**2011** Rabbit Mama Pls Gather here **


Aiyeh so young ... Jealous... Hahaa aiya then u be like me loh, after deliver first baby u give birth again few mths later, then by 30, can have 4 kids liaoz.
lol.. mistake! i said i need 4 in the house.. me & hubby+ 2 kids! anything more than 2 is so gonna kill me! I PEI FU u loh! lol


Active Member
pinkymummy: shld be 180 degree lah.. 360 degree = back to square 1.

maneo0302: his attitude must be changed to better loh! all hubby are like that. hahah..

i was supposed to go for co. trip end this mth to japan, HENG AR! just received notice that its cancelled.. else the radiation kenna my bb i jialat.. so envious u ladies already know the gender.. i still must wait for nxt sat.. getting out of shape too, so depressed today when i go buy evening gown for friday's co dinner.. cant fit into my usual type of dresses..

btw.. the news said some scientific facts that long term breast feeding to bb will cause them to affect their blood pressure in future or something like that.. anyone knows? dunno true anot.. zzz.. i still hoping to breastfeed for 1yr. sigh
Hi. I don't care whether breast feeding to bb will affect their blood pressure or not. I just know that breast milk is the best, and I hope i can produce milk so that I don't have to buy the expensive formula.
Me also bunny boy! I was already 1 month preg when i customary that day. Its a good timing cuz tummy hasn't show. Still can wear gown. I will hire a maid and let my mum look after the baby, while the maid do house work.

What do you mean by his attitude change? issit for the better?
Changed for the better loh hahaa all same same one hahaa first few months only ! At least u will hire maid . My temper very very bad scared maid will drive me nuts!
Wahhhh I'm damn angry need to vent my anger here. Just now went daiso then was pushing my stroller thru a narrow aisle n accidentally brushed stroller against a woman's basket she was carrying. I apologized politely n she mumbled ' can't u juz wait'.. In a sarcastic way. Damn hot! I turned around n said v loud ' hello??! U think stroller can control so easily huh ?can't u move ur basket in??' then I scolded 'stupid idiot!' then she mumbled to herself again 'duno who's the idiot, so wat if u have a baby ?'

Damn pissed!!! Ugly old woman( I know I'm mean but she has a v irritating face)I scolded her 'asshole' n walked off then went to find hubby to complain then walked back n I pointed to her n sAid ' there, that idiot 老处女 lor then she no guts n escape.

Chicken lei.. Sorry very naggy.. Ok feel better Liao hahaa
Pregnancy hormones making me crazy again


Pinky, u rock lah! so funny! but is just a one off thing. My neighbour is one lao chu nv lor. She 40+ stay alone, everytime me and hubby come back or go out, or we laugh too loud in our house, she bloody slam her door!
Normally me and hubby just laugh it off, but recently I slammed my door twice as loud as her ! Stupid idiot ! She thinks she own the whole floor.
I think i can only plan for 2. After that, i will be beyond 35 years old. I dont't wish to lose too much calcium too.
I think by d time I wan #3 sud be over 35 also . But such thgs hard to say, maybe another accident?? Your confinement u try to 补 ur body more. My confinemt I had no appetite at all so I'm always weak hehe
Pinky, u rock lah! so funny! but is just a one off thing. My neighbour is one lao chu nv lor. She 40+ stay alone, everytime me and hubby come back or go out, or we laugh too loud in our house, she bloody slam her door!
Normally me and hubby just laugh it off, but recently I slammed my door twice as loud as her ! Stupid idiot ! She thinks she own the whole floor.
Hahaa dunno y ppl like them exists lei I wanted to tell her ' see ur face know u sure dun have chance to push stroller that's y kpkb here'. Hahaa but I dun wan bad karma for my baby so ctrl , nv say hahaa!
Wah ur neighbor sure one kind ! If I were u I think I will have fun evyday disturbing her. I know I'm very childish hahaa but c such ppl angry very shiok.
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Hahaa dunno y ppl like them exists lei I wanted to tell her ' see ur face know u sure dun have chance to push stroller that's y kpkb here'. Hahaa but I dun wan bad karma for my baby so ctrl , nv say hahaa!
Wah ur neighbor sure one kind ! If I were u I think I will have fun evyday disturbing her. I know I'm very childish hahaa but c such ppl angry very shiok.
she is mad one, my hubby & i every time very stress to bump into her, coz u dunnoe must smile or not. but luckily we bumped into her less than 10 times for 6 mths. i told my hubby, she can slam her door all she wants, i wanna laugh loud loud is my problem, and when we have baby, i will put my baby at my gate when he/she cries! whahaahahha sickening old woman.


Active Member
I think by d time I wan #3 sud be over 35 also . But such thgs hard to say, maybe another accident?? Your confinement u try to 补 ur body more. My confinemt I had no appetite at all so I'm always weak hehe
Hi pinkymummy, i'm opting for C-sect, so may not heal so fast.
Preferably is twins if i get pregnant again. Haha!
Hi pinkymummy, i'm opting for C-sect, so may not heal so fast.
Preferably is twins if i get pregnant again. Haha!
Mine was also c sect . Only 5 mths then preg again. Gynae said sud be ok de. This time going c sect again . Actually quite fun hehe.. But few mths back when they put me on operating table I cried hahaa so malu.. But they consoled said it's normal to cry. I wasn't nervous leh but duno y juz suddenly cry! Enjoy the moment!

Twins good lah if u have maid. I dun intend get maid so one by one better lah hehe
she is mad one, my hubby & i every time very stress to bump into her, coz u dunnoe must smile or not. but luckily we bumped into her less than 10 times for 6 mths. i told my hubby, she can slam her door all she wants, i wanna laugh loud loud is my problem, and when we have baby, i will put my baby at my gate when he/she cries! whahaahahha sickening old woman.
Then u give her the 'wanna smile dun smile' face loh with quivering lips loh hahaa I once did that to my enemy in school then suddenly she befriended me. My fren beside me was giggling all d way n said i looked so ugly w that look keke ..some ppl So weird one??!
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hi ladies,
as you know the Qing Ming is around the corner, my mum told me i don't have to go pray since i am pregnant and also newly wed.
but the thing is my in laws didn't know about my preg and i dont intend to tell until the 1st tri is over. 1 reason is pan tang, i dont want too many people to know, the other is i hope to wait i am well (no more MS) and baby stable. if i go to my in laws side to pray, it will be obvious i am preg when i keep wan to vomit and my bloating tummy. i told my hubby just say i am sick on that day, but who knows my MIL called and said if i am preg, dont come!!!!! then now if i dont come, sure EVERYONE knows right? i really dont want her to know coz she will be stressing me to have a boy and then call my hubby everyday... crap.


wah sey.. ur MIL so like tat one ar.. heck lah just say sick got high temperature (is true preggie women hv higher temps :p) lah!


wah sey.. your mother in law so like that one ar.. heck just say sick got high temperature (is true preggie women have higher temps :p) !
hi Qian, i mus agree with u that preggie women have higher temp.. cos i used to cover myself with blanket over the whole night, giving me a sense of security but now.. i detest the blanket!!


wah sey.. ur MIL so like tat one ar.. heck lah just say sick got high temperature (is true preggie women hv higher temps :p) lah!
yah, only the man in family is human, ladies are not. anyway i told my hubby even if i have a boy, i will say is a girl, at least i have a few months of peace, better to annoy her than to make her annoy me .


Active Member
hi Qian, i mus agree with u that preggie women have higher temp.. cos i used to cover myself with blanket over the whole night, giving me a sense of security but now.. i detest the blanket!!
I thought that preggie woman feels hot all the time. But in the night when i turn on the aircon, I have to snatch the blanket with my hubby!

Make a pregnancy ticker
yah, only the man in family is human, ladies are not. anyway i told my hubby even if i have a boy, i will say is a girl, at least i have a few months of peace, better to annoy her than to make her annoy me .
yes i agree... but after helping them to give birth to 2 boys.. this 1 she (80 yrs old liao) hope is a girl but boy again haha....
hi Qian, i mus agree with u that preggie women have higher temp.. cos i used to cover myself with blanket over the whole night, giving me a sense of security but now.. i detest the blanket!!
ya me too but hubby alway help me to cover when he wake up... haha i will stop him.... now he use to it liao....