EDD May 2014 (maybe)


ooooh.. so exciting.. im seeing my gynae next week.. hopefully bb will cooperate so tat we can see gender.. of cos I hope to see a little "bird bird" then can close shop without regrets.. hehe.. girl is nice oso la but better 1 girl 1 boy ma, jus nice.. but like many say, healthy is most impt!

kan cheong mummy.. It's actualli quite normal to fall sick during pregnancy cos our immune system is rather weak to accomodate e little one in us.. i prefer to let it run its course than to seek medication.. even though the gp prescribe pregnancy friendly medicine, I still find it rather scary to burden my bb with them.. as for whether coughing affects bb, from wat I read and from wat I understd from my gynae earlier, it shouldnt affect our little ones.. I was coughing quite badly then but she said it's fine.. jus drink more water, have plenty of rest, take more vit c.. take care!


Haha we had excitedwifey n kan chiong mummy...
Better dun take any medication except prescribe by gp for preggie.

I was sick in first trimester when expecting #1. Took the medication fm GP... shld be ok. Rest well n drink lots of water.


happynn:841636 said:
Tannie.. heard from my fren, drink lots of water one day before the check up.. then the urine test will be gd. Duno hw true is it.. u can try. :)

yeah.. Meltie, I agree wif u.. As long as our bb is healthy n come out smoothly, boy or gal oso doesnt matter. :D

Yap jus happen to have Fanta Orange before check up... so will try to avoid nxt time before check up.
Dear mummies, thanks so much for the advises

felt better to hear that the coughing will not harm the babies too much. Felt quite reluctant to take too much med during this period but the itchiness is irritating the throat and trigger the cough...arghh.. For the sake of the little ones, will endure!! :)


Yap when I was expecting #1, I m v careful n avoided alot of food, thn read alot on the net n books etc... but #2 dun bother liao haha n no time to read.

#2 got experience already, so shd be easier coz you prob will know what to expect and how it feels. :)

me now if experience anything will go search online, or ask frens or sis in laws...haha...


true true.. #1 I oso v anxious.. everything oso mus follow book.. cannot this cannot tat.. research this research tat.. but for #2 realli no energy to bother abt all those le.. haha..


i only pray hard for a healthy baby.
my gal time we did not know the gendar till delivery day. not we dont want to know is the tricky baby chu all sort of patterns to hide.. even detail scan the person also cant find their way to peep in between. faintzzz

between those having high sugar issue
you might want try taking lady finger water. soak the ladyfinger in rm temp water n drink it the next morning. it sound gross but it work for me n my friends who intro me this drink.


u have to get use to the gluey texture. for the sake of my health n baby.. i forced myself to drink.it.
psst. only if ur sugar level is high den take it. dun try it for the sake of it. it really will make u hypo if ur sugar level get too.low.


New Member
Hahahah.. okok.. I got saw tat article abt the lady finger water before. Just wondering if is taste nice. Hmm.. :D

ST Woo

mrsjlim, I bought the fish oil from Dr Woo. So I did not go find other brand. Not sure the content got different or not.

Today, I'm not feeling good. My belly has been so bloated and seem like my baby pressing on my urinal bladder. I keep going to the loo to pee....sigh -_-#


Hihi Kan cheong mummy! It's normal to be kan cheong! I was like that too.. but now 2nd pregnancy i really no time to bother.. lol alot of things no choice got to do.. carry baby, stroller, diaper bag, diy etc.. i don't get to rest.. :p I also fell sick recently.. haven't fully recover, kenna flu again.. i just take some go-prescibed light medication.. coz was sneezing n sniffing like mad, everytime i sneeze, my jaw pain n my pee leak, tummy also contract n cramp.. hate those sneeze marathons.. and i need to get well asap to be able to take care of myno.1.. alittle medication is ok.. i just take 1 day and when it improves, i stop.. its for symptoms relief, unlike those antibiotics, so still ok. :p I also cannot afford to pass to my hubby or no.1.. so i have to get well asap! :(

ST Woo, ya i've been going toilet more often in the day now.. :p really v inconvenient eap i'n out w no.1 alone, need to find handicap toilet so i can push her in with me.. today had to leave her outside the cubicle for a min while i peed at lughtning speed with her screaming outside when she couldn't see me.. aiyoo..

Lingz, ya with no.1 as girls.. we really hope for no.2 to be boy!!!! Let's hope and pray it will be!!!

Today i had sudden morning sickness that struck me while walking.. aiyo gagged n coughed! Sighhh looks like i'm still plagued by it!!
Hi all mummies/mtb, don't know why recently i drop my appetite and can't eat much for each meal. somehow seeing my baby bump not very obvious. I am quite worried about my baby inside me. First time being mommy, really very kan cheong about everything. from now still have 2 more weeks to my gynae appointment.

I am in my 15 wk now.


Hey winniemint.. i think its normal.. my appetite also not alot.. nv gained any weight.. but as long as healthy can liao.. its normal for weight gain to be slow in the starting months.. i'm 15 weeks too.. ;) In my 1st pregnancy, my tummy only showed up at ard 5 mths... before that i kept losing weight due to morning sickness... lost like 4kg.. puked like siao.. but gained back v quickly after 2nd trimester kicked in.. :) Don't worry ya? Our babies are all still very very small inside, hence maybe won't occupy too much space.. for 2nd pregnancy like me, tummy showing maybe coz skin ard tummy already loose and stretched.. so just protrude out.. :p

Wah recently i'm really aching all over.. especially between my butt, tailbone area.. when i sit, its super painful.. :(
Thanks Meltie for encouraging me! :)

The past few days i'm very addicted to ice-cream, candies, chocolates...... all the sweet sweet stuff.... But i try to control. especially soft drinks.... haha


how I wish I oso dun gain much weight.. weight gain was an issue during my 1st pregnancy and im trying v hard not to let history repeat itself! not at the expense of bb of cos.. hee..

morning sickness symptoms went away after 12wks during first pregnancy.. but it seems to last longer this time round.. still get e occasional bout of nausea and wanting to puke.. but I realise it gets better wen I have more rest.. maybe bb is protesting? but with such an active #1, it's kinda hard to rest more.. wen we brought her for her jabs on wed, even the nurse commented that she's one VERY active baby.. sighz.. and cos we co-sleep at night, she likes to turn all around in her sleep and kick me while she's at it.. so I had to sleep with my back towards her to avoid her kicking at my bump wen im asleep.. tried to get her to sleep on her own mattress but she will whine and whine and I will give in eventually cos I wan to sleep! sighz..

Meltie! me too.. find my body aching everywhere now.. even wen im standing up from sitting position, e joints at my hips hurt.. I onli got these aches towards e end of my first pregnancy! the aches come too early this time! but it's normal according to my gynae.. she said for second and subsequent pregnancies, e aches will come much sooner.. sighz..


Yap winniemint, dun worry too much. For my first pregnancy my bump is also not obvious till 5th month. My weight increase is also v mininal in the beginning. But for #2 can see in 3rd month liao.