Edd dec 2012

Oh my! Just a few days and the post has moved so fast.. Cannot digest.. Haha.

My latest edd is 12 dec 2012.. Hopefully it will come out that day. Cos my wedding anniversary is 101010! Lol.. I thought I bought many things until chit chat with colleague Realised quite alot have not buy.. Like laundry detergent to wash baby clothes.. Nappy liners.. Confinement those big pots etc my colleague also advise to prepare in advance.. I just reached 29 weeks.. Officially third trimester.. Everyday feeling sleepy.. But left two more months cos I intend to start my leave from 1 dec.. So must jia you and endure! Must start to prepare bit by bit..

Oh about mrt seats, so far I'm ok.. Mostly people will give me their seat maybe cos im petite and tummy quite obvious.. except early morning many people just close their eyes cannot see me..

Jia you!!!!


MamaDT...thanks...I'm doing ok...don't feel any headaches or pain...baby also doing fine...blood tests all ok hahaha weird la! Juz only take bp n it's ard d acceptable range! Hope tmrw can go hm already.

Mreow Mreow

Lizasaifi, pls pls do take care!!
I'm glad to hear that Now ur BP has dropped to the normal range...
I pray that u & baby will be Juz fine!!
Hopefully Tmr u can go home....
Take more MC & don't go to work!!!!!

Mreow Mreow

Cherry blossom,
Me too very relax & I've not bought alot of things.

Personally I find that bigger items are easier to buy!!
The small small things Like u mentioned, I think it's a little troublesome to buy. Haha!!
I'm Veryyy sure that when I'm gg to shop for those small things, I will definitely forget some stuff along the wayy!!

Hehe, so I clear the big items like Pump, sterilizer & stroller first! :D

Ling.Er, so long have not seen u in forum!
How have u been? :)
Yes yes, I rmb u mentioned last time that u were keen in 12/12/12.
And I also said it was a super nice number.
For whole of 1st tri, My hubby try to psycho me to Csec on that day cuz he doesn't want me to go thru Natural labour.
But I brushed him off!! Haha....
Am so glad that u managed to get the slot u wanted!! :)

Momopeachgal, the 3D scan that im going to do at KKH costs about $300+.
They will give scan pics as well as a CD-Rom :)
Can't wait.
About 1more week to go! :)


Morning mummies! How are u all tdy? As for me I'm doing ok. Baby is fine too.

karenoon: I guess have to work d 2nd shift contributed to it also. Didn't have enough sleep and slept late. Can't help it though.

Mreow Mreow: yeah bp is back to acceptable range but doc juz told me they still need to monitor further. Dun think can go hm yet tdy. Haizzz baby is all fine too! Juz heard her heartbeat. 150bpm! Hahaha will surely take more hospitalisation mc when discharged. Work so long nvr make use so now is d time. Hehehe


Morning Lizasaifi! Glad baby and mummy is fine and u r better :)
Yah make full use of the hospitalization leave heehee..
Wah your baby's heart beat is 150 very healthy! Good good! Heehee
Rest more yah :) try to relax as much as u can :)


Aiyoh Mummies! My Hubby is in overseas and my nose just bled......... :( anyone gana nose bleeding before? This is my first time nose bleed....... Sianz


Hi MamaDT!

Yeah we're fine n doing ok. Baby's heartbeat still at 150bpm. Very healthy n strong. Hehehe yeah will surely ask for rest time at hm. No need to take part in stock take. Haha but pity my colleagues also cuz not enough staff. Wat to do rite? Not dat I wanna be here in hospital. It's kinda boring here cuz no one to accompany me. Hubby working n can only come after work n my mom dunno how to come here on her own. So have to bear wif it until can go hm hopefully tmrw! Oh u r having nosebleed? Didn't happen to me at all. Not even bleeding gums. Juz make sure u elevate ur head well. Take good care too ya Mama!


Hi mummies! Bad news. :( I'm admitted cuz of high bp. Hope have to stay here for one nite only.

OMG... Take care yourself... Mine is Low Bp.

Congrats Ling.er on getting such a hot date for c sect! So your EDD will be same as Sze Sze :)
Thank MamaDT, My in law was asking y must be dec 12 lolx. ask me to change to 6 if possible.
As my son is born on 12/06 So wan my girl to be 06/12 ^^
But i was thinking now..


Hi ling.er

U are opposite of me then. Didn't expect my bp to be high too yesterday. Wasn't feeling anything unusual or pain or anything. Doc had to admit me cuz my bp didn't go down much after eating meds.
U noe wat? My EDD is 6/12 n I'm having a girl too! Hee hee but I dunno if baby will come earlier or ltr n I also dunno if I can give birth naturally or have to c-sect.


Hi Mummies,

I also dont know why my nose bleed :( but it has stopped.

Lizasaifi, I can understand how lonely it is in ward alone... But u can rest more like that :)

Ling.er, 6/12 or 12/12 is ideal for u leh.. Hahah think up to u and u can go n compare to see which one is a good date for delivery if u can't decide haha :)

Cherry Blossom, ur current EDD moved? How did u gauge ur EDD? Wow but moved quite nicely hor 12/12... Then we have three ladies giving birth that day currently. :)


MamaDT: yeah dats right...hubby juz left cuz tmrw he has a test to go thru...so now I'm all alone again till tmrw when my mom n bro comes...will juz gonna turn on music on my iPhone n try to sleep :) drinking lots of water is gd u noe. Drains out all d toxins in d body.

Mreow Mreow

Water is reallly good.
If only I can crave for water instead of Barley, Chrysanthemum & GreenTea BubbleTea..
Wahahaha :p

Momopeachgal, I am canceling my 3D scan in KKH. Am going to do it at NUH cuz I just found out that they charge $190!!
Hey gal! if u are really keen on the Spirulina I can 'Sun Bian' help u buy 1 then meet u and pass to u :) Lemme know if u interested!
Anyway, i dont have any maternity clothes leh! Still Using my Original Clothes...
Maternity clothes are pretttty EX Hor.. Cant believe the prices for certain pieces.. haha!!
Saw some Nursing tops for sale at SPRING yesterday, and I was surprised to see that the tops have hidden holes that is meant to put our boob out to BF... HAHA..
Really never see before...

My next gynae apptmt will be on 1st Oct.
Cant wait man...
Wanna know how the Little one is doing and what is her weight & position... haha! :)

Lizasaifi, u are warded at which hospital?
Hope the nurses and Medical Personel are treating u well :)


Hey Mreow Mreow! U doing 3D scan at NUH? Hehe I'm warded there. Yes d nurses n d docs are wonderful. They treated me well n very friendly n helpful too. Their service is excellent! I dun regret coming here for my antenatal check ups. :)
I nvr buy any maternity clothes too except for one maternity pants. I still wear normal clothes but only bigger size. Some of my existing clothes are also still wearable. Haha n yes maternity clothes can be very very EX!! There's a shop at vivo which sells imported maternity clothes n they cost a bomb!! Lolz went in to d shop n when I saw d prices I walked out. Hahaha dun dare to see further.
I hope to be discharged tmrw. Very sian la in d hosp. Nothing much to do. Only have my iPhone for company after hubby go off. :( now can't sleep cuz juz now slept a few hrs

Mreow Mreow

Yes Lizasaifi,
my 3D/4D scan will be at NUH.
Cuz it's Much cheaper than if Done at KKH!! :)
Hmm, buy some magazines to occupy urself? :)

Have u done ur Maternity ward Tour @ NUH?
I think at KKH we do the tour quite late into the Pregnancy...

Is any mummies here worried about BreastFeeding?
Haha, I'm a little worried.
Mainly Worried about bleeding & superrr sore Nipples!


Mreow Mreow: I lazy to go out from d ward...cuz if I wanna go out they will have to push me on a wheelchair hahaha so paiseh
as for maternity tour I haven't done it yet...thought of asking abt it on my check up on Wednesday but then had to be admitted so perhaps d next appt then :)

Yeah I'm worried abt breastfeeding too...worried whether will have enough milk n if baby will want to drink or no...cuz I have friends who have milk but their babies didn't want to drink long enough until they had to express d milk to prevent from blocking their milk ducts...will be very painful if milk ducts blocked n cause mastitis...dat will be very very painful! I hope to breastfeed my princess for at least 6 mths n I hope I'll have enough milk. :)