Edd dec 2012

Mreow Mreow

Yep , I guess all of us are getting nervous and jittery :) . My EDD is 24 dec. but my doc said that after 36 w , baby can come anytime . Got to get my hospital bag ready

After 36weeks?

I'd be 36wk next week!

I have yet to pack my bag too..

Think i will was baby clothes in the next 2days or so? :p

Mreow Mreow

Hi Mreow Mreow

Yup any eu yan san in msia got the package u can see it in their website too. I think their fb page also hv.

Haha if u don't hv member card u can sign up n also join the mummies n babies club got a lot of goodies oo.

My HR confirm that mc is still counted as mc as my colleague got early delivery at 36 weeks cos water burst but no contraction and the maternity leave are counted on the day the baby pops out. She stayed 5 days in hospital n 5 days counted as mc. Thanks :)

think im really blur leh..
I cant find the info on post natal herbs on their FB page or Website!

And u mean sign up as a member with mummies and babies club?
That is related to EYS?

haha.... :)

And may i check with u, your postnatal herbs can last u for how long?

Sorry im very blurr

actually if i cant find the info online i can just pop by into the shop and ask right? :)

have u tried asking from those old fashioned medical halls?
Maybe their price cheaper?
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Mreow Mreow

Glad to hear ur good news momopeachgal! :)

So ur next apptmt is 1dec? :)

I'm not buying PJs. Will juz make do with my current Homewear.
At hospital I will use their gown!
So dun needa bring home to wash. Hehe :)

I have the urge to pee often too.
Wonder if my baby Is engaged too.
I can feel she's pressing on my bladder.
Juz for afew seconds or so, then the feeling is gone.
And comes back later when she has some mini movement?
Is ur baby like that too? :)
Has ur BH gotten very often like mine?

To all mummies,
I really wonder among us all here,
Who will pop first!!!! :D

Can't wait to read the First Birth Story!

Can't wait to log into this thread and see a Mummy post that she's in Hospital ready for the big push!!!!


Morning mummies! Dropping by to read for awhile n write a few lines. Baby Nurin n me are doing well. She's latching on well but sometimes I think maybe d milk flow not so fast so she got cranky. Hahaha had to supplement wif ebm also. :D her doc gave some gd news too over d weekend. We're hoping she can come hm before d end of d mth. Yaaayy!! Hee hee

momopeachgal: Hahahah dun worry...ctg dun need needles...juz 2 straps wif 2 round sensors on ur tummy...one for baby's heartbeat n d other to monitor contractions....dats it...no pain at all except for maybe back pain or leg cramps since u can't move much when u r strapped on for like 30mins or an hr hee hee

Mreow Mreow: I can't wait to hear all u mummies birth story too! U all are counting down d weeks already. I wld be at week 38 this Thursday if I had not given birth. Lolz I miss being pregnant n all d woes of being pregnant actually! Hahahaha

Ok dats not like a few lines. Hahaa sorry mummies! Ok I'm gonna rest some more before getting ready to go see my princess. Missing her already! :D have a great week mummies! Looking fwd to read abt ur birth stories. See ya!


Momopeachgal, yup when I silently tell my bb to do tt, he will take awhile thn box 90% of the time I requested.... Lol if don't have, then I will tell my hubby, bb don't wanna play with him or make up any excuse haha then my hubby will try harder to talk to bb and put his face longer on my tummy... Haha

I always talk to bb like bb talking to me then will represent his conversation with me... Lol as for my hubby, he will ask questions then I will b the representing of bb... When my hubby felt that I bully him, he will complain to bb... Haha

Yah my mil is nice to buy for me lah... Haha and my mum and mil will help to look after bb when I go back to work next year...

I've been eating more and more unhealthy food... Hmmmm and I feel like vomitting when i think of fish. Alamak


Momopeachgal, i have been eating ice-cream and drinking cold drinks.. hahaha i also keep thinking whether it is ok to indulge in cold stuff coz i also heard about the baby will have alot of phlegm thingy.. eeks.
i hope i can conquer the thought of vomitting if i think of fish and continue eating fish.. lol...

oh my mil is very eager to take care i think.. hahahha maybe coz this is her first grandchild haha
she so fast tell me to go buy strollers, carriers, container to put baby's cereal in future, baby's kindergarden etc etc.. i hear liao sibei stress.. hahha but of course i can understand she's very happy lah haaha
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Momopeachgal, MamaDT , you are so lucky to have mum and mum in law around to help :)
we are expat so dont have any help. will have my mum here for a month, and theny my inlaws for a month. after that i am on my own . that is fine as well, coz i have matrenity leave till 6 months (taking 2 months without pay). but after that i have a real problem. i have been scouting infant care. But i have heard so many stories of infant care being a place where baby can easily contact germs. so scared. but then i dont want to leave my baby with my maid unmonitored also. we can see only so much with the nanny cam. i am totally confused.

Mreow Mreow

Mreow Mreow: thks dear!! yes, my next appointment is 1st December.. After that will be 1 week interval.. =p Oo ur hospital provide more than 1 gown? cos i heard that my hospital don provide any.. and some hospitals like provide only 1 gown or something.. not sure abt it hehe =p when ur next appointment dear? mayb u can ask ur gynae is ur baby engaged too =) Yes yes.. my baby is also like sometimes dancing on my bladder for a few seconds until i want to pee lol ... yaps, my BH is getting very often already.. but not really every half an hour.. is urs still coming every half n hour interval?

lizasaifi: how much is ur Baby Nurin weighing now? yeah, hope ur baby can come home with you all by the end of the month!! =D~~~ and thks for the clarification regarding the ctg!! hehehe i no need to worry about it already since no poking of needles.. actually i am quite scared of needles.. so if there is poking, i will need to prepare the mood to be poked lolx.. hopefully the ctg is only for 20 mins or so.. cos my back will be veyr painful if i lie down for too long...

Anyone here do not have people to help look after ur kid once u go back to work??? if yes.. what are ur directions? Nanny? Infant care? Maid?

Anyone have nanny to recommend also? thks in advance!!

Momopeachgal, my BH is much more often than that!!
At least twice every half hr!
Dunno if my uterus Is over active or not...
Have alot and to ask Gynae but my next visit Is 27nov.
Haix. Have to count down. Still 1week1day! Sob sob.
Anyway happy 36weeks to u!! :)
Mine tmr. Hehe :D

I'll be taking care of baby alone.
MIL will be in JB while Mum will go back to Thailamd..
Dont think I'll be going back Flying so soon.
Perhaps might even change job to a Ground Job cuz maybe Can't bear to be overseas & leave Baby here!! :(
See how it goes!! :p

Babe, u are afraid of needles but u'll still ask for Epidural right? :)
Then do u still ur Baby's kicks at top of tummy or sides?

Am wondering since baby engaged, can they still move their limbs freely while their head is embedded in our pelvis.
U bought your PJ from ChinaTown already?
Hmm, I dunno how many Gown they provide at KK but if it's soiled I'm sure the staff will give a new piece right? :$
Think so la....

Haha, Mamadt,
My baby dont respond to me or my Hubbys talking!!
She has a mind of her own and does her own mini movement whenever she wants!


Me too , I seem to be dozing off every where. Doze off at work , in bus, taxi . I wake up in the morning , read newspaper and doze off again :)

Mreow Mreow

Luckystar, hahaa same as me.. Its like no matter how many hours i sleep, how early i sleep, i still feel like dozing off everytime..

Mreow Mreow, u can try this link How will I know when I am in labour? to know when in labour.. :D

Haha, I have afew Baby apps and babyCentre is one of those App in my Iphone!
Have read that already!!
Thanks anyway! :D
do u have that in your phone?

Actually i dont mind getting a job & leave baby to mum or MIL, at least more financially stable..
I dont think im the type that can Tahan being a FULL-TIME stay home mum..
Part-time ok :)
hehe, maybe my thinking will change after Baby is born... :p

Does ur tummy look different?
Like its lower or something?

U can feel ur baby's butt?!
HAHA.. Means Baby is facing your spine already? :)


Luckystar, your mum and mil are very nice to come over and take care of u and baby :)

Momopeachgal, I don't know what drinks to drink at kopitiam... Lol scared too sweet for canned drinks, tea n kopi trying to refrain lately, hot milo taste awful but can tahan iced milo kosung... :p and I drink fresh milk which is cold too... Hmm

Lately I feel baby's butt around the top side or top too hahaa big round round one... Haha but don't know if his head is engaged yet... He is abit lazy today leh... Only move itsy bits at the top... Hmm

Mreow Mreow: ur bb gal is so cute.... When come out, sure very cute and fun to play with one haha
Ur BH comes very fast leh.... Twice every half hour! U better monitor hahaha

I can't wait to see mummy posting here saying they are at labourward already! Hahha remember to announce when otw to labourward or waiting at labourward yah! :)

Mreow Mreow

Luckystar, your mum and mil are very nice to come over and take care of u and baby :)

Momopeachgal, I don't know what drinks to drink at kopitiam... Lol scared too sweet for canned drinks, tea n kopi trying to refrain lately, hot milo taste awful but can tahan iced milo kosung... :p and I drink fresh milk which is cold too... Hmm

Lately I feel baby's butt around the top side or top too hahaa big round round one... Haha but don't know if his head is engaged yet... He is abit lazy today leh... Only move itsy bits at the top... Hmm

Mreow Mreow: ur bb gal is so cute.... When come out, sure very cute and fun to play with one haha
Ur BH comes very fast leh.... Twice every half hour! U better monitor hahaha

I can't wait to see mummy posting here saying they are at labourward already! Hahha remember to announce when otw to labourward or waiting at labourward yah! :)

Ya, i better monitor.. Since its very frequent..
Do u all wear pantyliners everyday too?
Easier to spot if anything comes out!! :p

(am gonng wash BB clothes tmr! Wahaha)

Like i mentioned as well, cant wait to see a mummy updating that she's gg to Hospital!! HEHE :)

Most prob allele and i think Lovepixie ya?
2dec? hehe

LovePixie--> 2Dec
Allele--> 2Dec

MamaDT--> 17Dec
Momopeachgal--> 17Dec

MreowMreow--> 18Dec

HoneyfiedCherry--> 26Dec
Pink2purple--> 28Dec

Cant remember the rest of the mummies' EDD....
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wow lovepixie,
Xmas eve as your Birthday!! :)

I always liked the Xmas season very much!! :D

Next time u and your baby can have 2 Birthday Celebrations in the same month!! :D
Haha Mreow Mreow,
My husband save a lot lor. Bday present n Christmas present all give 1 time enough hahaha. 4in1 u say leh he super deal or not? :p


Hi Mreow Mreow

Yup any eu yan san in msia got the package u can see it in their website too. I think their fb page also hv.

Haha if u don't hv member card u can sign up n also join the mummies n babies club got a lot of goodies oo.

My HR confirm that mc is still counted as mc as my colleague got early delivery at 36 weeks cos water burst but no contraction and the maternity leave are counted on the day the baby pops out. She stayed 5 days in hospital n 5 days counted as mc. Thanks :)

think im really blur leh..
I cant find the info on post natal herbs on their FB page or Website!

And u mean sign up as a member with mummies and babies club?
That is related to EYS?

haha.... :)

And may i check with u, your postnatal herbs can last u for how long?

Sorry im very blurr

actually if i cant find the info online i can just pop by into the shop and ask right? :)

have u tried asking from those old fashioned medical halls?
Maybe their price cheaper?
Hmm I dun try Chinese medical halls is bcos my Chinese super cannot survive

EYS herbs last till while confinement finish. Eh if u can't find the online one u google EYS post natal package. If dun have add EYS malaysia.

Hmm Chinese medical hall sure cheaper but I scared of sulfate n nitrate from china products. EyS less risk I feel cos got English for me to read
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Haha Momopeachgal, the way u describe ur bb movement is like "help me mummy!! I think I cannot turn anywhere Liao... My head is engaged!" Lol

I also always stunned when I am asked what I wanna drink.... Very difficult to think hahaha


Less than 2weeks to go for me and Lovepixie!
This morning one of my collegues was joking and said " Eh how come u r still here? Should go and give birth ady!" I said soon la... Haha. Just wait for that moment to come. In fact if u ask me how do I feel now, Im actually more concern about the amniotic sac bursting part than experiencing the pain of labouring! Since Im not taking leave in advance, so Im more worried what if my waterbag burst in mrt or so! Haha.. So right now im actually started to wear night sanitary pad to work everyday :p Hope it helps a bit in holding back the gush of water!

Yup, im also pretty excited to know who's gonna be the next Dec mama giving birth soon! Update update ya!

Mreow Mreow

Less than 2weeks to go for me and Lovepixie!
This morning one of my collegues was joking and said " Eh how come u r still here? Should go and give birth ady!" I said soon la... Haha. Just wait for that moment to come. In fact if u ask me how do I feel now, Im actually more concern about the amniotic sac bursting part than experiencing the pain of labouring! Since Im not taking leave in advance, so Im more worried what if my waterbag burst in mrt or so! Haha.. So right now im actually started to wear night sanitary pad to work everyday :p Hope it helps a bit in holding back the gush of water!

Yup, im also pretty excited to know who's gonna be the next Dec mama giving birth soon! Update update ya!


Actually only 15% of preggies will experience waterbag burst before labour.
The most usual signs that signal labour is impending are bouts of diarrhea, cramps, mucus plug or bloody show...
Waa, I also hope the u won't be in the 15% cuz I'm sure it'd be quite awkward if ur waterbag burst in public!!
*cross fingers*

Lovepixie, thanks for the info!
I already typed those search terms earlier but also can't find... Hehe.
It's ok, think I'll juz go check out the shop directly...

My chinese is very bad too! :(
Because it's so bad, I'm determined to make my baby be good in Mandarin.
So in future can aid me & her daddy. Haha! :)
Actually My baby girl has alot of languages to master!!! :D

The waiting game for labour to start sounds vaguely familiar...
Almost Like the 2week wait we all waited for, about 8-9months back?
the 'Big Fat Positive' on our Preg Test kits!!! :D

For me, I tested even before my period was due!!
Juz had a sixth sense that I would Miss my period that month cuz I thought I fell pregnant!! :p


Hi allele

I also planned like not take leave first but now cannot tahan dy and take mc from my gynae cos I can't walk with legs swollen. Haha waiting to see next week how. Running out of MC to take hahaha.

Hi Mreow Mreow,
Maiperai. Try www.eys.com.my
I m using mummysg app on iPhone but I guess the link still works
I so long nvr sit front of computer cos hard to move with belly so big hahaha

Nowadays MIL already came to 'supervise' me cos almost due. I start to feel tension. I wanted to make her feel comfortable at our home yet she don't want to sleep in the new bed we bought for her, new pair of slippers etc. Haiz. Im totally lost on how to be good daughter in law.
I really hope she feel comfortable staying cos I don't want to put my baby in infantcare or find babysitter. With her staying I could ensure that my baby learns to speak 4 Chinese dialects hahaha.


Hi momopeachgirl

The key is to make her comfortable to stay and attached to so she won't want to go back after my maternity leave. That's the tricky part. Elders usually grown attached to their towns and seldom wanna move to 'city'. Also wish that my job doesn't require me to travel till baby is bigger.

Hi mummies,
I believe all of us hv bought everything that we figured we might need. Ever thought of Breastfeeding n express breast milk for our babies once we start work? Do u mummies buy storage bottles/container, ice pack or even portable fridge? Need experienced mom to share abt it