EDD April 2014

First time MTB

New Member
Hi all.. Congrats to all mummies in April! We are growing in numbers, so excited! I just decided on my gynae, Dr Chua yang and was scheduled for 1st appt at 6 weeks+ or else u/s cannot see anything.. Hence I'm seeing her on 27/8, 2 weeks later.. Can't wait to see my bb!
Dear MTBs,

I want to share with you my (horrible) experience with this GP in yishun - Universal Medical Clinic

BTW, urinary tract infection (UTI) is common among pregnant women....

I had UTI and went to see this GP in yishun. Saw this Dr Koh Joon Soo. He did a urine test and confirmed that I have UTI. instead of giving me medicine, he declined to treat me and told me to go back to my gynae for treatment, he just gave me MC and charged me $30+. the next day I called my gynae and explained the situation and was informed that all GPs should be able to treat UTI (not very complicated) and I went to see another GP. Sure enough, the GP treated me and gave me medication safe for pregnancy. The doc told me that UTIs for pregnant women should be treated immediately, otherwise it increases the risk of kidney infection which in turn may harm the pregnancy.

So ladies, if you happen to have UTI, please dont't let the doc tell you that they can't treat you! they should. if they are not confident, then they shouldn't charge you for the medical fees!

and most importantly, boycott this gp in yishun!

btw, my edd is march 2014 and congrats to all MTBs!


New Member
Hi all!

I'm joining the group too! Been getting faint positive on test strip since 2nd August for 3 days and finally tested on ClearBlue Digital on the 4th day and got a "pregnant" with "2-3".. I tested few days earlier, last menses was on 5th July.. =P

Went to the gynae last Saturday and thankfully the scan can be done via abdominal and not vaginal scan.. For early pregnancy, usually its toooo small and they have to do via vaginal.. Mine is super small, waterbag is only 0.6cm, estimated 4 weeks and 5 days last Saturday.. EDD will be 12 April 2014.. For those going to the gynae soon, do remember to DRINK MORE WATER before the scan, it makes the scan more visible..

Gonna head back to the gynae again next Friday to see if we can see the baby's heart beat. Actually hubs and I are heading overseas end of the month, gynae recommend us not to go but we shall see if baby is more stable next week!

Congrats all!


New Member
I had some spotting on Monday night. So shifted my first appointment earlier to yesterday. Saw the sac le and guess I'm about 6 weeks. He gave me some duphaston for the spotting. Now all the nauseous is coming in!! Was feeling alright before this. =(

First time MTB

New Member
Nana, you start to experience MS now at 6 weeks? I'm 4wks 6days now, still no symptom yet. Only can see gynae on 27/8. But if I got pain or spotting must go earlier to take hormone injection or medication


New Member
Nana ms is a gd sign!! I'm also generally having on/off nausea feeling... Though morning is the worst~!!!! Just saw my gynae today!!! So happy to hear the heartbeat of my little one... It's a huge relief for me. But this little one abit cheeky... Keep playing hide n seek with us~ currently at wk6 too and also taking frolic acid & Duphaston~
I think I'm more kiasu n kiasi this time... Even go n see tcm for an tai yao too~ cos first trimester really unstable...


New Member
ello mummies-to-be... i tested positive last week... first gyne appt will be on 22 aug.. my #2.. stil feel a bit unreal.. maybe cuz haven do ultrasound to verify tt bb is really there.. :p


Hi ladies !!!

I'm 4 weeks and 4 days and got my bfp on Monday ! I went for blood test yesterday and my gyne said my hcg was high enough to do a scan, so I went for it today and saw my tiny beanie for the 1st time. very exciting ! Apparently my edd is 21 April.


Icyfrost, do you think it's worth it to go for tcm during 1st trimester ? I actually have to thank my tcm physician because he helped me get pregnant but when I mentioned I wanted to continue seeing him after my bfp, my family said it was not a good idea.


New Member
Icyfrost, do you think it's worth it to go for tcm during 1st trimester ? I actually have to thank my tcm physician because he helped me get pregnant but when I mentioned I wanted to continue seeing him after my bfp, my family said it was not a good idea.
Hi Tricky, yup i also saw my tcm dr for getting preg~ I will be seeing him till the end of first trime. That's the max. Must nt take after second trime~ My friend did the same and it also helped her stabilize the preg... Especially with spotting... But it's really up to your own preference... For me I trust my tcm dr a lot~


Hi Icyfrost, thanks for the info ! I just called my tcm and he also recommends me to come so he can strengthen my pregnancy. I will probably go today.


New Member
Hello Mummies!,

Im new here, just found out I'm pregnant with my number 2 on Mon.. now its about 4 weeks and 4 days old... im super excited..but i called my gynae and she mentioned that it may be too small to scan so got to wait till end of the month...mixed feeling here... excited and worried..not sure if little one is fine in there... :err:
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New Member
Hi Mummies, I have BabyPlus to let go @ SGD130 (one small red dots on pouch-not for fussy) interested please contact/whatsapp me 97420209


Hi mummies!

Mom with a 3 year old kid here. Went to KKH last week to confirm my 2nd pregnancy and the EDD will be on April's Fool! :win:
Looking forward to chat and exchange pointers with all the mom-to-be here!



New Member
Hi mummies!

Mom with a 3 year old kid here. Went to Kandang Kerbau Hospital last week to confirm my 2nd pregnancy and the EDD will be on April's Fool! :win:
Looking forward to chat and exchange pointers with all the mom-to-be here!

April fool! Nice 1..!


New Member
Haha wont la.. nice date leh.. i want my no 2 to be on 3rd April... cos that will be same as my no 1..haha.. no 1 almost came on april fool last year


[h=2]Hello dear mummies to be, Congratulations on your pregnancies!! :) Please do let me know if you need confinement wine. My confinement wine is sweet, fragrant and pure. No water added :) A lot of mummies here were satisfied customers of mine and I thank them for their 'patronization' :) Below are the details.

Do take care and once again, Congratulations on your pregnancies!! :)

:) Home made confinement wine (Self-collect/delivery available)[/h]
Dear mummies to be,

Due to increase demand of my rice wine, delivery option will be offered too. Details as per below. Kindly place orders in advance (@ least 2 months before EDD). For orders <5, kindly call to check if I've ready stock. SMS/Call to pre-order to avoid disappointment!! ;)

-Homemade PURE rice wine, SWEET, FRAGRANT and YUMMY!
-For use in confinement cooking/daily cooking
-Multiple health benefits
-Cash upon collection/delivery only
-Deposit of $10 is needed to be transfer to confirm orders for <9 bottles
-Deposit of $50 is needed to be transfer to confirm orders for >10 bottles

-SMS will be sent to buyer to confirm order once deposit receives

-If interested, kindly email to healthy_living2013@yahoo.com.sg or call/sms 86091297 for orders

**Orders of 5 bottles, FREE 250ml of red rice pulp
**Orders of >10 bottles, free delivery to 1 location, FREE 500ml of red rice pulp
**Orders of <9 bottles, self-collect or delivery(Delivery charge @ $10 applies)

Locations for self-collection

Any mrt station between Joo Koon and Buona Vista.
*If driving, please let me know.

750ml of red yeast rice wine - $16
500ml of red rice pulp - $6


New Member
I hoping for a Galgal.. cos got 1 naughty boy already.. boy bday is 1234(yr 12 dd 03 mm 04)
If galgal happen on my due date den it will be 2014 20 04..haha so nice
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