We are TTC-ing!


cherriejoy, i am at cd43/dpo15 today....

TOO is to check if a dominant follicle is developing during this cycle. must repeat every 2-3 days until follicle reaches a diameter of 18mm..


New Member
Actually I am. Usually 28 or 29 day cycle. This is my first month charting my BBT so FF is basing my cycle on my supposed ovulation date as predicted by the app. If based on FF, my AF is to appear this sat. If based on my other app, my AF should have appeared on Mon. So rather confusing for me. :err:

No wonder I was confused with the earlier app as I'm used to FF . I was also guessing your o day should be cd18.

are you regular in your cycle? Your cycle duration hovers around 31-32 days?


Active Member
You will need typically 3 cycles of bbt at least to recognise a pattern. For the first one, I suggest don't read too much into it. Don't need to analyse too much first.
mysoso - i see, just monitor your dominant follicle provided you will ovulate on your own , am I right? You are with which gynae/hospital? Learn something new today, thanks!
HI DT, are you still on TCM?

Hi franchjean, welcome! Don't be too stressed out. We all are in the same shoes, totally understand the feeling..We can just do whatever we can.


Mxlo why are you stalking me? LOL. When will you be at BKK? Me going on 19July. I wanna check out Terminal 21. Never been there.

Oh man.....no chance to stalk you! :p i going the week after.

I heard Terminal 21 so so only. BUT opp there is a spa place called Urban Retreat. Not bad la.
I felt Terminal 21 so so only as well. But worth to visit if you have not been there. Have you heard of Health Land Spa? Massage there is cheap and not bad as well. Need to make reservation in advance.


Active Member
Cherrie me stopped tcm already. Just don't want to deal with so many things at one time. Hee. Are you resuming seeing dr Chia?

So platinum mall is still better than t21? Ok I can spend 2 whole days at Platinum! Maybe just check out t21 for a bit since have never been.

Yes have been to Health land Spa. I personally find it so so. Maybe I prefer balinese massage so those at Batam suit me better. Hmm ok I go find out more on urban retreat.
I see..no lor. I also stopped seeing DrC. Same like you, hubby doesnt want me to mix western and TCM at one time, especially after my irregular menses and somemore now going for SO-IUI.

Of course Platinum Mall is better than T21. Platinum Mall you can shop a lot compared to T21 which is more expensive. Oh - balinese massage is better than Thai? Is it more relaxing? Ok, next time i go Balinese massage which i know there are quite a number of massage place at Bukit Timah..


Active Member
Of course some people swear by acupuncture in helping the ART. But i just decided I will just focus on western for now.

I think T21 should be about 4-5 stations from siam? Not too far to check it out. I do have some thing in mind to grab from there so make it a short one if it's not too worth it!

To me, thai massage forte is those crack you here and there and throw you around like a puppet (Haaa close). I super dont like. Balinese ones do long kneading stroke which I prefer. Plus hot stone then lagi best. Each has their forte and i prefer the latter. If you wanna try one at bu kit Timah, can check out Spa Vintage at Binjai Park. That's my regular spot.


Agree with dragontail! ! I dislike thai massage. So I always go for aromatherapy massage, hot stones or swedish. Anything except thai massage. This time I book lullaby spa.


Active Member
Mxlo I've never heard of lullaby spa so I googled. Woo very good review. And very accessible. Have you tried? I wanna try this too.


I have not tried before so this is my 1st time too! LOL! i chose based on the reviews. Close to MRT so ok! :)

You try already come back tell me ok? I chose the 2.5hrs too!


Ohhh yeah! ! Can't wait although just a short vacation but it's a much needed one to be away with hubby! ! Eat and massage! ! :D


Hi everyone
I also dunno if can spread baby dust or not
Cos not clinically confirmed yet

Just finished my first appt
At six weeks, can only see sac , no heartbeat yet!
(At least this time can see sac, last preg was empty womb)

To review in two weeks time. By then need to see heartbeat and the sac must grow

Hmm maybe sprinkle some preliminary baby dust first then hopefully two weeks later can have a full blown sprinkling session