April 09 MTBs!


Congrats, sugarcookie!

How's life w yr baby? Guess I should check the new parents forum.

Cream & Yvonnne
How did the induction go ?

My baby's due date was Good Friday. Easter has passed but she's still tumbling happily inside. If she doesn't pop this week, I guess I have to go for induction too....

I'm keeping my stubby legs crossed. For some strange reason, my backside has just started hurting too... still no regular contractions.... haiz... I also sleep in a sitting position cos baby tumbles/moves so much that I think she has moved into a transverse position! She has turned but not fully engaged yet.

read another thread that fresh coconut juice or raspberry tea may help

I can't wait to see baby. Everyone was on standby last weekend. My next check is on Thurs.

baby:20: est weight : 3.1-3.2 kg


Thanks! Yep, not induced. Baby decided to come out the day after daddy returned! Probably waiting for him :)
congrats sugarcookie! I hope my irritating cough recovers in time for my delivery. Had been down for 3 weeks liao! Coughing real bad that tummy muscle hurts. Hiaz did a VE and doc said might have to c-sec again cos still 1cm dilate at 39wks and bb getting big and cannot induce me. Going review this thurs and if still not good sign then choosing date liao. Sianz.


till now wound still painful..
but most importantly my little princess is out of my tummy safe and sound =D
born on 3 april 2009 =D
congrats pinkytham. :shyxxx:
Remember don't carry heavy stuffs ya... but can carry bb ya.
My wound took about 3 weeks to feel much better; prob cos I didn't kuai kuai take pain-killers at all. But even after it was ok, whenever I over-tired or over-stretched myself, the wound would still hurt when apply pressure even after a year on. So take care of yourself well ya.


Active Member
Congrats, sugarcookie!

How's life w yr baby? Guess I should check the new parents forum.

Cream & Yvonnne
How did the induction go ?

My baby's due date was Good Friday. Easter has passed but she's still tumbling happily inside. If she doesn't pop this week, I guess I have to go for induction too....

I'm keeping my stubby legs crossed. For some strange reason, my backside has just started hurting too... still no regular contractions.... haiz... I also sleep in a sitting position cos baby tumbles/moves so much that I think she has moved into a transverse position! She has turned but not fully engaged yet.

read another thread that fresh coconut juice or raspberry tea may help

I can't wait to see baby. Everyone was on standby last weekend. My next check is on Thurs.

baby:20: est weight : 3.1-3.2 kg
Thanks! Life with a baby has been a combination of excitement and stress. Am still trying to understand my newborn...

Let us know when you pop Ping! BTW, I took raspberry tea. I'm not sure if it helps but my baby came out after 30 mins of pushing.


Active Member
congrats sugarcookie! I hope my irritating cough recovers in time for my delivery. Had been down for 3 weeks liao! Coughing real bad that tummy muscle hurts. Hiaz did a VE and doc said might have to c-sec again cos still 1cm dilate at 39wks and bb getting big and cannot induce me. Going review this thurs and if still not good sign then choosing date liao. Sianz.
Thanks! Always expect the best no matter what!


Active Member
sorry for the late reply....
was actually scheduled for gynae appt for checkup followed by induction on the 3rd apr 09 1 day before edd
while at clinic doing the fetal heartbeat test time, realised that i had contractions every 3 to 5 min....
than gynae ask me immediately go hospital delivery suite for admission.
that time was dilated for only 1 cm.

when reached the delivery suite, was on contraction every 1 min.....
than whenever contractions came, baby heartbeat dropped till very low...
gynae said baby life in danger so had an emergency c sect =(
till now wound still painful..
but most importantly my little princess is out of my tummy safe and sound =D
born on 3 april 2009 =D
Congrats pinkytham! My DD was born a day after yours! We popped just a day before our EDDs!


Hey guys,

I am still in my ward after two prostin insertion... One at 2am this morning and one at 10am just now. At this moment, I am starting to get regular contractions (accordingly to the monitoring machine)... The pain isnt that bad, more like an achy feeling. But probably this is only 10% of what's the ultimate pain... lol

They just took away the machine... and I have no idea what's next... They never check my dilation too... So I really dunno what to expect... The only funny thing is that I kept telling hubby that I wish the pain would come soon, at least it shows that there is progress... But when the pain really comes, I hope I don't complain... lol

Update you guys again...


thanks ger!
okie will heed ur advice...
i also did not take the pain killer dread taking medicine...
oh dear till now cannot laugh, cough and sneeze omg....
kinda painful
even pass motion also pain cause cannot push too hard
that time u will encounter this?

congrats pinkytham. :shyxxx:
Remember don't carry heavy stuffs ya... but can carry bb ya.
My wound took about 3 weeks to feel much better; prob cos I didn't kuai kuai take pain-killers at all. But even after it was ok, whenever I over-tired or over-stretched myself, the wound would still hurt when apply pressure even after a year on. So take care of yourself well ya.


hi pinkytham

i remember i couldnt even sit during the first week after delivery till i ask my mum to get me those floats for kids and act as cushion for my butts.

now its almost end of the mth(baby full mth coming soon), the pain has gone but my mum told me not to squat for 4 mths and dont stand too long also..

though the pain is unbearable during the first two weeks but somehow i dont mind going thru that again.. hahha.. like the feeling of being pregnant.


thanks ger!
okie will heed ur advice...
i also did not take the pain killer dread taking medicine...
oh dear till now cannot laugh, cough and sneeze omg....
kinda painful
even pass motion also pain cause cannot push too hard
that time u will encounter this?
I was KS in not taking the pain killers cos didn't want it to go into my breastmilk and contaminate it.. haha..
Yes, the pain will last for a while. I rem the first few days was the worst! I was crouching and hardly could walk without gritting my teeth. Really like an old woman. And it is worse if when I'm lying down for quite a while and had to wake up. Body engine like cold and had to "warm" up which then the pain is more prominent. Small movements also pain so can imagine when you say u cannot laugh, cough and sneeze cos the same happened for me. Take lots of fibre so your stool is very soft then it is easier to poo.


ok ok =D
i go drink prune juice =D

I was KS in not taking the pain killers cos didn't want it to go into my breastmilk and contaminate it.. haha..
Yes, the pain will last for a while. I rem the first few days was the worst! I was crouching and hardly could walk without gritting my teeth. Really like an old woman. And it is worse if when I'm lying down for quite a while and had to wake up. Body engine like cold and had to "warm" up which then the pain is more prominent. Small movements also pain so can imagine when you say u cannot laugh, cough and sneeze cos the same happened for me. Take lots of fibre so your stool is very soft then it is easier to poo.


Hey everyone

I delivered yesterday at 6:43pm by emergency c-section. Was in KKH since 2am on 14th April, had 3 prostin insertions but no progress in dilation. On the morning of 15th April, about 10am, doc broke by water bag when i was at 1cm only... it was so painful... After that, was on induction IV drip, the dilation was slow (about 1cm in four hours)... so finally at 6pm, I opted for Caesarean because I cannot stand that past 30 over hours of wait and pain anymore...

I read from all of your discussions about pain after caesarean... Is it really that bad??? Now I am scared!


Hey everyone

I delivered yesterday at 6:43pm by emergency c-section. Was in KKH since 2am on 14th April, had 3 prostin insertions but no progress in dilation. On the morning of 15th April, about 10am, doc broke by water bag when i was at 1cm only... it was so painful... After that, was on induction IV drip, the dilation was slow (about 1cm in four hours)... so finally at 6pm, I opted for Caesarean because I cannot stand that past 30 over hours of wait and pain anymore...

I read from all of your discussions about pain after caesarean... Is it really that bad??? Now I am scared!
:red:Hi Cream,
Congrts to you, Must be strong ok.dnt worry the wound will be heal soon.:nah:it takes about a week only.Eat promper confiment foods.
Thank You


hi Cream !

Congratulations. Glad yr baby is doing well!

I read somewhere that some babies get distressed due to long labour & then they pass motion (meconium) & breathe that in. They get infection & spend a few days in NICU.

Gynae inserted something to induce at 11am today. Ouch. I think my cervix is temperamental...only dilated 1 cm. still no regular contractions. my baby is already overdue...higher risk of meconium infection

I'm prepared to go C-section. Baby scan today is good. She's enjoying life inside v much. I'll worry abt the pain later. Just praying for safe delivery via any means!


Thanks for the well-wishes from all of you...

Ping26, wishing you a smooth and safe delivery... If it really stresses you up too much, maybe an emergency caesarean is not that bad an idea after all... Just ask your doctor what is the best choice for your situation, that will cause least danger and stress to your baby... Update us ok?