EDD Aug 2011


Purpeace your full month for your baby also this saturday ar?

Mine is this saturday. I am looking forward to this weekend.. yes tml is friday already. =)


Urs second child consider very lucky to lose so much!! :D I'm sure u can... I started packing my clothes.. damn some shorts still too small.. way too small... my hips is BIG! HUGE!!
I need to lose on the hip! 10 mths to gain weight.. takes awhile to lose them out.. I feel so tempted to head down to the gym to do some light weight lifting for my big arms.. so I can carry bb hahha... and also.. another mth for uterus to recover before my kickbox. U know how long normally it takes to recover before we can do gym?

Szecare, ur daughter looks so much like u!
Jovin, many say she looks like my hubby, chubby little girl..where is the pics of your prince?


Erm, can I ask why must b in long pants? I'm usually in boxers at home. I remembered for my 1st confinement, my late mom in law gave me a bewildered look when I woke up for breakfast in boxers. She asked if I wasn't cold... Errr, but i was sweating in my sleep; not sure why then , but heard later that red dates longan tea was heaty...she made that for me everyday without fail... She didnt force me to follow confinement dos and donts though:), as long as I'm comfortable, and not pushing myself...
For the first 3 days i am very daring, wearing only speg and shorts, coz my sweat is really alot alot, then got auntie came an visit and told my MIL: AI YO, Yao SI LE, wear till like that , wait got wind ah...on the fourth day i really caught a little cold, after that i wore those auntie pyjamas (button top with 3/4 shorts)..only at night sleeping in aircon room then wear long pants..i think as long as u dun caught a cold, wearing shorts in the daytime should be alright.. SG is 27-32 degree right? how to wear long pants n top everyday..


Me wearing shorts at home. Wah weather damm hot. wear long pants mean i will sweat through out... always very sticky.

Haa no celebration... but wants to go out and buy new jeans. So upset my jeans all can pull up but cant button. My hip bone big already. Upset....
Good news for me is after confinement finish this week, my hubby promise to bring me watch "SMURFS" next Saturday. JY time will pass very fast de.
Wah so good!! my confinement still got 2 weeks to go, my hip not big, now tummy big..binder seems no use leh..but my MIL very good, let me go out joyride at night..the 1st sat i even went east coast mac cafe with hubby:p.....i am longing to go MDS and buy clothes..but my tummy makes me lose confidence..



HAve you contacted any of the massage lady to do massage and jamu wrap for you? My masage lady say after 3 months, skin start to harden and tougher to get back in shape liao. My session ending tomorrow.. but i will stil put corset everyday for the next one month. :)

I can't bargain to go out at night unless is to hospital... been missing so many events this month. Thank god i can go for my jacky concert. Hee.. :p
i havent contact massage lady to do..useful mah? coz i now already 2 weeks still can do a not? how many session u doing? they do it on the bed or mattress? Hows the concert?? must be very nice, i like zhang xue you too


Purpeace your full month for your baby also this saturday ar?

Mine is this saturday. I am looking forward to this weekend.. yes tml is friday already. =)
Congrats to all full month baby and mummies who finish confinement. mine will be next sat, 17 Sept:)


Purpeace your full month for your baby also this saturday ar?

Mine is this saturday. I am looking forward to this weekend.. yes tml is friday already. =)

My baby full month is next Sat, 17 Sep. :)

SO envy, 2 more days for you only. Haha... I have 9 more days to go.
Yet at the same time im afraid confinement ends. Cause it means i have to start taking care of baby, #1 and hubby alone w/o anybody help. *Horror*



Your confinement also ends 17th Sep? Or you push the celebration earlier cause the actual day falls on weekday?
My CL calculated mine is exactly 30 days from baby birthday (19 Aug), so 17 Sep is exactly 1 month. :)

As for the massage, i also only started after 2 weeks.. still can see results. It's subjective actually.. if you feel body aching and want some massage to relax then go for it. If not, i think bf-ing will help to lose weight also, just hang in there.



Your confinement also ends 17th Sep? Or you push the celebration earlier cause the actual day falls on weekday?
My CL calculated mine is exactly 30 days from baby birthday (19 Aug), so 17 Sep is exactly 1 month. :)

As for the massage, i also only started after 2 weeks.. still can see results. It's subjective actually.. if you feel body aching and want some massage to relax then go for it. If not, i think bf-ing will help to lose weight also, just hang in there.
i think i call her and ask for 5 session n see how, my bb birthday is 22Aug, but MIL say birthday sat better and then cannot have belated birthday..i order confinement food for 21days(lunch n dinner) for me since day 1 i had been taking of bb myself, MIL only shower the bb and wash the laundary. feeding esp night feed i am the 1 doing..very tried but get used to it:)


Szecare, seg and shorts!! Bravo! If I Wher that I think many will jump high! Anyway at rm temp 29.. I am in long pants! Heng never ask me wear long sleeves if not I will tell them no more second! Imagine drink hot stuff, drink alcohol and no shower then long sleeves and pants.. U think live in Eskimo meh!! The old ppl can't they wake the idea.. Was done becos last time ppl live in china! This Singapore leh! Anyway I am really scare confinement. Keep stressing to mil. My full month on 17 Sept too! But my Bb born on 18th leh, u cheated 4 days ar? Ha ha :p


Haha.. i also PJ all the way at home.. look like ah soh in front of my bil and sil... but don't care la. Health more important.
I was sick.. as in very sick from the day i give birth till 1 week after i discharge, so honestly, even if i caught a chill, also no diff. My mum say must wear long sleeve and wear slippers at home and bathe early etc.. if not will catch a cold. Then i tell her i already got cold, fever and cough liao... then no need to follow le right? She keep quiet. Haha..


If you do your full month on 17th Sep, won't it be one day late already? Cause i deliver one day after you, and 17 Sep is exactly 30 days for me, won't it be the 31st day for you? (Base on 30 days calculation and chinese calendar) Thought your actual full month should be on Fri? Unless your family don't mind... cause its not advisable to do later...
Initially i wanted to do on 18 Sep, Sunday, then my CL and MIL say cannot, cause actual day is 17 Sep.. so i give in lo.


Szecare, seg and shorts!! Bravo! If I Wher that I think many will jump high! Anyway at rm temp 29.. I am in long pants! Heng never ask me wear long sleeves if not I will tell them no more second! Imagine drink hot stuff, drink alcohol and no shower then long sleeves and pants.. U think live in Eskimo meh!! The old ppl can't they wake the idea.. Was done becos last time ppl live in china! This Singapore leh! Anyway I am really scare confinement. Keep stressing to mil. My full month on 17 Sept too! But my Bb born on 18th leh, u cheated 4 days ar? Ha ha :p
Ha, my MIL know i am those modern and ang mo style lady..so i dun really keep to the confinement rules as long as i prove to her that i am healthy, i educated her that confinement rules is actually for old times china ppl whereby they got winter and need to keep themselves warm..i wash hair and bathe with herbs water everyday, i only drink DOM once then i give up, make myself very hot and moreover i am breastfeeding.. visitors come and see me and say i recover very fast and dun look like women who just give birth..Coz they expect to see a lady who is wearing thick thick and long long clothings..i told them actually eat,sleep,rest is the most impt for recovery, those long clothings will makes me feverish i told them..I am breaking the confinment rules in my generation haha.

I cheat for 5 days, MIL say cannot have late bb shower, onky can have early 1


Haha.. i also PJ all the way at home.. look like ah soh in front of my bil and sil... but don't care la. Health more important.
I was sick.. as in very sick from the day i give birth till 1 week after i discharge, so honestly, even if i caught a chill, also no diff. My mum say must wear long sleeve and wear slippers at home and bathe early etc.. if not will catch a cold. Then i tell her i already got cold, fever and cough liao... then no need to follow le right? She keep quiet. Haha..


If you do your full month on 17th Sep, won't it be one day late already? Cause i deliver one day after you, and 17 Sep is exactly 30 days for me, won't it be the 31st day for you? (Base on 30 days calculation and chinese calendar) Thought your actual full month should be on Fri? Unless your family don't mind... cause its not advisable to do later...
Initially i wanted to do on 18 Sep, Sunday, then my CL and MIL say cannot, cause actual day is 17 Sep.. so i give in lo.

Oh dear, you rest well ah, i saw your room @Thomson. i really regert getting 4bedded...when i saw your pics i was like..wow heaven ah! visitors got place to sit..my 4 bedded room was terrible, 2 of my room mate very sadz..
Day 1 after birth:
was having slight fever..there were only 3 of us in the 4 bedded ward..The lady beside me was waiting for the contraction since morning 9am(we happen to be in the same obseration ward), then at 3am then she call the nurse saying her contraction was every 4 min, was ask to walk to the labour ward..The whole night i was hearing the bb heartbeat..reminds me of the labour work i had done earlier.. Left me and another china lady..this china lady whole night on the TV, i think coz of 7th mth, so she is scare..poor me cannot sleep for first night..

Day 2:
Requested for 2 bedded, but coz the chinalady was discharge and the lady beside me havent come back so i thought tonight i will be alone, told the nurse no need to change ward..After that the lady beside me came back, felt sorry for her as she waited for so long end up C section.. comes along another C section lady..so the whole night nurses kept on coming in and out of the room to monitor these 2 lady..I still cannot sleep well

Day 3:
Discharge and bring bb home..its the beginning of my sleepless night till today:)
I told myself is i got next bb i will wanna a single room, sleep well the first 3 days is very impt..
Now very scare of having bb LOL


Haha.. i also PJ all the way at home.. look like ah soh in front of my bil and sil... but don't care la. Health more important.
I was sick.. as in very sick from the day i give birth till 1 week after i discharge, so honestly, even if i caught a chill, also no diff. My mum say must wear long sleeve and wear slippers at home and bathe early etc.. if not will catch a cold. Then i tell her i already got cold, fever and cough liao... then no need to follow le right? She keep quiet. Haha..


If you do your full month on 17th Sep, won't it be one day late already? Cause i deliver one day after you, and 17 Sep is exactly 30 days for me, won't it be the 31st day for you? (Base on 30 days calculation and chinese calendar) Thought your actual full month should be on Fri? Unless your family don't mind... cause its not advisable to do later...
Initially i wanted to do on 18 Sep, Sunday, then my CL and MIL say cannot, cause actual day is 17 Sep.. so i give in lo.
Good way to answer her! Hahaha... only the my MIL mum's (hubby grandma) ask me to wear slippers. So when she's here I will pretend. I think next time when we become grandma, we will laugh at all these traditionals. Sometimes I feel hse wives for the older gen is like that... no reasons. They hear who say wat is good then blindy follow. I add alcohol to my bathe water.. imagine the damage to my hair and dry my skin :( But anyway... I cheated also... some I jus pour away. Reason?? Dun ask.. jus becos the damn neighbour say she do so like this. BTW.. I got slow cooker... but mil feel.. the claypot cook to boil soup is better... hahaha she use that. Guess wat the Slow cooker we bought during my preg.. she say she wanna jus for my confinement. Watever.. I feel a waste of $, till bb grow older.. I going to take my bb in hands and sent him to school at 2 yrs.. Cant let Mil feel thou she rules the child... like wat she did to the rest "when grandma say can means can, cannot means cannot... even if mummy say can... I say NO means no.."

As for my full mth.. as ususal, Purpeace I dont decide... She also very weird.. she feel becos sat everyone can come.. so on sat ok. Traditions.. Puzzle me.. put it this way, as long as she feel she likes it that way she will do it. Even my bb full mths clothes to wear also wanna interfer... I am so sick of stuck hm. Sometimes I really jus ignore...I better go office soon.. Hahah if not the forum here will be flooded. Anyway sorry if I'm such a nag!



Oh dear, you rest well ah, i saw your room @Thomson. i really regert getting 4bedded...when i saw your pics i was like..wow heaven ah! visitors got place to sit..my 4 bedded room was terrible, 2 of my room mate very sadz..
Day 1 after birth:
was having slight fever..there were only 3 of us in the 4 bedded ward..The lady beside me was waiting for the contraction since morning 9am(we happen to be in the same obseration ward), then at 3am then she call the nurse saying her contraction was every 4 min, was ask to walk to the labour ward..The whole night i was hearing the bb heartbeat..reminds me of the labour work i had done earlier.. Left me and another china lady..this china lady whole night on the TV, i think coz of 7th mth, so she is scare..poor me cannot sleep for first night..

Day 2:
Requested for 2 bedded, but coz the chinalady was discharge and the lady beside me havent come back so i thought tonight i will be alone, told the nurse no need to change ward..After that the lady beside me came back, felt sorry for her as she waited for so long end up C section.. comes along another C section lady..so the whole night nurses kept on coming in and out of the room to monitor these 2 lady..I still cannot sleep well

Day 3:
Discharge and bring bb home..its the beginning of my sleepless night till today:)
I told myself is i got next bb i will wanna a single room, sleep well the first 3 days is very impt..
Now very scare of having bb LOL
Hahaha Szecare, got next bb Try single bedded.. My bills to my surprise was pretty oki... below 3K... natural birth with epidural. And visitors got place to sit.. My dad is a hawker work late and come visit me after work. Pretty nice.... only the staff services I dun really enjoy. Hahah Hubby dun like too! We say if got next one and if financial allows we wanna try gleneagles...Hope is strike some 4D and toto... or increment then.. :D


Hahaha Szecare, got next bb Try single bedded.. My bills to my surprise was pretty oki... below 3K... natural birth with epidural. And visitors got place to sit.. My dad is a hawker work late and come visit me after work. Pretty nice.... only the staff services I dun really enjoy. Hahah Hubby dun like too! We say if got next one and if financial allows we wanna try gleneagles...Hope is strike some 4D and toto... or increment then.. :D
actually I find gleneagles only okkk.... I had a better experience for my #1... staff damn experienced esp the midwives... All old timers then:) they knew the exact time to say encouragements etc etc.... Very good social skills...
The second time round, alot of newbies.... As in just joined glenagles...so midwives wasn't that 'happening', as in encouragement wise....but the nurses at the wardS and nursery were uber nice....bad thing is, for both times, single bedded rooms not available... So double, 2nd time was with a European lady as a room mate. Friendly lady with even friendly family.... And very cute baby! Haha... So I think whole experience depends on ure roommate as well if it's not a single...



My previous delivery at Mt A i opted for double bedder, then realised when visitors are here, the whole ward is filled up and cramp and noisy, felt so pai sei to my room mate. So told my hubby this time round i want to pamper myself.. plus i have a 2 yr old boy and nephew, better to book single room so won't disturb others during visiting. Then hubby can stay with me also. :) Another reason is because TMC double bedder is much smaller than that of Mt A, so never thought of opting double.

I actually booked normal single room, but upon admission, all single room were taken up.. so i was stuck in observatory room for 12 hrs then they push me to one of the suite to rest. After delivery, still no single room, so they upgraded me to a super deluxe single room, thats what you see from the pic. In a way, thank god.. it really made my stay in the hospital a very comfortable one. :) My bill after medisave is about $2.5k cash.. so still reasonable ba. Almost the same as that for my #1 delivery at Mt A.



My previous delivery at Mt A i opted for double bedder, then realised when visitors are here, the whole ward is filled up and cramp and noisy, felt so pai sei to my room mate. So told my hubby this time round i want to pamper myself.. plus i have a 2 yr old boy and nephew, better to book single room so won't disturb others during visiting. Then hubby can stay with me also. :) Another reason is because TMC double bedder is much smaller than that of Mt A, so never thought of opting double.

I actually booked normal single room, but upon admission, all single room were taken up.. so i was stuck in observatory room for 12 hrs then they push me to one of the suite to rest. After delivery, still no single room, so they upgraded me to a super deluxe single room, thats what you see from the pic. In a way, thank god.. it really made my stay in the hospital a very comfortable one. :) My bill after medisave is about $2.5k cash.. so still reasonable ba. Almost the same as that for my #1 delivery at Mt A.
Yeah Purpeace my bill is the same as urs... Not too bad for a first time mum like me. TMC is only the service i tot is abit not too good. But Yar.. Engel.. u're right maybe is not the hospital to chose.. is the service level they have I guess :D