Edd dec 2012


Hi mommies.
Baby is already having one month old growth spurt
Been non stop DL baby -.- zombified n tired.
Stopped doing my massage coz no time.
I wonder how full time stay at home mother do this. I let my baby wear cloth napkin so need to wash it, bathe baby etc. luckily my mom cook for me. She purposely let me do all baby chores this 2 months after confinement to 'train' me to be a mother -.-||| I guess in olden days training is like that lol.
If BM depleted can ask gynae to give some pills to make you lactate again. Normal woman also can take the pill-- some woman who adopts but wanna breastfeed also take that pill.
There r some supplements that help increase BM such as fenugreek and fennel. Also there is milkmaid tea etc.

Mreow Mreow

Think my gal had growth spurt at about 3+ weeks.
Was feeding about every hour too. Hehe

Momo, my gal can play on her own.
When she's very sleepy & her eyes roll, put her down she can slp on her own.
Also when she haf the stone face after feeding, whole body still, put her down she can slp.

Yesterday we kept her awake till 12.
End up when she woke for night feeds, she fell back asleep after that!
Luckily I dun have to entertain her from her usual 3-6am!! :D

Tcmy, ur mil give u the pissed face?
Ur Hubby nv see ah...

SzeSze, I wanted to ask u wad position u Usu BFeed baby at home and outside?
Cuz u mention u dun use any pillow for support ya? :)


Clara is going for jab tml.. hope she'll be fine bah..

Momo.. my bb same as glenn.. fell fast asleep when in human arms, e.g. mine, mil's n sil's. Always when put down wakes n cry.. now trying to train her to sleep herself with nusery rythms..

Lovepixie, okay will ask doc tml :)

Mreow, he did see.. but what to do.. if he say, he'll be sardined between me n his parents.. den will have alot of problems.. i told my ILs that i'll consult doc for advice, they'll say "go loh ask UR doctor. U dun want listen to us is ur problem. Next time if anything happens, u own self settle. We wont care anymore." Worst still they will speak hokkien behind my back (on purpose-tot i dun understand).. keep on criticized me when my hubby not yet back from work..

Sorry mummies.. im like ranting my problems here.. i dun wanna fall back to depression, very hard to get back up.. i seriously need a listening ear.. i duno when i will break down.

Mreow Mreow

Relax relax.
Dont be bothered by what they say.
JuX one Ear in one ear out...

Hmm, but they way they talk to u Is so mean.
If I'm u I will feel very sian and upset too...
U should tell ur Hubby how u feel..
Hopefully Hubby will stand on ur side.

Dont fall into depression babe.
Pls take cre of ur emotions. Play with Baby more so u can tk ur mind off things.

Next tym they ask u anything, juz ask Hubby to reply them. Dont engage them so much in convo if it seems that everything they mention Is against u.

Don't fret, u can come here and vent anytime u want!
It's 24h and we'll all be ur listening ears...

Take care

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, at home I either carry her using two hand (placing her head on top of my forearm that near to elbow and leg rest on my lap or stomach, upright but a bit slant from top to bottom; or on bed, I sleep next to her left side if bfeed right boobs or vice versa...
Using hand super tire, but milk let-down easier and fast; lie on bed, milk let-down is slower...

There are milk left on bb tongue, how you clean the tongue of bb?

Sze sze

Tcmy, don't worry, we will always listen to you... we encounter different kind of problems and try share the experiences and offer helps to each other; I am so glad that there is such place for us to gather...

during my confinement, I already broke down into tears few times, which made my husb so worry and keep asking me what is happening; but very hard for me to convince him I was actually emotional weak and feel like crying...

Momo, tcmy, same as your bb, Kate sleeps in my arms esp morning till afternoon, super challenge that I still need to cook my lunch & dinner (as my mil has went back to her own house). Finally I understand why my gf (who gave birth last jul) got no time to cook, and all her lunch and dinner were packed back by the husb (taking his lunch time drive back just to pack lunch for her)


sorry to intrude anyone looking for a preloved (2nd hand) stroller let me know :) PM me or WA me 90238609


3 mths old plus selling at $130 (paid $199 at kiddy palace) self collect at b.batok...


Thanks mreow mreow n sze sze.. will stand firm n jiayou de :)

Sze sze, to clean bb's tongue.. use a damp cloth.. cover ur first finger n put into ur bb's mouth, slowly clean like the tongue n the gum area.. best is in the morning before u bath her..
P.S. DO NOT clean after feeding.. as u know discomfort Might lead to throw up (just like u are trying to dig ur throat)..

Mreow Mreow

SzeSze, I finally tried Bfeeding Lying down last night!
Baby pushed my nipple out when she's done Thn went to slp!

But after that I never Burp her. Do u Burp baby after they've fallen asleep?

For 2 days I experiment letting Her slp at 12-1am.
She can slp thru the night till 7am, waking for 2feeds

Momo, wads the procedure lk, giving to nanny?
U go to nanny's house & leave baby there or Nanny comes over to ur place?
My dear, don't b too hard on urself...
If u need help, do get it..
Don't do everything alone and u end up stressing urself..
I'm sure it's very tough for u cuz u are alone.

But be positive!
Don't have negative thoughts!!
Don't live in fear gal, juZ think about how Gd u are at being able to tk care of baby alone!
No one is born to be a mum.
We all learn along the way....
Slowly n steady, u will manage.

Chat up wif ur GFs to relax a lil? :)

My Hubby n I have not been cleaning our gal's tongue often.
So there's alot of milk stain on her tongue. Quite alot!
How do u reach the stains that are deep inside?!
Put wholeeee finger in ah.
Sometimes baby tend to close mouth when our finger is in right? So juz force finger in slowly? Haha...


Haha Mreow Mreow
Use smallest finger. Bluff her by saying nen nen then put finger in to wash the tongue .

Momopeachgirl I'm also going start work after CNY. But at last I gave my mom take care after cant find suitable nanny who didn't impose FM n pacifier. I think should leave with nanny 1 -2 week before start work to get baby accustomed to new nanny but since CNY timing bo ngam maybe U should try earlier test water first?

I also having miscommunication n language barrier with my mil cos my mandarin sucks and mil different dialects from me. So in confinement I cried too cos stress. Poor hubby become translator n stress cos don't understand our emotional caused by hormonal change. Haiz men can sometimes be daft towards woman's needs.


OMG! It was so painful!! :( had my pap smear test this morning n it was so painful when d nurse inserted d speculum! Wanted to cry but have to tahan. Haizzz further more during pregnant nvr had d experience of any nurse or doctor inserting their finger/hand in me. So juz now was a first n it's terrible. :((( lucky no bleeding.

tcmy: dun worry. U can rant all u want in here like Mreow said. It is difficult when there's no one to help u to look after baby. I have difficulties at nite especially now baby still wakes up 2/3 hourly for feeding.
My hubby sleeps in d living room as our room is too small for him to sleep on d floor n both him n my mom sleep very soundly. Hahaha wun wake up unless u wake them up physically. Not even baby loud crying can wake them up.
Had a few nites when baby woke up crying at nite n didn't wanna sleep back. I had to entertain her until early morning. Didn't wanna disturb my hubby as he has to wake up early for work n my mom been bz at hm doing d cooking, cleaning n washing of clothes so let her rest at nite. Sometimes juz have to find d strength n will to be strong for baby's sake. I had broke down a couple of times too but thank god after dat hubby seems to understand better dat it takes more to be a father n also a hubby to a wife who had juz given birth. It's not n nvr will be easy.
Be positive k n do try to take a break even like go down to d shops alone or something. Even like 15 mins mite be able to help u clear ur mind n relax urself. :)

Sze sze

Tcmy, I tried to clean during bath, but cannot the inner of the tongue cannot clean much, because she open very small for my finger to go in, and keep her mouth close after realised my finger was in... So after first trial, when I try 2nd attempt to put my finger in, she totally dun open mouth, closed tightly!!!

Loviepixie, when she hungry, worse, take my finger as nipple and start sucking happily... :)

Mreow mreow, I got no choice but latch on bed to let my Kate sleep, I din burp her, unless I see her uncomfortable then I burp her...
because once I burp her, she sure open eye big big..

Liza, it is painful? I going to do the pap smears test this sat...


Sze sze, yeah d first try d nurse did was quite painful cuz she had to insert d speculum inside until almost reach end of cervix. After so pain she said cannot see n she had to call another nurse who is more senior than her to do it. so i waited in d room for abt 5 mins. when d other nurse did it its still a bit painful but bearable. luckily this time they managed to get whatever they need to get. after its done i dressed up again n went off. overall it is very painful d first time d speculum was inserted into my vagina. :( give birth csect also didnt have dat kinda pain. lucky my pain threshold is very high. dunno if its juz for me to be painful or same for others.


Momo, nusery rythms do help a little.. but if it stop playing she wakes.. lol. I kinda let her familiar the feeling of wrapping her up like in hospital during night so she knows its time to nen nen n orh orh le.. now shes slightly better..

Sze sze, yup use ur smallest finger.. tell ur bb ~ ah.. open mouth mouth~ clean clean nice nice pretty oh~ .. thats what i say la.. sounds stupid but i might help. Slowly clean the inner part.. never clean all at once hor.. slowly bit by bit.. or after every meals, give her i little bit of water also can :)

Liza, u feeling better.. i just went polyclinic today.. nurse say i need go back for that pap smear thingy on March.. what is it actually? Sounds scary..


Liza, we really share the same problems.. at least ur mom were there to cook for u.. my family is currently overseas, Hubby n ILs are all working.. basically need do everything by myself till evening.. at night my mil/sil will take over for me to have dinner.. at night, clara sleeps between me n my hubby.. cant really depend much on my hubby.. he's working long hours, just dun want stress him further.. n once his asleep, very hard to wake him unless Clara scream in her cry (which i dun want that to happen-ltr wake mil = die).. can relax myself by reading forum here :) no time to go shopping leh.. Mmm.. what else can i do neh?

Sze sze

Momo, tcmy, can understand you, I also alone at home facing my Kate; every morning I feel sad when my husb goes out for work and looking forward evening time when my husb comes back!!

momo, for lunch n dinner, initially I thinking to steam everything, but I realised sometime i only have one hand or no time at all.. I change strategy:- every night I will prepare the ingredient; next morning, i use double boiler to boil soup, stew chicken etc... Boil water to cook vege... So everyday I just use double boiler to cook, I no need to watch it closely, just set the time ; and will have same dish for lunch and dinner; because I made Kate sleep ard 6+ in the evening, I can have free time to make 1 more dish if needed!


Sze sze, true.. kinda hope hubby can come home early after work.. but no idea why i kinda feel happy when everyone is out, though must handle everything by myself..the most sian part is when my ILs are back from work -_-

Mummies, what else u all do at home other than chores?

Sze sze

Mummies, have you all started to bring your little on to go out for shopping?
Chinese New Year is reaching, any plan to deco house and buy new clothes?

I brought Kate out once, she cries for milk, when feed her in nursing room, she drinks super slow like enjoying buffet!!
Plan to bring her out this sat, going to be a challenge for me!!

Sze sze

Tcmy, I don't do any chores, except washing clothes & cooking during weekdays, my husb take over mopping, washing toilet, cleaning job... And some cooking during weekends... Which he has been doing that since I preggy...


Oh dear, another sleepless night.. Clara been a good girl in the morning, play n sleep on her own.. but tilp at night, her eyes went so bright after i burp her.. omg!

Sze sze, i brought Clara out once before too.. she cried for milk while i just ordered my dinner.. no choice but to feed her in the restaurant.. same like Kate, enjoying her milk buffet.. Haha, i have to wait my hubby finish his dinner to take over..

Mummies, how long usually ur bb takes to finish her feeding ?