Edd dec 2012

Sze sze

Hi, I am Sze Sze, just join the group, my edd is 12 dec.

Was wondering if the post natal massage is good n necessary ? My sis in law pass me her contact, she used the Malay massage after her 1-3rd child, according to her, it is very good, but u got to bear with the pain bcos the lady really wrap very tight. But I still a bit hesitate if want to get engage...

For the sleeping position, I always sleep 'flat', but my Gynae told me right now I can sleep any position as long as I feel comfortable, but later on he will ask me to sleep to left side, good for bb.

Just wondering anyone done their shopping list for bb? There is bb fair coming on 5-7 oct at expo....


lizasaifi: Hi!! it is very impt that people around us are supportive and caring towards us when we r pregnant. Glad that u have it!! and ya, i heard cannot buy too many clothes. baby grows very fast de, soon the clothes cannot wear ler.. so nice of ur cousin to provide u advice and give u clothes! =) so when will u start to take leave ah? ya tok to ur princess more!!! =)=) Btw would you mind if you can PM me the massage lady ur cousin recommends u?
Hi! Hahaha yeah I'm lucky I guess. :) will only start taking leave maybe 3rd week of November. Will clear my annual leave first before taking my maternity. Hehehe I still have abt 9 days of annual leave left so gonna make full use of it first. I've started to talk to princess already. Hahaa she's getting more active now no matter day or nite!
Oh no problem! I can pm u d massage lady's contact no but have to wait till
I'm hm. I'm at work now n d number is at hm. Haha

Mreow Mreow

Hi Mummies!!
I'm so happy that our Forum is Buzzing with activities and replies!! :D
Feel that its veryyy good that we are all sharing our experiences, joys and ailments here! :)

Who else best can we chat with regarding Pregnancy than with preggies that are around the same time pregnant as us??
YAY! edd DEC mummies Rox! Wahaha :)
(a LiL hyper due to BubbleTea Consumption in secret :p )

Sze Sze! Welcome to the Group!!
Hope u will Stay long here too! :D
U are just like me, sleeping flat at night!
My edd is 6days after u..
Same as Momopeachgal i think..
(Memory ULTRA bad these days)

Post Natal Massage is not a Necessity but its a Privilege if you can spare the time and money.
Yep, like what momopeachgal mention, there seems to be alot of Benefits.

Honestly I don't know if its really beneficial..
Im the kind of person that have to personally try it before I believe in the Product. Hearsay is just Hearsay Afterall...
And i guess the results vary with individuals too right?
Hehe, But before i quit my Job, ive already set aside some cash for it , so I will go for it!!
It'd probaby function as a 'ME' time too after Baby is born too!! :D
'Me' time is impt!!
If not we might fall into PostNatal Depression!! :(

I remember you mentioning about your Morning sickness and your weight loss...
Waa, i remember those horrible Nauseating feelings. Had them till my 6month.
Yes yes, really hope the problems of HeartBurn, indigestion, breathlessness don't haunt u in 3rd trimester!
Or rather, dont haunt all of us!!
Hmm, ur Massage is quite ex right?
More than a $100 for each session... those that I know of usually charge less than a $100 per session.
Is yours the shop type?
Hmm, if u cant click with the Masseuse on phone then best not to engage them la...
Later you wont feel comfortable with her.... Right? :(

Hmm, Its standard that if we are Preggy, have to resign on the spot.
now SQ crew arent offered Unpaid Leave anymore.. That was in the past where there were Surplus of crew..
So we could do anything we wanted during our leave..
Like your Cuzzie, she was very lucky, technically she didn't have to quit.
It was at the right time...
She just went on Unpaid Leave and so she took the opportunity to give birth!
Now we are kinda short of crew so company not offering that option..

Yes wasted. But Haha, I can always go back flying again after giving birth! :)

Anyway, im glad that u are already on Unpaid leave!!
Just Chill and enjoy You should take the chance to rest at home as you have quite afew discomforts..

By the way, today is your 1st day of 3rd trimester ya?
Arent u 28 weeks today alreadyyy!! :D :D

, since our EDD the same, are you keen on the 3D scan?
Quite Ex actuallllly.... :(
So far i think only Mummies MAMADT & KARENOON did the 3D/4D scan..
I just asked my gynae to arrange it for me. Gonna do it in KK cuz so far Ive checked its the lowest price being offered around.
Super excited.. haha...
And the Birdnest your mum bought for you is really cheap!
6pieces for $80+!! :)
Super Good buy u knowww!!

Haha, u say Im active mummy?
Actually dunno if its because Of a Supplement/Vitamin I'm taking!!
u heard of Spirulina? Hubby bought it for me.
Ive been taking it for like 2months+ and it really makes me feel better somehow..
I dont feel so burdened by my Pregnancy and still full of energy and so active..
Its super good and has so manyy nutrients in it its incredible.
Maybe thats y?!?
Hahaha :p
go Check it out!

How was work today at Airport? Busyyy?? Hope not :)
Oh, thanks for offering your ML contact!
Pls do PM me her contact. Might contact her next time!
Haha, so funnnny,
Later all the EDD dec Mummies using the same Masseuse for our Post Natal Massage!!

Oh ya by the way Mummies,
Have ppl being offering seats to u in Public transport?
Yesterday was the first time I took MRT since preggy and NO ONE even realized I was Preggy..
Waddd the Heck!!!


Hello Mummies!!!

Sze Sze: Welcome to join this group!!! =) I m gg to the fair to buy as many as possible (as long as i can carry hm) lol have only bb clothings that my cousin handed over to me for the time being :) my EDD is 17/12, 5 days after yours..

Momopeachgal: 4 weeks maternity starts before EDD coz right now I am on unpaid leave and will not go work until after my maternity leave is done deal.. So according to HR, I will have to start my maternity leave 4weeks before EDD..

Hmmm my office environment is unsafe coz it's a very kan cheong place, everyone moves around very fast in the office to get their things done ASAP, a lot of paperwork so there are boxes of files on the ground. Worse, coz that particular office is old, so there are some holes on the floor although carpeted, but I almost tripped a few times coz was too engrossed reading my work in hand. Hahaha and there are many blind spots, so almost bumped onto my colleagues many times hahaha one thing I like is the company's benefit and work but I find that it is too dangerous to work there for the time being too. Lol so stay hm n rest more is better.. Haha

Mreow Mreow: yah lor.... Puke like crazy that time... Wah ur memory is still good yah lol... My memory becoming bad.. Keep forgetting what I wanna do next then walk up n down many times in the house just to do one thing. Lol so my heels are feeling the pain...

With regards to bird nest prices, my mum also said that it's very cheap now leh! So we shd all go and buy the best ones hahaha

Yes yes!! 3rd trim! I hope indigestion don't haunt all of us!!!! :)

Yah... I find it abit dubious & more expensive when i talked to her over the phone.. But what I see from my cousin is good results leh..

I did my 3D scan at my gynae's clinic in TMC.. Cost about $70 for the scan only (have not include the consultation charges yah) :)

Lizasaifi: may I have the massage lady contact too? Heehee just like what Mreow Mreow said, maybe all dec mummies engaged the same massage lady! ^^

Mreow Mreow

Juz finished Vacuuming and Mopping my place...
what a great workout. Perspiring buckets! hehe :)
I am gg to Cook soon!

mamadt, my gynae in KK doesnt have 3D scanning equipment.
So ive to go direct to the ADC at KKH to get it done.
Im not from TMC so it'd cost about $361 for me to do it at TMC..
So exx!!

okok! i will go stock on Bird Nest soon too!! :D


Oh yah abt mrt, I read frm one of the forum here, no one gives seat for preggy ladies... One of the ladies said she has to ask to get a seat.. Lol

I took mrt once with my hubby and it was a nightmare... So cramp, no one lets me sit too but worse is that i ask to give way to let me exit also ignore me until my hubby asked people to give way to me to exit. I felt so vulnerable in the train! Lol that was the first and gonna b the last time taking train in my pregnancy stage.. Hahah

Mreow Mreow

Oh yah abt mrt, I read frm one of the forum here, no one gives seat for preggy ladies... One of the ladies said she has to ask to get a seat.. Lol

I took mrt once with my hubby and it was a nightmare... So cramp, no one lets me sit too but worse is that i ask to give way to let me exit also ignore me until my hubby asked people to give way to me to exit. I felt so vulnerable in the train! Lol that was the first and gonna b the last time taking train in my pregnancy stage.. Hahah

Hmm MamaDT, but your tummy is actually quite big and should be obvious right, since u are on the skinny side?
Still no one give up seat for u?!
Wdh.. terrible...
Lucky Hubby was there with u!!

I usually move about by driving but realize not much exercise done as compared to taking train and bus so i decided to give it a shot yesterday!! hahaha

Maybe ppl never give up seat to that Lady cuz her tummy like mine, not obvious also? :err:


Sad hor... Don't know y no one gives me the seat... Somemore those seated at the corner ones just stare at me, up down, look at my tummy... Then still don't wanna give up... Arghhh angry!

Is Lizasaifi the earliest EDD mummy in this forum? :)

Just checking if this myth is true - if u r expecting a boy, ppl can't see that u are preggy at the back. If u are expecting a girl, it's obvious that you are pregnant from your back view... True? It's true for mine.. Lol


Lizasaifi: Your EDD is so soon! how are u feeling now? have u gotten all essential things prepared? do update us on your birth story when the time comes ^^
Hi MamaDT!

Yeah my EDD is coming soon...another 10 weeks or so! Hahaha one of d earliest I guess. Rite now been feeling very very tired wif swollen feet n backaches at times...especially dat I walk a lot n on my feet a lot during work...every time after work go home must elevate my feet so d swell will go down...hmmm actually haven't prepared much...only bought some clothes for baby n some basic things like pillows, changing mat n mittens n booties...not buying much clothes for baby cuz will be getting some from my cousin n a friend :) yeah will surely share my birth story when it comes hahaha feeling very anxious n excited at d same time! :D


Wow! Can't believe so many replies already since this afternoon. Hahaha everybody asking for d massage lady's contact? Hahaha have to wait hor...I'm still at work....been a really busy day since d F1 had ended n many ppl going hm!

Mreow Mreow: do u noe dat it's always a busy day after F1 every yr? Hahaha gd business for everyone actually! Think SQ also gd business! Haha

MamaDT: I think mine is not d earliest...there's a mummy who's EDD is earlier than me...if I'm not wrong hers is 4th or 5th...n yeah memory very bad nowadays!! Lolz n I had been having indigestion, heartburn n breathlessness since I started 3rd trim...sometimes can't even sleep! My cousin said its best not to eat spicy food to prevent from indigestion n heartburn so no more chilli based food for me until at least after confinement :(

Oh n abt ppl giving up seats for u on d train...nvr happen to me at all!! I always take d train to go for check ups n it gets really crowded in d morning n so far no one has offered their seats to me even though my bump is very obvious already...perhaps they thought I'm juz plump or fat as I'm a plus size hahaha but can't they see d difference? It's weird isn't it? Lolz


New Member
Hello ladies!
The thread have definitely MOVED! I amazed by all the long replies lah! Our memories should be like goldfish now; I read and then later almost forget what u all r discussing alrdy! Haha! (I took notes; so see my long reply)

As for me, luckily I had a very "smooth" first trimester. I didn't even know I was pregnant until baby is 2 months big! I was partying and traveling with my then boyfriend. Had a hangover so bad that I was puking 2 days straight and I blame my age. Then I realize I was actually preggers! Haha!
Such a blessing; my little bud probably the best gift ever! And then it's was smooth and until late 2nd trimester till now daily(!!!) I am suffer from heartburn... And a major craving for spicy food! Someone kill me. Want to eat cannot, don't want to eat also a cannot! :(

U-shaped pillow is actually quite a good investment. Mine is not as hard as the boomerang one Mamadt (I think? Sorry bad memory) mentioned. Mine is human sized so I just sleep in it, dont have to move her here and there... i also have Baby pillow on both size, so whichever side I choose to sleep on I got support. And at least for me I don't find it too cramp bcoz I like being mashed up. Makes me feel comfy.
I used it also as a seat; bcoz sitting on a chair too straight up make me feel uncomfortable, lying down after meal also terrible. So I stack and fold it and sit on the bed like a armchair to rest until its bed time.

My 3D scan is done FOC, as in when i go for my monthly Gynae appt, my doc offered to do one for my baby, but only on the face and give us a print out. When I did my FA scan, the specialist also offered us one. That was a lot clearer; but because there are alot of placenta on baby face.. It looks quite scary! Haha!

I have also yet to shop for anything except those too cute to resist clothing. Friend is giving me their play pen n breast pump, alrdy have a baby cot at home. Until baby Is bigger then we will shop for car seat and pram. I am also lost at what other essential I wanna get! :( like swaddle or no swaddle can regular receiving cloth do etc etc...

Mrt ride for me.... Same same lah!
All the nicely dressed executive reading their paper on train; seated of course. Saw me come in, stare at me, stare at my tummy, repeat 3 more times; continue reading paper.
Or else other times is, see me come in. Suddenly every one become very sleepy and fall asleep! But today I have one nice uncle who gave up his seat for me, bcoz I nearly fall down while the train move off! Phew!

My friends r telling me I am behaving like I am not pregnant; while shopping for my hubby today I got a sudden sharp pain in the right lower tummy. So pain that tears came to my eyes.
I quickly went to grab a seat and it better. I was so worried, because I was alone.
Anyone else have experience like that? :(

Anyways Mommies!
What are your plans for after birth? Infant care? Mother/MIL taking care of baby? Or maid?

Mreow Mreow


yay! arent u all happy that this thread is moving? :)
At least it isnt stagnant!
I am Glad indeed....

We can relate to each other the best here cuz we all almost the same time!! :D

Wow, looks like alot of mummies need extra pillows for a comfortable sleep?
I dont need anything at the moment.. Just my good ol' regular bolster!! :)

Hmm, its really sad to hear that people aren't giving up seats for you all!
I reallly thought it was juz because My tummy isnt obvious thats why people aren't offering it up for me..
Seems that alot of mummies' here with obvious tummies don't even get offered a seat!!
Thats reallly terrible.
You all should just put a hand behind your back & stare them down! (famous Preggy hand position)

Lisasaifi, u mentioned that u are big size? I dont think its because of that..
After so many complains from so many mummies,
Seems that these days S'poreans just cant be bothered to give up seats to those who need it more than them...

Yes Lisasaifi, its especially crowded during F1 Time..
All businesses Are making Money..
Our Govtmt mentioned that F1 rakes in ALOT of money & revenue for Spore...
Airlines are making $.. Alot of Tourists from all over will travel here..
Yes, SQ flights are fulllll too!
Just 2days ago my Hubby's flight got 1 drunkard who caused some trouble.
He's Auzzie and was coming over here for F1!! haha!!

Omg, and i cant give up spicy food at all.
Im not pure chinese, My pre-preggy diet consists hugely and largely of spicy food with chilli Padi and all.
And Now i am still eating the same things!!
At first my Doc told me to avoid, but i explained to him that it doesnt affect me 1 bit so he gave me the green light to continue chomping down chillies!! Heheheh :D

MamaDT, your myth isnt true for me!
Im carrying a girl but from behind, still cant tell im pregnant.

With regards to your previous myth sometime ago, saying
boy= popped belly button
gal= unpopped belly button

This one is still true for me. My BB hasnt popped out yet.
Hope it stays that wayy!!! *cross fingers :)

Karenoon, Yes, showed my Non-Preggy Gfs a few pics of 3D baby scans from Google and they mentioned that it was a little scary too..
Haha.. Guess not used to seeing like that la.
Too used to seeing 2D images.. haha..
Im so excited for it! Cant wait!! :)

My mum is coming over to stay for about 1month plus to help during my Confinement.
Regarding food, i will be ordering Confinement TingKat Delivery for a month Cause mum doesnt know how to cook Chinese food.
Hmm, Dont think i will be going back to work for at least another 6months-1yr so i can take care of Baby on my own..
How about u?
and the rest of the mummies?? :)


I'm so glad to have registered for this forum! Hahaha nvr joined any forums before n being a ftm I thought I need a lot of advice n help n can't believe dat found all dat in here wif all u mummies! :)

Mreow Mreow oh u r not pure Chinese? Peranakan? Hehehe yeah I can't really give up spicy food n chilli but at d moment no choice. If my mom cooks spicy food have to ration myself. She does all d cooking at hm mostly so I can't really control. :-( well abt d seats n my size yeah I guess u r rite. Singaporeans are still not gracious enough to offer their seats to pregnant women n even senior citizens. I've even saw some school kids sitting on d special seats on d bus while d senior citizens are standing! Lucky I was sitting further behind. Otherwise wld have told off those kids! Wouldn't want my kids to be like dat next time.

Wif regards to d BB myth it cld be true! Cuz I'm carrying a girl n my BB has not popped out. Hahaha hoping it will still stay dat way too since I've got like one more lap to go. :) n also I'm still using d same pillows I have pre-preggy. Still rely on my dear old bolster to put between my knees when I sleep. Dats d most comfortable position I love!
As for work I will be going back to work after my maternity leave is up after 4 mths. So will probably be back to work early April or so. Depends on whether my mom will be able to cope looking after my baby or no. Otherwise mite have to delay it n take further leave.

By d way mummies I didn't go for any antenatal class n also nvr take up any 3D scan. :) I feel like those are unnecessary unless u have d privilege or d budget to do them.

So any mummies going to d baby market this coming October? I will probably go n do some shopping there. :)


New Member
Oh ya. Belly button and back view.
Haha. I have a boy; friends, colleagues and husband says when I wear black or looser clothing no one can tell I am pregnant. Can't tell from the back as we'll, but I feel like a cow alrdy leh! :( belly button haven pop too! I also hope it gonna be like that... Haha...

I will probably get a maid to look after baby. Cost of infant care after sub is still more expensive then getting a maid. Plus, all the rushing to bring baby back and fro.. Of course there is the worrying factor, but I think we have to install camera at home.
I will work until baby comes! Because for me year end workload is lesser, but I can probably take only 3 months of my maternity leave first... Because March is a busy month at work....

Mreow Mreow

Haha, Lisasaifi, peranakan is a good guess!
But actually my half parentage is Thai..!
That explains my Spicy diet!! :p
Ooh! I love Malay food!
Especially those that are home-cooked by my Friends' mummies!!
Bet ur Mum's food is yummy that u can't resist! Wahaha :)

Yep Karenoon, it's okay to get assistance from Domestic helper. Good idea To install Camera too.
It'd make u & ur hubby feel much better when u are at work!! :)


Haha, Lisasaifi, peranakan is a good guess!
But actually my half parentage is Thai..!
That explains my Spicy diet!! :p
Ooh! I love Malay food!
Especially those that are home-cooked by my Friends' mummies!!
Bet ur Mum's food is yummy that u can't resist! Wahaha :)

Yep Karenoon, it's okay to get assistance from Domestic helper. Good idea To install Camera too.
It'd make u & ur hubby feel much better when u are at work!! :)
Aahhhh Thai!! Tom yum koong!! OMG! Still remember d time I went bkK n had d best Tom yum I've ever had in d whole world! Lolz can't remember where it was at though. Hahahah shld have invited u over during d hari Raya celebrations. My mom cooked for relatives n some friends of mine. U wld have loved d food! :D perhaps next yr? Hee hee

anyways I'm home from work n am feeling very very tired. Will pm u mummies tmrw regarding d massage lady's contact no ya? Gd nitr all n rest well! ;)

Mreow Mreow

Hehe! Ya perhaps next year!!
I'm sure I would have loved the food.
I'm a big time foodie. Haha! :)

Good rest to u, I'm sure u had a long dayy at work!!
Must be tough during ur 3rd trimester...
Hopefully your customers at the bookshop don't give u too much trouble..

Take ur time with the Number!!
The rest of the mummies here still have long wayy to go. Haha! :D

Good rest & sweet dreams to all other mummies too!

I wont be sleeping any time soon cuz I'm nocturnal nowadays... Haha :p

Mreow Mreow

Good Morning!!!
Have a Nice Tuesday mummies!!! :D

To me and MomoPeachgal,
HAPPY 3rd Trimester!!!
Today is both our 28week!! :)

yippee! :D