April 09 MTBs!


Active Member
hi sugarcookie

mine at times also like that.. can keep waking up every 3hrs. i guess there is nothing we can do..
my gal also likes to rub her eyes and its a sign that she is sleepy.. and she wiggle and whimper, i try not to care so much except tap her to sleep.. think she dreaming.

i tried to feed her at 10 pm (last feed for the day) and at times she will sleep thru teh night.
I can't pat my baby back to sleep. Tried doing that but she would continue fidgeting like crazy. Have to carry and rock! :elvis: And sometimes after doing it for 30mins, she is still NOT sound asleep!

sugarcookie, mine is also very restless. Weird though. He naps easily in the day and I only have slight difficulty putting him down to sleep. But night time is a dread. He wants to be carried and wouldn't sleep throughout. His timings are totally erratic in the night. He only starts falling into deep sleep between 12mn to 1am! Then wakes up about every 2hrs later for milk. Sometimes 1 hr only! So I hardly get proper sleep and going to be very. sleepy at work.
Mine is starting to "wake up" every 1hr too. I say "wake up" because I'm not sure if she is really awake. Her eyes are closed but she is wriggling and whimpering away.

Surviving on two hours' sleep a night now. Oh man. Are you back at work already? It must be terribly tough to be a full time working mum and have to take care of a restless sleeper at night.


Active Member
Hope your baby is feeling better now from the fever. Yeah, baby ill really makes mummy so worried, sleepless nights, heart ache, poor appetite..I finally can understand what my mother had gone thru. Okie thanks i will try the activities you suggest..sounds interesting. My baby loves to suck her fingers, is it ok?
Yep, baby is back to normal now. But I will never forget that night. It was one of the most stressful nights of my life!

I heard that it is even worse when babies really fall sick. Am dreading the day when that happens.

My baby keeps sucking her fingers too. Think it is just part of their development. She will suck whatever she grabs as well. Her soft toys and blankets are matted with her saliva now. It's really gross!


New Member
Hi April mummies,

anyone started weaning? I read that its from 4-6mths... Is 4.5mths too early to start? If intro food too early is it good for baby? I just bought little feeding bowls and spoon set for my girl...haha..wondering when can start using them...I first time mummy so still very inexperience...


Hi April mummies,

anyone started weaning? I read that its from 4-6mths... Is 4.5mths too early to start? If intro food too early is it good for baby? I just bought little feeding bowls and spoon set for my girl...haha..wondering when can start using them...I first time mummy so still very inexperience...
Hi lovedove,

I have also bought cute feeding stuff for my girl. 1st-timer too (") My baby hasn't hit 4 mth yet.

My fren told me to buy a mini blender to puree stuff. So I'll grab one at taka baby fair ard mth end. She says it's too tiring to hand-blend using baby food maker. Otherwise, i think just cook well and get a baby sieve to sieve out excessive fibre/larger pc if u r kiasi (like me).

Will start with rice porridge ard 4.5-5 mth... will ask MIL & friends for advice. PD says 1 food per week.



i tried feeding my gal mashed steamed apples few days ago when she is 4.5 mths.. think not the time yet to intro semi solid to her cos she act as though i feeding her poison. hahha.

my mum told me she will bend those rice gains with shi sheng and stuff at medical halls so that not so heaty for baby.. gg to try that again when baby is 5 mths


New Member
Hi lovedove,

I have also bought cute feeding stuff for my girl. 1st-timer too (") My baby hasn't hit 4 month yet.

My friend told me to buy a mini blender to puree stuff. So I'll grab one at taka baby fair around month end. She says it's too tiring to hand-blend using baby food maker. Otherwise, i think just cook well and get a baby sieve to sieve out excessive fibre/larger pc if you are kiasi (like me).

Will start with rice porridge around 4.5-5 month... will ask mother in law & friends for advice. pediatrician says 1 food per week.
Hi ping26,

i also plan to introduce brown rice porridge first...very watery kind mixed with breast milk.. My mother in law ask me to start with warmer food first...then fruits later...A mini blender sounds more convenient for busy mums. I will get one if the price is not too expensive. haha..think most of us are kiasi cos we want the best for our child..Btw when is the taka baby fair? Last weekend of aug?


New Member

i tried feeding my gal mashed steamed apples few days ago when she is 4.5 mths.. think not the time yet to intro semi solid to her cos she act as though i feeding her poison. hahha.

my mum told me she will bend those rice gains with shi sheng and stuff at medical halls so that not so heaty for baby.. gg to try that again when baby is 5 mths
Yeah, my mum in law also said shi shen is good for baby growth, develop strong bones and nice skin. She bought for me brown rice with shi shen powder from the chinese medical hall...i have yet to let baby try. think will wait till 5mths too.


i feeding my ger with brown rice now =D bought from yu ren sheng she kinda likes it!
mix it with the formula milk =D wonder if its too early?
but i got dilute it cus slowly introduce her


Hi ping26,

i also plan to introduce brown rice porridge first...very watery kind mixed with breast milk.. My mother in law ask me to start with warmer food first...then fruits later...A mini blender sounds more convenient for busy mums. I will get one if the price is not too expensive. haha..think most of us are kiasi cos we want the best for our child..Btw when is the taka baby fair? Last weekend of aug?
hi lovedove,

taka fair starts 27 aug. If mini-blender is cheap, I'll get one.
Other impt stuff : a small thermos container & sieve.

i'm quarantined alone in baby room now :07: Doc says I may caught h1n1 bug. He didn't do a swap. I was put on tamiflu immed. Lucky I went to see a doc when fever struck. So far, everyone in house is safe. :eek: I think I caught it fr a sick boy in mrt. Moral : just give up yr seat or wear a mask... covering mouth w tissue is not worth the hassle & risk.

poor baby happened to teeth this weekend. Was so worried that she caught the bug cos she's fussing & refusing milk. no fever

hubby was so lazy, just told helper to carry baby...
Didn't even bother to check gums until i eyeballed him.
she practically sucked his finger off just now. telltale sore gums & a tiny white speck :001_302:

yep, my baby's ready for solids soon. Can't wait to hold her again on wednesday.


Active Member
hi, everyone care to share your baby age , weight and height?
Baby's (4.5 mths now) last checkup was about 3 weeks ago, and she was 6kg, 62cm then. PD said she is a little on the small side but nothing to worry about.

Just weighed her and she is about 6.5kg now; I have no idea regarding her height now though.


Active Member
hi lovedove,

taka fair starts 27 aug. If mini-blender is cheap, I'll get one.
Other impt stuff : a small thermos container & sieve.

i'm quarantined alone in baby room now :07: Doc says I may caught h1n1 bug. He didn't do a swap. I was put on tamiflu immed. Lucky I went to see a doc when fever struck. So far, everyone in house is safe. :eek: I think I caught it fr a sick boy in mrt. Moral : just give up your seat or wear a mask... covering mouth w tissue is not worth the hassle & risk.

poor baby happened to teeth this weekend. Was so worried that she caught the bug cos she's fussing & refusing milk. no fever

hubby was so lazy, just told helper to carry baby...
Didn't even bother to check gums until i eyeballed him.
she practically sucked his finger off just now. telltale sore gums & a tiny white speck :001_302:

yep, my baby's ready for solids soon. Can't wait to hold her again on wednesday.
Ping, how are you now? Better?


hmm.. think my baby is on the big size side. at 5ths thinks she weigh 7 kg and 64 cm. and she is drinking 170-180 ml now..


Active Member
Can you all imagine, Kaydes is still only 100ml every 3 hours... I really dont know what to do. She dont seem to wanna drink much.
Cream, baby has been drinking less this past week as well. About 100-120ml each time, sometimes as low as 80ml!

I think as long as Kay is happy, active and meeting milestones, then no need to worry too much about the amount she drinks. Maybe she is just a small eater :)


New Member
Hi Ping26,

hope you are feeling better now. Your baby very cute and sweet..alot of hair..so pretty. My girl just shaved botak..and everyone thought she's a boy...haha..so i always dress her in pink and wear hat nowadays. My girl is 4.5mths now..weigh 6.9kg and height is 58cm. pediatrician said her weight is above average...sigh..she got good appetite...drinks too much...drinks every 3hr...latched on..