**2011** Rabbit Mama Pls Gather here **


i think u need referral from polyclinic to get subsidized rate.. govt mah, as for the appts, is a little unflexi cos of the long queue.. but i belief they'll carry out the necessary tests needed by the no. of wks preg.
Hi eejess,
Im YC, new here.. My EDD is around end Oct 11. If I have already went for my 1st visit at K K Women's clinic at AMK, I want to switch it to Subsidized rate. Is it possible? As I heard if you are under subsidized, you will see different gynae for ech visit. And not the same gynae. Is it true?


haha actually i also very gu niang one... i think my pain tolerance is ok, but my hubby thinks my pain tolerance is very low, he say i'm like bean curd :S

but then... i dont want to think about the labour pain, and whether epidural or not now. procrastinate abit ... haha anyway gynae also havent discuss that with me.. think too early now.


Hi all mummies,

All the mummies here are so young, I turned 35 this and just now hving my 1st pregancy. I think 1 enough for me, alot of things need to settle too. Example, baby clothes, clot, stroller, milk bottle and etc. Still hv to look for confinement lady, after 3 months maternity who look after the baby as my mother in law pass away many years ago. Really alot of things to look after.. Really stressful for all mummies.


Hi eejess,
Im YC, new here.. My EDD is around end Oct 11. If I have already went for my 1st visit at K K Women's clinic at AMK, I want to switch it to Subsidized rate. Is it possible? As I heard if you are under subsidized, you will see different gynae for ech visit. And not the same gynae. Is it true?
Yups! The gynae may not be the same everytime.


haha actually i also very gu niang one... i think my pain tolerance is ok, but my hubby thinks my pain tolerance is very low, he say i'm like bean curd :S

but then... i dont want to think about the labour pain, and whether epidural or not now. procrastinate abit ... haha anyway gynae also havent discuss that with me.. think too early now.
My hubby says I'm like toufu! :) I really quite afraid of going into labour. Very scared pain!


Active Member
My hubby says I'm like toufu! :) I really quite afraid of going into labour. Very scared pain!
U let ur hubby know, it was scientifically proven that women are born to have higher pain tolerance level than men, otherwise they will be the one to give birth d. lol


My hubby thinks I'll go for epi in the end cos I rather tahan 1 time pain. I wanna prove him wrong, but I think he is right. Lols!


i wrote the birth plan stated there, no epidural, no epitomsy (w/o first letting me know) and hope that the gynae can follow thru.. From start of pregnancy till now, (due to being diabetic) both side said c-sect is a confirm for me plus early labor.. now diabetic doc said "Maybe i might not need c-sect after all" after he saw my small tummy and wants me to go see gynae confirm if i'm eating enough.. haha.. yes i'm eating enough, because i EAT BIG on saturday and sundays!! hehe


i got a friend whom already suffer from backache all the time and she has epidural during her delivery, after that it was hell for her...
my auntie also, she gave birth to my cousin 11yrs ago, she say till now still aching for her . so both of them told me dont take it.

ai ya...but this kind of thing how to decide now, when we are in pain 100times , we sure give in to whatever relieve is available.
i rather take the natural pain den the epi pain....I saw the procedure being done online....damn scary...i can feel the pain while watching already...and guess what? Half of my calf has a tattoo( arty one..not the colourful ones..haha)...I can tahan 3 hours of needle poking into my skin and i cannot even bear to watch epi...i can tear my ligament in my thigh and i dun even feel pain..so i guess my pain tolerance is high but i wun wanna risk my spinal cord getting poked...its not like as if they poke and remove..they poke and it STAYS inside....gosh...natural still the best.


i got a friend whom already suffer from backache all the time and she has epidural during her delivery, after that it was hell for her...
my auntie also, she gave birth to my cousin 11yrs ago, she say till now still aching for her . so both of them told me dont take it.

ai ya...but this kind of thing how to decide now, when we are in pain 100times , we sure give in to whatever relieve is available.
Aiyo, so painful.. no wonder my hubby ask me to go for c-sect, although I know the cost will be alot more.
Aiyo, so painful.. no wonder my hubby ask me to go for c-sect, although I know the cost will be alot more.
C section HURTS MORE den natural birth.....C section still need the epidural also no matter what...to numb u waist down so they can 'cut u up'....