April 09 MTBs!


hi. any baby with tremble legs occassionally? i saw that vivien (my baby) tremble legs a few days a day, is it normal??
hstan15, you are not alone. Mine trembles too; legs, hands even lips. Doc said their muscles are developing so some baby have these symptoms which will usually improve over time. KKH has actually refered my boy to physiotherapy and last visit the doc said it could be sometimes baby cold or cannot control their movements hence jittery. But I look at my boy, he's definitely not cold . But since doc said it is ok, I also left it alone. Supposed to go for next review tomorrow but think I will cancel cos really could be a waste of time and $ just to go there, queue and wait to only hear the doc say 2-3 sentences which are really common sense one. My boy tremble much less now after about 1 month but still notice some trembling specially at his lips when he's drinking milk.


but for me i dun really trust all these slimming centres or beauty salons....
some very hardcore and keep pushing u sign package, or buy thier products.
my bro gf went for the cenosis.....fake one

What I was told is that the longer you leave it, the harder it is to remove. So I started immediately yesterday. haha...


but for me i dont really trust all these slimming centres or beauty salons....
some very hardcore and keep pushing you sign package, or buy thier products.
my bro gf went for the cenosis.....fake one
True... I had the same sentiments... But this time the Slimfit one did not even push me or hard sell... She just told me all the facts, and the cost. Then she told me to decide for myself. This is what I like basically. I hate being forced into signing packages also. But in order not to let all my bikinis down, I have to get rid of the marks asap... lol



jia you!!!
let me noe the after results k!

True... I had the same sentiments... But this time the Slimfit one did not even push me or hard sell... She just told me all the facts, and the cost. Then she told me to decide for myself. This is what I like basically. I hate being forced into signing packages also. But in order not to let all my bikinis down, I have to get rid of the marks asap... lol


New Member
Just wondering what April mummies r doing to lose weight ? Anyone going to slimming centres or starting exercise regime? Do let me know wat you would be doing,,, I'm starting yoga but dragging my feet


Active Member
Just wondering what April mummies are doing to lose weight ? Anyone going to slimming centres or starting exercise regime? Do let me know what you would be doing,,, I'm starting yoga but dragging my feet
I'm not exercising (unless carrying and rocking baby is counted) but I'm cutting down on carbs. But I can't seem to shed off the last 3 kg...


me too...nt exercising......
got a bit of tummy
but now weight is 44kg
think would like to maintain =D
otherwise too skinny like last time =D
hee wind cum i fly!!!

I'm not exercising (unless carrying and rocking baby is counted) but I'm cutting down on carbs. But I can't seem to shed off the last 3 kg...


So envious... Why all of you so slim one? I was at 54kg before pregnant. Now at 58kg for a long time already still cannot seem to go down further. Im now eating rabbit serving also doesnt help. Maybe I should reduce the amount to hamster serving.


Hi ladies,

we're kiasi & will be going for most of the jabs.

my baby went for the 6-in-1 jab + rota virus vacc last week. Cost $225 (I think) She was warm for 1 day but didn't dev fever.

A friend who's a pediatric nurse at Spore baby Clinic, told me that many babies dev fever from pneumoccocal (sp?) vacc, so she advised me to wait til baby is 7-8 mth old.

She also told me to lose those mittens to dev fine-motor skills. But baby's nails grow so fast that she scratches her face & body. So we only take out the mittens for short periods.



Just wondering what April mummies are doing to lose weight ? Anyone going to slimming centres or starting exercise regime? Do let me know what you would be doing,,, I'm starting yoga but dragging my feet
My weight is stuck at 53kg. My back hurts (chinese physician says it's crooked), so I won't be doing much exercise for now. May have to go to occupational therapy to correct posture.

I know Wacoal has a "walker" slimming pants, will try that for posture & tuck in my backside & tummy. Will let u know if it works.

I hope the extra kilos goes off soon. I had very bad water-retention. Hope the "water" goes away soon. My tummy & my butt r still quite big...

pls share yr slimming stories & kilos lost. Thks!


seems like everyone is loosing weight except me.. been gaining weight after giving birth.. so sad..

wanted to try slimming centre but come to think of it..isnt it better to go fater giving birth for teh last time?? hahah.. anyway, my hubby doesnt support me to loose weight..


My weight is stuck at 53kg. My back hurts (chinese physician says it's crooked), so I won't be doing much exercise for now. May have to go to occupational therapy to correct posture.

I know Wacoal has a "walker" slimming pants, will try that for posture & tuck in my backside & tummy. Will let you know if it works.

I hope the extra kilos goes off soon. I had very bad water-retention. Hope the "water" goes away soon. My tummy & my butt are still quite big...

pls share your slimming stories & kilos lost. Thks!
ping26, did u do any jamu massage after delivering? It really helps to remove the water retention and my tummy has shrunk after 10 sessions. Now only a small tummy which I will exercise to burn it off to save $ on the massage.

The other areas I noticed improvements after the jamu massage are: butt, neck and upper arms.

Havent weigh myself after I stopped the massage but before that I weighed 50kg. Shall check my weight and update again.


Active Member
btw, care to save the weight of babies?

mine is 2.5 mths at 5.4 kg.. if from bottle is 120 ml if milk
Baby is about 2.5 mths now. 2 weeks ago, she was 4.5kg. She should be close to 5kg or so now.

As for the amount she drinks, it really varies. Ranges from 100ml-150ml, 3 hourly. I have no idea why she can drink up to 150ml sometimes and just 100ml other times.

Baby is on total FM. Are you bfing?


Active Member
ping26, did you do any jamu massage after delivering? It really helps to remove the water retention and my tummy has shrunk after 10 sessions. Now only a small tummy which I will exercise to burn it off to save $ on the massage.
Yeah, I find that massage really helps. But now I'm stuck with the last 3kg which seem impossible to shift! :elvis:


Yeah, I find that massage really helps. But now I'm stuck with the last 3kg which seem impossible to shift! :elvis:
Well massage really shrink our tummies but not magic lor.. the rest we have to work hard to loose it. Exercise exercise exercise! Easier said than done...heehee.


btw, care to save the weight of babies?

mine is 2.5 mths at 5.4 kg.. if from bottle is 120 ml if milk
My boy was 5.1kg at 1.5mths! I could not believe it either when I saw the scale as we are both not big size. He's now coming to 2mths and havent weigh him since then. He's drinking about 100ml-120ml and is on total breast milk. Only on special case when I want him to be very very full and KO sleep then I give him formula, like when I was doing massage.

He was 3.2 at birth. Gulp..2kg gain within 2 weeks?


hi sugarcookie

baby on half fm and half bm.. cos supply not enough.. hahaha..

hi CJmom, i guess boys are diff from girls.. my girl was at 2.6 kg at brith, 2.5 mtsh and double it... chubby little one