April 09 MTBs!


Active Member
my baby got fever yesterday.. and running nose plus cough.. so heartpain to see her taking those medicine..

think babies are clever, those medicine that dont taste good, they either shut their mouth or spilt it up after taking.. haha
Ya! I gave liquid Panadol via a syringe to baby when she developed fever after her jab. At first, she lapped it up greedily. After that, she started spitting out the medicine! I was so stressed!

Her temp is back to normal now. Don't worry, your baby will get better very soon. Babies are really resilient beings.


the liquid panadol isit pink color wan?
my ger that time went for jab also fever for 2 days poorthing
than whole body like jellyfish very soft =(
but still can giggle hee hee
think next next week going for the 2nd 6in1 jab pray hard she wun fever again

Ya! I gave liquid Panadol via a syringe to baby when she developed fever after her jab. At first, she lapped it up greedily. After that, she started spitting out the medicine! I was so stressed!

Her temp is back to normal now. dont't worry, your baby will get better very soon. Babies are really resilient beings.


Active Member
the liquid panadol isit pink color want?
my ger that time went for jab also fever for 2 days poorthing
than whole body like jellyfish very soft =(
but still can giggle hee hee
think next next week going for the 2nd 6in1 jab pray hard she wun fever again
Yaya, pink in colour! I was really stressed. 38.6C! Scary!


hi sugar cookie

u know i went and buy those small medicine bottle that have a teat and let my baby suck in bet her feeding.. at first can trick her into believing its milk.. and she readily swallow it.. the next moment when i wan to feed her another medicine, she either shut her mouth or spilt it up also..

hi pinkytham

try giving ya baby some 'pao sheng' water the nite before to 'press down' her fever. it helps i heard

so many babies down with flu, cough and fever.. sigh


New Member
Heh, my baby watches quite a bit of TV too. Sometimes, I feel really guilty. Maybe you can try propping your baby in a corner of your sofa so she "sits". My baby loves that! I will also place a magazine in her lap. She has a lot of fun crumpling the pages!
Hope your baby is feeling better now from the fever. Yeah, baby ill really makes mummy so worried, sleepless nights, heart ache, poor appetite..I finally can understand what my mother had gone thru. Okie thanks i will try the activities u suggest..sounds interesting. My baby loves to suck her fingers, is it ok?


hi lovedove

i think all babies loves to suck their fingers.. mine too.. and at times, she can suck her finger and her pacifier tog.. so funny... but i try not to let her suck .. cos not a good habit.



Baby's fine now. Just went back to regular feed. whew...
I gave her pao sheng too; she didn't develop fever but appetite took a major hit. She's like so tum jiak & impatient when it comes to her milk.

Sugarcookie, hope yr baby's better now.

Giving smaller feeds more frequently may help to relieve discomfort, esp if baby took rota oral vaccine.

My baby hasn't flipped yet. looking forward but also bit worried cos as hstan says they keep flipping non-stop thereafter. Christine's daytime nap is also 20-30 min now. And she clamours for attn all the time...

till then




Hey all... how's life? I have been so busy ever since I started work. 10 more mins to "rushing back to mums to see Kaydes" time so I can try to keep up with you ladies for a while.

Can I check what is your baby's average body temperature now? The last few days, I kept feeling that Kaydes is a little warmer than before when I carry her. Over the weekend, her temp is 37.2 and so I brought her to see a PD. The PD said that it is not considered fever unless the temp has reached 37.5 and above. But I still feel she is warmer than before. When I take her temp now, it is about 36.5 to 36.8. How come I still feel that she is warm? Anyone has any advise for me please?

Ever since the 5 in 1 jab... my life is in a complete mess cos my whole life is about worrying, worrying, worrying... sigh


Active Member
Cream, I've heard that babies' body temperature is always slightly higher than adults'. So don't worry!!! The thermometer won't lie hehe. As long as not 37.5C and above, definitely no fever!!!


Active Member

Any of your babies are sleeping through the night?? Mine still isn't...in fact, her sleeping "routine" seems to be getting worse!

For example, last night (every night goes sthg like this), she woke up at 10:30pm, 12am, 2am, 4:30am, 6am! She would wriggle in her cot, whimper and keep rubbing her eyes and ears. I tried ignoring her but she can do that for up to 45mins! And sometimes, her whimpers end up in cries. I always end up giving her milk/carrying and rocking her.

I'm really drained and taxed. Any other Mummies here with restless sleepers???


hi sugarcookie

mine at times also like that.. can keep waking up every 3hrs. i guess there is nothing we can do..
my gal also likes to rub her eyes and its a sign that she is sleepy.. and she wiggle and whimper, i try not to care so much except tap her to sleep.. think she dreaming.

i tried to feed her at 10 pm (last feed for the day) and at times she will sleep thru teh night.


hmm i think if baby still healthy playing shld be ok =D is she eating well?
she has been giving me a difficult time feeding her. She's still behaving like I am feeding her poison. I must carry her and walk around the house when feeding her. Sigh...


hi CJmon
did you put ya baby in 'yao lan'? i put mine in yao lan when she is one month old.. that helping giving her a round head.. haahha
Didnt use yao lan cos many pple advised me against it like bad for spine dev, many incidents yao lan give way and baby falls, etc. I freq change his sleeping position but that will wake him up. Now can only rub his head and hope the back "pops" back..haha.. i'm sure it wont, just comforting myself.



Any of your babies are sleeping through the night?? Mine still isn't...in fact, her sleeping "routine" seems to be getting worse!

For example, last night (every night goes sthg like this), she woke up at 10:30pm, 12am, 2am, 4:30am, 6am! She would wriggle in her cot, whimper and keep rubbing her eyes and ears. I tried ignoring her but she can do that for up to 45mins! And sometimes, her whimpers end up in cries. I always end up giving her milk/carrying and rocking her.

I'm really drained and taxed. Any other Mummies here with restless sleepers???
sugarcookie, mine is also very restless. Weird though. He naps easily in the day and I only have slight difficulty putting him down to sleep. But night time is a dread. He wants to be carried and wouldn't sleep throughout. His timings are totally erratic in the night. He only starts falling into deep sleep between 12mn to 1am! Then wakes up about every 2hrs later for milk. Sometimes 1 hr only! So I hardly get proper sleep and going to be v. sleepy at work.


New Member
hi lovedove

i think all babies loves to suck their fingers.. mine too.. and at times, she can suck her finger and her pacifier tog.. so funny... but i try not to let her suck .. cos not a good habit.
Hi hstan15,

yeah, sucking fingers is bad habit, i will stop her whenever i see her suck..But sometimes hard to monitor all the time...Do you think its better to let her suck her mitten or take them off and she suck her fingers? I got trim her fingernails...also afraid mitten got small dust particles that she will swallow...headache.

Hi sugarcookie,
my baby sleeps at 10pm and wake up at 2+am and 6+am...quite routine compared to last time when she was younger was every hour...When she cries, I give her pacifier if it's not feeding time yet..Soon she got used to it and wake up only twice at night. I think she also sleeps less in the day, so can sleep longer at night. I also notice that if i bring her out shopping on wkends where she tire herself looking at so many pple and things...she can sleep up to 7hrs.


Cream, I've heard that babies' body temperature is always slightly higher than adults'. So dont't worry!!! The thermometer won't lie hehe. As long as not 37.5C and above, definitely no fever!!!
what thermometers r u using? ear or underarm type?

my baby's base temp (underarm/aux) seems to be 35-6C. not sure if i'm taking it correctly...

my own temp (tongue) is also on low end. Doc always tell me I've no fever but I feel warm inside.

I'm so afraid I'll miss baby's fever if she does get it.


hi lovedove

if baby is above 1 mth old, its better not to let them wear mittens cos it will hinder tehir development.

ya, i know its dirty to suck their littel finger so whenever i see her do that, i will say dirty and pull it out. i heard if we continue to use the same method, they will understand one day...


Active Member
what thermometers are you using? ear or underarm type?

my baby's base temp (underarm/aux) seems to be 35-6C. not sure if i'm taking it correctly...

my own temp (tongue) is also on low end. Doc always tell me I've no fever but I feel warm inside.

I'm so afraid I'll miss baby's fever if she does get it.
I'm using the underarm type. If using the underarm type, fever = > 37.5C. If ear thermometer, fever = > 37.6C. That's what my PD told me.