Did you shave your baby's head?

Did you shave your baby's head?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 11 31.4%
  • Not yet but intend to

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters


My DS went for shaving during his 1st and 4th mths!

According to my MIL, its best to shave baby's hair during his/her 1st mth and 4th mth! She said that the hair during the 1st mth is very "dirty" so must shave...

I brought DS for shaving again when he's 4 mth again. Now the hair is so bits and pieces loh! He used to have nice and silk long hair when he's borned!! Now, so sad.... :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
i'm thinkin whether to shave my girl head too. she gt lots of hair and everyone say very nice. but she pespire a lot and keep scratchin and pullin her hair. i wonder shld i shave her head... what do you all think??
I think just leave it..if u shave then dont grow nice how?
All babies pespire anyways..if u can just leave it first ..if drop alot then maybe u can reconsider.


I think just leave it..if you shave then dont grow nice how?
All babies pespire anyways..if you can just leave it first ..if drop alot then maybe you can reconsider.

Hi jasobias,

I'm so agree with u! Now Ds's hair dont grow out nicely cos he's been lying on his back to slp. Hence, his hair dont grow well. But PD said that when he started to sit up then his hair will grow evenly..


Well-Known Member
Hi jasobias,

I'm so agree with you! Now dear son's hair dont grow out nicely cos he's been lying on his back to sleep. Hence, his hair dont grow well. But pediatrician said that when he started to sit up then his hair will grow evenly..
though ds hasnt shave his hair b4, but his hair is alrdy patch by patch... not obvious though... hopefully aft shaving will be better la... HAHA!!


why is that 1st month baby hair is dirty?

i also donno the exact reason beside it? Must be those old wives tales ba.. MIL said must shave then shave loh. If not, kp on nagging and nagging.. Shave also she said one, now DS hair uneven also say y hair like that, so diff from during birth. >.<


Well-Known Member
For my in laws, they reccomend shaving because they say the hair will grow back thicker and fuller. Not sure real or not. haha.

Because they have 4 kids, 2 boys, 2 girls. The guys they shaved, whereas the girls, they didn't as my FIL say not pretty. In the end, its the guys in the family (including DH and his brother) has very thick full head of hair, whereas for the sisters, well, they have rather thin hair and have some slight balding problems, not that noticable when cover by hair.

As for the old wives tales, I have not heard that from any sides of the family.


its dirty cos baby comes out from "below".... and anything frm there is always considered as dirty... tt wats the old ppl believe


Well-Known Member
its dirty cos baby comes out from "below".... and anything frm there is always considered as dirty... that wats the old ppl believe
Tell the old pple lah..now adayss got c -section..not all babies go through vaginal delivery..so how then?no need to shave right?hahahha


Well-Known Member
i also donno the exact reason beside it? Must be those old wives tales .. mother in law said must shave then shave loh. If not, kp on nagging and nagging.. Shave also she said one, now dear son hair uneven also say why hair like that, so diff from during birth. >.<
maybe those old forks think they babies in our womb for 9mths, inside got blood and all... somemore to them, women's blood v dirty, dunno why... machiam they not women or not give birth by women lik tt... haha!

i no choice have to shave his hair cos his hair super lil... v pathetic, many ppl tot he botak so might as well make him real botak..

btw mummies, i'm supposed to bring ds to shave his head this evening but my mum told me lunar 1st & 15th cannot cut or shave hair esp ds is 1st time shave hair... because of that, i've to change it to tml.. any mummies heard of this b4??


Well-Known Member
Tell the old pple ..now adayss got c -section..not all babies go through vaginal delivery..so how then?no need to shave right?hahahha
jasobias mummy!!! u win alrdy!!! i love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :001_302:


Well-Known Member
if from below, must shave coz dirty, then why only hair, whole baby body also dirty ~ i dont like those old wives tales...
Ya how dare they say/think our below so dirty?!!!
Then those old pple better not be having sex.Doing dirty stuff then for wht?!!hahhahah
Some of the old wives tales really dont make sense.Dont know why they wld consider a vagina dirty? Thts where the entire(well except those c-section cases) world population came fr.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Ya how dare they say/think our below so dirty?!!!
Then those old pple better not be having sex.Doing dirty stuff then for wht?!!hahhahah
Some of the old wives tales really dont make sense.Dont know why they wld consider a vagina dirty? Thts where the entire(well except those c-section cases) world population came fr.:eek:
ya i hate those old wives tales too...

my mum actu ask me not to bring ds to shave his hair today but i just brought him to shave.. cos they said lunar 1st & 15th is for those ppl's home got funeral cut hair one... then i told her, actu is they can only shave on these 2 days on that mth but doesnt mean we cannot go cut or shave...

so now, ds is officially botak!!! HAHA!!! :tlaugh:


tats why i didnt hv the intention to shave my gal at all cos she is a c-sect baby... :Dancing_wub:

furthermore, her hair is SO full, texture is SO good, i really cannt figure out a good reason to shave her... so i tot beta post in here and ask the mummies here....:001_302:


I also thought of baby born with very nice hair, but still went ahead shaving on his 1st month, now his hair very patchy and uneven. My father in law want to secretly bring him for his 2nd shave, luckily i stopped them in time.

But do you mummies think i should shave again for the hair to grow properly? I dont't mind his "shaolin monk" head actually, just that i got no patience to wait for it to grow again.


i dink u shd juz leave it at the moment....coz baber, after his 1st shave, was patchy at first but then later on was nicely grown already....no more patchiness.....

but we only shaved at 4months....


the 1st shave

hi mummies

do u all bring your baby to the 1st shave after the 1st month?r u diy?

can share where you all do it and how much?
those gentle nice hairdresser... LOL