EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Ohh.. ok.. i guess shall check during my hospital tour with hubby then decide whether to opt for 1-bedded or 2-bedded..

hmm, since 17 weeks i have been feeling my rip cage pain on n off.. just now when i tried to stand up the pain was so sharp on my right rip cage!.. haiz.. I wonder what happened also.. got to check with gynae..

Any mummies will have bad dream? I have been experiencing weird/bad dream on n off also.. sometimes really wonders why?


Haha I had weird dream last night. I dreamt the world is infested with diease n all of us are hidding in the bedroom. ..


anyway.. I am coming 24 weeks pregnant now and I am stomach is in pain most of the time cause it's stretching so much. not sure if this is round ligament pain? Anyone here facing the same issue as me? :(
omg... same but I guess it is normal... I had it during my first pregnancy too...

carrying my girl also makes my backache...


New Member
Hi Tannie, I am delivering at TMC too. It's my first time. After medisave how much did you have to pay for 2 bedded? I am wondering how much is the 1 bedded? I dont think I would go for 4 bedded, it's too crowded.

Is the service at TMC really that bad? My cousin and friend both delivered there. They gave me good feedback. Thats why I chose TMC.


Tannie, i dreamt i was carrying my baby n we both (hubby) were v happy then i went to nap n woke up realised hubby had so many activities with baby when i looked at the photos.. then suddenly became nightmare.. not sure if is my baby turned into monster when brought home.. then woke up.. so scary when think abt it.. :(
Hi Mummies, mummysg app on samsung got error I cant view our thread at all! Dont knw what happened. I will be gg for hospital tour soon but think only at Gleneagles cos my gynae's clinic is there and he seems to only deliver there.. Talking abt the 1-bedded n etc, it makes sense to opt for 2-bedded in terms of money saving n etc. the price difference quite a lot, ard 1k+ and I heard if hubby stay overnight need to pay some extra also right?

For mount E, I remembered we paid additional $100+ when my hubby stayed together with me in the room. I think the extra charges are for his breakfast? Not sure why are there additional, but definitely will have.
Tannie and Lingz12,

Ya, actually many says my girl is big for her age. Sighhh... Girls petite, nicer. It is so tough not to carry our first child right?!? I mean, the bond is still so strong for me. I will volunteer to carry her most times until my hubby nagged at me.

Talking about hospital stays and the ward, this time I don't know if i should still stay in a 1-bedder because I heard from my gynae nurse that the hospital increased their charges to more than $1k. I remembered 1-bedder was about $2.6k, now when my gynae nurse handed me the hospital new list... it's $3.7k!


I cannot remember how much we've paid, hubby paid any way.

Like I mentioned, if they stayed in 1 bedded ward, svs is super!
I cannot remember how much we've paid, hubby paid any way.

Like I mentioned, if they stayed in 1 bedded ward, svs is super!
Tannie, I think it is true on that! The services rendered by the hospital for 1-bedder is tip-top. I think that is for sure, since we are paying so much for that.
When to see doc during my lunch time nearby my office. But Doc just say is due to pregnancy, usually it is toward the last trim. and doc prescribed me some oral medication, drowsy and non drowsy. I was like 'huh', no lotion / cream to apply...... and doc said no need.

aparently, It is very itchy and like kinda many mosquito bite in a big patch. i having it on my hand, leg, tummy area. I don't know why and how. Will visit my family doctor later again. Hope my family doc can prescribe me some lotion to apply. As i hate taking pills.... ):
When to see doc during my lunch time nearby my office. But Doc just say is due to pregnancy, usually it is toward the last trim. and doc prescribed me some oral medication, drowsy and non drowsy. I was like 'huh', no lotion / cream to apply...... and doc said no need.

aparently, It is very itchy and like kinda many mosquito bite in a big patch. i having it on my hand, leg, tummy area. I don't know why and how. Will visit my family doctor later again. Hope my family doc can prescribe me some lotion to apply. As i hate taking pills.... ):

I think it could be the hormones acting up on these rashes. Different people have different things when pregnant. Some are lucky and don't even develop any unusual things. 2 days ago, I have been having leg cramps at night. But the cramps stopped when I massaged my feet by tilting them up and down last night.

Maybe you can try to put some cold compress to ease the itch? It might help...


When to see doc during my lunch time nearby my office. But Doc just say is due to pregnancy, usually it is toward the last trim. and doc prescribed me some oral medication, drowsy and non drowsy. I was like 'huh', no lotion / cream to apply...... and doc said no need.

aparently, It is very itchy and like kinda many mosquito bite in a big patch. i having it on my hand, leg, tummy area. I dont't know why and how. Will visit my family doctor later again. Hope my family doc can prescribe me some lotion to apply. As i hate taking pills.... ):
maybe u want to check if u can apply calamine lotion... I m having itch on my back and tummy area... tummy area I know is due to stretching of the skin... my back is due to hormone change... I usually take a hot bath to relieve the otch or somwtimes apply hot compress...


winniemint - do take care! is it very dry? try to apply some lotion to ease the itch? i also like to use the cooling snake powder. i remembered my mum mixing it with warm water to get it to be a paste like calamine lotion - the coolness and warm water really soothe the itch. i had really bad rashes in my first trimester and i went to the dermatologist recommended by my gynae. she recommended putting qv lotion which is easily available at watsons or guardian pharmacy.

take care!


oh btw ladies - have you bought your breast pumps yet? first time mummy and really quite clueless on what to buy. thinking of getting unimom breast pump, mothercare is selling it for $299 as a bundle. i know mothercare is expensive compared to others but amazon doesn't carry unimom too. read pretty good reviews on it too. i'm 20 weeks and sonographer said it's 95% boy - haha they don't really want to commit to 100% as baby is quite cheeky - giving good views of all the other organs except to show his gender.


oh btw ladies - have you bought your breast pumps yet? first time mummy and really quite clueless on what to buy. thinking of getting unimom breast pump, mothercare is selling it for $299 as a bundle. i know mothercare is expensive compared to others but amazon doesn't carry unimom too. read pretty good reviews on it too. i'm 20 weeks and sonographer said it's 95% boy - haha they don't really want to commit to 100% as baby is quite cheeky - giving good views of all the other organs except to show his gender.
when I was first pregnant I didn't buy before hand coz I was not surw of my bm supply scare too low not enough then no need pump, was unsure if my baby can adapt to bm....

In the end, I buy pump when my girl was one week old not because I got extra but because she cannot wait for u to prepare must drink means must drink else keep crying... so in the end we decide to express and store which is faster...

but then due to sereve reflux issue, we had to stop bm and switch to ar formula milk... which means the pump become useless again after less rhan a month usage...


juzlee, wen I delivered back in sep 12, I paid abt 3k in cash for 1 bedder (including gynae delivery charge) after medisave deductions and all those.. I agree service is real gd.. maybe like wat Tannie said they realli serve 1 bedder mummies better? even checking out I rem the nurse came into my rm to go thru my bills with me, collect my credit card, go swipe and gave it back to me.. then carry my bb from nursery into e rm, check e tags and help carry my girl to the waiting area while my hubby fetch e car.. Is this service for 1 bedder mummies onli? Tannie, was it e same for u? wa if service realli differ cos of e rm we stayed in then mayb I will stick to one bedder.. haha.. feel super pampered man..

winniemint.. oh dear.. pregnancy rash? I had it for my first pregnancy too but nt as early as u.. I tink wen I was 35-36 wks preggie.. but I could still rem e feeling is awful.. nt supposed to scratch but I jus cant help it.. smetimes I scratched myself awake.. I suspect e battlemarks on my tummy are partly cos I scratch too much! gynae gave me calamine lotion but frankly it doesnt realli work.. she did say she could give me sme oral med but I declined as I dun wan it to affect bb.. sigh.. e sacrifices a mum makes.. jia you! hope e rashes will go away soon!


gniy, I bought medela freestyle for my first pregnancy.. but I feel the suction a bit nt as strong as I would like towards e end (I breastfed for a yr).. so I probably buying another set.. I realli love freestyle as it's super portable and oso e fact tat im used to it oredi.. haha.. but this time I will prob buy online as it's cheaper than buying from e departmental stores..

as for unimom im nt sure.. din do much research on it.. is it an electric dual pump? I personally recommend electric pumps la.. and best is dual pump so u save time and energy.. esp wen gg back to work.. realli cannot afford too much time to pump if it's a manual single pump.. hope this helps!


Lingz12, only one bedded ward has the privilege of checking out in the ward. 2 bedded onwards has to check out at the counter.

After my hubby checkout at the counter, we informed the nurse that we are ready to checkout, wait for a while before the nurse went to fetch our baby n lead us to another counter. There was no one there n hence she carried my baby looking high n low for the staff. She almost slammed my baby's head against the door cause she was in a hurry... there was another couple standing at the counter waiting.

They din even remove the tag on my baby's leg till we are home thn we realised.

Car park is complimentary for 1 bedded. 2 bedded is subsidised. 4 bedded has to pay full.