Edd dec 2012


Btw lovepixie, did u check with ur HR if mc that links all the way to ur actual due date will be counted as maternity leave? Im not sure about ur HR policy but it better to check first coz my workplace policy stated that mc/ hospitalisation leave which related to pregnancy and which links consecutively till actual delivery date will be counted as maternity leave. Better check first oh..


Hello Lovepixie... I nv agree with the dec babies learn slower cannot catch up stuff.... I think it's crap... Hahaha maybe coz I am biased... I love dec babies! Lol
To me, those born so early of the year also have to wait for dec babies to reach their age before entering into primary one what.... So dec babies are like the "real kings and queens" where the rest of the early babies have to wait for them before entering into schools... Lol I will say this to those aunties who criticize this point... I have friends who are like that saying dec babies lose out alot and I just said things that made them dumbfounded and cant argue further or cant bite on this pt. Lol

Lol if nice aunties, usually I will just let it go :) of course we all know all babies are cute and innocent and shdnt be rolled into such kinda arguments... :)

In terms of newborn picking up skills, well, I think there's no disadvantage or advantage. They can't compare apple to kiwi leh... It still have to depends on how the parents upbring their kids... And whether baby wanna learn or not... :)

Wow the eu Yan San package is cheap!! Good deal!

Agree with Allele, check with ur hr on mc extended to EDD is it considered as maternity leave earlier or really taken as mc... :)
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Hello mummies! How are u all doing? :) hope everyone is doing great ya. Hee hee I've got a piece of gd news to share wif u mummies.

I got to latch my princess Nurin directly on my breasts n she sucked n drunk well! I'm so happy! Luckily d nurse on duty was helpful n guided me on how to latch on properly. :) my princess was so contented after drinking dat she fell asleep. OMG! I'm feeling so proud n happy to be breastfeeding my princess.

I hope all u mummies will be able to do it too wif ur babies soon. Dun give up n make sure ur lactation consultant really do help u n guide u on how to latch baby on. :)

I'm gonna rest for d nite. Take care mummies n have a gd rest! :D

Mreow Mreow

Hello mummies! How are you all doing? :) hope everyone is doing great ya. Hee hee I've got a piece of good news to share with you mummies.

I got to latch my princess Nurin directly on my breasts n she sucked n drunk well! I'm so happy! Luckily d nurse on duty was helpful n guided me on how to latch on properly. :) my princess was so contented after drinking dat she fell asleep. OMG! I'm feeling so proud n happy to be breastfeeding my princess.

I hope all you mummies will be able to do it too with your babies soon. dont give up n make sure your lactation consultant really do help you n guide you on how to latch baby on. :)

I'm gonna rest for d nite. Take care mummies n have a good rest! :D

that is indeed awesome news Liza!
Im really very happy to hear that!
So glad that baby Nurin is doing do well...
can imagine her contented face after drinking milk! :D

Lovepixie, the eu Yan san package u got sounds good.
juz go into any EYS shop and ask them for it is it?
Then on my next JB trip I'll go get it!! :)

Anyway, I also disagree on the stereotype of DEc babies.
My GF is a late NoV baby & she's the smartest among us all. Hehe :)
Agree with MamaDt that it depends on parents' upbringing.
And definitely also on the child themselves....
some kids simply learn faster than others while others juz need to put a lil more effort to learn a skill...

Yep, we've all been blessed with our babies!! :)
dont let other people burst our happy bubble!!! :)
Lovepixie, wah Liao .. What kind of auntie is she .. U are expecting u know .. Don't be angry, u wouldn't want baby face to look like her .. Eee ..

My son is 5 years this year, born dec also .. K1 . I must say yes, pity them, they have to start earlier at 4 years old, while the others have almost a whole year headstart .. But, my son is learning and coping really well .. Am really happy with the teacher's comments on how he is doing in school . Still playful la, but doing well ! U will be more proud of your dec baby ! Like in your face kinda thing .

Sigh, some people really stereotype until like that ..


New Member
I heard about the dec babies at disadvantage too.. Quite worried too cos my second girl is Jan 2012 baby. But my hubby always emphasize to me to treat them as if they're a year apart. He wont allow me to stress our dec baby or compare their progress.. haiz.. stress..

Hello Lovepixie... I nv agree with the dec babies learn slower cannot catch up stuff.... I think it's crap... Hahaha maybe coz I am biased... I love dec babies! Lol
To me, those born so early of the year also have to wait for dec babies to reach their age before entering into primary one what.... So dec babies are like the "real kings and queens" where the rest of the early babies have to wait for them before entering into schools... Lol I will say this to those aunties who criticize this point... I have friends who are like that saying dec babies lose out alot and I just said things that made them dumbfounded and cant argue further or cant bite on this pt. Lol

Lol if nice aunties, usually I will just let it go :) of course we all know all babies are cute and innocent and shdnt be rolled into such kinda arguments... :)

In terms of newborn picking up skills, well, I think there's no disadvantage or advantage. They can't compare apple to kiwi leh... It still have to depends on how the parents upbring their kids... And whether baby wanna learn or not... :)

Wow the eu Yan San package is cheap!! Good deal!

Agree with Allele, check with ur hr on mc extended to EDD is it considered as maternity leave earlier or really taken as mc... :)
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Hi Mreow Mreow

Yup any eu yan san in msia got the package u can see it in their website too. I think their fb page also hv.

Haha if u don't hv member card u can sign up n also join the mummies n babies club got a lot of goodies oo.

My HR confirm that mc is still counted as mc as my colleague got early delivery at 36 weeks cos water burst but no contraction and the maternity leave are counted on the day the baby pops out. She stayed 5 days in hospital n 5 days counted as mc. Thanks :)


Wah Momopeachgal.... Wow wow wow.... So what's the EDD now?

Anuarsri, omg I think u are feeling very stress... Like what ur hubby said, try to treat as different year apart is easier to teach... U can do it! Don't stress yah :)

Liza, that's such a great news! So proud of u mummy! ^^

Mreow Mreow

Hello mummies! I using phone to reply sorry if I miss any :p

BTW Mreow Mreow, my boy is now 2.7kg already! ! Never expect baby can grow 500gram in 12 days! Doctor says baby is engaged!

U are the first mummy with Baby engaged is it?!? :)

Do u feel urges to Pee more often due to Engaging?

Uhhhh, cant wait for my check up on 27th leh...
Wanna know her weight and if engaged too!!

Did your Doc check your cervix or give u a delivery estimation date? :)

So exciting..... :p


On the dec babies issue, well I don't think dec babies are disadvantaged anyway . I am a dec baby myself , and I never lagged behind in any way when I was in school. I have done well professionally , and not to sound conceited or anything , but I've done better than most of my earlier born classmates . As someone else just mentioned, it is more on the upbringing and the attitude of the parents.

Btw, mummies , I went for. My week 35 scan today , and I actually got to see my baby's face. She was smiling , and she has beautiful eyes. The doc managed to get a 3d image ; I am so happy today . Baby's weight gain is also good . She is 2.6 kg now .

Went to baby kingdom today and bought the final few articles ; baby cot stroller etc . All in all a very fruitful day.

Liza: that is awesome news abt the little one latching on . You must be so proud of her.

Mreow Mreow

On the dec babies issue, well I don't think dec babies are disadvantaged anyway . I am a dec baby myself , and I never lagged behind in any way when I was in school. I have done well professionally , and not to sound conceited or anything , but I've done better than most of my earlier born classmates . As someone else just mentioned, it is more on the upbringing and the attitude of the parents.

Btw, mummies , I went for. My week 35 scan today , and I actually got to see my baby's face. She was smiling , and she has beautiful eyes. The doc managed to get a 3d image ; I am so happy today . Baby's weight gain is also good . She is 2.6 kg now .

Went to baby kingdom today and bought the final few articles ; baby cot stroller etc . All in all a very fruitful day.

Liza: that is awesome news abt the little one latching on . You must be so proud of her.

U hAve awesome news urself too!!

Wow, must be really heartwarming to see ur gal smiling!! :)
Am sure u did the 3D scan right? :)

Her eyes were open?! :D


Mreow Mreow, I went for the normal 2d scan , but my doc has just got some 3d facility in his machine, so on selected portions he can get the 3d pictures :) he's also just got the system so he's just playing around to get the hang of it , and we wt the occasional 3d pictures :) the picture we got was very grainy and not so clear co the baby QA too far down into the cervix, but we could make out the features , the eyes , noes an mouth :)


Congrats momopeachgirl
Can't wait for the good news . Share some experience since ur checkups r gonna be different from now on

Hi Luckystar,
I think I know what u mean by the partial scans can see 3D or 4D. Haha but not always can get cos baby sometimes at sideways so the machine have to predict how to fill in 3D pic at the place hidden from view. My gynae sometimes don't let me see in case I got shock because sometimes image can get distorted due to 'noise' n error


My EDD is on the 17th December .
My gf's whose EDD on 3rd December already gave birth yesterday .
Although it's not my 1st pregnancy , I'm already feeling nervous & scared .


Yep , I guess all of us are getting nervous and jittery :) . My EDD is 24 dec. but my doc said that after 36 w , baby can come anytime . Got to get my hospital bag ready


Hi mspinkpooh

My EDD is 2Dec n I haven't give birth yet maybe baby insist of being a dec baby hmmph. Anyway my mom gave birth to me overdue which comes out as no surprised if my baby is born wk40-42 gua

Hi Luckystar.
Ur EDD n my birthday the same. (‾̴̴͡͡▿•‾̴̴͡͡Ʃƪ)

Mreow Mreow

wow lovepixie,
Xmas eve as your Birthday!! :)

I always liked the Xmas season very much!! :D

Next time u and your baby can have 2 Birthday Celebrations in the same month!! :D