Edd dec 2012


Hello Mummies!

Think mummies can join the dec mummies fb that Yingzy has kindly created for us... There are some info there haha

Anyway, I have finally gained 3kg together with bb's weight... Lol I am so glad! Better than losing weight in trim 1 and 2. Lol
Momopeachgal, sometimes go alone ! Now so big, and suddenly hubby very hard to take leave . His workplace so cruel one, huhu .Wah I wish I got appetite like yours !Anyway mummies, are u all taking vitamins or supplements now ? What kind ? I'm only on obimin, if there's anything better let me know !

Mreow Mreow

There's another scan at 35 weeks ? Aww, I didn't know . So boring go checkups alone .I'm having BH too, but doesn't seem as bad as yours Mreow Mreow !Momopeachgal, I would be happier if I could gain more .. I dunno what to eat, I hardly eat much ! And when I do eat, it's junk food . My poor poor baby !Hubby doesn't cut my toenails, he's too scared . Haha . Usually I use a chair and put my feet up . Difficult ! But slowly la . I just used nail polish on my toes a few days ago ..

I didn't have The 35week scan too... :p
I don't have visit for 3weeks, my next will be at my 37week.
Wonder if doc will do cervix check.. :p

Yes! My BH tummy hardening Is That frequent!!
But no pain.
Doc told me if pain accompanies BH, to get admitted. Haha...
I dunno why mine is so often also...
Dunno if it's because I drink too little water or eat too little..

I'm taking Obimin & Fish Oil Capsules! :)

I still can bend over & cut my toenails!! :)
My movements not restricted at the moment..
Also still kind of sleeping on my back!! :p
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Momopeachgal: I lost weight very terribly in trim 1! Lol now I think I gain 1kg from pre-preg :)
Obimin is multivit :)
I still cut my own toenails haha difficult but still manage to just a little uncomfortable lol - anyhow cut!

I am taking DHA, calcium, iron supp. I have stopped folic acid and obimin recently.

Can't wait to see my bb next week! :)


Momopeachgal, how long is ur pain? And is there interval? Or if there's interval, and pain is same, monitor abit more see got repeat? If pain stronger, u shd go strght to labor ward check CTG yah...

Sze sze

I gained 9kg, bb is 2.7kg...

Still cutting my toe nail, difficult but slowly do...

Momopeachgirl, I can feel pain at the wholestomach occasionally, but I think it is because my digestion not good, especially 1-2 days nv go poo... But after poo will be no pain already...

so far I only take fish oil, folic acid, calcium, abit iron pills..


New Member
Thank you momopeachgirl! I hope to gain more weight too. Hopefully baby is ok. Anyway, i always have diarrhoe at least once in three weeks. When i get it its so painful feels like contraction. I only get this in this pregnancy. I just eat charcoal pills and tahan the pain. I think its because of the pregnancy. I'm taking obimin plus. Its obimin with dha. I think its important to take dha for my baby's brain development. Lucky the multivite obimin plus comes with dha so i only need to pop 1 instead of 2 pills.


New Member
I got this feeling my gynae is hiding something from me thats why he wants me to go for another scan in 35 weeks. I didnt have the scan in my first 2 pregnancy..


Mamadt, did your doc give u the hospitalisation leave or u asked for it? I had to ask my doc to gimme 2 weeks before EDD because I read twins will come out earlier. Thinking of getting another week from her as the combined weight of the babies is around 3kg and I'm starting to feel the weight and pain


Oh! Trying to catch up! I'm not going to cut my hair (can't wait to rebond!!! So messy). I can still cut my toe nails, think its easier if u gals sit on the floor then can reach. My BH are gettin more frequent so are the babies's kicks! Ouch! And oh I stopped folic acid after first tri! Taking ganilia, calcium pills and progesterone


Beenies, doc gave me hospitalisation leave coz I have quite a few pregnancy symptoms... So I need to rest at home :)

As for ur case, I believe ur doc can give u one more week to rest... Try talking to him... Anyway, we are allowed to take 4 weeks maternity leave b4 EDD yah...
Hello mummies!

Hehe have not been able to post cos not familiar with my new phone. :)

Happy for Liza that she's gonna concentrate taking care of her princess Nurin now! I think most of s will be busy after birth but we must update here when we have given birth ya! Its a joy to share with you all... :)

I'm happy that my room is finally cleared of all the bags of things i bought. The cot is up but mattress we'll put it up when baby's born. Drawer is up too so this weekend I'll clean it and put baby's stuffs in. :)

My EDD is 12 Dec so less than a month for me and kinda feeling excited. My hubby has been asking me to take a leave from this month but I've planned to take from 1 Dec. He keeps thinking i might give birth this month but i still hope my prince will pop in Dec! hehe... i knew i shouldnt be worrying about work but still lotsa of things to clear and handover. But then again, it's still up to the baby. :) Anyhow I will be going for36 weeks checkup again this Sat and shall see how the gynae says.

I'm also craving for unhealthy food esp fried stuffs. :p just had my craving of KFC today. :)

Alrighty! gotto sleep! see ya mummies!


Beenies: yalor i feel that the maternity pads r just the same as normal pad, those normal big pads... but i just buy the maternity pads from Kiddy Palace since the price is okie hehe.. if i m not wrong the brand is Pureen =)

By the way mummies! I have totally forgotten about buying coconut to drink :( Now dono will it be too late or not. I scared i buy wrong coconut to drink leh.. can anyone tell me where to buy the correct coconut ??? in Singapore.. =) thanks in advance!!! i need to go buy and drink liao..!!

and i asked my gynae when is a good time to start taking leave he told me 2 weeks before EDD

Question: We heard that we cannot touch water during confinement. After birth in hospital, when we r in the hospital, we need to brush teeth, wash face etc. so how r we going to rinse off the toothpaste?
and can we apply moisturisers? If we do, we need to wash face the next day also rite? How to wash when we cannot touch water? lols sorry if i souind silly :D
Hi momopeachgirl
I bought clarins one step cleanser n use cotton pad to wash my face cos it's useful during confinement when we limit ourselves to bathing. Hope it helps


MamaDT: I love 50% to 70% cooked cockles too! lols.. medium well cooked beef can eat? wooo i always asked for the beef fully cooked. Good idea of bringing small towel to wipe body and wet wipes! regarding the sterilised tablets.. r they a replacement for Steriliser? the water is hot or cold or wad? hehe.. okie thks for hte coconut info!! baby deco is good, i havent post in facebook lols.. but already have the picture in my phone already heheh =) just a simple deco.. but already took 1 - 2 days already cos have to go around buying the things =p i have been frequenting Babies R Us at City Square mall.. A couple of cute things over there.. but then the things r quite expensive...

Mreow Mreow: soft serve ice cream cnanot ah? So macdonald ice cream cone oso cant? and pasar malam's coconuts r all young coconut ma?? if yes hor my house nearby is going to have a pasar malam soon! hehe... thank u for the locations to buy coconut!! hehe i need to start drinking!!! i stay in punggol leh.. =( ulu place haha.. i like cold shower. LOL i feel cleaner after cold shower as compared to warm shower hehe

We are cold-water Fanss!! :D

MacD's ice cream is also Soft serve..
Its ok to eat from such a reputable place as Im very very sure they have strict food preparations guidelines.
Their ice cream doesnt melt that easily in room temperatures so bacteria growth's reduced.
Ive ate twice already from MacD!! :)

Normal Softserve ice cream can also easily cause diarrhea in normal people who aren't preggies.
So Dont buy from stalls that arent well-known...
Esp those that melt easily!

Yup, Pasar Malam ones can buy!! :)
Yay I ate Haagen Daaz today cos it's reputable n the Christmas set so cute. Oh I need to eat before delivery cos confinement time confirm cannot eat. Hahaha eat all I want now cos I'm the Queen cos preggy
Wow u are all taking so many diff vits !

Anuarsri, I was recommended obimin plus but they say you have to be an eater, otherwise will feel all headachy and nauseous ! I didn't dare so I just stuck to obimin haha .

MamaDT, what's the brand of the DHA pills ur taking ?

Sze Sze, I heard fish oil is very good to take during pregnancy ! But I scared la want to take anyhow .. Somemore the staff at GNC also all blur2 ..

Beenies, i am planning to cut my hair pixie short soon ! Cannot take it la, my hair is layered, no matter how I bun up, when kena the fan, it will be all over my face .. Hubby keeps complaining also say my hair so sharp, haha ..

So cute when u say you are the queen cos u preggy. I agree! Looking at all the Xmas mood send gifts and food so happy but the whole of Dec think we'll be at home... now my hubby forbid me to go out le except to workplace and home. Haha. but being with our baby is the happiest thing than ever!

I've put on 14kg at week 35. Also quite a lot. I hope by the time I give birth, I don't exceed 16kg!


As long as baby is healthy it's fine! It's amazing that baby know how to absorb our nutrients abducted grow themselves. :)

It's Friday! Ok time for me to work and I will go cut my hair today. :)


Honeyfiedcherry, my DHA supp is called DHAxtra soft gel bought from my gynae...

Think u need to ask ur gynae for all these supplements. Didn't ur gynae prescribe all these supplements for u? Try asking ur gynae for the necessary supplement first yah :)


Lol Cherry Blossom, I agree with u... As long as bb puts on weight is good! Yah they will auto take in the nutrients they need from us.. So we need to have enuff for both mummy and bb... Lol jia you! We are left with 2-5 weeks to delivery! Eat as much as u can! Hahaha
Behave like queen as much as u can before our little Emperor / Empress arrives! Hahhaa


Momopeachgal, sometimes go alone ! Now so big, and suddenly hubby very hard to take leave . His workplace so cruel one, huhu .Wah I wish I got appetite like yours !Anyway mummies, are u all taking vitamins or supplements now ? What kind ? I'm only on obimin, if there's anything better let me know !
Hi Honeyfiedcherry
I take neurogain for DHA. The rest is in ur obimin ( bcomplex, iron, folic acid) but I take separate pills. Also VCO cos its a trend now haha I read The Breastfeeding Advocate in Fb group