April 09 MTBs!


hi sugarcookie

baby on half fm and half breast milk.. cos supply not enough.. hahaha..

hi CJmom, i guess boys are diff from girls.. my girl was at 2.6 kg at brith, 2.5 mtsh and double it... chubby little one
hstan, actually supply will meet demand so long as u "dare" (means trusting your baby is getting enough) to try total bf. I thought my supply will not be enough from my 1st boy experience (did 50-50 bm &fm then) but I decided to try total bf for my 2nd boy. And glad to say supply must be enough judging from the rate he's growing. LOL...

His kor-kor grew at a much slower pace so much so that they are both using 'M' size diaper now!


hi cjmom,
i know if latch on, baby will hv enough but problem is when i pump at wk pl, seems like not enough.. no matter how many times i pump.. supply is lesser than demand...

so stressed


My gal is 2 months now and weighs 5kg. The last two days she had not been feeding well. When I give her FM, she will drink a little then starts to fuss... she doesnt really wanna suck the milk. But when I give her water, she will suck and she will want to drink water. I don't dare to give her too much... now I dunno what to do... sigh... One bottle of 100ml milk she takes about 30 mins to finish cos in between alot of half time.


ping26, did you do any jamu massage after delivering? It really helps to remove the water retention and my tummy has shrunk after 10 sessions. Now only a small tummy which I will exercise to burn it off to save $ on the massage.
I didn't book any massage apt cos I never liked massages (ticklish or painful). When I finally decided to book, I couldn't get an apt :embarrassed: .

By 6th wk, my tummy has gone down a lot as in now, I just look fat, not pregnant. I could wear most of my 1st trimester tops. But I'm still stuck with 4-5 kg. My butt and thighs are still big. I'm still wearing maternity bottoms. Pls, somebody tell me I'm not alone.

I'm getting a new helper this weekend & I've to return to work next week. I'm not sure if there's time to arrange for jamu or whether it'll work for me now

Just bought the Wacoal crosswalker underpants $85 which is supposed to help burn calories as u walk. They're made of lycra & are quite comfy. But going to toilet is a squeezy affair!

Had to wear XL :eek: So I'm almost freaking out, I used to wear size S-M.

I thot I would be able to exercise. really no time. I'm counting on baby & the underpants. maybe jamu if I can just squeeze 3-5 sessions ...



hmm my princess is 5.2kg at 2mths 1 weeks now have not weigh her yet...
My baby measured 5+kg & 58 cm at 6-7 wks. Birth wt was 3.35kg. She started wearing size M diapers this week cos chubby thighs. She turned 2 mth yesterday.

FM : She drinks abt 75ml every 2+hrs.
BM : ?? Since she didn't cry the house down, it must mean she has had enough. Have been unable to pump much out since I started bfing more (usu less than 30 ml!).

hstan15, you may want to try new Medela pumps.
Yesterday, I bought a new Medela breast shield (personalfit) size L (27mm) at Metro. Pump output has improved a bit & no more leakages.

[Medela pumps come with softfit or flexible breastshield in size M (24mm) Size refers to diameter of nipples.] According to instructions, nipple should move freely in tunnel shaft for effective pumping.


Active Member
By 6th wk, my tummy has gone down a lot as in now, I just look fat, not pregnant. I could wear most of my 1st trimester tops. But I'm still stuck with 4-5 kg. My butt and thighs are still big. I'm still wearing maternity bottoms. Pls, somebody tell me I'm not alone.
You are DEFINITELY not alone!!! I still have 3 more kg and the weight is stuck around my hips and thighs! I can't fit into any of my pre-preg pants. I tried on my old jeans yesterday and felt so depressed after that; couldn't get it past my thighs :(

And yes, I'm still wearing maternity bottoms...


Active Member
My gal is 2 months now and weighs 5kg. The last two days she had not been feeding well. When I give her FM, she will drink a little then starts to fuss... she doesnt really wanna suck the milk. But when I give her water, she will suck and she will want to drink water. I dont't dare to give her too much... now I dont know what to do... sigh... One bottle of 100ml milk she takes about 30 mins to finish cos in between alot of half time.
Cream, Kay is ok now right (read in another thread you posted)? YAY!!!!!!!!

Maybe she was just moody that day.


You are DEFINITELY not alone!!! I still have 3 more kg and the weight is stuck around my hips and thighs! I can't fit into any of my pre-preg pants. I tried on my old jeans yesterday and felt so depressed after that; couldn't get it past my thighs :(

And yes, I'm still wearing maternity bottoms...
For you gals... Maybe your maternity bottoms are still smaller than my regular bottoms. Though I manage to fit back into some of my old bottoms, my weight is still 4kgs above pre preggy weight... dunno why it just can't get any lower. Depressing man!!!


Cream, Kay is ok now right (read in another thread you posted)? YAY!!!!!!!!

Maybe she was just moody that day.
Yup... she is ok now... Maybe it is really due to the weather. I started giving her water in between her feeds and her appetite is now good again. The thing about Kay is that she is very afraid of heat I realise. When there is aircon, she will be very comfy and will not fuss. But when I turn the aircon off, she will start kicking away. haha...


Active Member
Hey all Mummies,

Any of your babies are sleeping through the night?? My baby has been falling asleep between 7pm-8pm for the past one month and although there have been a few times when she slept all the way till 4/5am, she usually wakes up around 11+ and 3+....:elvis:

Have your babies managed to zzz through the night??


hi sugarcookie

i always give my baby her last feed for the day at 8-9 plus at night and she will sleep till 3 pm most of the times..

and for the last feed for the day, i usually latch on followed by some FM. I realise that if no FM, she will wake up at 12-1 am plus.

only a few times she can sleep throughout from 8 pm to 7 am in the morning.

hi ping26
M size? which brand u use? i use mamy poko and still think S size is a big too big fo my baby. she is 5.4 kg and 60 cm long now.

hi Cream
i guess all babies are afraid of the heat. my colleague ever told me that babies tend to be a bit more heaty as compared to adults. my little one has been sleeping in teh aircon room too, once off, she will sweat a lot.


hi gals, can i ask a very private qn? have any one started making love again? i started and i feel painfull.. my huby thinks thats its because i have not been doing it for almost a yr so thats why i am experiencing pain.


Active Member
hi gals, can i ask a very private qn? have any one started making love again? i started and i feel painfull.. my huby thinks thats its because i have not been doing it for almost a your so thats why i am experiencing pain.
I have not started. Am planning to but I can't help feeling nervous...feel like a virgin again!


i must agree w u sugarcookie..

i feel the same way too.. maybe cos i hv no confident in my body..hahah..

btw, i ask my colleagues and they said it does hurts a bit in the first few times..


I'm not sure if there's time to arrange for jamu or whether it'll work for me now .....maybe jamu if I can just squeeze 3-5 sessions ...
ping26, best time to start jamu is 2 weeks after delivery. I started late at 1.5 months but thankfully still managed to work. And best if you can do it every day. What is recommended is 10 sessions for normal and 14 sessions for c-sec. C-sec requires more cos tend to have more wind and water retention. I did 10 sessions although I mine is c-sec but the massage lady said 10 sessions are enuff for me and the rest I can exercise. She will help me expel the wind and water so that it is easier to loose the fats.


hi cjmom,
i know if latch on, baby will have enough but problem is when i pump at wk pl, seems like not enough.. no matter how many times i pump.. supply is lesser than demand...

so stressed
True. Had that problem when started work for my 1st boy. This time around, I pump every 2 hrs at home to test output. So far it is ok, in fact got abt 50ml excess. I just hope it is possible to pump every 2hrs at work pl...harhar... really doubt it.


hi gals, can i ask a very private qn? have any one started making love again? i started and i feel painfull.. my huby thinks thats its because i have not been doing it for almost a your so thats why i am experiencing pain.
Haven't got the time, energy and feeling. Heh. Everyday busy with baby only; hardly got any time for ownself. In fact, come to think of it, since preggie we haven't been doing the do...kekeke...


Since preggy? That means at least 9 - 10 months never do?
I also have no confidence in my body... sigh...


hey mummies... my baby no shit for the whole day le why like that?
shes on breast milk not supposed to be constipated wan leh =(