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  1. G

    EDD Dec 2014

    Hi all! I'm a May 2014 mummy doing my last week of confinement now. I would like to recommend my confinement nanny Xiumei who is pretty young for a CL. She's from Malaysia and as she's young it's easier to communicate with her. She's pro-breastfeeding and she's into putting schedules as well...
  2. G

    EDD Nov'14

    Hi all! I'm a May 2014 mummy doing my last week of confinement now. I would like to recommend my confinement nanny Xiumei who is pretty young for a CL. She's from Malaysia and as she's young it's easier to communicate with her. She's pro-breastfeeding and she's into putting schedules as well...
  3. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    But what Tannie said is true too - if you're too stressed and tired - the body can't produce milk too. 60ml per side is already an achievement! Your baby is latching too so that's a good thing. I'm having issues with the boy latching - he gets frustrated when the nipple goes soft after awhile...
  4. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    mrsjlim - i know what you mean. i've been pumping too. and yup decided to just let the CL take over. she's pretty nice so far. 5th day of confinement - 23 more to go! hmm the heat is kinda killing. i want to wear shorts and singlets :/
  5. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    I think my issue is that the nipples go soft after awhile and it annoys the baby so he can't latch on unless I "prop" it up for him. Mummies with confinement ladies - do I have to check on the baby whenever he cries or I just leave it to the CL? Do I need to learn to pacify him? It's my 4th...
  6. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Piglim - glad you're recovering well and thank you for the reassurance :) you and your hubby are really sweet to each other too! Jeslow - have fun planning! - don't be too stressed about it and enjoy the massage! Lingz - I can relate to you about your woes about breastfeeding - it's only my 4th...
  7. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    thank you for your sharing! i think you know where i'm coming from. thank you :) have a fun time with the little baby!
  8. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Thank you for your encouragement! I know this sounds crazy and silly but how often do newborns cry in their first week? Is it a worry if a newborn doesn't cry that much?
  9. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Hi mummies! I gave birth early Saturday morning to a little boy. Just got discharged today but baby still in the hospital as he was circumcised this morning and he has not peed the whole day. I went home first and I felt bad as they had to supplement his feed with formula. I fed him twice with...
  10. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Piglim - glad that the ordeal is over for you *hugs* it must have been tough - recuperate well with the comfort and love of your family. think joyful thoughts!
  11. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Piglim - as hard as it is, stay calm and think positive ok? Better to find out the cause now than later. The hormones are not going to help too so please just rest as much as you can. Will be praying for you to be well and to have a peaceful heart and mind *hugs*
  12. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    hi all. I'm coming to my 40th week and baby exceptionally active tonight. Squirming away in the tummy - anything to worry about?
  13. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Piglim - you sure you don't want to head to KKH A & E immediately if the pain comes again? it really sounds very serious. take good care and try to stay positive! it's amazing that you're still persevering to take care of the kids. hang in there!
  14. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    sounds superbly intense! ok i need to talk to baby :) no worries no fear - better to know what i'm in for as well. kudos!
  15. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    hi all mummies! thank you for sharing your stories! really appreciate it. my edd is 30 may - just saw gynaw yester and did the uncomfortable cervical check and i'm still not dilated. will have to induce next Fri if no news. try doing squats twice a day and still no sign! eeeks! Lingz12 - does...
  16. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    hi all! just seen the gynae today at my 36 weeks checkup - baby is engaged and not dilated yet. did the GBA test today and will know the result in a week's time. my gynae recommended me to do more half squats and like what you all have been suggesting - to walk more and climb more stairs for an...
  17. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    oh a question mummies - where do you get the mattresses for your cot? latex (cooling but expensive) or foam (warm but cheaper)? how about bedsheets - where can i get them and how many should i get? do you use pillows? i'm using the beansprout pillow/bolster to hug.
  18. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    wow Lingz12 - 14 storeys with a big tummy is no joke! you are really solid! i'm only walking 3-4 storeys at one time and i'll be panting like crazy. i'm down with viral flu so on medical leave for 2 days since yesterday. people are going to say "pregnant lady skiving again." especially with the...
  19. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    yikes looks like all the little ones are having "separation anxiety" from mummies hence they are being difficult to handle? 辛苦你们了,妈妈们! looks like we are all suffering from heatiness. i'm also coming down with a cold despite the hot weather. feeling quite lousy - lethargic and nose can't stop...
  20. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    tannie - i am also donating my cord blood like charchia. you have to make an appointment with them to check whether you are suitable or not first. you can check out the website to make arrangements How to Donate give the nurses a call - they will arrange a meetup either at your gynae or kk. but...