Edd dec 2012


Lol Cherry Blossom, I agree with u... As long as bb puts on weight is good! Yah they will auto take in the nutrients they need from us.. So we need to have enuff for both mummy and bb... Lol jia you! We are left with 2-5 weeks to delivery! Eat as much as u can! Hahaha
Behave like queen as much as u can before our little Emperor / Empress arrives! Hahhaa
Wahahaha I already put up Christmas tree n wrap the presents when I can before getting too pregnant to do so. Also is it considered bad if i just put a bow on baby cot n dump all baby stuff into the cot put mosquito netting and call it a present for baby. It's the most expensive so far. Pokai Liao shopping for baby stuff. Bonus burn like dat jauh.


Haha I think it is ok Lovepixie... Haha so sweet of u to think of putting a nice bow and mosquito net at the cot for baby... Hhaha
Yah baby stuff is very expensive... Burnt a hole in pocket but haha as long as it makes baby happy is fine. Lol :)

Momopeachgal, how r u feeling today or u go delivery Liao? Take care ah heehee


Hi MamaDT,

Still enjoying leave at home? Nowadays feel a bit sore in the joints. Morning i have cramps on my fingers n when i push fingers towards my palms they stuck and couldnt go back for a while.. thinking of seeing the doctor later.

Hi momopeachgirl,
how are you now? goodluck on ur checkup tomorrow! ask doctor everything and for leave if needed. Take care n take rest a lot okay? wish u a safe 4 weeks to go.


Hi Lovepixie

Yah enjoying every moment with bb at home haha trying to sleep as much as I can like a polar bear... Lol

How Abt u? Heehee

Ah that cramp fingers... Think it's normal leh... My kneecaps hurt overnight if I dun cover blanket... My fingers cramp too if I don't cover them with blanket and if I don't move them abit overnight. My gynae says could be due to water retention although my fingers aren't swollen... She advised me to do finger exercise - u know the hand action (open palm close palm) it helps... Even when sleeping halfway... Hahaha
I have difficulty turning my body or getting up when sleeping - knee pain, pelvic there hurts, backache at times... 4 more weeks~~~~~

Sze sze

Honeyfiedcherry, I bought the fish oil from gynae, think safer, because too much variety in market, and the promoter tends to promote more on their own company product... If can ask from your gynae, will be expensive but worth it...


Momopeachgal: y u eat so many papaya... Lol next time change other fruits lah... Hahahha
Anyway, contraction pain not continuous one... Comes and goes comes and goes with interval... If super pain for 1-2min, then pain goes away, u better monitor whether there is another interval yah.... The contraction Pain can be any part of tummy even back... My gynae says...so ya just see how! Go take mc if need to and rest... This is best time for us to sleep as much as we can and eat as much as we can... Lol :p

I also hope bb comes out in Dec :)


Hi Ladies,
I am back after a small break. i had a get to gether with my friends from overseas , we stayed in Sentosa for 3 days ;) .
was a good break. wow , this thread moves so fast !! so much activity on this forum. i have to read back to catch up.

momopeachgal: please avoid papaya. raw papaya have some chemical that causes contraction. so best to avoid totally. see this link fro baby and bump :
Why is Papaya not good during pregnancy? - BabyandBump
Hi mummies,

Just went for my week 34 scan yesterday, and baby managed to put on a fair bit of weight. From 1.4kg in week 31 to 1.9kg in week 34. Guess the durians really do work haha. Also did the vaginal swab culture...luckily it's not as uncomfortable as I thought!

Gynae also gave me the hospital admission letter yesterday...which makes me feel that time is really running out! 6 more weeks to go...and I've just started to wash half of baby's clothes...eeekss :p


Hi MamaDT,

I have same symptoms! pelvic bone pain, knee cap pain when get up, turning body feels like i'm overturned turtle... 2 more weeks.. i dread visit to gynae but loved go shopping.. hmm
Nowadays mom came over n cook good food for me.. i feel like empress dowager hahaha.... hubby offered to wash dishes and clean house, cut fruits for me even.. dad come over to do the rest of household chores that hasn't been done! :p now to recruit them to take care of baby... hmm lol!


New Member
Hi mommies-to-be!

Would you like a FREE photography session for your newborn? :001_302: As mummies, I’m sure it would be really nice if you can have a professionally-taken photo which you can print for your parents or your in-laws, or share on your Facebook wall.

I’m a professional photographer who does wedding, maternity and children photography but my company is looking to expand into doing artistic portraits of newborns (photographed within their first two weeks). Of course, before we offer this line of business we need to build up our portfolio in that area so we are offering our first few sessions completely free, as long as we can use the images (e.g. on our website) for publicity.

We are looking for newborns (to be born in December 2012), thus I have come to this section of the forum and hoping that some mummies can help me out. We can only do free photo sessions for the first 5 mommies to contact me.

Drop me an email at stella.siew.lu@gmail.com if you’re interested to find out more, and I can share with you my portfolio and my company’s website. No strings attached. I can also reveal my number so that you can speak to me further on the phone, and we can also meet up before the shoot... if you like.



( stella.siew.lu@gmail.com )
Hi all, wow, ur gynae all seem to be very dedicated, I kinda wish I took up private now ! They don't give me advice, maybe cause it's my second pregnancy and they assume I know all ?

I love papayas !! It's no wonder I get contractions too ! Aww, have to find something new to munch on, maybe rockmelon sounds good .

Lovepixie, overturned turtle ?! You made me laugh so hard ! Haha ! I can imagine how u feel .. Be careful ya, we often get clumsier during pregnancy, I would bump into people and things, sometimes walk also like balancing act .. Enjoy the pampering treatment !
Wah really false alarm! Actually a lot of times my tummy pain I worried Is baby and not tummy. Cannot diffrentiate. Oh Ya actually my friend was telling me at this stage Dont eat too much papaya le... else baby may have serious jaundice cos of the colour.

I sometimes feel left side of my pelvic area pain. It's more like the joint kind of pain. Is it normal? Usually I get that after sitting for too long in office then suddenly get up.

Haha I must satisfy all the cravings I have now! Otherwise after birth it's heaty confinement food followed by healthy food to lose the extra weight. :)


Lovepixie!!! Same lor overturned turtle... I also feel the same... When I turn to the other side, I find it so difficult to turn sooooo slowly and trying to b gentle when turn and also at the same time, the pelvic hurts... Aiyoh makes me pant after doing each turn... And my hubby just watched happily and laughed at me... >.< I felt like knocking his head at times! Haha

Thanks Lucky Star for the papaya info! :) it's really useful! ^^

Cherry Blossom, pelvic pain is normal. But do let ur gynae knows so she /he can check for u further... Heeheehee coz I read from baby centre that pelvic pain is usually coz baby head down and is engaged buttttttt mine haven't and it hurts already... So just let gynae check yah :)


Hi all, wow, ur gynae all seem to be very dedicated, I kinda wish I took up private now ! They don't give me advice, maybe cause it's my second pregnancy and they assume I know all ?

I love papayas !! It's no wonder I get contractions too ! Aww, have to find something new to munch on, maybe rockmelon sounds good .

Lovepixie, overturned turtle ?! You made me laugh so hard ! Haha ! I can imagine how u feel .. Be careful ya, we often get clumsier during pregnancy, I would bump into people and things, sometimes walk also like balancing act .. Enjoy the pampering treatment !
Honeyfiedcherry, now u know, just remind ur gynae every pregnancy is different.... So ask him/her to advise u on all these... I am sure he/she will share with u on the supplements u need to take and prescribe for u :)
Cherry blossom, I read somewhere pelvic pain is because our joints are loosening up for labour .. So baby's head can go thru .. I cannot stand or sit down for too long either, stand too long cause no seat on mrt .. :( sit too long also no good !

MamaDT, ya lo .. Tho I wish they are more sensitive .. There was once when I came for appt, and they mixed up my timing .. I had to wait another 2 hours cause the doctor wasn't ard ..


Wah really false alarm! Actually a lot of times my tummy pain I worried Is baby and not tummy. Cannot diffrentiate. Oh Ya actually my friend was telling me at this stage Dont eat too much papaya le... else baby may have serious jaundice cos of the colour.

I sometimes feel left side of my pelvic area pain. It's more like the joint kind of pain. Is it normal? Usually I get that after sitting for too long in office then suddenly get up.

Haha I must satisfy all the cravings I have now! Otherwise after birth it's heaty confinement food followed by healthy food to lose the extra weight. :)
Cherry Blossom
i too get the pelvic pain on one side. infact one time it happened when i was at the doctors getting an untrasound. when the doctor checked, he said it is the baby's shoulder hitting against that side :)


Ya lor Momopeachgal, I feel like slamming his head to bed frame hahaha but after he laugh finish, he will help me by putting pillows on my back and then talk to baby and ask baby to be nice to me... Lol but I think I am quite wicked... When he puts his face on my tummy, I will silently tell bb to box daddy's face for me... Lol


ha ha MamaDT , you are a riot !!
"I will silently tell baby to box daddy's face for me..." I almost fell off my chair giggling at that !! people at work will think i am crazy
LOL! I do that too...ask my baby to box my hubby when he puts his face on my tummy. But she'll only do that sometimes...and usually when my hubby goes near or talks to her, she will keep quiet. Then when he's not there, she'll start kicking again haha
Haha Ya lor so funny my hubby and I would often say bad words about each other to baby.. complaining to baby. He always scold me too when my movement too big.. haha.

Do u all find that now baby is big, whenever we lie on one side baby will shift. If I lie on left baby's weight shifted to left and can see a big hump on left while right side is soft and nothing there. Lol... If lie right is visi versa. If I switch from left to right my tummy will hurt. Like muscle being pulled.