2 weeks wait


mine worse. super kaylong AF. happi come punctually, 32-34 days... Sometime, 60-90 days....

So i always kana cheated by the late AF n get disappt every month......
So Tig&P, in your case would need the O strips to help you realise when you ovulate right since your AF is irregular? Doesn't that use a lot of test strips?


So Tig&P, in your case would need the O strips to help you realise when you ovulate right since your AF is irregular? Doesn't that use a lot of test strips?
Ya, i use more than 10 strips every mth!:wong29: Waste a lot on the strips....


This is the first time/month i am using the test strips, although my AF is regular, i also use 10 strips. 10 strips only see 1 +ve! I only got 1 day surge nia >_<


Active Member
This is the first time/month i am using the test strips, although my AF is regular, i also use 10 strips. 10 strips only see 1 +ve! I only got 1 day surge nia >_<
Hey gals... been reading about all the msgs here about O strips and all... Never tried Ostrips before... so cant join in much to all your conversations....

dont know if I shld buy and use???... Im afraid I get overly obsessed with the whole process and all... and get stressed again over TTCing... which is the last thing I want to be doing...

hmmm... decisions... decisions...

maybe I shld wait until next month... anyway my fertile window for this month is over... and Im nearing AF date... hmmm....How many strips do you gals think I shld buy on my first try???


Mrs eg, I suggest you buy some. I am also using for the first time and I am glad I bought it. Because If I never buy this, i will never know my ovulation takes place so early on day 11. My cycle is 28 days.


mrs eng,
i suggest u get at least 30 "O" strips n abt 5 "Preg" strips... so at least u can test for 3 mths. Tis is base on the assumption that u will u at least 10 strips/mth...

Initially i also don't know when i'll "O", just try n try for 1yr+ liao...
At least w the strip, u know which are d days u can rest n when u need to work hard, even thought u are very tired. haha.... tat's me!

And place at least 30 strip cos i think it's cheaper n u only pay 1 register mail cost... (i opt for it cos sometime Singpost will KL one)

But it's still up to the individual lah! my 2 cts worth of advice.


Active Member
Thnx gals,

I guess I had to use liao... My AF came again... hahaha... earlier than expected....

Anyway... I ask u all ah... If menses is regular means I shld be ovulating on a regular basis right???


Active Member
Mrs eg, I suggest you buy some. I am also using for the first time and I am glad I bought it. Because If I never buy this, i will never know my ovulation takes place so early on day 11. My cycle is 28 days.

On this note... I am beginning to wonder when I ovulate too.... hmmm.... Thanx for the tip


could be. y not u test it for min 2 cycle?
i also dunno my cycle pattern till i test it for 2 to 3 cycles.
then can feel abit cramp/pain when egg is released.

Thnx gals,

I guess I had to use ... My AF came again... hahaha... earlier than expected....

Anyway... I ask you all ... If menses is regular means I shld be ovulating on a regular basis right???


i also used O strips but then i always test on the 11th day from menses.. it always show positive.. 1 faded line and 1 darker line.. the peak should be both line about the same colour/thickness. I test for 10 days in the 1st mth then i realised i got 2 peak days.. the sinseh say this could means if i strike twice i might got twins.. but then i went to a ang moh doc (specialised in assisted reproduction) she said means i not ovulating.. very confusing leh.. so now i just try to work harder lo.. every 2 days ML once.. very cham & tiring hahaha..


i also used O strips but then i always test on the 11th day from menses.. it always show positive.. 1 faded line and 1 darker line.. the peak should be both line about the same colour/thickness. I test for 10 days in the 1st month then i realised i got 2 peak days.. the sinseh say this could means if i strike twice i might got twins.. but then i went to a ang moh doc (specialised in assisted reproduction) she said means i not ovulating.. very confusing .. so now i just try to work harder .. every 2 days ML once.. very cham & tiring hahaha..
Though the OPK shows positive doesn't really mean we ovaluate but better than NOT seeing any positive at all (then very heart pain coz spend $ on the strips lol)

I read sometimes 2 eggs will be release but that will be like 24 hours gap. Yeah but best is to BD altenative day, starting from day 8 or 10, I loathe this timetable coz alternative days very tiring...zzzz.... but bo bian I guess I will just BD on day 10, 12, 14, 16 and that's probably my limit liaoz T__T


Active Member
I have a question...

so have to start testing using the ovulation kit from which day after AF onwards???
and until when??


Depending on your cycle. Start testing on day 11 of your menstrual cycle if your cycle is 28 days (the 1st day of your mense is consider as day 1). I started testing on day 9 (coz first time using), and continue testing for the next 9 days, and realized I only got a one day surge while the rest of the 9 days gave me negative response, that's when I know my O take place as early as day 11.
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BOOHOO! My BFP dreamz was crashed, AF reported yesterday & it was 3 days earlier, changing my whole damn cycle to be 25 days (I was supposed to be 28 days cycle). AF become a bit haywire after the M/C T__T

Holy shi- Start from scratch liaoz :'(


at least u know when ur AF is coming or within a mth..
Mine is always keeping me waiting.... happily 2mth/3mths then come... make me d*mn hopeful every wk/mth yet HPT always show -ve....


at least you know when your AF is coming or within a month..
Mine is always keeping me waiting.... happily 2mth/3mths then come... make me d*mn hopeful every wk/month yet HPT always show -ve....
sigh.. i got the same symptoms as urs.. then every mth thought tio liao but in the end is tio jia.


haha... u sound like my hubby... he always say his 4D & Toto tio jia!

Think there are a lot of pple like us lah....menses not regular so always mistaken as pregnant...


Active Member
BOOHOO! My BFP dreamz was crashed, AF reported yesterday & it was 3 days earlier, changing my whole damn cycle to be 25 days (I was supposed to be 28 days cycle). AF become a bit haywire after the M/C T__T

Holy shi- Start from scratch liaoz :'(

Hey shiseru... same here..... I was normally 28days cycle... pretty accurate one... but once in every few months (i think), my cycle becomes 26days... I only realise this when I started charting my cycles ever since I start ttc...

But when I look back there isnt any kind of know "stressor" that could shorten the cycle...

So I tot maybe tats the way i am... 28 28 28 28 for some time then suddenly 26... then continue again 28 28 28.... then 26 again.. the 28 28 ... cont...

Maybe tats my pattern hor???

Anyway I jus ordered the O strips.... hope it is useful!!!! probably need to consult u gals again rgding it...


Hey shiseru... same here..... I was normally 28days cycle... pretty accurate one... but once in every few months (i think), my cycle becomes 26days... I only realise this when I started charting my cycles ever since I start trying to concieve...

But when I look back there isnt any kind of know "stressor" that could shorten the cycle...

So I thought maybe tats the way i am... 28 28 28 28 for some time then suddenly 26... then continue again 28 28 28.... then 26 again.. the 28 28 ... cont...

Maybe tats my pattern ???

Anyway I just ordered the O strips.... hope it is useful!!!! probably need to consult you gals again rgding it...
Wow, can start using liaoz ^^

Yeah same like you, mine is usually 28 days cycle, but once in a while, it will come 2-3 days earlier. I also started to count recently only hehe. I hope the 3-4 days difference is still consider normal, unless it deviates too much