**2011** Rabbit Mama Pls Gather here **

I wun do c section unless its emergency or placenta blocking the way or baby too big.... you have a vagina for a reason...and it is STRONG enuf to give birth to a normal baby. If there's no reason to do c section dun do...
I wun do c section unless its emergency or placenta blocking the way or baby too big.... you have a vagina for a reason...and it is STRONG enuf to give birth to a normal baby. If there's no reason to do c section dont do...
Same here.. Seen a few friends went through natural birth make me more determine to do it naturally too.. N i jus saw one c sec video.. The way they cut.. I can feel the pain of recovering after tat.. N for c sec it is advice not to concieve again within a year to let the wound heal..

If its emergency then realli no choice le.. Jus hope tat i'm able to have bby the most natural way :)
C section HURTS MORE den natural birth.....C section still need the epidural also no matter what...to numb u waist down so they can 'cut u up'....
I went thru c sect about 7 mths back with epi, n now 11 weeks preg!Actually c sect is not as painful as it seems lah. Epi to me, is not painful as well! Juz like a blood test kinda pain loh only the procedure seems painful but u won't get to c it hahaa its injected at d back.

C sect recovery for me stop hurting after 3-4 days too juz gotta be careful in handling bb. Many of my frens went for natural n recovered slow too. So, actually recovery time is diff for each individuals bah..


I wun do c section unless its emergency or placenta blocking the way or baby too big.... you have a vagina for a reason...and it is STRONG enuf to give birth to a normal baby. If there's no reason to do c section dun do...
you should check out April mummies thread.. a mommy gave birth to a 3.95kg baby girl.. natural birth, no c-sect at all.. i read her birth story, i really salute her..


Active Member
you should check out April mummies thread.. a mommy gave birth to a 3.95kg baby girl.. natural birth, no c-sect at all.. i read her birth story, i really salute her..
My sis gave birth to 3 so far also naturally. Heaviest 3.8kg. Only laughing gas is sufficient she say if u use it right.
Was reading April thread quite a number ended takin epi also but not very sure if that's also causes BB to be sleepy for slightly longer hrs. BB couldn't latch.
Just keeping my fingers crossed n keep the natural birth motivation going strong.


i been reading from the last 10pages but cun find it!
can you please help me by giving me the link ?


you should check out April mummies thread.. a mommy gave birth to a 3.95kg baby girl.. natural birth, no c-sect at all.. i read her birth story, i really salute her..


Any mummy 1 2 giveaways newborn (boys) clothes and baby stuff???

Any mummy 1 2 giveaways newborn (boys) clothes and baby stuff???

I need it for my baby upcoming in Aug.

Am not working since early of the year and am in financial difficulty.

Anyone can assist???



New Member
Hi mummies,

Must we confirm if we will be taking epidural when we purchase the package? is it more expensive we we request for it last minute?:bconfused:
i am opting for no epidural...some ppl realise that they can survive without the epi so they cancel it...dun need to confirm...just when u are in labour den u 'confirm'


New Member
i am opting for no epidural...some ppl realise that they can survive without the epi so they cancel it...dont need to confirm...just when you are in labour then you 'confirm'
I see. Cause I'm quite confused seeing the maternity package on the hospital website. thanks :)