Edd dec 2012


Hi mummies

I got a scare that baby is not active as before. So I requested ctg. turns out baby is fine. If I lie on my back can feel the movements more hehe

I wonder if now still can lie on the back bo? My sides hurts if I sleeping at 1 position too long.

Also I threw fits frequently. Poor hubby. My MIL went genting for a few days and I panic that baby is coming out soon and told hubby why MIL dun care I give birth anytime also go genting.

And another news. Baby is 3.3kg now. Gynae said he very hard to vacuum one 2.9kg from a first time mother yesterday morning. Makes me a bit scared. However my weight maintained and even 0.9kg lesser than a few days ago. How come baby still grow 0.2kg every week? I scare I hit the limit 3.5kg soon and need to do caesarean liao. Haiz. I dun wanba try natural then have to go Caesarean in the end. Its expensive and pain both sides.


Ok I see, so frequent to toilet with the feeling of wanting to poo after diarrhoea with poo but no poo = possible sign....
Any stomachache pain involve for this or no pain also possible sign?

Must take note of this haha.....
Thanks Mreow Mreow :)

Luckystar, with regards to the washing clothes and chores, u have maid to help? If u and hubby too busy at work and tired to do at weekends, get maid or part time maid to help :)
Tell u sthg, the cot mattress I wanna buy is out of stock so I haven't buy hahaha and so many taboos here and there, I am told not to stick decal stickers in my bedroom till delivery...... Arghh so I just have to open one eye close the other, relax and not think Abt it. Lol

Sze Sze, I see I see... Hmmm I don't have the rubberband stretch feeling... Only felt pressure and pain while walking.. And "tingling" feeling like sthg dropping at the pelvic area... Haha dunno how to describe... I will stunned plus stand there awhile then just keep telling myself to relax n not time yet... Lol

Lovepixie, you've done the right thing to go and check on ctg... :) at least u feel assured that bb is fine yah :) wah ur MIL goes genting... Good coz after that she cannot enjoy this freedom already :) she needs to relax too yah...
I keep asking my mum to go but she doesn't want as she scared I go into early labour. Although possible, but I have already planned to call ambulance or taxi and just go hospital from home if no one is with me at Hm during labour. As for hospital bag, heck it, anyway, ambulance comes, nurse will take for me. if taxi, then get hubby to go hm and get after delivery. hahaha
my mil also went back to back holidayssssss. anyway, as long as my hubby is in Sin is good enough for me.
All mummies' pregnancies are different, ur gynae said that mummy's difficult to vacuum doesn't mean urs too :) 3.3kg is good weight for bb :) seek ur doc's advise on whether u shd go for natural or c-sect yah...
Relax - breathe in breathe out. Relax.....


Momopeachgal, bloody show, yes I will take my handbag and medical card to hospital labourward, get myself strapped onto the ctg, let nurses check and call my doc. Lol

I don't think clarins one step cleanser is exfoliating type since it is for removing light makeup :) haha
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Yup, tt's the instruction from my clinic haha

Coz the nurses will have all the medical lingual to explain to your doc... Contraction timing graph, monitor baby heartbeat/ distress chart, dilation and cervix check... After checking, they will call doc and explain and wait for doc's instruction.

Oh Momopeachgal, u consti? Gt tell ur gynae bo? Fibregel no use also?
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Oh I gana scolding from my gynae when I told her my poo poo routine was like urs in the past hahhaa she said everyday shd poo.... Lol
Anyway, I think urs is fine bah heehee

Yes, at this time, I think we tend to get tired, sleepy and sometime breathless easily.... Coz our baby is growing in tummy, and we have to carry them around, walk with caution, maintain right posture and still have to tolerate the pains... Hahaha bear with it! We r almost to the milking cow stage! ^^

Mreow Mreow

Waa... U all can no action for 9months?!
omg. I realllllly cannot man.
Seriously!!! :p
Haha. We are hamstersss... :p

Yep, intercourse may help labour.... Haha
He has to Ejac inside cuz it's believed that Semen contains a substance that can help to soften, ripen, thin the cervix...
Which will cause mucous plug to drop & all that lor.
Then signal labour... :)

Momopeachgal, I'm like u. Don't poo everyday too.
It's normal for preggies to get constipated & not poo everyday.
Uterus pushes against our intestines & slow down the digestion & excretion processes!
Some mummies lucky, can follow pre-preggyroutine and poo everyday! :)

Waa... I also wanna go Genting!!
Really wanna chill in the weather!
Think when baby is 3month I will plan a mini trip there! Hahaha :)
Lovepixie, dun get upset!!
I guess ur MIL is taking it as a 'GrannyMoon'!!!
Like for us we take BabyMoon.
Think ur MIL knows that when her Grandchild is out, she'll have no time for such mini hold anymore!! :D

Mreow Mreow

For me, after bloody show or mucous plug or what,
I will take a good bath & hairwash before I go to Hospital.... :)

Juz hope that whn that day comes, my Hubby is in SIN and not flying or in some other country!! :(

Oh, not not normal diarrhea as a sign...

It's actually after diarrhea when u clear ur bowels,
U still feel lk u have another bout of diarrhea coming...
But when u go toilet, there's actually no poo.

Ya, lk wad Mamadt said...
Will have the stomachache feeling like want to shir.
But end up no shit come out.


Momopeachgal u dam cute lah.... Was it tt time u had two fresh big slices of papaya? Hahahha
Dun panic dun panic hahha monitor monitor heeehee :p

Mreow Mreow

I'm sorry to hear that u all have those pains...

I count myself quite fortunate that I've yet to experience those pains or discomfort yet..

Sometimes makes me wonder if my baby is gonna be overdue cuz I dun have those pains or discomfort that u all have yet...
Like pelvic pain, can't walk fast, swollen feet, breathlessness etc.

My mum is funny.
She is abit peeved that I didn't go thru wad she did.

Everyday call & ask "have u started to feel uncomfortable?"
And I'll say "haha! Not yet!"
She'll say "huh? Cannot be.. How can u still feel good at this stage?"
I'll reply "perhaps in afew weeks I'll feel the strain of pregnancy!"

She expected me to feel her pain when she carried me but never did she expect my 3rd trimester to be a breeze. Haha!
Where got mother wAnt their own daughter to suffer?!
Haha. Funnyy...

Lovepixie, sleeping on back isn't encouraged cuz blood flow to baby will be reduced $ apparently preggies won't feel comfy on back due to breathlessness too..
But I'm still sort of sleeping on my back!
My Gynae says if I feel ok then it's fine.
Juz put a smallllll pillow on 1 butt cheek so ure not ENTIRELY flat.
I do that everynight. Comfy for me :)

Any mummies' nipples feel funny or feel a little rough? :)

Mreow Mreow

Momopeachgal u dam cute lah.... Was it tt time u had two fresh big slices of papaya? Hahahha
Dun panic dun panic hahha monitor monitor heeehee :p

Omg. I really feel lk eating papaya now lehz :)

Cold chilled papaya...

I will attack papaya and pineapple after delivery!!
Haha :D

Momo, u have Poo reflex when u go such places...
Go more often!! Then can clear ur bowels :)


Mreow, now tt u mentioned pineapple... I feel like having pineapple rice. Hahaha

No funny feel on nipple... :)

But my breast hurts a few seconds sometimes since last weekend. Anyone had this pain?
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Sze sze

Momopeachgal, I bought big bottle of Palmer cocoa butter at ard $23-27 which I cannot remember exact amt, bcos I got it at discounted price from Watson... And I haven finished the bottle, still have maybe 1/3 or more...


Momopeachgirl and Sze Sze

Palmers almost same price as Clarins Huille tonic and Pelengra (Korean brand) stretch mark cream. I feel that is working for me

Mornings use Clarins

Afternoon evening bath using VCO and Palengra

I feel that combination works for me.


Babes... Just to check contraction pain can b pain at any part of tummy right? Above belly button cramps also considered?

My gynae told me it can be at any part of tummy and even back... So wondering if that's what u all heard/read as well :)
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Sze sze

Ya.. Agreed. Some preggie don't really have pregnant symptoms... Except the stomach getting bigger... Lol~~

Not feeling weird for nipple.... I has been massaging it in fact... Because the nurse at gynae clinic told me to do tat to prepare for breastfeeding...

Sze sze

Momopeachgal, I am not sure, I switch back about 1 week after I discovered the mark...
When I first noticed the mark, I still continue use bio Oil, until I feel it won't go away, then I change back to Palmer cocoa butter just to try my luck to see if the mark will disappear or not... Maybe it wasn't so serious, after a few days applied thick coat on the area, it fade and slowly disappeared (as in I cannot tell there was any marks, which my husband also think so)


Momo, thanks for your reply! :) yah I had it just now a few times, but I didn't time haha even have the stomachache feel but no poooo lol....
Thinking if it's coz of the KFC I had about 6plus or four sips of Pepsi with salt..... Hmmm


I'm so behind everyone again. :p
I'm using the clarins tonic oil in the morning the palmers at night cos my couz gave it to me. So far no stretch marks and I'm kinda lazy to apply them esp the clarins one which is really oily. But I read before that stretch marks are genetic? Also nt sure if it doesn't appear now means we will not get it after we deliver?


Btw sze sze I went for the breastfeeding course at kkh this week and the nurse said we should not massage our nipples now as it might lead to contraction. Jus to share not sure how true though

Anyone found their post natal massage lady already? And have u mummies started decorating and puttin on the pillows and bed sheet for your cots? I wanna do it now but so afraid they will get dusty! Hee