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    9 mth old baby boy fell from bed :(

    Hi mummy, don worry as long as he is still active and show no sign of vomit. Can't remember how many month old my daughter is when she had a great fall from the back of the sofa (can image higher than your bed) and landed infront. One pingpong ball size appear on her forehead and some...
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    Full Mth Celebration/Baby Shower - Preparation/Resources/Planning/Venue

    Hi, Does any1 order catering at johor? can recommend any catering and baby full month cake offering in johor. Thank you
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    Glucose tolerance test

    I mean don think and worry too much and finish it all. :Dancing_wub:
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    Glucose tolerance test

    It a orange falvour and very sweet drink. don think too much. take care:Dancing_wub:
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    Glucose tolerance test

    don't worry, the drink are not that bad, i had done the test last week and 1 shot finish up the drink. My father is a diabete and my result are ok for both my 1st and current pregnancy. But waiting for another 2 hours so that you can start to eat is terrible as you are both tired and hungry. I...
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    Low Placenta

    Thanks for your advise. I do also hope I can rest in bed n do nothing. :wong19:
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    Low Placenta

    Thanks for your advise. :Dancing_tongue:
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    Low Placenta

    Thanks. so when your edd. mine 06/11/10
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    Low Placenta

    Hi, Currently in my 25 week. Just went for check up yesterday and was told by my gyna that i had low placenta. Very worry as never encounter this dduring my 1st girl. :tsad:
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    Edd Nov 2010

    Did my scan at KK and mine is a boy. Wonder how acurate is it? Any1 encounter scanning wrongly? :shyxxx:
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    Edd Nov 2010

    Hi, My 1st scanning is ratio 1:1000 but my blood test had pull the ratio down to 1:302, that y doctor ask me to rescan baby heart beat and abdomen and had increase to 1:5000. Wonder what wrong with my blood?????? :wong31:
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    Edd Nov 2010

    Thanks Mum2bee, at least I know that my hubby is not the only 1 to take. Gyna say it's not related to down syndrome and started this practice to take hubby blood test only 3 years back. My 1st child is now 7 yr old and that time no need to take. :Dancing_wub:
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    Edd Nov 2010

    Hi, Having my 2nd baby and EDD date is on 05/11/10. Had my down syndrome test last month and the result is at border line. Ask to come back and check baby heart beat and abdomen and had increase my ratio to 1:5000. Does any1 gyna ask yr hubby to go for blood test? Never heard that hubby had...
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    Craving for instant noodle

    Hi, I'm not sure sharkfin soup itself but usually it contain crab meat inside and old folk usually advise not to eat crab meat. They say baby will be very very active. :Dancing_wub:
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    Down Syndrome Test

    Hi, I'm 32 yr old and having 2nd baby. I had just done my down syndrome test and my result for detail scanning show ratio of 1:1042 but my blood test had reduce the ratio to 1:302. Doctor told me that the cut off ratio is 1:300. Very worry. Worry mummy:frown: