Edd dec 2012


Is gripe water = fei zai shui (fatty water)? LOL.. I heard of it but totally no idea what is it for. Sounds like a miracle water to me.. haha..
MamaDT, please don't say sashimi .. I can argue w my husband about it ! Haha ! For the sake of baby, I resisted !
Cockles too, trying not to eat .. So dangerous le ..
Think cannot drink teh peng cause of caffeine ! I drink teh peng almost everyday, I feel so so guilty ..

Allele, gripe water is mostly for stomach upsets, due to wind and such .. Babies usually accidentally swallow too much wind when they cry or if they latch wrongly .. Haha, I wonder what fatty water is !
Hello Mummies

Thread is indeed moving like aeroplane! Lol

My baby cot passed down from cuzzie is finally here! Lol I am going to buy mattress and bedding set all from kiddy palace :)

I am using kodomo laundry detergent coz the scent is so babyish and nice! :)
California Baby for bath :)
Intend to buy FM after delivery from ntuc downstairs lol

Mreow Mreow: baby studio is in chai Chee lane... U can go to their display room mon-sun before 7pm to purchase ur bath tub n stand :) around $80 without discount yah

Cherry Blossom: I also wash my baby's clothes 3 schedules hahha most are passed down, and size range from newborn to 6mths :)
Ask u ah... How many pieces of maternity pads do u intend to bring to hospital? Are u bringing breast pumps there? :)

Liza: yes yes hope baby latch on u today :)

Have you gals prepared anything special for confinements? Such as brand of shampoo/bath gels/ or any special spray to heal wounds? Share share advise here :) Thanks!

I initially brought the whole pack of maternity pads but when i went for the hospital tour that day, they said it will be provided for us ans when i asked can we just bring our own without using hospital de they cannot answer cos they said it will be provided. So i guess i will only bring 2 samples which i've got. I'm not bringing breast pumps cos anyhow, i will try to latch on. Unless I really have too much, then might ask my hubby to go home take cos we are taking 2-bedded and if even change to 1 bedded, he will still go home and shower so will then ask him bring for me. :)

Will you be bringing slippers? it's stated in TMC website but my usual footwear is already slippers. Wondering still need to bring?

Ok i'm really so tired gotto sleep le! gd night!

Mreow Mreow

Omg!! I want sashimi!!!! Lol
Babe!! My hubby restricting me from laksa coz of cockles hahaa.. I love cockles :p
Oh the java chip quite sweet leh... We can take now huh? Heehee
Y u can't take teh peng now?

I dont take cockles too!
U can always eat the Laksa w/o cockles!! :)

Java Chip can drink!
I asked for Skim Milk, makes it less sweet! :)

Cuz i think TehPing has quite high caffeine content!!
So I cut it out from my diet.
Used to have it everyday Pre-preggy days!!

But I think I might drink next week :)


Hi Mummies!

Oh no I didn't know it has higher content of caffeine than other teas.... Sian I better refrain refrain refrain...

Laksa without cockles but the soup that vendor makes already has cockles dipped in before... This is what my hubby said... And so.... I resist resist resist :(

Cherry Blossom, y u tired? Did a lot of shopping? Heehee
Thanks for sharing! I think I will bring 5 pieces there in that case :) and yah I also have been wearing slippers, will be wearing slippers there but I've brought a pair of bedroom slippers coz I think I will b wearing socks most likely as I am afraid of feeling too cold after delivery. And my socks aren't the toe socks kind... So cannot fit into usual flip flops heehee... :)
Some people tell me teas have higher caffeine content than coffee !
Now it's so hard to sleep .. Hard to breathe, can't get comfy, feel so hot when hubby complains it's actually cold .. Turn this side, sore back .. Turn that side, sore shoulder ! Wah piang ..

Momopeachgirl, don't tempt me with the medium rare beef, I used to have it almost every week before getting pregnant !
Best to bring breast pump to hospital with you, if you are not leaking yet, u might not be after delivery .. Some mums have to pump first to remove some kind of plug on the nipples before milk starts flowing ..


ooh talking about wanton mee.. this is crazy.. i disliked wanton mee pre-preg and one year maybe eat twice that kind... and always eat three mouth dun want already... nowadays.. i crave tomato base wanton mee every week and i can finish the whole plate clean clean.. weirddddddddd

makes me wonder if it's really baby that wanna eat then makes mummy crave for the food... hmmm

my bb seem to have alternate moods.. hahaha one day happily active whole day another day quiet until night time when going to sleep then dancing in the tummy.. lol..

my diet has been quite unhealthy last week.. don't know y i just wanna eat al sort of food that is unhealthy.. haha and i chose to drink fresh milk for weeks rather than powder milk that's meant for mamas to drink..

As for bb's fm, i intend to buy only after delivery heehee to me,if i really can't provide bm, i think any brand of fm is ok as long as bb's poo looks ok and poos easily.. :)

Mummies: are u all drinking the maternal powder milk or fresh milk? Also, is it ok if i drink the maternal powder milk if say i have opened the tin for about 2 mths?


Hello mummies! Sorry for being MIA for d past few days. Was busy going to n fro d hospital attending to princess n learning how to change her diapers, gives her milk during her feeds, pacify her when she cries n juz being there for her n cuddle her. It is an amazing experience really to be looking after ur own baby. I think now princess already recognised her mummy's smell n touch cuz when she cried n I carry her she wld calmed down n juz give me this relieved look. Hahahaha but sadly I wun be able to try to latch on yet. Nurse said I can try sometime end of this week since princess will turn 37weeks gestational age tmrw. So i'm looking forward to it. Tmrw gonna ask d doctor abt it if she's ard.

momopeachgal: hello! Happy 35th week to u babe! :) are u prepared? Dun get too stressed up or worry abt d impending D Day. Juz get more rest n put ur feet up since now u must be waddling already rite? Hehehe oh Pretty International is opposite d Bata near McDonald's at AMK central babe. If I'm not wrong it's beside an optical shop, along d same side as Hang Ten. :D

Mreow Mreow: have u washed baby's clothes? Another 5 weeks to go babe! Hahaha it will come sooner than u think.

Oh mummies. I read dat all of u were talking abt whether to bring maternity pads n breast pump to hospital. From experience no need to bring them as maternity pads are provided by d hospital. If u want maybe juz bring a couple. As for breast pump, d colostrum dats gonna flow out first will be too thick to be pumped out. Not sure if a pump will be able to do it. For me d lactation consultant collected my colostrum using a syringe. And ur milk flow will only kick in like 2 or 3 days ltr. If u are delivering naturally u will only stay like 2 days n lactation consultant will teach u to latch on. So I think it's not necessary to bring a breast pump to hospital. Well dats my two cents worth of opinion. Hehehehe up to u mummies to decide wats best for u n baby ya.

Alright time for me to express BM. See u mummies again! Have a great week ahead! :D


Alamak! Dun need to bring maternity pads? That day I bought a pack of Kotex maternity pads and disposable undies from the kkh pharmacy store. I saw this loop pad thing as well, does anyone know how to use it?

I'm gonna bring breast pump too. Intend to use this small cabin trolley for my expected 3 days stay cos most likely have to go for c section. So I rather bring more stuff than less cos dun wanna feel stress for having left some items at home when it's needed!

Might be a silly question, do we need to bring out strollers?


Hello Mummies!

Momopeachgal: I am so glad u r craving as much unhealthy stuff as me hahaa I feel less guilty :p the expiry date of milk powder is till 2014! But... They say shd discard 1mth after opening leh... I dunno why haha I think very wasted to throw... Dunno can drink or not haha
Don't intend to bring breast pumps. But will pack in a cooler bag with sterilise tablet so tt my mum can help bring to hospital if needed :)

Liza: hope ur princess can latch on u tml! ^^ sweet bondings between mum and daughter. Nice! :)

Beenies: I am on long leave.... I have been at home very long already heehee I have no strollers for newborn. And yup bringing the adhesive pads to hospital :)


Hi momopeachgirl

I think cockles is good if cooked properly. My nutritionist at antenatal class told me its rich in iron. Since I low in hemogoblin I better eat more iron source

Hi Beeenies
The Kotex loop need a belt. It's sold near the sanitary pad as well. My mom highly recommend this and said if dowan wear underwear also can. Just wear belt n the pad by itself.

Hi MamaDT.
I think it's safer to drink maternity milk than fresh milk. I heard from the same nutritionist that it is better to drink milk that has been pasteurised. She advised against eating ice cream cos they don't use pasteurised milk to make.


Hi mamadt, u took long leave for your pregnancy? I wanna ask doc if I should start my leave a week earlier cos I wanna keep the twins inside for as long as possible, they still very tiny at 1.5kg now and I'm having that braxton contractions liao so scary!


Lovepixie! Thanks for the info! Think ill stick to the maternity pads. Kinda weird to wear a belt leh.

Momopeachgal, after I bought the maternity pads I was wondering if its similar to our whisper sanitary pads! Like no diff between a normal pad and the maternity ones

Mreow Mreow

Wow Wow!!

Looks like all the Mummies are so active in Forum today!! :)
So nice...

As I'm writing this post, im drinking Blueberry Bubble PearL Green Tea!! Yum Yummm :p

Its such an awesome day todday too!
Nice rainy weather..
Now as a Preggy, I crave such weather Cuz if not spore is too warm!!

If i'm not pregnant like my friends, i'll be damn sian Cuz i cant run any errands or get anything done with rain!!
Then if working, will feel sleeeeeepy... :)

Lizasaifi & MamaDT, ive not washed Baby's clothes!
I will post when Ive washed Baby's clothes..
Have not bought Kodomo yet la... Haha..
I know im super slack.. :p
My hubby keep saying 'Ure so relax, not scared ah?'
Deep down I know he likes me like that. Rather than KanChiong and Kiasu.. HAHA :p
Anyway I think i will wash on the 20th Nov!! :)


Ahhhhh was finishing up my reply and *poof* I pressed the wrong button and everything is gone... Fat finger's fault.... Lol

My hubby will not let me have cockles no matter what... Haizzzz anyway, I like to eat 50%-70% cooked cockles...
I have been taking beef, spinach and broccoli to increase my iron intake. My gynae says can eat medium well beef :)

Momopeachgal: I hope we can touch warm water? I am bringing a soft small towel to soak it with warm water to wipe my body and face if my mil says cant bathe in hospital after delivery :p
Bringing wet wipes as well to wipe hands, body and legs too... Haha bringing body lotion as well so that I dun smell haha and moisturizer to hydrate my face coz I heard after delivery, mummy's face will usually be drier.....
Also, if we can touch bits of warm water, I think that can solve the rinsing of mouth part for brushing teeth :) else, bring a cup, and pour water then rinse our mouth lor...... Lol
Sterilise tablet is put into a container of water, put the bottles or pumps u wanna sterilise Into the steril water container, soak it for half an hour before use :)

I bought young coconut from shop n save :)

So how's bb's room deco? Happy Bo? Heehee

Mreow Mreow: I am a mummy who plans a lot and even need backup plans kind in case plan a fails, then plan b... Lol so I tend to purchase things in advance to ensure the stuff I wanna use is avail when I need it. Lol and maybe coz I am afraid I go labour anytime (due to my 2nd trim condition where i was strapped on CTG and stuff in labor ward), so I just wanna ensure tat I have at least the minimum stuff avail... Heehee

Happy washing clothes on 20/11! Haha wash already then can pack bag hor.... Lol :)

Beenies: yah I took hospitalisation leave and stay at home coz I have nightmares visiting hospital during my first trim and sec trim :)
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Mreow Mreow

Its absolutely alright to drink Fresh Milk bought from Super markets! :)
They are pasteurized!
In fact, almost 99% of milk in Spore is pasteurized..
The only milk that isnt pasteurized is those Milk taken directly from animal farms.
And in Spore, we dont take those type of milk anymore...
Unlike the olden-our-parents-times when people deliver freshly-squeezed milk to households in bottles...

I've been Drinking Meiji Skim Milk in this Pregnancy..

Lovepixie, its ok to take Fresh Milk as its pasteurized
Pasteurized just means Heating & going through some reactions to kill Bacteria.
In fact, UHT milk in those Tetra Pack is also ok to drink...

Canned Powder tin milk Meant for Preggies are ok too.
However, they do cause Extraaa weight gain as compared to those fresh milk!! :(
As they have more solidified Milk Fats & solids and are much more concentrated.

Yup, we've to avoid Soft-Serve Ice Cream as they also use Eggs that arent fully cooked to make the icecream...
The eggs are just cracked into the flour mixture & freezed to make IceCream! :)

Actually Laksa Can eat..
Even if like your hubby say its in the Laksa water, he also mentioned that its boiled right?
Boiled water will kill the Germs already..
But since he restrict u, then U give him face & dont eat la... HAHA :D
Now must be Xiao Nu ren & listen to our Hubbies'!! :D

Dont think u've to bring Strollers..
Have not seen anyone leaving Hospital with Strollers after Labour..
For your case, Ive seen Mummy carrying 1 Twin, Grandma carrying another twin & Daddy carrying Baggage! HAHA :D

I agree that the pads look similar!
However, difference is that Maternity pads are cheaper right? :)
I bought Kotex Maternity Pads & Kotex Loops & a Pink Packaging Spring Brand.
The spring brand's length is 32cm!
I like it long & wide!! :D

Ooh, so the loops have to be used with a belt ah..
Ok I have to Buy the belt too!! :D

Honeyfiedcherry, How do you administer the Gripe water to baby?
Just straight to the mouth or mix with milk? :)


Mreow Mreow: I agree with u to b Xiao nu ren for the time being... Lol :p I have been doing that thru out pregnancy... Hahaha this way, we can see their "paternal" instinct... Lol :p

Oh yah! Keep forgetting to ask u... Why do we have to cut our hair? Saw ur post in another thread asking if mummies cut their long hair in delivery prep... :)
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Mreow Mreow

Beenies: yalor i feel that the maternity pads r just the same as normal pad, those normal big pads... but i just buy the maternity pads from Kiddy Palace since the price is okie hehe.. if i m not wrong the brand is Pureen =)

By the way mummies! I have totally forgotten about buying coconut to drink :( Now dono will it be too late or not. I scared i buy wrong coconut to drink leh.. can anyone tell me where to buy the correct coconut ??? in Singapore.. =) thanks in advance!!! i need to go buy and drink liao..!!

and i asked my gynae when is a good time to start taking leave he told me 2 weeks before EDD

Question: We heard that we cannot touch water during confinement. After birth in hospital, when we r in the hospital, we need to brush teeth, wash face etc. so how r we going to rinse off the toothpaste?
and can we apply moisturisers? If we do, we need to wash face the next day also rite? How to wash when we cannot touch water? lols sorry if i souind silly :D

My place downstairs has coconut..
But we've to cut the top off ourselves..
If i buy it from JB, they will scoop out the whole ball of Coconut flesh with the juice still intact in the ball & put it into a container.. :)

Gal, u can buy from NTUC. They sell it sometimes...
Also at Pasar Malam!

East Coast Lagoon Hawker centre sells fresh coconut juice too!
Alot of AngMoh's take that there.. Haha..

Sometimes old mature estates have some Vegetable+Fruits stalls under the HDB blocks and they also sell Fresh Coconut! :)
Where do u stay?
Go roam around!! :D

For me, My mum & MIL are not insistent on confinement rules type..
As they themselves didnt do it due to different cultures... :p

Only my Aunties, Dad's Side, are Particular about the Do's & Dont's becuz they are Chinese..

So i thinkcan get away with certain traditions As i will only be around my Mum/Inlaw during the confinement.
So when Aunties come to visit then Will act like I follow the traditions! :p

But for sure, I'd definitely take a quick shower at the Hosp After Labour & wash Face & Brush Teeth..

I dunno how im gonna cope with the WARM water shower for 1 month Cuz Since Birth Ive only showered with COLD water!! :(
Even when Im in winter countries last time during work..
I simply cannot tolerate warm water! :(
Dont have the Refreshed Feeling at all after Showering if using warm water!

I feel superrr invigorated after a Cold shower!! :D

Any mummies like cold shower?
I doubt it cuz i think im a strange breed.. ahaha

Last time when young my Hometown no warm water so i guess thats why used to it... :p