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  1. J

    Mommies , Let's make friends ! ^.^

    wahaha you all still talking about having another kid. this experience though heartwarming really scare me. especially the confinement. it makes me think hard to even want another kid. LOL:wong29:
  2. J

    Mommies , Let's make friends ! ^.^

    Congrats free then post your birth story... Confinement is the toughest i feel.. 23 with a girl of one month. October mummy. Hehe.
  3. J

    Edd nov 2011

    Becos I think the back part of the pregnancy is getting so tough. I'm feeling sooo breathless, it's as if I have ran a marathon when all I did was lying down or even sitting. And now heartburn is making my throat burn, so irritating. And this baby girl of mine is super active. I'm getting so...
  4. J

    Edd nov 2011

    Hello mummies. Haven't been posting cos i literally ko everyday at about 10pm but still keeeeep waking up in the middle of the night due to baby girl's kicking.. She Isla definitely not gentle loh.. Haha.. The end is getting damn tiring and irritating. Everyone says we'll miss the good ol...
  5. J

    Edd nov 2011

    Hehe Aww but it's fun to see the baby on screen right?! Hehs. So after finding out the development of your child you feel a sense of relieve eh?! Manage to see the face?!
  6. J

    Edd nov 2011

    Hmm will be funny cos video unless image quality is good then can see ba. But they should be will give you photos. :)) heh but huh hubby can't take leave?!
  7. J

    Edd nov 2011

    Just lie down while the doctor do the scan. They'll measure everything and they can even check if the kid has cleft lips. If there is a hole in the heart. Quite cool. And they might be able to see what the baby is doing. But personally I lack imagination, so I couldn't figure out how they see...
  8. J

    Edd nov 2011

    Me too. I'm getting mild nauseous also only during late first trim till now second. -.- just eating to make sure i'm not hungry. Heh. Baby still small shouldn't need too much food anyways. =P gained nearly 3kg.. Hopefully second trim maintain.
  9. J

    Edd nov 2011

    edd shifted from 12th nov to 8th. hmm..anyone know why huh? anyways all november mummys, how are you all feeling? excited or scared? hmm..