EDD April 2014


New Member
Hi mummys. I just discovered my pregnancy yesterday. According to the calculator here, baby will be here April 2014. I made an appointment to see a Gynae next Tuesday. I'm so excited and scared at the same time!

feeling a lousy right now because I down with flu. Bed rest and MC tomorrow :( hoping it doesn't affect my precious baby..


New Member
Hello! I also due on April. I just found out yesterday aug 7 after missing my period of almost 6days. I'm quite at lost for this would be my 2nd pregnancy... My first child is a boy and already 11yo and we are hoping to have a baby girl... Happy to see got a thread for April2014. Congrats to us! ☺


New Member
Yay! For us!

But I woke up this morning and found a small brown spot on my panty liner when I went to pee. I'm freaking out!
I wiped but there was no more. Should I worry? It's my first pregnancy.
I was worrying and stressing last night over the some stuff before bed. Because I'm pregnant, we are going to have to rush our customary (ROM in 2010 already). Our new home is going to be ready next month, so I was freaking about wedding, home renovations and baby costs coming all at once.

Praying that I didn't affect my baby with all that stress!


New Member
My expected date of period is also around 1st Aug. I think we are about the same along!

have u booked a Gynae yet? I'm seeing one next Tuesday for my first scan. Very excited and cannot wait at all!


New Member
My expected date of period is also around 1st Aug. I think we are about the same along!

have you booked a Gynae yet? I'm seeing one next Tuesday for my first scan. Very excited and cannot wait at all!

I have not yet booked... I was still in mixed emotions yesterday that I forgot today is a holiday and most of the clinic will be open next week. Hihihihi! by Monday I will go over polyclinic first to ask for referral. I'm thinking of TMC here at katong as my friend said it is a good one.

Right now, I'm starting to tell my little bun to be good to mommy since I'm working and like you we will be renovating our place and we are on planning/designing stage as well, and we will do actual renovation by next year. I also have my teeth braces done last aug 2 and still on adjustment period and I wasn't eating well since then. But when I knew i have this little bun yesterday, aiyah! I need to have nutrients so, I need to try my best to eat a meal as much as I can.

Oh, sister... Just relax and be calmed. Don't stress too much! Anyway, most of your blessings had arrived just like your house and your wedding are also prepared. Everything will turn out well. We just have to be take things easy.


New Member
The Gynae clinic I'm going to is at Bukit batok. One of the Thomson Women's clinic. I guess my Gynae will be delivering at TMC too! I'm so excited to be talking to someone about this! Our thread is just the 2 of us now. Haha! Guess its a little early for other April moms to discover their pregnancy.

Let both of us have healthy and stress free pregnancies.


New Member
Hi all, I'm also supposedly due in Apr.. This will be kinda of my second preg as the first one din end too well... Feeling all kinds of weird emotions (excited, worried, nervous). Caught a flu virus last week and am still trying to recover. Been drowning myself in water and fruit juices. Really hope things goes well and smooth this time round~ have already made my gynae appt next wed... So can't wait...

Act hav been spotting very light tinge of brown so I'm hoping it's leftover implantation bleeding.... Next wed seems sooooooo far away!!!!!!!!

Crosses fingers and toes all things goes well for all of us~

First time MTB

New Member
Dear all, I just discovered I'm pregnant yesterday and am 4 weeks pregnant! Very excited what to do next.. Edd is 17th April 2014


New Member
Hi moms to be! Wish us all happy and healthy pregnancies!
im so hungry now but husband is fast asleep -_-
my EDD is 7th April


New Member
My edd estimated should b 9th Apr~

Currently I hav stock lots of fruit juices, oats, biscuits and cereals in case of sudden hunger pangs...
nt sure why but not really much of appetite during "normal" eating hours...


New Member
I don't have much appetite too. But I noticed I get hungry very fast. From no feel to famished in minutes!


New Member
Hey Nana, congrats to u~ I booked my gynae appt on the very next day after testing positive~
my first check will be on the 14th Aug~ can't wait~


New Member
Hi mommies!

Wow! So nice to know we are growing in numbers!!! Now, I'm feeling more excited... I'm having my appt this coming Thursday. My EDD is se as ice on 9thapril. I know it's still early to tell friends and family but, I can't help it anymore... I really want to share my good news to almost to everyone.

I just had my braces a week ago before I know I'm preggy...and right now, even if I cant eat much I need to. I can't bear to starve myself for my tummy is always cramping whenever it feels hungry. No cravings yet and hopefully won't experience nausea and dizziness.


New Member
Hey Pink15, which gynae did you decide to engage?
Hahaha we maybe having the same dr and edd... Lolx
I'm already having ms... Sigh... Lost abit of appetite too...


New Member
So that will be about 8 weeks? I don't feel real now as there's only the kit to prove that something is going on inside. Have not seen any ultrasound, so quite scary. What will happen on the first visit?


New Member
Hi all mummy to bes! I tested positive on clearblue on the 4th August . Based on the pregnancy Calender, my Edd is on 9 April 2013 just like pink15.
I'm like many of you here, doesn't feel real yet. Made an appointment with Dr Henry,.earliest on the 27th August in my 8th week. Can't wait to announcement to family but will hold back till it's confirmed by my gynae.
Congrats on all mummies to be here!