We are TTC-ing!


Msyoyo...currently u at which dpo? Good luck to ya too! Me nw praying hard for af to come then i can plan for my plan B ma...else hard to plan anything nw...today is my 14dpo...if the fertility fren did capture my ovulatiob day at cd8...which is way too early...


Yukki, dpo10 today..this cycle is very weird, not sure whether o or not on cd28..

I also want to plan for a short trip in August!


Woo...icic...jia you msyoyo...did u opk? Or is there a temp shift in bbt?
My tis cycle also weird...haywire...o too early...today is 14dpo...lol...


Hi everyone.. Many days din log in here.. Yukki, there was a temp shift on cd28, and I used clearblue which also detected peak.. Today is dpo41, expecting af on tue..
Ya quiet for the past few days.

How's everyone? Hope to hear some good news soon...


New Member
Hi, am new to this forum. I've been married for a few months and we decided to go ahead with trying to conceive from day 1 due to our age (we're in our early 30s). Unfortunately, I never realised how difficult it is to conceive, given that women have been conceiving children for centuries! Not to mention that all the ladies in my family seem to get pregnant so easily within the 1st few mths of marriage.

A month after marriage, my hub was hospitalised with a severe infection and was placed on very strong antibiotics drip. We were told that the medication may affect his sperm and wld take few months for the body to be free of the meds. He was referred to a urologist and at the last review, the urologist scheduled an appt at KKH for a semen analysis in Aug as we informed him of our desire to have kids and did not want to delay should we require fertility treatments, IVF, etc. As for myself, I went for my gynae check up just before wedding and my results were normal.

Meanwhile, while waiting for that appt in Aug, I decided to start tracking my BBT. Since it's my first cycle with BBT tracking, I've no idea how to read the chart and websites and articles give such contradicting opinions. If i refer to the chart, I ovulate rather early in the cycle. Then there's a sharp dip a few days after that, followed by a higher than usual bbt till today. Currently, I'm waiting for my AF which is due tmr. I had a few strange symptoms but then early pregnancy symptoms are so similar to PMS. I don't want to end up disappointed again. But if AF doesn't arrive by Fri, i will take a HPT. This wait is so painful!!!

It's kind of hard to share all these with my girlfriends because they don't understand how it feels like to try to conceive without success. They already either have kids or don't intend to have kids for the time-being. So I'm very glad to chance upon this forum to let it out. :)
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Active Member
Hello gals. Everyone survived the blue monday?

Hi franch, welcome. So today is your tomorrow....did you do a hpt?

You can post your chart here and I kaypo see look. :p


New Member


Active Member
No wonder I was confused with the earlier app as I'm used to FF . I was also guessing your o day should be cd18.

are you regular in your cycle? Your cycle duration hovers around 31-32 days?


Active Member
Hello msyoyo. Are you thinking of me? * cheeky *

Been busy with work…. And there’s much to do coming up too all the way to Sep but my HL is gonna start in Aug. Don’t care already. I even lagi don’t care by booking a Bangkok trip later part in July. I wanna go happy happy before my agonizing jabbing days.

What’s next for you msyoyo?


dragontail, this thread is so quiet past few days.. and din get to see you around in the thread.

i am also busy with work, plus hb is away for biz trip for 2 week. so a bit of mood swing this few days..

i am gg for Timing of Ovaluation (TOO) on CD12 the next cycle, will have to call the hosp for appointment on CD1.
Hi msyoyo - can i know how does this TOO works? It's a new term to me.
Which cycle are you in today?

dragontail, this thread is so quiet past few days.. and did not get to see you around in the thread.

i am also busy with work, plus husband is away for biz trip for 2 week. so a bit of mood swing this few days..

i am gg for Timing of Ovaluation (TOO) on CD12 the next cycle, will have to call the hospital for appointment on CD1.


i wonder how is soursop. Got good news i hope.

Dragontail will i be seeing you in BKK. LOL! I also booked already!! So excited. Can go holiday again!


Active Member
Mxlo why are you stalking me? LOL. When will you be at BKK? Me going on 19July. I wanna check out Terminal 21. Never been there.