Edd dec 2012


Hi love pixie! Thanks for your previous advice on the detergent too! Hee

Oh mreow mreow I thinks it's around plus minus 80bucks for the bathtub and stand. Think the kiddy palace in toa payoh is the biggest so u can get most stuff there. Maybe ring them up first to check on the price then u wun make a wasted trip


Oh btw I think I will standby the mammypoko diapers for newborns. Previously read a thread it has pretty good reviews. Think merries as well. Think ill stock up some now to reduce the stress once my 2 boys pop!


Oh btw I think I will standby the mammypoko diapers for newborns. Previously read a thread it has pretty good reviews. Think merries as well. Think ill stock up some now to reduce the stress once my 2 boys pop!
2 boys? U're expecting twins? Wow! Sounds interesting! Congrats!
I heard that newborns poo and pee a lot during the first month, so for me I prepared Drypers' newborn diapers and a pack of Huggies' S size diapers. Hopefully newborn not too particular on the brand of diapers used. Haha..


Oh honeyfiedcherry, yeap I did get some items from ikea previously like pillows and the mattress protector for the babies. Think can check it out! Though their designs are really simple like all white only


Hi Allele! Yeap twins so I really need to be all ready! Argh! Btw I think babies can be quite fussy cos some of them will get rashes and then I read some diapers will leak etc. guess we gotta try it out to be sure!


Btw ladies, how is everyone's diet looking like at this stage? I have been indulging in way too much chocolates and wonder if I can share the guilt with anyone

Mreow Mreow

Btw ladies, how is everyone's diet looking like at this stage? I have been indulging in way too much chocolates and wonder if I can share the guilt with anyone
Congrats on ur twins my dear!! :D
I always thought it'd be nice to have twins :)
Anyone in your family line has twins too?

My diet is quite ridiculous actually...

Here's my ENTIRE meal for The respective dayss....

Rice With TaoGay & Beans
Hugeeeeee Dimsum Buffet for Dnr

Rice with Soya ChixWing & greenVeg
Carrot & RedApple Juice
Garlic Stirfried Large bowl of Broccoli
4chix nuggets
1cup of Yoghurt

I've been Eating Any-o-How & quite irregular at different timings too.
InFact most days I don't eat Bfast...
Sometimes Eat 2meals a day or 1.5meals.

Have not drank milk for 1week!!
Tmr must go buy Milk alreadyy...
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Sounds healthy babe! With veg, juice and yogurt! Think I should make an effort to eat this way too! But it's kinda hard because I have all 3 meals outside. Sigh


Btw ladies, how is everyone's diet looking like at this stage? I have been indulging in way too much chocolates and wonder if I can share the guilt with anyone
Im another preggy who loves to eat choc very much! Anything with choc i'll get drool! Like Milo, Kokocrunch, famous amos, choc ice cream etc.. Sounds unhealthy but I cant resist! Hoho..

Just wonder any particular food/drinks that u all would most want to have after giving birth? For me, I wish to have a cup of hot, nice aroma traditional hainanese style kopi after giving birth! (btw, are we allowed to drink coffee if we breastfeed?)


Btw ladies, how is everyone's diet looking like at this stage? I have been indulging in way too much chocolates and wonder if I can share the guilt with anyone
Im another preggy who loves to eat choc very much! Anything with choc i'll get drool! Like Milo, Kokocrunch, famous amos, choc ice cream etc.. Sounds unhealthy but I cant resist! Hoho..

Just wonder any particular food/drinks that u all would most want to have after giving birth? For me, I wish to have a cup of hot, nice aroma traditional hainanese style kopi after giving birth! (btw, are we allowed to drink coffee if we breastfeed?)
Hi Mummies!!

I have been craving Chocs, caramel, sweet stuff lately! And I have been easily hungry, can take in a lot of food each meal..... Eg. Prawn noodles then char kway teow.... Seriously quite unhealthy food... One week will confirm order one mcdelivery coz too hungry middle of the night...
Had yoghurts, fruit juice, fresh milk, th ping as well

I wanna eat laksa after delivery and feel like having java chip frappe from Starbucks haha


hi allele! famous amos chips for me too! Just had a mocha frap from starbucks down my office. Hmmm, i think coffee should be fine while breastfeeding since its fine even when we are pregnant? Though not 100% sure

Mreow Mreow

Im another preggy who loves to eat choc very much! Anything with choc i'll get drool! Like Milo, Kokocrunch, famous amos, choc ice cream etc.. Sounds unhealthy but I cant resist! Hoho..

Just wonder any particular food/drinks that u all would most want to have after giving birth? For me, I wish to have a cup of hot, nice aroma traditional hainanese style kopi after giving birth! (btw, are we allowed to drink coffee if we breastfeed?)

Hmm, read that we've to reduce caffeine intake whilst breastFeeding too!
Cuz it'll pass thru breastmilk & make baby awake & active.
Then they'll feel Mang Zang when they are sleepy but Juz can't fall asleep due to the caffeine in their little systems...

I guess we can take the amount we take now after delivery! :)

Also, I read that if we occasionally take some caffeine now when we are pregnant,
Our babies will be more used to Caffeine after birth & it will affect them less adversely when we consume during Bfeeding!! :D

I wanna have Thai Iced Tea & a Teh Ping from this particular CoffeeShop in Katong! :)
Already told Hubby to Buy it after I deliver!!
Wahahahahaha :D

Mreow Mreow

Hi Mummies!!

I have been craving Chocs, caramel, sweet stuff lately! And I have been easily hungry, can take in a lot of food each meal..... Eg. Prawn noodles then char kway teow.... Seriously quite unhealthy food... One week will confirm order one mcdelivery coz too hungry middle of the night...
Had yoghurts, fruit juice, fresh milk, th ping as well

I wanna eat laksa after delivery and feel like having java chip frappe from Starbucks haha

I already ate The Java Chip that u were craving for!
I requested for SkimMilk & Decaf!! :)
U should go satisfy your craving too!!

And how come u dun wanna eat Laksa?
I ate afew times already... Haha :)

Oh ya, do u all plan to buy Medicated oil or Gripe water or other such medication to standby?
Beenies, yeah but I think must borrow van to go ikea cause I don't think the car will fit my shopping !

Hey mummies ! Happy deepavali .. I have been doing up a lot of reading and read that if we take too much caffeine during pregnancy, will affect our baby .. Even when breastfeeding, if too much caffeine will make baby colicky .. They will cry and cry for no reason !

It's good to take garlic as babies like the flavor .. Haha dunno how true it all is la ..
Mreow Mreow, I think gripe water is super important and really handy to have ard !
Must carry wherever u go, haha . Mum swears by it .

I had laksa many times too ! Tho trying to reduce the intake of seafood like cockles and such .. Sad .. I can't even have half boiled eggs and sushi .. Sushi is a must after birth !!


Omg!! I want sashimi!!!! Lol
Babe!! My hubby restricting me from laksa coz of cockles hahaa.. I love cockles :p
Oh the java chip quite sweet leh... We can take now huh? Heehee
Y u can't take teh peng now?


Oh yah! Gripe water..... Can b bought from downstairs easily so I buying at last min tt kind... If need then buy :)
But there are some people who says newborn can't drink gripe water? I dunno why...
Oh and medicated oil.... My house have so it is already available haha but I will try not to put too much on bb unless really reallllllyyyy needed....