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  1. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Excitedwifey hang in there! At least you're eating healthily for the baby :) don't give up! It's good to take more fruits too as its flu season too. Take care. I've got backache on and off after doing household chores too. But been cramping in the abdominal area but no bleeding. Any cause for...
  2. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Oh ok ok. Is this incontinence due to the previous pregnancy? I heard we have incontinence when we are in the later stages of our pregnancy too. I agree about the going to toilet more often - I wake up ever 2 hours at night to pee despite trying my best to drink less after 8pm. However, I feel...
  3. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    wow. kudos to "new" mummies with kids now. it must be really tough on you! hmm going to pee often is good right? it helps to reduce the risk for UTI? hmm do you all eat peanuts? i have very bad cravings for all junk food especially deep-fried chicken and all things salty. but tummy didn't take...
  4. G

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Hi mummies! I'm new to this forum - my friend recommended me to join this forum to have an online support group :) I just did my OSCAR test on Fri and awaiting my results. My EDD is 30th may. Going through my 12th week now. Keep going mummies!