Edd dec 2012

Sze sze

If I latch her, she taking own sweet time, like taking buffet, eat sleep eat sleep the whole afternoon like 2-3 hrs... So end ups she din sleep well at all..
I feed EBM 70ml, she finished in 5 mins..


OMG! So fast? Or is Clara drinking too slow? Every feeding of FM takes her 30-45mins to finish.. isit the bottle flow or because she eat sleep eat sleep?


tcmy, my princess takes abt 8-10mins to finish 100ml of fm...if she sleepy it will take more than dat as have to wake her up every time she fall asleep...this happens especially at nite...she will sleep from evening abt 6pm till abt 10pm...then from abt 11pm to abt 3am...sometimes earlier n then morning ard 6.30 she will wake up for feed n stay awake till her bath time at 8am...so even when I dun have enuff sleep have to entertain her until she sleep again after her 9am feed hehehe hmmmm at hm u can watch tv, or catch up on dramas online at YouTube...for me when I have some time to myself while princess sleeps I catch up on my reading or watch videos on YouTube...my mom does help to take care of princess like when I wanna bathe or eat :D


Ecila.. i've enlarge the teat hole abit.. slightly better but problem is.. she keeep falling asleep.. -.- hope she sleep well tonight..


Fall asleep try to twist the bottle while she stop sucking or pretend to pull out the teat... This is how I wake bb up when they sleep during feeding...

Mreow Mreow

Hi mummies!!
How are u all doing Mid Jan13? :)

My gal Usu latches for about 10-25min..
Usually I feed her only 1 side And she will be full..

When she's done, she usually pushed my nipple out on her own! :)
If i offer her the other boob when she's full, She will die die wont open her mouth!! :p

Waa SzeSze, 2-3H is scary leh...
If im U, i will be feel so sian to keep sitting there to nurse...

My Mum is still staying with me & hubby now..
I have washed clothes, vacummed, swept, mopped & cooked for my hubby.
on my Free time, I catch up on Videos, Bath Baby makan & do the above lor..
Dont want my mum to do so much... :p
Babe, U fed baby in restaurant toilet or at Seat inself with Nursing cover?

My plan has worked for 3days!!
I keep my gal awake till about Midnight then feed her to sleep..
So that when she wakes at 3am, 6am, 8am, she sleeps immediately after drinking!! :)
Letting me and Hubby have Gd sleep & no need to entertain her in the wee hours..

If i let her sleep as & when she wants, She will wake at 3am for milk and will not sleep till 6am Cuz she'd have slept well in the evening.

Ooh, Ive brought my gal to Many places already!!
And she is only 1month 7days..
Parkway, TampMall, CenturySq, 1 of Little India's Restaurant, ICA Twice, PolyClinic, Bedok Interchange, Simei Eastpoint, Airport T3..

And Ive Bfeed her everywhere except Polyclinic, ICA & bedok!! :)

My baby has a Habit.
when her hiccup takes too long to finish, she will start to fuss for my Boob cuz she learnt that drinking milk will ease her hiccups.
so, so far i always have to latch her when she hiccups towards the end.
Any mummy experience this?

Liza, ive not done Pap smear before!
After what u said im dreading it.. haha..
BUT, i think cant be as bad as cervix check!
That one is super pain man!!!!! Cuz the whole palm goes in.

Mreow Mreow

Anybody wanna go Chinatown Pasar Malam to walk?

Its something me and Hubby do every yr for CNY.

But this yr not sure if Possible..
Unless put Baby in Carrier and walk.
But its gonna be so hot....

If leave baby at Home with Mum, might not make it back in time to feed her cuz she drinks every 2.5h..

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, i super bored when Kate taking her own sweet time to drink; even making myself fall sleep!!

Not sure if my supply drop, or Kate increases her appetite, she always taking buffet in the afternoon, wondering if she is not full so keep on drinking like enjoying buffet, and she sleep less than 1 hr...

Even she looks contented after drinking, and sleep, but she wake up like 15-30 mins later, then cry, and want to suck again, but I can feel she is sucking for comfort... Then sleep again... She seems cannot sleep tight and always kena shocked and both hand n leg will raised up..
It normally happen during day time...

if my Kate likes yours, I will happier and tends to bring her out more...
but because she always like to take buffet, hard to bring her out, unless I prepared EBM..

for the Chinatown shopping, we kind of deciding not to visit this year, to avoid crowd...
Good idea to use carrier, you can try tat;
i had tried to carry Kate out once, using the baby sling, it is good, Kate looks happier when she was in...


Hey mummies, im back with panda eyes.. totally no sleep for me last night till this morning.. maybe Clara had slept Too well in the afternoon.

Mreow, sometimes Clara also took 2-3.hour buffet to finish her milk.. worst still i even come across when she play with the bottle nipple..
At restaurant seat, using bottle to feed FM.. now not much time to go out.. or shld i say lazy bah..

Mreow Mreow

2-3G buffet is really very long.

Have u tried researching on how to stop that habit?

I juz fixed my Avent Electric pump.
But I'm so used to direct latch.
Feels abit weird to pump.

However, think it's better to pump out some milk, makes it easier for feeding outdoors where theres no Nursing rm.

But till now I have not introduced Bottle..

Mummies, how to know when to stop pumping?
When there's no more milk coming out is it?
Do ur nipples hurt after pumping?

Li Sze, i also dunno if the pump funnel nipple size is right for my nipple size.
Is our nipple supp to fit nice & snugly into the pump or there should be some space?

Now baby is 1month 10days,
How much milk should I be able to pump out for her at each feed ah


Mreow mreow,
After i've enlarged the bottle hole abit.. it seems much better.. she uses 15 - 25mins to finish, if she falls asleep in between will still take ard 45mins - 1hr..

At first it'll be weird when start pumping.. but after that will slowly used to it de. as my experience .. If u are unsure if to stop pumping or not.. u can see that the milk that flow out is slowly lesser, thats where u est to stop.. ur nipple will slightly hurt for the first few times.. all pumps funnels are slightly bigger den our nipple size -thats y will hurt at first.

My bb is 1month 12days old n was feeding her 4oz -ard 120ml fm.. u try roughly est bah :p


Mreow, for ur case.. try not to introduce bottle yet, ur bb will tends reject ur nipple when familiar when bottle.. my fault to introduced bottle n she rejected my nip.. thats y.. -.-

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, I am not sure about the avent pump; but if the funnels are not suitable, it will affect the amount of milk the you are able to pump out, and you will feel pain..
for my case, starting I can only pump out 20-30ml each or less; but my breasts are still very full and even leaking after pump... That's why I suspect that the funnels is not correct, and I noticed that the nipple in funnels are not moved smoothly... So I went to mums n babe at Toh guan where provide services to measure what size should be correct...

I intro bottle two weeks ago, but I only feed her once in the evening, and I make it a habit for her to drink and go sleep, she usually sleep more than usual (says 7pm to 12 or 1am); currently I bottle feed 60ml and latch her to sleep.. There was once I feed 70ml and she concussed..


Heartsmich, did you burp ur bb in between n after meal? There might be air in the stomach that caused him to spit up.. another reason could be the previous meal has not fully digested..

For my bad experience, dun let bb lie down straight.. milk might reflux too..

Mreow Mreow

Yours is small spit or really alot of milk come out?

Could u b Overfeeding?
Or alot of rolling shaking play after feeding