2 weeks wait


Active Member
Wow, can start using liaoz ^^

Yeah same like you, mine is usually 28 days cycle, but once in a while, it will come 2-3 days earlier. I also started to count recently only hehe. I hope the 3-4 days difference is still consider normal, unless it deviates too much
Jus ordered only... waiting for the delivery....:)

I think ours still consider normal and regular bah... hmmm....


just ordered only... waiting for the delivery....:)

I think ours still consider normal and regular bah... hmmm....
mrs eg, have you gotten your O-strips? ^^

I am gonna start testing today, day 8 of my cycle. I thought I best test it early this month since last month I was tested positive with OPK on day 11. Then my most recent AF is based on 25 days cycle instead of 28.

So.. get ready for some serious loving this week hehe! ^^ And I thought the rose quartz i bought seem to spice up :we2Randy-git: w00t! NOT BAD!


Active Member
mrs eg, have you gotten your O-strips? ^^

I am gonna start testing today, day 8 of my cycle. I thought I best test it early this month since last month I was tested positive with OPK on day 11. Then my most recent AF is based on 25 days cycle instead of 28.

So.. get ready for some serious loving this week hehe! ^^ And I thought the rose quartz i bought seem to spice up :we2Randy-git: w00t! NOT BAD!
Hey shiseru,

I just went to collect it frm the post yesterday. Cos over the weekend I knew I won't be recieving it, and I wanted to test early too (scared I missed the date) so I bought frm watson's $30+ ovulation kits to test first b4 recieving the kits frm online...

I started on 9th day... yesterday was my 12th day... I tested positive... hehehe....:shyxxx:


Active Member
Anyway.. does anyone know what to EAT to increase sex drive in male and female...???

Been tired over work... especially hubby... then result in no mood... how ah???


Hey shiseru,

I just went to collect it frm the post yesterday. Cos over the weekend I knew I won't be recieving it, and I wanted to test early too (scared I missed the date) so I bought frm watson's $30+ ovulation kits to test first before recieving the kits frm online...

I started on 9th day... yesterday was my 12th day... I tested positive... hehehe....:shyxxx:
Aaah! so you got a positive response yesterday? You used the watson O-kit to test or the normal test strip? And yeah you must be tired becoz of the OT with hubby yesterday hehehe... :p

Woah looks like you ovulate early too huh, day 12, usually 28 days cycle ovulate on day 14. Are you gonna test again today?


Active Member
Aaah! so you got a positive response yesterday? You used the watson O-kit to test or the normal test strip? And yeah you must be tired becoz of the OT with hubby yesterday hehehe... :p

Woah looks like you ovulate early too huh, day 12, usually 28 days cycle ovulate on day 14. Are you gonna test again today?

I havent started the babydust o strips...

The instruction says... if the kit test positive... "ovulation will likely to occur within 24/48hrs"...

So maybe i ovulate on 13thday? which is today!!!! and Im going on a work trip later!!!! faints.... only to be back tomorow... :err:

Was thinking if the egg can last more than a day (will it?) then maybe got chance...

And Ya I will test again today... Have to tabulate a nice graph ma... need to finish the "experiment".... sekali i ovulate twice leh?? hehehe...


I havent started the babydust o strips...
The instruction says... if the kit test positive... "ovulation will likely to occur within 24/48hrs"...
So maybe i ovulate on 13thday? which is today!!!! and Im going on a work trip later!!!! faints.... only to be back tomorow... :err:
Was thinking if the egg can last more than a day (will it?) then maybe got chance...
And Ya I will test again today... Have to tabulate a nice graph ... need to finish the "experiment".... sekali i ovulate twice ?? hehehe...

Yeah, ovulation will occur within the next 24/48 hours, that's why we will BD on the day we tested positive coz it will takes some time for sperm maturation to take place before they can fertilize the egg, they called it "Capacitation". Our precious egg can only survive 12-24 hours :D

I read some could ovulate 2 times but it's usually 24 hours gap.
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I’m very confused on my ovulation test strip result now.
my cycle is vary from 29 to 35. Past 2 months it was 29 days.
Normally I don’t start testing with strip until I see the ‘egg white’ cervical mucus’.
This month I start testing on day 14 even though I did see the cervical mucus ,
Day 14 light band
Day 15 light band
Day 16 light band but after I put it for about 5 minutes, the band become darker at the edge. Is like the band only 1/3 dark on the edge not entire band dark, I hope u all get wat I mean. Is this consider positive?
Day 17 light band similar to day 14 day 15.
Day 18 which is yesterday I test again and I see darker band at the edge again but this time the width of darker band is smaller than wat I saw on day 16. is this consider positive?

Now I confuse did I ovulate or I have not ovulate yet? Cos pass few months b4 I tested positive on ovulation strip I nvr see any band, not even a light band…
For ur info I’m using those online selling strip.

And this morning, I saw mucus, it is not a lot, a bit translucent but not very stechy…

I’m very confused….


I’m very confused on my ovulation test strip result now.
my cycle is vary from 29 to 35. Past 2 months it was 29 days.
Normally I dont’t start testing with strip until I see the ‘egg white’ cervical mucus’.
This month I start testing on day 14 even though I did see the cervical mucus ,
Day 14 light band
Day 15 light band
Day 16 light band but after I put it for about 5 minutes, the band become darker at the edge. Is like the band only 1/3 dark on the edge not entire band dark, I hope you all get what I mean. Is this consider positive?
Day 17 light band similar to day 14 day 15.
Day 18 which is yesterday I test again and I see darker band at the edge again but this time the width of darker band is smaller than what I saw on day 16. is this consider positive?

Now I confuse did I ovulate or I have not ovulate yet? Cos pass few months before I tested positive on ovulation strip I never see any band, not even a light band…
For your info I’m using those online selling strip.

And this morning, I saw mucus, it is not a lot, a bit translucent but not very stechy…

I’m very confused….
Yes i think you are saying only the edge turns dark, or half of the test line is darker

I read if you hold the strip in the urine too long or wait too long to read the strip the edge of the line gets very dark. It was mentioned it has to be that over half of the line has to be as dark or darker than the control line to be a positive, that the very thin line on the edge was a dye bleed.

But there are some others who said this may be a positive result, depending upon the brand of OPK used, did you try to test/reconfirm with a different brand?

I am using the test strips from babydust blog but at the same time i bought the clearblue test kit. So i have 2 different brands and if i am tested positive with the normal test strip, i will reconfirm using the clearblue brand.


yes yes. do shiseru's method. then u will gain better control of ur Ovulation.

but it will be even better if u did have symptom when the egg is released like a bit discomfort at the adominal area etc. cos for me, i will experienced cramp when it it released.

Yes i think you are saying only the edge turns dark, or half of the test line is darker

I read if you hold the strip in the urine too long or wait too long to read the strip the edge of the line gets very dark. It was mentioned it has to be that over half of the line has to be as dark or darker than the control line to be a positive, that the very thin line on the edge was a dye bleed.

But there are some others who said this may be a positive result, depending upon the brand of OPK used, did you try to test/reconfirm with a different brand?

I am using the test strips from babydust blog but at the same time i bought the clearblue test kit. So i have 2 different brands and if i am tested positive with the normal test strip, i will reconfirm using the clearblue brand.


yes yes. do shiseru's method. then you will gain better control of your Ovulation.

but it will be even better if you did have symptom when the egg is released like a bit discomfort at the adominal area etc. cos for me, i will experienced cramp when it it released.
Yeah only recently then I started to notice, i do have a little cramp but it's only for a day and a short while.

mrs eg, hectic lifestyles + stress at work of coz no mood to BD, if got 春药 wow 方便囖 :DActually best way is to go for a short trip so you can step away from work and focus on relaxing your body and mind. Just do something together that you both will enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Anyway.. does anyone know what to EAT to increase sex drive in male and female...???

Been tired over work... especially hubby... then result in no mood... how ???

same lehhh...woody oso nooo mood...

no OT, then haf to haf baby~



Active Member
Yeah, ovulation will occur within the next 24/48 hours, that's why we will BD on the day we tested positive coz it will takes some time for sperm maturation to take place before they can fertilize the egg, they called it "Capacitation". Our precious egg can only survive 12-24 hours :D

I read some could ovulate 2 times but it's usually 24 hours gap.

wah so chim ah.... :eek:
you seem very well read....
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Active Member
mrs eg, hectic lifestyles + stress at work of coz no mood to BD, if got 春药 wow 方便囖 :DActually best way is to go for a short trip so you can step away from work and focus on relaxing your body and mind. Just do something together that you both will enjoy.
yeah.... in fact we did went for holiday... to hkg... few months back...
and I tot i sure get pregnant... hahahaha... but oh wells... nvm....


Active Member
same lehhh...woody also nooo mood...

no OT, then have to have baby~

he is jus too tired... he is the kind that will turn and knock out kind...
sometimes i will think.. " u poor thing..."
but at times i felt like shaking him up.... "hey look im ovulating!!!"

hahaha but of cos I didnt.. i let him sleep.... cos no point mah...


Well-Known Member
he is just too tired... he is the kind that will turn and knock out kind...
sometimes i will think.. " you poor thing..."
but at times i felt like shaking him up.... "hey look im ovulating!!!"

hahaha but of cos I didnt.. i let him sleep.... cos no point mah...

YES YES YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know how u feel~

mine oso same case yaaaa....me purposely put the ovulation strip (after i test positive) on top of the toilet flush ....HE WONT MISS IT unless he nv flush laaaaa (cannot be, he always flush after use).....but he still dun get the hint....zzzz...

he dry his hair infront of the fan, but he's watching tv too laaaaa, he can dose off deeee....ZZzzZZZzzZZZz......

maybe he like ????:001_302:
