Edd nov 2011


missyqiqi, you so fast already thought of first month celebration.. keke.. I am still getting baby's stuff and thinking how to get through my confinement coz cannot wash hair and shower (except sponge body) :err:

I tried Neo, kristen and purple sage before for corporate functions and recevied good reviews from my participants. Not sure if they do first month catering too.

haha.. got nothing to do, so read up reviews lor. :p scared later busy taking care of baby I don't have time to search for catering and rush into something which I don't like or regret.

I know neo garden have baby full month packages, but purple saga quite ex, $18 per pax.

Malunggay Tea

New Member
Malunggay Tea - Proven to Support Breast Milk Production:red:

Hi Mummies :wong19:

Fret about breastmilk production? Malunggay Herb Tea is here to save the day !

See my business listing :


More information about the Malunggay Herb Tea is available on this website :

Welcome to Sun Angel Malunggay

As nursing mums need an intake of 3-4 litres of fluids daily and trustworthy nutritional support to maintain good health during breastfeeding, Malunggay Herb Tea is highly recommended. This product is approval by HSA.

It is all natural, no caffeine and proven to support breastmilk production. Malunggay leaves are full of essential nutrients and vitamns A. B, C and E. It is high in anti-oxidants and contains minerals like protein, calcium, iron and potassium, just to name a few.

I have many returning customers, so it definitely works as well as it looks :)

Please bookmark the above for future needs.
Thank you for your kind attention :Dancing_tongue:


i will be using neo garden for my baby shower, and will be having tea reception instead of taking up their baby shower package.
mainly is because i dont want all my guests to come at the same time, it will be too crowded and i wun have time to spend with each group at all.
for my house warming last yr, we had a house warming for every group of friends..so we decided to do the same way. for tea reception, diff group will come at diff timing :)

red eggs my mum will do , and the ang ku kueh we will buy from a famous kueh shop. thats all!

haha.. got nothing to do, so read up reviews lor. :p scared later busy taking care of baby I don't have time to search for catering and rush into something which I don't like or regret.

I know neo garden have baby full month packages, but purple saga quite ex, $18 per pax.


a mummy just give a very good feedback about meihao99 catering in another thread.
just google can see the website and the price already.

for me, i already choose the dishes and write down who to invite, so when during confinement, my hubby will arrange for it.



My fren had meihao99 cateringfor her boy 1st birthday. I must say the food is good. Much beta den most catering. However, I can't seem to find their contact online.


New Member

My fren had meihao99 cateringfor her boy 1st birthday. I must say the food is good. Much beta den most catering. However, I can't seem to find their contact online.
Mei Hao 99 Catering
Blk 15 Woodlands Loop #01-09
Woodlands East Industrial Estate Singapore 738322
Tel:6755 7993 Fax: 6755 7791 Lic No:B-03-096K-000
Mei Hao 99 Catering


Hotmilktea n janicehoon

THank you for Yr prompt reply. Neo garden minimum charge is ard $11 per pax. Dey gv some discount if u order the menu which costs $15 minimum. I heard good feedback abt their food too.
For cakes, I planning to order cup cakes from sweetest moments n thee giveaway cakes from papamama.


i intend to go for tea reception, which is less than $10 per pax. because i dont want everyone come at lunch time, too crowded and i dont have time to spend with each group. but tea reception still have a main dish like a Fried Bee Hoon / Noodles / Fried rice, it has more small bites like mini pizzas, sandwiches, samosa which i personally prefer over braised vegetables , pork ribs etc...

i dont intend to give away cup cakes or cakes also, my bestie spend $400 on very beautiful cupcakes but throw more than 50% in the end, is very wasteful as cupcakes are so pretty but not many pple eat, only the kids and my guests dun hv kids or just babies only. but we will still have ang ku kueh and red eggs.

i also do not expect my guests to buy us any gifts and we do not accept ang pows as well.

Hotmilktea n janicehoon

THank you for Yr prompt reply. Neo garden minimum charge is ard $11 per pax. Dey gv some discount if u order the menu which costs $15 minimum. I heard good feedback abt their food too.
For cakes, I planning to order cup cakes from sweetest moments n thee giveaway cakes from papamama.


hotmilktea: u gave me a very good idea, i didn't know tea reception also got bee hoon.. haha Ok I will go for tea reception and its cheaper also even if I source for outside kueh and decor I can do myself :p

sherwawa: i almost listed megabites as one of my choice, lucky >.<

Actually whats the difference between Neo Garden and Orange Clove? The food taste the same? Coz when doing research it seems like Orange clove is more popular then Neo garden but menu all the same?

So far I shortlisted

- Meihao99
- Seyu catering
- Orange Clove (KIV) depends on the reviews on their difference



hmm.. orange clove could be halal if thats the case.

hotmilktea: u gave me a very good idea, i didn't know tea reception also got bee hoon.. haha Ok I will go for tea reception and its cheaper also even if I source for outside kueh and decor I can do myself :p

sherwawa: i almost listed megabites as one of my choice, lucky >.<

Actually whats the difference between Neo Garden and Orange Clove? The food taste the same? Coz when doing research it seems like Orange clove is more popular then Neo garden but menu all the same?

So far I shortlisted

- Meihao99
- Seyu catering
- Orange Clove (KIV) depends on the reviews on their difference



icic.. i think i might settle for meihao, coz seyu catering quite expensive compare to meihao, and some more they have extra tables and chairs rental which is quite cheap.. :p


hey mommies, my computer is back!!

here's the updated list!!

30-40plus days to our EDD date!! :D

excited?? :p

Tmr going to see my Dr Han.. nvr feel so happy to see a doctor.. haha... :p
im in my 31 weeks now. went for my regular check up 2 days ago n was told my baby is slightly underweight. was given a few days mc to rest at hme n was advised to put my feet up as much as possible. apparently the overall growth of my baby so far falls below the 50% percentile. mine is only 25%. it shld b 50%. i dun understand how this works.

how do the gynae conclude that the baby is underweight? does it take into account the mummy's body size/build to conclude? understand that not everybody can use the universal chart thing to check cos every women are different in shapes n sizes.


yes very excited! counting down to see bb :) actually I am also like missyqiqi, always looking forward to see gynae and I will tell my hubby:"how come need to wait so long to see gynae, how I wish we have the machine to scan and see bb ourselves haha"


im in my 31 weeks now. went for my regular check up 2 days ago n was told my baby is slightly underweight. was given a few days mc to rest at hme n was advised to put my feet up as much as possible. apparently the overall growth of my baby so far falls below the 50% percentile. mine is only 25%. it shld b 50%. i dun understand how this works.

how do the gynae conclude that the baby is underweight? does it take into account the mummy's body size/build to conclude? understand that not everybody can use the universal chart thing to check cos every women are different in shapes n sizes.


I knw some experience gynaes dun even refer to the growth chart. Their think Wat is more impt is dat the bb is growing.

Thanks for your advise on the cupcakes.

I agree that the decorations we can do it ourselves. Anyway, most guests will not b be able to rmb the the decorations. The quality of the food more impt to them. Most likely, I will Ve diff sessions for relatives n frens.

Im starting to get preg jitters...


Back from gynae check!! Is a long day today.. My gynae suddenly went to deliver baby so got to wait for awhile, then go for pre-admission counselling. So fast!! hehe..

Anyway my baby is 2.3kg (33weeks).. he said might be heavier coz I'm tall, so might not be very accurate. So happy.. and finally see my weight gaining, nvr felt so happy to see my weight gain haha... 7kg till date! At least showing my baby is growing well.

ladyluck1801: I'm not sure how they calculate, but if its comes from a experience doctors most of the calculation are quite accurate but of coz with few grams +/- here and there.

I have read an article on how to estimate or calculate, can't remember the exact details, they will measure the fetus length, then minus off the weight of the placenta, the water bag, the water retention etc of coz by estimation then determine the baby weight.

Don't worry too much since is under weight by a little, just rest well and eat well..

escago: hahaha.. Ya how we wish just to have a small monitor to see our baby!! :p now me going to see my gynae every 2 weeks. Getting prepared!!

Sherwawa: agree the food is very important! I'm also focusing more on food, but because the full month celebration will be held at my FIL house downstairs got a covered open space for function, so wanted to have some decoration otherwise doesn't look nice and don't want stranger to think is RC or CC function come in for free food.. haha.. :X hubby say i think too much :p hahaha..

y u getting preg jitters?

if no hiccups should be using meihao, so far the reviews have been good and their are affordable also :D

Now got to think of the cakes ~~~ so nice to keep myself busy or occupied with all this while waiting for my baby to "pop out"!


New Member
Hello mummies. Haven't been posting cos i literally ko everyday at about 10pm but still keeeeep waking up in the middle of the night due to baby girl's kicking.. She Isla definitely not gentle loh.. Haha..

The end is getting damn tiring and irritating. Everyone says we'll miss the good ol pregnancy days but honestly other than maybe having a easier time at work I don't think I'll miss baby inside.

I'm actually considering to go for csect on my pator anniversary to take her out and by then she should be 37 weeks. Is it a good idea!! My Edd is on 8th nov and I'm not sure if it's gonna be a better date than my anniversary. (we calculated for the day of my anniversary). Plus of baby comes out on anniversary, my ml can be well planned. Hahaha.. Making full use of all my days to spend with family.. Hehe.

Is there anyway we can induce without medical reasons on week 37?! Or should i just go for csect?! Im scared of the operation yet also afraid to induce cos it's not 100% successful then we'll end up with a huge medical bill. How?! :((