Edd dec 2012


hello mummies! went for my 36wks scan yesterday. We only managed to see baby's side view cos she really enjoy lying on her right side which i wonder y?? and as usual she's not very cooperative but very ACTIVE! She's kicking away even during the scan but just refused to show us her full face profile. sigh~

My doctor has jokingly asked, so 'who's baby is that for not being cooperative??' and I answered 'BOTH' LOL!!! However, the doctor showed us her little feet wriggling abt on my left tummy which to us is a really a timeless sight! sooooo cute and we regretted for not asking the doctor to capture it and print it out for us...cos since can't have a gd pic of her face at least can take a full view of her little feet. "No prawn, fish also good" hahaaaaa

Baby has gained quite a bit of weight, she's around 2.3kg to date. (abt 200g gain per wk). Looking at the progress, my gynae thinks my bb will be around 2.8kg-3kg at birth, which is within my targeted birth weight....not too big or small. :)

Somehow i think part of my bb's weight gain has got to do with my several rounds of durians intake! so guess i'm gg to continue to take more durians since now that the durian season is back! haaa!! :D

The doctor also confirmed that my bb's head is still down but not yet engaged. She's moving more downwards which is causing all the pressure and cramps i've been experiencing. My gynae will see me next week again and he'll somehow be able to decide when he'll induced labour for me. (Estimated to be around week 38/39) which means i have less than 3wks before delivery! and goodness...i'm still sooooo not ready!!!

My gynae will refer us a PD after our baby is born and his name is Dr YY Yip. Any mummies heard of him before? But we can change to another PD should we found him not suitable or what.

We have done the hospital room booking after my scan yesterday so we can go up straight to the labour ward on the day of admission. :)



Ur gal so playful... Dont wanna show u all her full view... Heehee

Great to hear that she has gained a good weight... Yes durian helps to make bb grow faster heehee :)

Which part are u not ready? Preparations for bb's needs or emotionally? Hahha

if it's emotionally, then relax relax u know u r ready when the time comes. :) coz there won't b turning back or anything... U just have to b ready, breathe in and out or anyhow scream, anyhow breathe and push hahaha :p
As for the tearing and all these, the doc will take care of this responsibility and u don't have to care or think about it! Lol
(PS: I am trying to psycho myself this logic.. Lol)
Mummies, I got question . Am having menstrual like pain since 3.30am, and still having them now .. Baby is still moving actively, but my cramps are not letting up . Went for my 35th week checkup just yst but doc didn't say anything . I worry if I go Kandang Kerbau Hospital now, I might be sent home and have to pay an expensive amount ! There's nobody at home now either sob sob . I tried a warm shower but it's not working .. I'm only 35 weeks preg le


Babe, did u time ur contraction intervals?
How long does this menstrual pain last each time?
If intervals are almost equal or lesser, and pain is between 1-4mins....
No choice I think u better go hospital and check ctg....... There might b possibility that u will b send back Hm but at least better than u are staying at home and worrying :)
Hi MamaDT, thanks dear .. I feel a bit better after some rest but my head is spinning, and has been for almost a week now, that's why haven't been online ..

Momopeachgal, I have no idea how to time them, haha . Going back tk rest now ..

Happy to see all is doing well


Hahah Momopeachgal I really tot U went labourward Liao hahahaa :p

Pelvic pains was an issue brought up with gynae yesterday :) it's normal yah.... Dun worry hahaha and I also feel the pain when walking now... And I felt I can fall backward anytime as I walk haha still learning to balance my posture... :p

Think there's a thread on infant school in this forum maybe u can go take a look leh :)

As for the emo thingy, I don't really have it so often... Maybe coz I dun have to go work during pregnancy so lesser things for me to demand (eg nice clothes, make ups etc)
When r u going for your maternity leave? I think u don't need the working clothes very soon once u are on maternity leave :)
As for the rest household chores demand, just open one eye close one eye... That will help u to relax better at this time :)
As for the built, alamak don't worry, u will slim back with perserverance ok... Just keep on breast feeding as it helps to shape back... :) like what Lovepixie says "moo moo cow" lol
Actually u look nice with ur bump now ah... :) don't think too much heehee
Stretchmark - most mummies have yah :)
Finance - hmmm dun go and worry the things that have not happen yah, one step at a time... If still have to plan, share this burden with ur hubby "chuan dao qiao tou Zhi rang Zhi" :)

Now we just need to concentrate on baby's well-being... Few more weeks! And after delivery, we will just be milking cows :)
Rest of the plannings, let hubby go try sourcing with our most minimum guidance if needed! :)

Sze sze

Momopeachgal, initially I used Palmer's cocoa butter but I dun like the smell, so after that i change to bio oil, then one fine day, i suddenly saw there is little part of stretch mark, I then changed back to cocoa butter, the mark actually gone.... Thereafter I continue use back the cocoa butter.... You might want to consider...

Personally I think different ppl use different product will have different results.... My sis used bio oil, she got no stretch mark after giving birth of 2 children; my sis in law used Palmer cocoa butter but got stretch mark.... Aihz...
so u see how ba~~

Sze sze

Momopeachgal, ur husband really good for u... At least he can wash clothes (although using machine)...
My hubby very bad at washing clothes... I seen he washed the clothes for once, cannot tahan then I decide to take back... So now I still washing clothes by myself...
Dun think too much, relax or talk to ur bb more... U will feel much better... This is what I did whenever I feel very moody out of sudden....

Honeyfiedcherry, rest well !! Dun scare urself...

These few days... I can feel some very weird feeling near my stomach and lower part which near the pelvis, it is not painful, but like rubber expanding like.... Really weird and dunno how to describe in words... But I psycho myself that I am not giving birth so fast, dun scare myself... And then start tell bb to kick a bit gentle.... Hahaha...

I feel my stomach getting heavier slowly and I walk slower and slower than before... I wonder how long to go....


Sze Sze yah don't scare yourself.... As long no repeated / ultimate short pain, no show, no mucus plug drop, no waterbag burst, not your EDD date, bb head not et engaged, then u are safe to say that u are not in labour yet! Hohoho :)

Anything else I missed out tt might be a sign u are in labour?

Could the rubber band stretching be baby stretching exercise? :)
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Mreow Mreow

Hahah Momopeachgal I really tot U went labourward Liao hahahaa :p

Pelvic pains was an issue brought up with gynae yesterday :) it's normal yah.... Dun worry hahaha and I also feel the pain when walking now... And I felt I can fall backward anytime as I walk haha still learning to balance my posture... :p

Think there's a thread on infant school in this forum maybe u can go take a look leh :)

As for the emo thingy, I don't really have it so often... Maybe coz I dun have to go work during pregnancy so lesser things for me to demand (eg nice clothes, make ups etc)
When r u going for your maternity leave? I think u don't need the working clothes very soon once u are on maternity leave :)
As for the rest household chores demand, just open one eye close one eye... That will help u to relax better at this time :)
As for the built, alamak don't worry, u will slim back with perserverance ok... Just keep on breast feeding as it helps to shape back... :) like what Lovepixie says "moo moo cow" lol
Actually u look nice with ur bump now ah... :) don't think too much heehee
Stretchmark - most mummies have yah :)
Finance - hmmm dun go and worry the things that have not happen yah, one step at a time... If still have to plan, share this burden with ur hubby "chuan dao qiao tou Zhi rang Zhi" :)

Now we just need to concentrate on baby's well-being... Few more weeks! And after delivery, we will just be milking cows :)
Rest of the plannings, let hubby go try sourcing with our most minimum guidance if needed! :)

Waa, well said!! :D
I think all of us have some form or worry or another now that we are so advanced in our pregnancy....

Momopeachgal, dont fret!!
Spend some time out with your besties and let them share your woes!! :D
Faster go for Maternity leave! Count down to next Thurs! :)

For me, Like MamaDT, my emo-ness & mood swings are not as bad as the previous trimesters..
I guess its also cuz we arent working, nothing much to stress about...
Hehe, me only wonder about Financial woes..
But i think we'll ALL be able to make it through..
Juz some sacrifices here and there will do ya!! :)

So i believe your house' Pasar malam is open? So u got the Coconut from there? Hahaha :)

Lizasaifi, Like all the mummies here,
I am also happy to hear that your baby girl is doing so well!
Thanks for always finding the time to come here to update! :)
and also to clarify the meaning of CTG!!
I was wondering 'Huh? computer task group?'
I remembered that it stood for something else!
ANyway have u finally got on the bike and started the Massage?
Hope your wound is healing nicely & isnt causing u any pain! :D

Honeyfiedcherry, there's an APP u can download to time contractions! :)

Anyway i was quite socked to hear that some of u experienced Menses-Like cramps....
Omg, if i did, i will sure panic...
With a little excitement wondering if its my time though... :p

Ya, those cramps are one of the symptoms of impending labour!
Some women have it a about a week before they pop..
Anyhow, no matter what please take care & do everything slowly!!!!

MamaDT, my Midwife friend and also the antenatal instructors recommend me to do More squats and pelvic rotation!
Cuz they say it'd help baby to Engage if baby isnt..
And if done when baby is engaged, it will help our pelviz muscles to widen and it'd help us in Labour! :)
But i think if it hurts for u then better not do it..??

Ivyb, glad to hear that all is well with u and baby!!
Happy to hear that ur Durian-eating Attempts work too! :D
I also have not heard of your paediatrician...
For me, i think i'll source for someone in the east cuz It'd be nearer for me.. :)

Beanies, when i was 34 weeks,
my Doc requested my next visit to be 3weeks later, by which i'll be 37weeks along..
I also wasnt asked to go in fortnightly! haha...
I think after the 37week checkup, they will ask us to go once every week already.. :)
I will know only on the 27nov when i see him next!! :D

Regarding Getting Naughty with hubby......
As compared to what i hear from u all, i think we do it very often! perhaps Once in 3days?
I had low placenta in 1st trimester too so i was adviced to avoid sex..
But it was quite difficult to totally abstain leh... :p
*opps shyy
Haha, even after such big activity on Bed, my baby girl wont even stir!!! *faint

I havent book Labour ward yet..
Gonna do so on my next visit! :)
Baby clothes also half washed!
Cot not set up... :p
Have a few more small items to buy....

Mreow Mreow

Sze Sze yah don't scare yourself.... As long no repeated / ultimate short pain, no show, no mucus plug drop, no waterbag burst, not your EDD date, bb head not et engaged, then u are safe to say that u are not in labour yet! Hohoho :)

Anything else I missed out tt might be a sign u are in labour?

Could the rubber band stretching be baby stretching exercise? :)

heehee :)

Baby's head can engage at the very last minute during during pushing!
Especially for 2nd time mums and also some 1st time mums :)
So cannot use Engagement as a sign of whether labour will commence in the next few days!

Also, stomachache diarrhea and the frequent urge to empty your stools is another popular sign!!
Our body will automatically want to clear our bowels..
Body wants to settle this small 'task' to prepare the bigger and more important task at hand ;delivering the baby out of our uterus..

whenever i experience a little diarrhea, i will wonder "eh, is it a sign?" HAHA :D


Sze Sze yah don't scare yourself.... As long no repeated / ultimate short pain, no show, no mucus plug drop, no waterbag burst, not your EDD date, bb head not et engaged, then u are safe to say that u are not in labour yet! Hohoho :)

Anything else I missed out tt might be a sign u are in labour?

Could the rubber band stretching be baby stretching exercise? :)

heehee :)

Baby's head can engage at the very last minute during during pushing!
Especially for 2nd time mums and also some 1st time mums :)
So cannot use Engagement as a sign of whether labour will commence in the next few days!

Also, stomachache diarrhea and the frequent urge to empty your stools is another popular sign!!
Our body will automatically want to clear our bowels..
Body wants to settle this small 'task' to prepare the bigger and more important task at hand ;delivering the baby out of our uterus..

whenever i experience a little diarrhea, i will wonder "eh, is it a sign?" HAHA :D

Oh! Oops huh.... Ok no baby engage also can go into labour! Ah! Thanks for correcting that ^^

Mreow Mreow, I've been wanting to clear my Bowels lately.... And can go toilet many times to clear.... Which I try not to think tt it is a warning sign.... Coz I will tell myself as long as it's not diarrhoea then it's not time yet... Really ah - clearing normal stool also ah?

Ok, gotta tell my bb it's not yet December hahaa

Regarding the squats, yah I learnt the same thing as u in antenatal class but maybe coz of the pelvic pain, my gynae says no squatting unless u willing to bear greater pain... Haha :)

Sze sze

Oh... My hubby stop me from squatting since dunno when... Although I secretly squat down to take things when he din notice or not ard.... I should correct him ... Haha

MamaDT.. I think bb is stretching inside womb for me.. Because I very long time nv stretching my whole body... If stretch my leg, will have cramp feeling....

Diarrhea also sign of labour...? Smooth poo leh? I always have very smooth poo in the following day after I drink coconut...

Mreow Mreow

Actually more lk,
Diarrhea with stools.

Then after that, still feel like going to clear bowels...
But when at Toilet Bowl, nothing comes out...

Juz that u will keep having the Urges to go toilet,
Thinking there's still more poo,
even after u clear ur bowels...

But there isn't..

Then could be labour sign in the next 2-3days?


OMG, I didn't know frequent stool is a sign of impending labour , I've been having that for some time now , especially at nights. But I am only 35 weeks , have 5 more weeks to go!!! So scary !!

Also the rubberband stretchy thing , especially in the lower stomach , I always think it it the baby stretching or trying to move. I wonder if that is BH. Anyone ?

I've become so heavy these days, and the baby seems to have moved lower, so with the baby movement , I feel like going pee pee all the time. Everything is slow, walk slow , move slow everything slow slow... Feel like a baby elephant !!
Went for my yoga class today , after long time , surprisingly , I was able to do all the exercises . But during the relaxation bit , I fell asleep , and even let out a little snore !!! Felt so shame after that


About notty notty , some of you ladies are so lucky !! I haven't had any action in the past 9 months. We have had this pregnancy after so long , and so much difficulty, that my hubby is scared to touch me till I pop the baby. Btw , I have heard that sex is one if the ways to induced labour, I think I saw it on discovery H&H. So it s pretty good to have sex at this stage, helps to have natural birth !!


Morning mummies! I'm feeling excited! My princess Nurin will be transferred to d normal ward nursery tdy! Her weight has hit 1.8kg n she's one step closer to going hm! Hee hee

All u mummies have a few more weeks to go ya? Dun forget to share ur birth stories here. Wonder which mummy will pop first. Hahaha oh n also post ur babies pics too!

Have a wonderful day mummies! Keep warm n be safe! See ya! :D
This is wonderful news Liza !! Congratulations !! We are all do proud of little Nurin!! She is a rockstar !!!


Momopeachgal , on the emo thing, I'm right there with you. I get angry too soon, happy too soon and even cry at the drop of a hat. I watch a sad scene in any stupid movie or tv show and I can feel the tears welling up. My hubby has seen the worst of my anger and mood swings , sometime I wonder why he is still with me after the bouts of bad behaviors of mine. Just yesterday , I went into panic mode with my mum on the phone , saying nothing is ready for baby , clothes not washed , cupboard not settled , things don't have fixed places, baby room not done. I was frantic , then finally my mum anyhow calmed me down ! I keep having mini episodes Luke this ;)
But I guess i can always blame the hormones ;)