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  1. J

    EDD May 2010 ~ Little Tiger

    Hi Hi.. My bb gal weighs ard 1.57kg ard 2 weeks ago.. Going for my next checkup next week.. me too worrying abt delivering.. hehe... dunno i got the energy to push anot. Hoping to go for the natural delivery without epidural.. but wanna try the "laughing gas".. hehe.. Also worried abt...
  2. J

    Information on Tonic Herbs- Dong Cong Cao

    Thanks for all the reply!! Okie Okie.. I bought some from Eu Ren Sheng. The sale personnnel was telling us that the effects are the same. Since I'm taking it for myself, he advised me to buy the broken ones.. unless i'm giving to pple as gift, then those one pc will be more presentable.. My...
  3. J

    Information on Tonic Herbs- Dong Cong Cao

    Hi Hi,Anyone has any idea whether the effects of broken Dong Cong Cao the same effect of one piece/thread of Dong Cong Cao??Where can I find more info??Please advise and Thank you!!
  4. J

    Birds nest really gd for both mummy and baby?

    I do hear from colleagues that birdnest will trigger asthma, but personally i dun recall myself got asthma attack after taking birdnest (i do have asthma since young). Guess it's depends on individual. I went to see a chinese doctor at Yu Ren Sheng. She told me that birdnest may cause phlegm...
  5. J

    EDD May 2010 ~ Little Tiger

    Went for the hospital tour at TMC last week.. but didn't have the chance to go to parentcraft centre to check out the time and cost.. When do we have to start attending the lesson?? Like which mth of pregnancy?
  6. J

    EDD May 2010 ~ Little Tiger

    Hi Hi.. My gynae clinic is at thomson, but i'm thinking of delivering at Mt Alvenia instead.. Not too sure is there any different if I attend the prenatal class at Thomson and deliver at Mt A??
  7. J

    Any pain felt?

    Read from some books.. seem like some of us will get heartburn.. the books said it'll help by eating small meals.. and dun drink too much water/soup during meals?? Probably you wanna check with your gynae on next visit?
  8. J

    May i know where to get pregnant swimwear??

    Thanks AngelWendy!! I finally got my swim suit today! A 1 pc suit, from Kiddy Palace. After discount: $48.50. =P Hehe.. going swimming tomorrow le!
  9. J

    Any pain felt?

    Ladies, anyone feels a sharp pain or kinda pulling sensation at your belly button?? i had this on one of the night, probably abt 3-4 times, but next day, i dun feel it anymore.. I'm only in my 16th weeks. And do you sometime feel pain or some tingling sensation at the vagina area (the area...
  10. J

    May i know where to get pregnant swimwear??

    Hi, Wanna check, how do we choose the size of the swimsuit? My old suit is getting a bit tight too, and i also saw this one pc suit at kiddy palace (but it's $59.90).. I haven't try it, so i dunno what size should i be gettin.. worried that if my tummy get bigger (now in my 17th week, but...
  11. J

    EDD May 2010 ~ Little Tiger

    Hi there, jus went for my scan last week.. gynae said might be a girl girl =)inside me, but gotta wait till my detailed scan in my 20th week to cfm it. Has been telling the baby not to play hide and seek with us.. haha.. but she still a little naughty. Wanna ask all mtb out there.. any idea...
  12. J

    Anyone knows when is the best time to buy baby stuff?

    Thanks Honeylicious.. Is it better to buy the pump only after you give birth??
  13. J

    EDD May 2010 ~ Little Tiger

    When I went for the Oscar Test in my 12th, i got the result rather fast (took the test in the morning, then results in the evening same day). It's only when the oscar report on my blood showed that I may have risk of thalassemia, i went for another blood test and waited 3 days for the results...
  14. J

    Anyone knows when is the best time to buy baby stuff?

    Hi There, Any idea if it's okie to use hand-me-down/sec hand breast pump, nursing bra etc?? Wanna save some money, but dunno which items can use hand-me-down/sec hand?? Btw, is there any difference from using a manual pump or electrical pump?
  15. J

    EDD May 2010 ~ Little Tiger

    Hi Ladies, My EDD on 4 May 2010 too. Hee..
  16. J

    Confuse To do it or Not...

    Huh? It is no no in 1st tri?? My GP told me okie.. and we are still doing (i'm only in 5th week)???
  17. J

    It should be safe right?

    Hi All, I'm only in my 5th week.. can i go swimming or walking on treadmill? Or should I wait till 2nd tri? I haven't seen any gynae yet, but my gp said it's okie to swim.
  18. J

    Dr Adrian Tan CJ (ACJ Clinic - TMC)

    Hi Hi, I'm only in my 5th week of pregnancy and looking for gynae rite now? Where is this ACJ Clinic? Is it situated at Thomson Medical too? How old is Dr Adrian Tan? Is he an experienced gynae? My hubby wanted to have a male gynae of certain age.. to him, the older you are, the wiser the...