Edd dec 2012

I've been lethargic since third trimester. . Always wanting to doze off... but lucky our cubicle is high so no one can see..

I guess all of us are experiencing those pains and all hang on! Will be over soon.

MamaD T,

Good to hear your baby is putting on weight healthily. :) I just went for check... in less than a week cos my gynae going for a few days leave on weekend. Baby now 2.9kg. :) quite surprise that sometimes he can gain 200g in less than a week sometimes only 150g. Hee... he said baby still hsvebt engaged.. and he didbt do cervix check which I was quite scare. Maybe he'll do next week.
Meow meow,

We stopped many months ago le cos maybe I can't relax so I don't feel comfy. Aftet that he try to just massage and give me orgasm hehe but from end of tri 2 I dare not le in case leads to contraction. Haha...


Mreow Mreow, I haven't been doing it like for quite long... Not advisable for me to do due to my spotting condition and the false show during week 24...... So can't do even if I feel like doing... :p

Cherry Blossom, so now u are also on weekly checkups? Week 37 for 2.9kg so good! :) ready to deliver anytime just waiting for bb to b engage right? Heehee have u done CTG? Or r we suppose to do CTG only when baby is engaged? Hmmm....

Beenies, I think mine is 3weeks from wk 31-wk34, then two weeks for wk 34-36. But it depends on mummies' condition I think :)
Mreow's is 3 weeks I think :)

Mummies: Oh yah my gynae also said dont squat coz it will aggregate the pelvic pain even more yah :)

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, me stop long time ago as my gynae told me better not to have... Because low placenta, scare it will bleeding...

MamaDT, good... Ur bb is growing :)

Luckystar, how about u n ur husband become weekend parent, leave ur bb in ur mother or mil house, provide allowance; bring bb home every fri-sun.... But for u maybe a bit tiring which u go to ur parent or in law house to accompany bb and also send ur ebm daily... Like that better than sending to infant care ?

For me for the infant care after 4 months, likely getting my mil to take care, she is happy to do but I more worry about her health... But we plan worse case, I quit and take care the bb by myself because my husband doesn't want to send bb to infant care...
but if I quit, I worry as it might be quite tight with just a single monthly income... And a lot unexpected expense might appear when time goes on...


Sze Sze, actually I planned to quit my job for a year to look after bb one... Hahaa but I am hesitating now coz I scared of the unforeseen financial expenses too~~ moreover, next year, I will b planning budget for new house haha
But I am quite sian of my current job although it gives me quite a comfy income lol... Arghhhh now hesitating to tolerate the nuisance job scope/ find a lower pay but 9-5 job/ part time job after maternity...

Between, mummies have u all found a PD for ur bb?


Mreow Mreow,
Baby did a head bob inside me. Either that or she tried play drums with her hand. I had a bup bup twice at night when I sleep until I shriek out. My husband woke up from deep snore in surprise too.

As for ur naughty question. My mom, sister n mil warned us not to do ( separately of course ) because I have a 'miscarriage' before

Hi MamaDT, Sze Sze

I tried quitting my job before I get married in order to arrange wedding etc but found that its hard to be a stay at home 'gf/ wife'. My line of job is quite stressful n not as lucrative as before. Giving up my job also means to be frugal on spas, facials, haircuts and to depend on the man to give handouts for my beauty therapy :p. so decided to go back working. I doubt I will quit my job permanently. Unless I get retrenched or what I will take a few months off to tend n nurse baby and resume working when she is older or 1 yrs plus

Sze sze

For me, likely I will quit for one to two year, when we can send baby to child care, not infant care...But ... because we also planning for 2nd in horse year... So... Hahaha foresee I got to sacrIfy at least for 3 years if I were to quit after maternity...
but for sure that I will be back to workforce when the child is at least age 2....
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Yah I did the ctg last week le it's to check baby heartbeat and movement. Doc just say everything ok. I think mine did quite esrky too.

Yah beanies, once I reach 3rd tri, I go for fornightly checkup, from 36 weeks is every week.
I think better to let mothers take care than maids. Really our mothers is the best and will do the best for our child. If your hubby is thinking of having maids, also intrusion to privacy. Are u staying far from mothers or mil? If not u all bring home and take care at night yourself? Cos infant care u also must take care at night. Cos now the prob is only he don't like your mothers to stay with u all together?


It is really frustrating for me coz I can't get my hubby to understand. I hope , he has a change of heart when baby comes along. My mum n Mil are not in Singapore , so if they have to stay with us if they are to help with baby care. The plan is that my mum will come for the delivery and stay for a month. Then my inlaws will come n stay a month . After that it is just me and the maid . I have taken 2 months extra leave without pay. So I have six months. But after that , I don't know, I have to go for infant care.
I have considered leaving my job, but will take a call after my mat leave is over. If by then my hubby changes his mind , I'd be the happiest person :)


Hello mummies!
Small update for my checkup today... Total weight remains the same as last week but bb gained abit lah... Heehee so he's 2.5kg at week36. Head down but not fully engaged. She gave me a movement chart to count number of kicks coz I told her recently my bb moves super actively on alternate days then move little at other times.
My gynae says all those pains that we have is normal so if can bear with it just bear with it as it helps to loosen the ligaments haha if too painful can take panadol. Lol

Gonna see bb next week! :) now on weekly basis already :)

Have a great day ahead!!!!
May I know how you mark the chart of baby movement? I feel baby movement slower n lesser. Maybe I should go n do ctg. hmm


Talking about notty notty, i think the last time me and hubby truely had it was like 2 months ago coz having sex will cause contraction of uterus and I dun wanna take the risk of having early labour :p So just to be safe we just have oral instead. Haha.. *shy*

For me, Im staying under the same roof with my parents in law. And i feel greatful that my MIL volunteered to look after my baby and right now she has ady bought many baby items and also confinement stuff for me. *touching* The only problem is that she has to also take care of my sis in law's 2 daughters (P1 & P3) at the same time. Well i shall see how it goes, hopefully she'll be able to cope. Otherwise i might have to send my baby to childcare instead :( [definitely no maid for me, dun like stranger in my house.. :p ]

Yah.. what is ctg? Gynae didnt perform this on me.. Aiks, cant wait to go for my week 38 check up on Fri!


New Member
CTG stands for computer task group. Meant to monitor bb movement & stress level. A CTG is the machine that is used to monitor baby's movement.


New Member
Any mommies delivering at TMC? WTG a TMC parking coupon for 2 pkt of sterile cotton balls as token. I delivered in oct and it's good for 6 months from oct. SMs/WA 97886640. I only balance 1 pc so first come first serve. Also I have BNIB Desitin creamy & a tube used once only both going for $16.


CTG stands for computer task group. Meant to monitor bb movement & stress level. A CTG is the machine that is used to monitor baby's movement.
Hi...ermmm u got d meaning wrong there...CTG means cardiotocography...nothing to do wif computer task group at all when it comes to o&g :) ctg machine is used to monitor baby's heartbeats, mummy's contractions n also if there's a contraction whether baby's heartbeat n movements will be in distressed or not...usually when there's contraction baby's heartbeats rate will accelerate n if it decelarate means baby is in distress...


Morning mummies! I'm feeling excited! My princess Nurin will be transferred to d normal ward nursery tdy! Her weight has hit 1.8kg n she's one step closer to going hm! Hee hee

All u mummies have a few more weeks to go ya? Dun forget to share ur birth stories here. Wonder which mummy will pop first. Hahaha oh n also post ur babies pics too!

Have a wonderful day mummies! Keep warm n be safe! See ya! :D

Sze sze

Liza, that's great news... You are one step away from bringing her home!!! :Dancing_tongue:

Some mummies here like anytime already or counting down 2-4 wks...
Wondering who will be the first to pop... Lol~~ :red:


Hello mummies,

Yup what two mummies explained about what ctg does is correct. Lol

As for the movement chart, I was give this chart by clinic to count babies movement. Actually just monitor - as long as baby has moved 10 times in 12 hours is good :)
If no ten times, pls call ur clinic or hospital and seek advise :)

Yah can't wait to read next birth story! Especially those who left with 2-3weeks to delivery or those who has swollen feet and hands or those whose baby has already engaged! Who will emerge first? Hahahhaa

And I have a crazy qn: why is Momopeachgal so quiet? Hahaha very excited to know if she's next coz her baby's engaged!

Mummies, I have experienced menses liked cramps last night and it was short like 1-2mins with 13-15mins interval 3 times! I was so damn scared.... Coz the pain made me tear... I do have quite high pain threshold and so I wonder why I teared last night... Maybe too long mc experience menses pain... Haha anyway, I am not in labour yet coz I just went check up yesterday and baby wasn't fully engaged at tt time :) but any mummies experienced the menses cramp yet?


Liza, great news!!! So happy for u and princess nurin :) hugs!!! Ah lovely!! Finally rock princess is gg Hm soon to rock with daddy and mummy :)