April 09 MTBs!


Ping, how are you now? Better?
yes! thks, sugarcookie.

But cos the doc said I shld not bf due to tamiflu, baby has forgotten how to latch on... will have to go back to wearing nipple shield (?). she prefers plastic now:err:

recently i checked the net abt teething. I found that US CDC & other places strongly recommend bf, even if mum is on tamiflu. Thk God, baby didn't catch flu...


hi, everyone care to share your baby age , weight and height?
hi mumies!
thks for yr concern & baby says :shyxxx: muah muah to all the kind aunties.

She's abt 6.5 kg now. not sure how tall. She drinks abt 130ml every 3-4 hr. Her appetite has been erratic for past 1 week. My pd says feed until baby is satisfied...so I'll try 150 ml next wk once teething thing settles.

hstan's baby has a really really healthy appetite. we can't compare w her baby... :tlaugh:

lovedove, I can't bear to cut her hair. a lot of passers-by comment on her hairiness too.:001_302:


hi mumies!
thks for your concern & baby says :shyxxx: muah muah to all the kind aunties.

She's about 6.5 kg now. not sure how tall. She drinks about 130ml every 3-4 hr. Her appetite has been erratic for past 1 week. My pediatrician says feed until baby is satisfied...so I'll try 150 ml next wk once teething thing settles.

hstan's baby has a really really healthy appetite. we can't compare w her baby... :tlaugh:

lovedove, I can't bear to cut her hair. a lot of passers-by comment on her hairiness too.:001_302:
ya i agree. i think the next time i brng her to PD sure say she Overweight. hahha..


I also just cut Kaydes' hair botak... haha...
The last two weeks she has been having loose stools, brought her to PD, seems like everything is ok. So switched her milk to soy milk to try out. Anyone of you giving your baby soy milk?

Ping26, you gal really damn cute leh... I showed all my colleagues they also say very cute...


I also just cut Kaydes' hair botak... haha...
The last two weeks she has been having loose stools, brought her to pediatrician, seems like everything is ok. So switched her milk to soy milk to try out. Anyone of you giving your baby soy milk?

Ping26, you gal really damn cute ... I showed all my colleagues they also say very cute...
thnks, Cream. :shyxxx: Kaydes looks sweet too. I noticed most mummies haven't updated photos. New-born usu look umm... v different. Mine looks like a mongolian sumo wrestler.

When I have more gas (I hv many food intolerances), I noticed Christine may have similar symptoms as she's still partially bf. Some people even tell me teething can cause stomach upsets or loose stools.:err:

Hope Kaydes feeling better!:Dancing_wub:


sorry, off-topic.

yr babies r so cute!

Hstan, vivien is :red: hope she's alright now.
how's her appetite?

Cream, it's so hard to take a smiling baby pic. her joy is infectious.

how'd u do it? Christine will stop smiling & stare at the camera.


New Member
Yeah it's not easy to take pic of baby smiling...hahaha..we tried with daddy making funny faces then mummy capture the shot...My baby seems to prefer daddy, she gets all excited when she saw him back from work every evening and daddy always managed to make her smile easily...hahaha only remembers me when she's hungry...:nah:

Weather is pretty bad these days...My gal's temperature also higher than normal. My mother in law and i gave her lots of fluid and glucolin cos she three days never pass motion. So worried..
Hope all our precious are strong and healthy:Dancing_wub:


Lucky thing for me is Kaydes is very smiley... so I need to smile to her and she will smile back. When taking pictures, I cannot look at the camera, I must look at her... and take multi shots. Then choose those nice ones to keep.

Kaydes has been having loose stools for about 1 month already. Taken her to PD 3 times already and each time the PD says she is alright. Alert, active, playful... no fever, no vomit, so no problem. But I really wonder why her stools are at times watery, other times soft. She can poo up to 5 times a day. Anyone experience the same thing?


Weather is pretty bad these days...My gal's temperature also higher than normal. My mother in law and i gave her lots of fluid and glucolin cos she three days never pass motion. So worried..
Hope all our precious are strong and healthy:Dancing_wub:
lovedove, yr baby is v cute too.

3 days of "no motion" - some people say it's still within normal range. Do u use the "induce" method? My CL taught me to watch out for "ngmm" sound & observe baby face. She has a slight intense look. We also try to make baby do her big biz ard same time by lifting her legs & making the "ng" sound. Never play within her or distract her :001_302:

Christine's actually v smiley but she simply stares blankly at the camera...

Next week's the 5 mth check-up... not sure if I shld give her the pneumococcal jab. She developed fever on Monday, we went clinic & then KKH. She just had fever, with no other symptoms. Was worried that she somehow caught H1N1 or dengue or HFMD or something. Sure, was glad she had the rotavirus vacc cos she's chewing lots of things.

I happen to buy Income hospitalisation plan on Monday. Have u bought ins? My fren's son had UTI at full mth, bill came up to $2K. The plan costs only $100+ per annum (must co-pay a bit).

BTW she's very fine now!:Dancing_wub:


New Member
Ping26, yeah we tried the induce method, lifting her legs and making the 'ng' sound...haha my baby actually 'ng' back at us...Now she's passing motion every 2 days...pediatrician said no problem.

Went for her 5mth check yesterday. My pediatrician said pneumococcal jab quite painful so suggest to do earlier when she is 7mths so that they won't remember the pain, thus will not have phobia of visiting doctor. Like you, i am worried about fever and that the pain can last for 48hrs. Heartache. The cost is $175 per dose. How about your side?

So far only got a limited pay life and savings plan for baby. Will need to get a hospitalisation plan soon. Heard that can use medisave to pay premium. All these insurance for baby alone can easily add up to $500+ per month..Really costly...stressed.


New Member
lovedove, your baby is very cute too.

3 days of "no motion" - some people say it's still within normal range. Do you use the "induce" method? My CL taught me to watch out for "ngmm" sound & observe baby face. She has a slight intense look. We also try to make baby do her big biz around same time by lifting her legs & making the "ng" sound. Never play within her or distract her :001_302:

Christine's actually very smiley but she simply stares blankly at the camera...

Next week's the 5 month check-up... not sure if I shld give her the pneumococcal jab. She developed fever on Monday, we went clinic & then Kandang Kerbau Hospital. She just had fever, with no other symptoms. Was worried that she somehow caught H1N1 or dengue or HFMD or something. Sure, was glad she had the rotavirus vacc cos she's chewing lots of things.

I happen to buy Income hospitalisation plan on Monday. Have you bought ins? My friend's son had UTI at full month, bill came up to $2K. The plan costs only $100+ per annum (must co-pay a bit).

BTW she's very fine now!:Dancing_wub:
hi, i;m new to this forum, recently my baby gal has been going with 'motion' for 5 day now... a bit worried and she's on partial bf. is this normal? i give her water too... did the 'ng' thing as well. but also no motion.

she's also rejecting her milk... a bi heartache.. cos she'll rather go hungry than drink milk. or is it just me worrying too much.


hi, i;m new to this forum, recently my baby gal has been going with 'motion' for 5 day now... a bit worried and she's on partial bf. is this normal? i give her water too... did the 'ng' thing as well. but also no motion.

she's also rejecting her milk... a bi heartache.. cos she'll rather go hungry than drink milk. or is it just me worrying too much.
hi Aly-chan Mummy

I'm not sure too. Think you better see the paedi or GP. May have to put "anema" in anus cos it's already 5 days & your girl's not drinking milk. My baby has refused milk if she hasn't passed motion in the past.

Timing is everything when you do the NG...
- try to do early in morning, not long after she wakes up & has some water
- after a nice warm bath. My girl passed motion in bath water 1x after 2 days of no motion. :eek:10: I had to bathe her again. scared she drink her ng-ng bath water or chew her fingers.
- after meal. some adults go soon after breakfast.

let us know if your baby is alright.

Lovedove, paedi quoted $170 w/o dev assessment, I think. I'm very kiasi so will opt for jab when she's bit older. He said lifetime immunity for this type of virus/bacteria.

I typed a chunk abt ins then I realised yeah, it's really abt $500 per mth. DUH

BTW baby is 7 kg & 65cm tall!
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Gosh this thread is hot! I wud strongly advise to take pneumo, rota and even chickenpox vaccine for our baby. Now can use Medisave to off set a bit. Before govt announced, I paid all in cash (heartache) but no choice as the risks are not worth taking.


I also paid cash for the pnuemococcal and rota virus. sigh....

Hey mommies, are any of you on FB? Lets add each other so that we can see updated photos of our baby (as they grow)... so amazing that they are all April babies, and we mommies are actually making frens here... how nice.


Hi Mommies,

I'm still partially bf-ing. But really sad, cos so little milk...
will probably 'tong' until Dec. Then see if can 'tong' until April.

yah, I also pay by cash until recently. but my own fault cos I didn't apply CDA
My PD is approved by AI, so I can pay via CDA.

Next Jan, will do the pneumococcal jab.

hee, this is latest pic of my pumpkin pie
:wong19: finally, she's no longer gawking at camera.
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allo people long time no see le!!!

add me in facebook
@ pinkpinktham@yahoo.com.sg


I also paid cash for the pnuemococcal and rota virus. sigh....

Hey mommies, are any of you on facebook? Lets add each other so that we can see updated photos of our baby (as they grow)... so amazing that they are all April babies, and we mommies are actually making friends here... how nice.