Edd dec 2012


Hi mummies.
Wah I was super busy with baby. Now can touch water dy I have to clean n bathe baby , wash lampin

Tcmy, my baby injection got pus then burst n flatten now inverted n drying up


Mreow mreow, almost the same bah.. just ytd is the gao lak one.. she high angle shot poo at me.. shirt , changing mat n floor all tio.. lol told my hubby.. den he laughed at me.. i hope he tio also.. but dun think will, coz he working.. only i taking care of her..


Lol.. yea, fountain is the word..

Mummies, will ur bb sleep too much in the morning n not sleeping at night ? If yes, how u all manage? Or is there anyways to let them sleep ?


New Member
Mreow Mreow, my edd is 6 May. I am looking around now for a massage lady and finding out what to buy for bb.

My friend help me called Kak Ayu, but another lady answered and told my friend that usually people look for her for massage only when she is not free then she will pass to Kak Ayu. She said she is Kak Puteri, charges $65 per session.



Im seriously going crazy soon.. has stayed up whole night for a few days.. Clara isnt sleeping.. i cuddle her to sleep, and when i put her down.. she wakes up n cry again.. i repeatedly doing this action till morning.. more frustrating in my ILs.. been telling them not to carry her that often n play with her at night.. now whenever she was being put down, she start to cry..

How? Please tell me what to do.. T.T i really afraid that its a habit to her already..


Tcmy.. That's what I'm facing now too... Gonna give in to cradle soon... Guess day time I must wake him up so at night he will be tired! Now daytime he sleep cos I busy with my two gals..

Mreow Mreow

Momo, my gal abit Like ur Boy..
She sleeps at about 1030
Wakes @ 1+ for milk, slps straight away.
wakes @ 3 for milk & stays awake till 5/6am.

I think cuZ breastmilk digests fast so
I've to feed every 2-3h.

Quite difficult for me to Kp my eyes open during 3-6am.
So I decided that since that's her waking period, let her be. Let her lie on bed to kick & play.
While I surf net & watch video.

No point I try to put her to sleep when she's clearly awake...
TCMY, maybe u juz adapt to ur Baby's active hour for the first 3months first then after that u try tune the sleeping pattern?
That's what I'm doing now too.

Cuz Babies 1st 2months can't differentiate day & night so well yet...

Me on the other hand, don't mention anything to inlaws.
Wadever they say, I juz nod my head...
Orh Orh Orh Orh!

I nv tell them wad to do & wad not to do...
I cant make myself to do it!!
Maybe sometimes juz hint to my Hubby that I don't really like something that they do... :p

Mreow Mreow


Hmm, actually the first tym I called it wasn't Kak Ayu who answered as well.
Actually now I'm wondering if the line is like somesort of LAN line for a group of Masseuse.

How bout u try bargaining for cheaper offer?
Cuz initially my Hubby, who contacted them for me, was quoted $70!

Hmm, for me I had a Gd experience with Aunty Ayu.
My Colleague gave me this contact, her masseuse wasn't Ayu but she had a Gd experience too :)

U can still scout around babe, u still have tym!! :)


Mreow.. i did also orh orh orh to my ILs.. But hate it when ask my MIL things, she'll reply "i duno lah. Back then (her time) doesnt have such thing.. whatever u want up to u. I duno.. dun ask me"..if u were me.. wont u feel discouraged if everytime says something like this? Haiz.. this is driving me crazy..

Sze sze

Tcmy, ecila23, my girl is opposite!! She doesn't sleep during day time, so I already gave up to put her to sleep during day time; but I make it habit that
5.30pm - bathe / wipe body
6pm - drink EBM from bottle
6.15pm - put to bed and sleep, no cruddled but bfeed thru laying on bed if she still want to drink

so usually she will sleep from 6 or 7+ until 10-1am depending if she drinks alot and not sleep during day time; after midnight, she then wake up every 2-3 hr to drink...
so I got abit free time to stay with my husb during 7-11pm for dinner, watch tv or talk...

Sze sze

Mreow, tcmy, I also 'orh' to my mil; sometime things that I asked her, she also nt sure; now I dun tell her things that I did (but I think my husb did)....
One main reason is becos I did bfeed not formula; she only know if feed formula then how... I.e. she keeps asking me to give my girl to drink water;

Sze sze

Momo, I din drink any coffee or tea since preggy till now, I only drink milo;
i think no good as the caffeine will pass to bb thru bfeed...


New Member
Hi Mreow, I will take ur advice and scout around first. If I can't find other alternative, I will call and try to get Kak Ayu to do for me. :)


Sze sze,

For BF.. bb doesnt need to drink much water as BM itself is not as concentrated as FM. Can tap abit of water to bb's lips if it seems dry.. Coz FM is every 3hour feed, in between bb might get thirsty.. can feed abit of water. this is what my doctor advice. :)


Mummies, regarding BF.. by our bb's latching can up our supply right? If BM depleted means need wait till next pregnancy den have next supply loh?

Sze sze

Tcmy, no I din feed water at all... It was my mil idea that bb must feed with water; but I told her that bfeed bb dun need, she seems doesn't believe at the beginning until my sis in law told her the same...


Sze sze.. at least ur mil believe after ur sil told her about it.. my mil wont believe a single thing i tell her de.. she will give me the pissed off face even if my sil tell her also the same.. haiz.. kinda having sparker with them sometime.. feel so bad about it. :(