancy too... sometimes I jus feel lying on the bed too cause I felt breathless v easily... gynea said is normal due to age... haiz


Congrats meltie! :) Jiayou winniemint!

So the results - is it like they will tell you "your baby has 1/100000000000000 chance of down's syndrome", etc?
Yes, I've received my Oscar results. They will run through the list of Trisomy and tell you 1/ XXXX. This was told over the phone so I have not seen the actual paper yet.
Mine was low risk for all despite my age so I am very glad :)


Wah Sherin86.. did u double check if its a package? where's ur gynae? MtE?

Tannie! That's gd! Good appetite is always celebrated.. better than puking.. i cane back frm my scan n was super exhausted, did not get enough slp as my no.1 had been kicking n rolling over me while night! Apparently she seems to know i need to wake at 6.45am and woke us up to go for the scan.. had a long morning out.. maybe due to insufficient slp, i suffered nausea.. gagged on bread.. and came home just wanted to lie down n close my eyes but can't coz this little girl is playing big time beside me.. tugging me and i have to hold her n watch her in case she falls off the bed.. :/ It was torturous.. had cooked lotus root soup for lunch but gagged at the smell n taste of the pork.. but no choice got to eat.. ate n fed my girl who spat non stop .. testing my patience big time.. and putting her for her nap was a big fight.. she fussed n screamed murder! :( After 1 hr she finally drifted to slp.. now i'm left awake beside her, too tired to slp.. :( life of a mum..

I hope my m/s go away... it's taking a toll on me especialky my little girl is soo soo soo hyper n fussy at her age...
My gynae is at Mt E. But the Oscar + blood test was only 200 + for me.


I felt very tired for this pregnancy too... sometimes I jus feel lying on the bed too cause I felt breathless v easily... gynea said is normal due to age... haiz
I understand re: the tiredness. But I'm 37. Some days I have good energy levels while other days I dont. I think it corresponds to the hormonal levels?

Happy woman

New Member
Hi Everyone, I am a first time mummy just like most of you here. I am in my 12th week. Have been and still am very weak from all my m/s symptoms but all the scans so far has confirmed that the little one is doing fine. My m/s is so bad that I have been on leave for the past 6 weeks. My edd is 20th May 2014. All excited :)


Hi happy woman! Congrats to u n welcome u! :D

U do take care ya? Hope ur 2nd trimester will b better so that u can go back to work soon.. :)

Hi MTB, I wana ask if u all r prescribed with vitamins such as ProLacta DHA, Hemoplex & Cavit-D3 at week 10?


Thanks Tannie! I've tried before and also recommended some mummies here to try.. haha I guess there are some worse off days esp coupled w insufficient rest.. I couldn't take dinner yesterday.. all the dishes made me nauseaus.. :( Ate 2 mouthfuls of rice.. mil stare n stare.. :(

Congrats ebichan! That's gd news!! :) Hmm don't thimk the other tests are neccessary.. usually OSCAR and detailed scan can liao.. Later onthey might offer you a 3D or 4D scan whoch is totally optional too.. but all costs money.. :p save fpr when bb is born better! haha costs quite alot after i calculate roughly.. :p