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  1. bibiluvr

    Does it matter?

    Hi.. my kids call my mother ah ma (外婆) and their paternal side奶奶。
  2. bibiluvr

    wts ladies clothing

    Dear all, Wardrobe clearance. Feel free to pm me if u have any queries. Thanks. Flickr: bibi lim's Photostream
  3. bibiluvr

    Chores that CF lady should / will do???

    Hi, Think it depends on the cl. My first one f Is an indonesian Chinese, she did a lot, helped me to wipe here n there, swept n mopped, handwashed my ger's cloth diapers n after bfing, she would help me to carry her. She ate simply and cooked for my hubby too... Gave her a big red packet before...
  4. bibiluvr

    are you still drinking bubble tea?

    Haha.. me too. But I ask for less sugar, almost once a week. but I drink/tea daily...
  5. bibiluvr

    trouble with my 2 yr old

    hi, i think they are not called terrible twos for no reason.. haha.. my girl is the same, just that she does not beat people. She used to roll on the floor and cried loudly but i have got used to other ppl's stares by just standing aside and ignoring her. There are many parenting books and tips...
  6. bibiluvr

    Multi victamin and folic acid??

    Hi, My gynae prescribed folic acid only for the first 12 weeks, subsequently, he only prescribes calcium, iron pills and fish oil..
  7. bibiluvr

    Why do we need to eat UTROGESTAN 100MG ?

    Hi, My gynae told me to keep in handy as I took it whenever I have cramps. It does go away after taking it. SOme ppl do have morning sickness from week 6. For me, I started at week 7 and can puke up to 5 times a day all the way to week 19. But for some, morning sickness will go away ard week14...
  8. bibiluvr

    very sad...

    Hi girl, dun be too sad. R u still breastfeeding? I gained 22 kg during my first pregnancy n it took me 6 months plus to get back to my pre pregnancy weight.. but coz I continued to breastfeed my ger, I continued to lose ard 3 kg though I continued to eat as per normal. I know ..some ladies...
  9. bibiluvr

    Menses during breastfeeding

    hi, i got my menses when my girl turned 9 months old and she was still being breastfed.. then the cycle was a bit irregular (previously was very regular) sometimes it will stretch to 40 days or so..
  10. bibiluvr

    Why do we need to eat UTROGESTAN 100MG ?

    Hi, I m 16 weeks n my gynae just gave them to me today for a period of 10 nights.. 2 tablets each. It was because I told him I had abdomen pains n he asked me to take to relax the uterus coz he said I was having cramps. I searched online n found that it is basically progesterone.. hmm.. seems...
  11. bibiluvr

    EDD Oct 2012 Mummies

    Dear puzzledme, Please take care. I had the same experience in June last yr. Was very upset too. But do take care of your health n try again.. stay positive dear. Hugs
  12. bibiluvr

    EDD Oct 2012 Mummies

    Hi mummies, Nice to meet u all. My edd is oso in early Oct. But my last period was on 19/12/2011. So by date edd is in Sept but from scan, it seems smaller. Anyway, I had spotting earlier in week 6, went to gynae the next morning and got a jab immediately. Took duphaston too. Been resting...
  13. bibiluvr

    underweight toddler due to bfeeding?

    Hi dear, my gal at 20 months weighs only 8.9 kg. birth weight was also 2.6kg (full term bb)and has been bfed till recently. My gynae did advise me to stop breastfeeding at ard 9 months coz of reasons like the mum getting osteoporosis etc. But i continued breastfeeding her all the way. She does...
  14. bibiluvr

    Rice for one year old??

    hi, i also thought it's ok to give rice but add with soup but my mother in law was saying that my daughter hasn't grown her back teeth (those used for chewing.. forgot the proper name) so not advisable to give rice. Right now, she has 4 top teeth and two bottom and is still on porridge. Hubby...
  15. bibiluvr

    Wisdom tooth operation during pregnancy?

    yes... dun thimk it's advisable to go... my fren went to extract one of her teeth ( not wisdom) in her third trimester and the dentist also thought it was ok but in the end, she gave birth in week 34... so better not to take the risk....
  16. bibiluvr

    I am resigning as pri sch tr- last day 31 Dec 10

    hihi, yeah... i can't agree more that being a full time tr is getting more and more stressful with piling workload... did u consider going part time or flexi?
  17. bibiluvr

    HELP - my NB baby grasping for breath when drinking milk from bottles

    agree with apollo mummy.. check that the teat size is suitable as well..if it's too big, maybe the flow is too fast for dear child...
  18. bibiluvr

    breastfeeding every hour at night

    hi dear, I can totally understand.. i was asking my hubby when was the last time i could sleep through the mil did say i could feed her with formula for the last feed to see if it can last longer..i did try spoon feeding a few times, ard 90ml, after which, she'll latch on and sleep...
  19. bibiluvr

    breastfeeding every hour at night

    hi, my daughter has turned 1 year old but she is still up for feeding ard every 2 hours.. so she'll wake up at least 3 times every night. just brought her to the pd yesterday and he was saying i can and should stop night feedings soon. he said there must be a time to stop, some mums would stop...