Edd dec 2012


Hehe! Ya perhaps next year!!
I'm sure I would have loved the food.
I'm a big time foodie. Haha! :)

Good rest to u, I'm sure u had a long dayy at work!!
Must be tough during ur 3rd trimester...
Hopefully your customers at the bookshop don't give u too much trouble..

Take ur time with the Number!!
The rest of the mummies here still have long wayy to go. Haha! :D

Good rest & sweet dreams to all other mummies too!

I wont be sleeping any time soon cuz I'm nocturnal nowadays... Haha :p
Good morning Mreow Mreow n d rest of d mummies here! Happy Tuesday to all! Looks like its gonna be a gloomy day. Can't see d sun.

To Mreow Mreow n momopeachgal congrats on reaching ur 28th week mile! :D I'm turning into my 30th week on Thursday. How time flies! Lolz

Wahhh Mreow Mreow u sure is a nocturnal person. So late sleep n wake up so early?? Got enough rest? Rite now I wish I can sleep some more but no choice must wake up n do some house chores to help mom. Ltr still need to go work. Haizzz

Well yesterday at work was a blast cuz we had good sales. Thankfully d customers nvr give any problems. They juz buy n buy n buy! Hahahaha n d only problem I had was swollen feet when I got hm. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah I'm one of d earliest EDD mummies. Hehehe not dat long to go now.


New Member
Hi Mummies to be, my boy's expecting to due on Christmas Eve and i'm really hoping that he'll wait till then. I'm seeing Prof Biswas in NUH and think that he's really great. (Personally recommended as i'm a staff there)

My first trimester was alright, apart from lethargic and spotting till week 12. Currently, i'm starting to feel breathless and heartburn though. Not forgetting backaches and hip pain, but i still prefer to sleep on my back or alternatively on the right lateral position. Even though, it's much better to sleep on the left side but i don't feel so comfortable.

I'll be working till my delivery day and even instructed my colleagues to help me call delivery suite when the day comes and slowly stroll me down after that. :001_302:

I saw in the thread about belly buttons to differentiate gender, but mine is still in despite of carrying a boy.

May I find out how many of the mummies here have already prepared for baby items? I guess i'm more or less done with it as daddy had gone baby shopping in august already. But i'm still waiting for the baby fair in october to see what have we left out still.
May I find out how often are you taking bird's nest?
For the strollers, which brand do you recommend?
Will you be using nappies or diapers for the baby?
Are you going to bank baby's cord blood or are you going to donate it away?


Hi Mummies!!!

Yes I am so glad this thread is moving so greatly everyday! hahah Keep it up! If you have noticed, i think we are the most relaxed mummies as compared to other EDD months' thread in this forum.. hahhaa even 2013 EDD mummies are posting more than us.. hahah :p

Happy 3rd trimester mummies!!!! Hope all indigestion, heartburn and backaches doesn't haunt all of us!!

Yah I will try to recall as much as possible what I have read and reply yah.. haha

Lizasaifi: Take your time on the contact.. aiyoh, can understand the heartburn feeling and indigestion thingy.. can try taking gaviscon to help soothe a few hours. :) Ask your hubby to help u massage your feet ^^

Karenoon: i like to sleep in big big space haha the boomerang is quite soft coz it is stuffed with beans.. but hor, maybe coz i am not use to sleeping with a bolster.. lol so now i see my hubby only takes like one small corner of the bed and i am taking alot and still finds it squeezy despite that it is king sized and i am very small built.. lol :p
With regards to your right pain, I've only experienced bearable pain.. i think u shd go check with your gynae and ask him to help u scan see if everything is fine yah.. :)

After birth, i will be going back to work after the 4 months maternity leave, then see if i wanna quit (?), serve one mth notice period and be FTM for at least a year.. lol depends on whether my mummy can cope looking after baby for me coz she's quite old already.. :)

Hey, but i like your maid and install camera idea.. haha maybe i can adopt that idea too then i don't have to quit. haha

Mreow Mreow: there's another myth.. hahah i think it's gonna be untrue too - expecting boy, tummy is sharp one and expecting girl, tummy is very round one... hahahhaa how?
my belly button pop half only.. hahha :302:like a smile so the bottom skin is still in, the upper skin is popped.
y ur doc says cannot eat chilli? what's the effect? hahaha i seldom eat chilli but with this pregnancy, i super love to eat spicy stuff and drink cold drinks leh... any effect?

New Mum To Be : Welcome to this forum! Nice EDD! hahhaa Christmas baby.. :) I have not prepared much for baby items coz i feel that it was still too early before that to buy and store them in the house.. but my baby shopping is going to start at the baby market in oct. :) Will be asking some questions to Cordlife then to understand and make a decision on whether to bank or donate. Each has its own advantage :)
For the strollers, I will be waiting for baby to come out first then purchase one. haha
I take bird's nest every alternate days.. but i feel that I wanan slow down the intake to 2 days a week from now on, as i am again unsure if it will cause phlegms to baby as what some of the mummies in this forum mentioned (think thread titled "chinese herbs and birds nest").
I will most probably be using diapers coz it is more convenient although it is expensive at newborn especially when baby poos and urine many times in a day.. heehee :)

Mreow Mreow

Haha... Lizasaifi, actually I slept at 7am!
Cuz had to pick hubby from Airport.. Hehe
I Just got up at 130pm. Haha! :)
Very bad sleeping pattern.

Hi mum to be!
I have alot of shopping left to do!
So far have only got Stroller, pump, sterilizer & 5pc baby clothes.
Scarrry ya?
I'm super relax... Haha :)
Will be going to Expo to jalan japan too!! :)

If u have time, can scroll back few pages of this Thread to read what other mummies have bought or recommended!! :D

Welcome too! :)


Hello Mummies!

Momopeachgal: my mummy intends to buy more bird nest at fortune centre there... One of the medical hall think it's called "long biao" or "ma biao" heehee very popular one... Heard of Fu Hua... :)

Think will b buying the confinement herb bath and shampoo from Fu Hua... Cost is ard $2-3 per sachet...

Karenoon: I have not decided on the cord blood thing. I wanted to donate but heard tt shd there be a need to find cord blood, there are many charges and it's very expensive. There's a thread on this. So I have many questions to ask those cord blood banks' consultants haha cordlife will be at the baby market too so I will ask them many many questions

Mreow Mreow: u are powerful lah! Rest as much as u can yah..... Coz ur baby will make u bz day n night when deliver haha ^^


Heehee I don't know what it contains leh.... I am very happy that there is such thing at least we can bathe during confinement haha


New Member
Ya! Jan 2013 mommies thread alrdy have 1.3k posting! Haha! We r really quite relax.

My menses wasn't regular to begin with... But I was expecting them usually at the end of the month... So that period I have the usual sore breast/nipple, bloated stomach, lost of appetite. And I tot they r all my PMS .
When the 2 weeks came n pass and menses not here I tot maybe I am skipping month so I don't really care because that period was very busy with work and traveling also.

I am a very lazy person, but one day i got a very strong craving for bubble tea. So strong it made me went all the out to get it (unbelievable for me). But the moment I drank it I felt nausea. So... I think about and tot perhaps I am pregnant... Haha!
I peed on the stick, don need to wait "+" sign came up!


Hi mummies! I'm on my break now at work so taking d time to read d messages n reply.

Momopeachgal: I'm on afternoon shift past 3 days n tmrw will be my off day since I'm going for my checkup...I work shifts n d shift is actually just 8 hr shifts...it's been bz past 2 weeks as stock take is coming on this Friday n there's lots more to do...I started work at 3pm till 12am for afternoon shift :) abt d seats on mrt u r rite...some ppl can juz straight away fall asleep even though they juz bought d train! Lolz amazing rite? I shall do a test tmrw since I'm going check up n will be taking d circle line from bishan to Kent Ridge heheheheh ok will try to pm everyone tmrw regarding d massage lady's contact no :)

Mreow Mreow: Hahahaha u really power la like MamaDT said...I can't stay awake past 2am...like last nite after I replied in here straight away zonked out Lolz oh remember I'm supposed to be avoiding spicy food to prevent indigestion n heartburn? I can't! Cuz I brought food from hm for dinner at work tdy n mom cooked something spicy n it's too delicious to resist! Hahahahah

MamaDT: oh we can take gaviscon while pregnant? Didn't noe dat...mite try it then :) yeah last nite I asked my hubby to massage my legs...feeling better tdy

karenoon: hi there...I'm like u too...took for granted when my menses didn't come at all in march n nvr checked hahaha cuz my menses also sometimes not regular so I thought I wld skip menses for march...but then my cousin noticed a difference in me which I cant see on myself n asked me to check...she said I seemed to have put on a bit of weight n kinda glowing...Lolz so I peed on d stick at hm n there was d line even though it's kinda faint...mms d pic of d stick to her n she congratulated me! Hahaha actually it was d most perfect birthday gift for me as my birthday was in march n I had juz celebrated it d weekend before I checked...by then I was already 6 weeks pregnant :D


New Member
Must have been at very very pleasant surprise for you! Haha!

I didn't know we can take Gaviscon too! I do have gastric pills from my Gynae, those that aid gas n digestion. But I am trying my best to not take any Meds. So....

Spicy food FTW! Haha... Couldn't resist them also!


Yup my gynae gave me gaviscon advanced during my constant puking time. That's all she gave me hahahhaa read on the indication slip, it says suitable for pregnant women so I take lor... :) it last me a few hours before I felt like puking again so I took that before I go and sleep so at least I can sleep longer :)

Mreow Mreow

Hehe... My periods were veryyy regular... They always came the time they were supposed to..
I used a period tracker Iphone App & it was very accurate...
Hehe, so hubby & I never ever used contraceptives like condoms everr!! :)
Juz u know u know, don't put it inside when I'm on my unsafe days?!
Wahaha!! Sorry if it's TMI for some mummies... :p

I was wearing blouse and shorts At the MRT that dayy!! :)
And yes, I'm quite active... Don't really feel lethargic or what...
Haha, I love cooking actually so i don't find it tiring or wad.. Mopping & vacuuming I do on alternate days, it keeps me energetic with the adrenaline rush!! :)
The supplement Spirulina really aids in alot of things for me.
Less lethargy, less bloatedness, reduce constipation, improve skin tone, improve blood flow.
Quite lucky for me as I don't get breakouts, no stretch marks yet, and no obvious veins due to the improvement of blood circulation!!
Omg, let's hope it stays this wayy!! :)

It's very affordable, I paid $39 for 300tablets. Have to take 10mini tablets a day so it lasts for a month :)
My supply finishing, needa stock up & buy for my other Crew GFs who are also preggy!
My hubby bought it for me from his Bestie.
Anyway u don't needa check, I got the Info here!! Juz copied for my GFs too :D


Haha, I think many other threads are more in volume than ours.
But most of our replies here are SO much longer than others!!! :D

Thanks mummies for all the medical hall recommendations to buy Bird nest!! :)

MamaDT, gynae mentioned that spicy food may cause tummy cramps, discomfort, heartburn and indigestion for some preggy mums.
So he said to avoid if I fall into that category.
But I told him my tummy is Made of Iron & I hardly even get diarrhea so he gave me green light to continue!! :)
Actually most mummies got discomfort so if u do feel unwell after taking spice food, juz reduce? :D

Hmm, i don't think I'm gonna sign up for cord blood banking....

Mummies, for newborn,
I am gg to buy disposable liners to line Inside my Disposable Diapers!! :)
They poo n pee countless times a day.
Would be a Waste to Kp changing new diapers!
If poop/pee is very little, we can juz throw the liner, put a new liner so baby can reuse diaper!! :D
Normally we need 7-10 diapers aday?
With the liner we might only need half that amount!! :D
Use our discretion!!
How's the idea? :D


Hehe... My periods were veryyy regular... They always came the time they were supposed to..
I used a period tracker Iphone App & it was very accurate...
Hehe, so hubby & I never ever used contraceptives like condoms everr!! :)
Juz u know u know, don't put it inside when I'm on my unsafe days?!
Wahaha!! Sorry if it's TMI for some mummies... :p

I was wearing blouse and shorts At the MRT that dayy!! :)
And yes, I'm quite active... Don't really feel lethargic or what...
Haha, I love cooking actually so i don't find it tiring or wad.. Mopping & vacuuming I do on alternate days, it keeps me energetic with the adrenaline rush!! :)
The supplement Spirulina really aids in alot of things for me.
Less lethargy, less bloatedness, reduce constipation, improve skin tone, improve blood flow.
Quite lucky for me as I don't get breakouts, no stretch marks yet, and no obvious veins due to the improvement of blood circulation!!
Omg, let's hope it stays this wayy!! :)

It's very affordable, I paid $39 for 300tablets. Have to take 10mini tablets a day so it lasts for a month :)
My supply finishing, needa stock up & buy for my other Crew GFs who are also preggy!
My hubby bought it for me from his Bestie.
Anyway u don't needa check, I got the Info here!! Juz copied for my GFs too :D


Haha, I think many other threads are more in volume than ours.
But most of our replies here are SO much longer than others!!! :D

Thanks mummies for all the medical hall recommendations to buy Bird nest!! :)

MamaDT, gynae mentioned that spicy food may cause tummy cramps, discomfort, heartburn and indigestion for some preggy mums.
So he said to avoid if I fall into that category.
But I told him my tummy is Made of Iron & I hardly even get diarrhea so he gave me green light to continue!! :)
Actually most mummies got discomfort so if u do feel unwell after taking spice food, juz reduce? :D

Hmm, i don't think I'm gonna sign up for cord blood banking....

Mummies, for newborn,
I am gg to buy disposable liners to line Inside my Disposable Diapers!! :)
They poo n pee countless times a day.
Would be a Waste to Kp changing new diapers!
If poop/pee is very little, we can juz throw the liner, put a new liner so baby can reuse diaper!! :D
Normally we need 7-10 diapers aday?
With the liner we might only need half that amount!! :D
Use our discretion!!
How's the idea? :D
Hi Mreow Mreow

The idea of lining disposable diaper wif liners is a gd idea! But must use those diapers dat can be resealable rite? I think its doable though. :D

Oh u r taking the Elken spirulina? My auntie was mentioning abt it too to me some time ago. But I didn't take it up. I'm using bio oil to prevent stretch marks n I think it works cuz i do not have any at all! ;) it reduces the itchiness too as my skin is stretched as my uterus expands.

I won't be signing up for cord blood banking too cuz I think it will cost a sum of money to keep the cord blood. I might just donate it.

U are lucky that ur periods come very regularly. That means ur hormones are very stable. Good for u! :)

Well I'm gonna turn in now. Home from work n drank a mug of warm milk n feeling soooo tired n sleepy! Talk to u mummies again tmrw! Gd nite all! ;)

Mreow Mreow

Im also using Bio oil!! :)
It's a favorite amongst crew u know? :)
It's SOOO much cheaper overseas too gal...
Actually I only use it like twice a week. Cuz I'm juz not into the habit of applying cream/moisturizer...
Too lazy...
And my house is warm, after applying, it will sort of melt and be s little sticky!!
I dont like!!! Haha

When are your off days?
U seem to be able to turn In only at such late hours all the time!
Can imagine how tiring it mux be for u.... :(

Wow, warm milk!!
U know, I never drink warm drinks...
Everything I take is cold!!!
I didn't listen to elders' advice!! :p


Im also using Bio oil!! :)
It's a favorite amongst crew u know? :)
It's SOOO much cheaper overseas too gal...
Actually I only use it like twice a week. Cuz I'm juz not into the habit of applying cream/moisturizer...
Too lazy...
And my house is warm, after applying, it will sort of melt and be s little sticky!!
I dont like!!! Haha

When are your off days?
U seem to be able to turn In only at such late hours all the time!
Can imagine how tiring it mux be for u.... :(

Wow, warm milk!!
U know, I never drink warm drinks...
Everything I take is cold!!!
I didn't listen to elders' advice!! :p
Hey Mreow Mreow! Cool!! Bio oil is a wonder oil! Hahaha it somehow kinda makes d skin on my tummy so smooth n moist. I put it on every morning after bath n at nite before sleeping. I always bought mine at Watsons n 1 bottle can last for abt a mth n half as I use sparringly. Hehehe air crews are lucky. Can buy things overseas cheaper. Haha

Well I have 2 days off a week in between 3 or 4 days of work. I work 2 shifts u see n this week I'm on afternoon shift all week cuz of d stocktake. It gets more tiring now since I get into 3rd trim. :(

Hahahaha I also juz start drinking warm milk when I got preggy. N d weird thing is dat before preggy I dun like hot milo. Can only drink cold milo. But since got preggy I must drink hot milo at least once a day!! Lolz

Sze sze


As for the traveling via MRT, I was lucky, usually have aunties / uncles to give up their seats for me, maybe they experienced or their wives were like us before... but usually i will to go to first few doors to board the train, I found it less crowded especially in the morning, and try to avoid those doors that connected to 2 cabins because the seats are lesser....

Mreow Mreow,
my sis also suggested me to get disposable liners with disposable diapers, but for starting, i will use nappies & liners, in case peep still can wash n reuse. If go out, will use disposable liners with diapers.

As for the confinement, my mum in law will be helping my confinement plus cooking, but still considering if going to hire maid to take care of bb while my mum in law supervise, not too comfortable with just leave the bb with maid even though with camera installed bcos bb too small and cannot talk.

The medical hall 's birdnest really cheaper alot... btw, where is the shop? my birdnest stock running out soon...
Going to buy somemore for my last 11 weeks... hee... anyone can advise me where the shop is?
I used to buy from Zeng Zhong Ping for the bird nest together with (Ginseng) "ren sheng", but keep the "ren sheng" for my confinement.

Btw, my GF sent me a long list for the chinese medicine to be used during confinement, if you need, let me know, i pm u the list; but, so sorry, the list is in chinese :)

I got the strolley (Capella castle) bcos it fulfill all the requirement that i want, my other GF using Peg Perego for her little girl...
personally I found Graco also not bad... it is up to you depends on your budget and requirement.

I think I too slack and relax, except strolley which I already bought, baby cot / bouncer / clothes from my sis & relative & frens, i have not bought any other things like breast pump, storage bottles, feeding bottles, accessories...
Going to shop within next two weeks... because I suddenly "realised" I left 11 weeks to go (and this is provided my little girl agree to come "on time") hee... Previously I keep counting now is week XX, then yesterday I decided to count from the EDD and realise the it is actually very close already...