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  1. E

    Shld i induce??

    hi mummies!!! I have delivered my baby boy on the 25 nov 2010 at 1.21pm!! :Dancing_wub: Admitted on the 24 nov at 8pm... Prostin at 10pm. Felt minor contractions from 4am. GIven epidural at 8am. Gynae came at 9am to check but i was only 1cm dilute and so he broke water bag. (thank god for...
  2. E

    Shld i induce??

    Hi mummies, I will be admitting tonight gg to be induced by prostin at 9pm. Its getting more painful to walk (due to e pelvic pain) and i got small contractions this morning. Also, my bb has not grown much since last week, so gynae suggested might as well since i m also into my 39 weeks...
  3. E

    Shld i induce??

    No, not expecting twins.... My feet started to balloon these few days!!! Baby is 3.4kg as of Thurs.... Gynae says his head pressure on me thus e pain n it might last thru till I give birth! Sob sob.....
  4. E

    Shld i induce??

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Will try for natural.... But e pain is so bad now that everything I stand up n try to walk, tears naturally formed in my eyes.... Hope u r coping better as u get more used to having yr darling bb w u.
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    Shld i induce??

    Hi, After reading your post, i realised tt i am not alone.... I hv been feeling so much pain that i cannot lie sleep and walk. Pain when i lie down regardless of what position. Pain when i walk, its not pain at e tummy but at e pelvic and inner thighs area. This is so torturing!!! Sob...
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    EDD Dec 2010

    Ya e expo fair was a disappointment. Heard there is another fair in nov. Yes it's normal for e tummy to look lower. Mine as well. Another having contraction pains at week 34?I hv been having Pains worse than cramps since 3am Saturday. Jus went to see gynae n after lookg at e graph he said tt yes...
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    Mahjong Kakis

    no la, its like normal cos i m living with e father and we will be getting married after e bb cos e bb came too early. hee hee...
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    Mahjong Kakis

    i m nt married... so com only gives 3 mths
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    Mahjong Kakis

    Hi, I will be gg back to work in feb 2011 but for half day for the whole month of feb... after that then back to normal working hours from march onwards...
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    EDD Dec 2010

    I got the voucher for some discount. Will be paying $200 for e shoot.
  11. E

    Mahjong Kakis

    i stay macpherson.... but working mum edd 01 dec 2010...
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    EDD Dec 2010

    Am gg to the studio loft... ya, i also waiting for e expo fair. hee hee..
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    EDD Dec 2010

    I am going for my maternity shoot next thurs... hee hee... once in a lifetime w extra 15kgs (so far) and e huge belly!!! hv to take la. Hahaha!!
  14. E

    EDD Dec 2010

    Hi, when i went to scan at week 28wk, my boy's head is already down... Recently e tight feeling is getting so bad that I cannot even lie on my side to sleep (definitely cannot lie on my back). I have to sit up and fell deep asleep before lying in bed properly for the rest of the sleep.... I...
  15. E

    Charges for Delivery - THE BIG DAY

    my edd is 01 dec but the scans show otherwise if according to bb body or head... So high chance end of nov. So exciting, yours is due so soon!!! 10.10.10 will be a very busy day for all e hospitals! haha!
  16. E

    Charges for Delivery - THE BIG DAY

    Hey hey, doc also say my boy might be a bit too big but so far no advise on the need for induce yet (super cross fingers!!!!!!!). I am also unmarried and yes i do not understand why benefits only applied to married mothers when we all are equal...
  17. E

    EDD Dec 2010

    Hey hey, same as mine!! EDD 01 dec and a prince... hee hee... Am delivering at Gleneagles. u?
  18. E

    Charges for Delivery - THE BIG DAY

    BIG MAJOR GASP!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone know how many % can we deduct from medisave for the above bomb?????
  19. E

    Charges for Delivery - THE BIG DAY

    gasp.... anyone gave birth at Gleneagles single ward? I am due end nov/early dec. Pls shock me.... hee hee...
  20. E

    Mahjong Kakis

    can arrange for some mj sessions before my bb comes out. hee hee... 5/1 w joker till 6fans.