EDD May 2014 (maybe)


New Member
Hi ladies.. wana ask if is it okay to let so many people know abt our pregnancy before 2nd trimester? Last night I got an heart attack hearing my mum bragged abt she told this auntie that auntie n this n that!! I cant believe she has alrdy broadcasted for me.. It makes me unhappy n abit worry cos is like against the norm?.. Any advice?
You don't worry too much. Same as my case, I told my mother in law to keep secret first because I hadn't seen the doctor yet, but unlucky she let everyone know (even the pp in the coffee shop near my house). After that, I know that if I want to keep secret something, I must keep it away my mother in law. :(

You forget it and must be happy, it makes ur baby happy too. :))


Yes yes.. the coffeeshop aunties knew too.. haiz.. I also learnt my lesson.. mayb we look at another view that they r just too happy to share our good news.. :confused:

I will too when I brushed my teeth in the morning but I think is due to hunger. . Haha..


I hate brushing my teeth too! Think i got even more sensitive gag reflex! :p Or its the toothpaste.. but it'll get better ya? :p

Haha i think all your mothers n mils are excited! Hmm i told them the moment i found out i was pregnant though.. i think they didn't go tell around, coz they more pantang then me? Hmm but its the friends that spread esp ex colleagues! :p I think they are just happy for me.. Hmm i just let family know and let friends know later.. :p Maybe 2nd preg liao, so don't care as much.. last time 1st pregnancy, i was so kan chiong, keep insisting to wait before i tell my friends.. in the end some also v paiseh.. they know i'm pregnant but i act blur.. but all symptoms showing lol.. so this time i just let it be bah.. they know means they know and hope they be more considerate and help? Really need alot of help to carry my girl coz she is always very sticky to me and wants me to carry her.. o get breathless.. and i need a break to go toilet or something.. so when they can help to distract and play with her, i can rest. :p

Miso, wah they took so much blood?? :p i thought only 1 tube..

Cyphuong84, i think you can read up more and sign up for cord banking later. I did it only 1-2 weeks before delivery, They can meet near your house and deliver the cordlife kit to you one. If tyou sign up too early, quite hard to keep the kit properly and keep it fresh. Coz i side got all the stickers and bags and tubes for gynae to use. And u have to keep it in a cool dry place. I just carried it wherever i go near my EDD with my hospitalbag. But try not to leave in car under sun.. might affect quality of the ziplpck bags that will eventually keep the cord blood. Also! Please get some referral before you sign up! Their prices are quite liquid one.. if you got friend's recommebdation, its a different and cheaper price! If you got no one, i think i can go read up how i can recommend a ffriend. That time i got my friend's friend who work at cordlife to give me a gd price one.. if not like pay so much for nothing.. Ultimately can wait till baby fairs to sign up coz got fair price too.. Same for baby stuff! Or thomson parentcraft course! I signed ip at a big discount at the baby fair! As for the AXA or prudential insurance for mum n baby , also got more perks when sign up at fairs.. like free bouncer that i got. Only can sign up after 20+ weeks and before 32 weeks i think.
Hi all,

I woke up around 3+am and could sleep anymore... Then about 15 mins ago I felt very uncomfortable, like bloated and not able to breathe properly... Then I felt like gagging, and rushed to the toilet sink where I threw up a yellowish fluid which I believe is bile... Now is only 5+am... Happen to any of you before? I almost wanted to go to the A&E but my hubby say is morning sickness... But I'm thinking I'm in my 10th week now, how come my MS start so late? Lol... Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Btw no tummy pain therefore my hubby say rule out food poisoning... Hmmm
*couldn't sleep anymore.. Sigh... Yet another zombie day at work later :(

i can't wait to be in the 2nd trimester and hopefully all nausea and discomfort disappear :) actually my nausea has been improving, though not the digestive issues like bloatedness and heartburn... But now apparently I'm puking bile at 5am in the morning... *feels sorry for myself lol*


New Member
Hi all, my EDD will be on 31May.
Had a boy in 2012 , May baby too.
Nice meeting everyone :)
Hi Tania, agree confinement is the hottest during that time of the year!


Welcome tannie! I was a sept 2012 mummy! :) Hi 5 to 2nd one! Oh ya, it's gonna be hot during confinement.

Excitedwifey, are you better now? Hmm did u eat something wrong? Maybe can google n see how.. if its just one episode, maybe mention to gynae or go take MC today? :p

I'm waiting here 8am at thomson medical fetal assessment centre for Oscar scan.. zzz walk-in but still need to wait. :/ Just gagged this morning..


My Oscar scan went well! Baby was very cooperative! Sigh the package for the scan and 20 weeks detailed scan is $480!!! So i think the oscar is $200plus?

Had my breakfast and now dizzy in bed.. holding my girl.. zz she is hyper..
Congrats meltie! :) Jiayou winniemint!

So the results - is it like they will tell you "your baby has 1/100000000000000 chance of down's syndrome", etc?


My gynea's clinic will called me once they received the result n they told me my results are all normal. Thn during nxt visit to gynea, she will pass me the report with pics n the statistics. :)