April 09 MTBs!


welcome back ping26..
can ya baby flip now? mine is alwats fliping away till i have to let her sleep w me now incase she suffocate herself.. hahah


New Member
Hi all, good to be back. u mean your baby is turning sideways to be on her tummy? That's fast. My boi too lazy, we just turned him manually n he'd lift up his upper body using his elbow, like doing yoga. He's turned 3 mth this week n now more than 6kg but still wearing small size pampers. He likes to coo n sometimes even giggle out loud when I play peekaboo. Good to know everyone doing well,,


Active Member
welcome back ping26..
can ya baby flip now? mine is alwats fliping away till i have to let her sleep w me now incase she suffocate herself.. hahah
Wow, your baby can flip already??? That's wonderful!!!

Mine can't flip yet but she keeps straining to her side. She has also started rolling from tummy to back but I'm not sure if it is accidental.

I can't wait for her first flip!!!!


Hi all mummies. Been out of action sigh cos fell sick then recovered but now my boy and hubby sick. Glad all of you are doing well.

Just brought my boy for vaccinations(5-in-1, rota, pnuemo) and his weight is now 6.2kg and 62cm (ey just realise while typing now...62 62...should hv bought 4D). He's been wearing 'M' diaper since 2mths old. Hasn't flip but wiggle and stretch alot that he's always not on the same spot where I tucked him nicely. His neck is rather strong liao and he likes to sit down and push his legs to stand. Likes to smile and talk to pple...v. cheeky boy.

I'm still on ML but starting work soon and though it's so tiring looking after him, I'm still gonna miss looking after him when I start work. Have to also start bottle training him.


New Member
Hihi April mummies..

Wow!this thread is so alive!

I have not posted here since the birth of my little gal on 6th April...suddenly whoa this thread until pg 19 already...
Being a first time mum is really busy...I dont have confinement lady and my mother in law help me out with baby and cooking. mother in law said cannot use PC, watch tv or even read newspapers during confinement cos will affect eyesight...So I didn't enjoy my confinement with all these strict restrictions ...luckily its all over now...

I a now a stay at home mum taking care of my cute girl girl. i read that some of april babies are flipping already? That's fast..mine have not show any signs yet..maybe i always carry or sarong her around when she is awake so got no chance for her to try flip. .But she always cry when i put her down...Hubby said i spoilt her but when i see her cry non stop, heart pain ... :thissyfit:


Active Member
Welcome back lovedove! Like you, I'm a SAHM taking care of my baby girl. She hasn't flipped from back to tummy yet but sometimes she rolls from tummy to back. Not sure if it was accidental though.

My baby also cries whenever I put her down. And she won't stop yelling until I pick her up again. Tried not doing it but heart pain as well...

BTW, what activities do you do with your girl in the day? I'm sometimes at a loss as to what to do with her.

Looking forward to chatting with you here again!


hi sugarcookie

my gal same as yours, the moment i or my hubby put her down, she start crying.. or i would say the moment she sense we are putting her down, she started crying

btw, you only have one gal?


Active Member
hi sugarcookie

my gal same as yours, the moment i or my hubby put her down, she start crying.. or i would say the moment she sense we are putting her down, she started crying

btw, you only have one gal?
Yep, I only have one gal. How about you?

I used to want 3 children. But now, I only want ONE!


Looks like we all have a common prob with our crying-and-want-to-be-carried babies. The moment I put mine down even when he's sleeping, he will cry. Arms permanently aching already but heartache when he cries. I'm starting work soon and have to resolve this so what I did was to persistently put him down when he's
1) in very deep sleep
2) very sleepy
3) 1/2 sleepy but I will lie down to bf him so that he suckles till he falls asleep

Each time he wakes up wailing, I will carry him and repeat the whole process so that he gets the message.

For 1-2 weeks (day/night), he sleeps for couple of mins to 1/2 an hour before waking up wailing. Now he can sleep for an hour to at best 3 hours (esp at night) before waking up for milk.

When he's awake, I refrain from carrying him. Instead, just hold his hands and play with him. When he gets bored, I will sit with my knees bend and put him facing me with his back on my thighs. Then cont to talk/play with him. By then he starts to get sleepy (gets very grumby) and only then will carry him.

At times will also put him in a carrier or sling while I do some light housework. All the walking and rocking puts him to sleep so killed 2 birds with 1 stone :).


Btw, what do you do to avoid your baby having a flat head?

My boy's head starting to flatten cos I'm putting him down more often now. I always lie him on his side and used many pillows to prop him so as to prevent him from turning and lying on his back. But he doesnt like that position. He doesnt like lying on his stomach either.


Hey everyone,

I've been so busy ever since I started work.

My gal had her 5-in-1 jab last week and she developed fever for one day. And her appetite really took a plunge. So kelian...

She has flipped yet and I am trying to train her as much as I can afford the time. But she now refuses to lift her head when on her tummy because she found out that she can lick the bedsheet when in that position. Problem! How can I make her lift her head? She was able to do it when she was close to 2 months, but now she simply refuses.


hi cream

well, the moment they learn how to flip, they will keep doing it.. mine keep fliping and i have to watch out every moment.. cant do anything at all.. and worst is, the moment she sflip, she vomit out the milk.. endless clothes to wash


hi CJmon
did u put ya baby in 'yao lan'? i put mine in yao lan when she is one month old.. that helping giving her a round head.. haahha


hi mummies!

What do you mean by flipping - side or back?

My girl can turn her body back if put on her side. Haven't tried putting her on tummy to flip back.

Alas, her head is also flattening. I was told I need to do the massage thing.

She had the 6-in-one jab & rota oral vacc last Sat. Luckily she didn't develop fever. When we gave her usu 120ml feed yesterday, she cried & cried & refused to be put down. My heart ached, so I also cried. Her appetite is down to 60ml per 3 hrs. At least, she's smiling and playing again. Hopefully, her appetite will return by tmw! She measures 59 cm & 6.2 kg.

I talk to my girl (rather warn her) & whip out toys (to distract her) whenever I put her down. So far, as long as she's burped properly, she lets me put her down as long as I play w her by the cot.

We do motor exercises, visual-tracking exercises and sing songs to her. I also do some oral-motor massage w her. hee... I'm a special needs therapist. I can't resist trying some therapy exercises on her to help accelerate sensory-motor development. She can do side-flip at 1+ mth....she is able to turn clockwise & anti-clockwise sometimes :wong19:I'm not too keen on flashcards at this point. I just bought the Pigeon mag-mag cup with handles. Going to start on that soon.

My wt is stuck at 53 kg although I can squeeze into some of my regular clothes. But the tummy sticks out! Going to do some ex soon (I hope).

So nice to hear babies stories :)

I still want another baby, sugarcookie!


New Member
Welcome back lovedove! Like you, I'm a stay at home mum taking care of my baby girl. She hasn't flipped from back to tummy yet but sometimes she rolls from tummy to back. Not sure if it was accidental though.

My baby also cries whenever I put her down. And she won't stop yelling until I pick her up again. Tried not doing it but heart pain as well...

BTW, what activities do you do with your girl in the day? I'm sometimes at a loss as to what to do with her.

Looking forward to chatting with you here again!
hihi sugarcookie,

Yeah...my baby now sleeps lesser in the day and always wants attention from me to play with her... sometimes i ran out of ideas what to do with her and she ended up watching tv with me....oh boy..terrible rite?

Daily activities i tried to play with her are:

1. Reaching out to touch her hanging musical mobile
2. Tummy on mummy(she doesn't like tummy on bed) to exercise her head
3. Sing along ABC with Elmo( i play the dvd and sing and dance with her)
4. Flashcard /baby book time
5. Exercise with mummy (help me tone my fat tummy!)
6. Bathing time with rubber ducky( she loves this! likes to kick water.)
7. Making facial expressions and peek-a-boo (baby will giggle loudly)
8. Go to the grocery shop downstairs to let her see new faces.
9. Listen to baby mozart bed time.

Think that's about all on my side. How about you?


Active Member
hihi sugarcookie,

Yeah...my baby now sleeps lesser in the day and always wants attention from me to play with her... sometimes i ran out of ideas what to do with her and she ended up watching tv with me....oh boy..terrible rite?
Heh, my baby watches quite a bit of TV too. Sometimes, I feel really guilty. Maybe you can try propping your baby in a corner of your sofa so she "sits". My baby loves that! I will also place a magazine in her lap. She has a lot of fun crumpling the pages!


Active Member
hi cream

well, the moment they learn how to flip, they will keep doing it.. mine keep fliping and i have to watch out every moment.. cant do anything at all.. and worst is, the moment she sflip, she vomit out the milk.. endless clothes to wash
My baby flipped this morning!!!! And YES, you are right! The moment they can flip, they will keep flipping. I have to keep watching her now.


Active Member
She had the 6-in-one jab & rota oral vacc last Sat. Luckily she didn't develop fever. When we gave her usu 120ml feed yesterday, she cried & cried & refused to be put down. My heart ached, so I also cried. Her appetite is down to 60ml per 3 hours. At least, she's smiling and playing again. Hopefully, her appetite will return by tmw! She measures 59 cm & 6.2 kg.

I still want another baby, sugarcookie!
Baby went for her 5-in-1 second jab yesterday. Developed fever last night. 38.6C!!!! I was terrified. Didn't sleep at all. She kept whimpering and crying and I was carrying her constantly. Like you, I cried too when she cried. Her temp is hovering around 36.5C now. Really hope it goes down.

Wah, you so onz about another baby! For me, factory closed liao!!!


hi sugar cookie

next time b4 u bring your baby for jap, give her some 'pao sheng' water. and after her jap, give her a little bit of the fever medicine.

i did that to my girl when she went for her 5-in-1 early this mth.. and i super kiasu, i also place the cooling pad on her forehead..

luckily, no fever..


my baby got fever yesterday.. and running nose plus cough.. so heartpain to see her taking those medicine..

think babies are clever, those medicine that dont taste good, they either shut their mouth or spilt it up after taking.. haha