Edd dec 2012


hello mummies, happy saturday!

Sze sze, u having ur c sect on 2nd dec! u r gg to see ur baby v soon! happy for u, time to wrap up e things n prepare urself into motherhood!

lovepixie, thks for e info regarding e clarins video! :)

Mreow Mreow, so r funny feeling u saying us e color n size of e nipple and the opening! yes, my nipple is darker and bigger le, so big till i m v scared lei.. i scared baby mouth nt big enuff to latch on becos of my big nipple... n lol regarding ur cat slping in e cot insteaf haha... n.. as for stretch marks, i will go get e palmers cocoa butter n try hee... ya mayb i mite get more stretch marks if i m able to slim down especially on my hands snd my thighs cos my pre pregnancy hands n legs r actually iz quite slim.. now is fat lol.. but den i wont worry abt dis.. now wish baby is healthy n cute only lol

MamaDT, woww u getting the contraction tt us frm top to pelvic area.. ur body is trying to get use and b prepared for true labor.. n u get to poo quite often! i wonder me, u n mreow mreow who will b e first to report our birth plan! hee

allele, oo ur edd is 2nd dec! r u excited? :)

btw mummies, i mentioned before my gynae said my baby is engaged rite? but i recently feel tt my baby is like moving up ... felt tt baby like dowan come out so soon lei lol

btw.. i feel like gg w/o epidural.. but my hubby dont believe tt i can.. jus bcos he say i m scared of needles... hw could i tahan labour pain?but i used to suffer a lot of menses cramps before i m preggy... so i wonder can i tahan e contractions or nt.. but sometimes i do take e panadol for menses whenevet my menses come.. wad u all think? i tink so much oso no use hor? scully i nid go c sect becos i feef baby too much lol cos my baby is 2.7 kg during 35th week hmmssss
8 days left for me.. Excited of course!! Haha! Right now Im still going to work as usual, everyday take mrt and all. My collegues said that im the most 'relaxed' preggie so far coz since the day i got pregnant i didnt have any morning sickness, fatigue, swollen legs or major complaints during my pregnancy. Im really feel greatful that im able to make it to this stage coz previously i was diagnosed with bicornuate uterus when i was in 4th month pregnancy. I have 2 uterus, and baby is living in the right uterus. The main concern was miscarriage or preterm labour due to the lack of growing space in the uterus. Luckily i have a good gynae whom assured me that i can be pregnant just like any other mums, no need to worry too much. So there.. 8 days left. Jia you for me and baby!


Hi Allele.
Thanks for sharing ur birth plan

Doc scan and show me what is considered engaged and what is not. He said 3/5 head go down means engaged but mine has been 2/5 for past 2 weeks.

Also my baby is 3.3kg liao. Still no sign of labour
I actually wanted to natural birth but judging the size of baby I'm swayed to caesarean if doc said my pelvic bone not wide enough? Final weight of baby should be around 3.5kg next week or 3.7kg the week after.

Wah dunno if I'm eating too much causing baby this big ? My weight is slowly going down a little but baby gets bigger??

Also I'm having urge to go toilet pangsai more often. Is it sign liao? Do u feel the same?
Wow.. Ur baby definitely getting sufficient nutrients from u! :) I heard that some cases whereby if baby weighing 3.5kg or more gynae will recommend to do csect instead. So if baby getting bigger next week (say 3.5kg or more) will u straight away opt for csect or will u give a try on natural birth and see if able to push him out first? Are u prepeared for csect? Hehe..

I know that pangsai more often is one of the signs.. Other than that are bloody show, burst of waterbag, regular and close intervals of contractions etc.. Do monitor these signs oh! I havent got urge to go poopoo often yet.. Instead i got constipation! Ahh.. Always sit in the toilet very long time :p u take care ya..
Hi Allelle,
I got discuss c sect with hubby before and he said ok. -.- he is not well versed in pregnancy n stuff and being men he didn't bother to find out pro n cons.
I talked to some female relatives n also my close friend who just given birth last Monday. Found out 3.5kg and above is not a problem because from their experience, mothers who used to be 40kg-42kg pre pregnancy did give birth to babies weighing 3.65kg and 3.8kg albeit with the help of forceps n vacuum. Haha. For me I was 54kg pre pregnancy so no prob giving birth to 3.7kg baby gua...


Hi, mummies.... Some updates!!!Just went to check up today~Bb weight is estimated at 2.6kg..Did ctg today, bb heartbeat is good, not much contraction...Due to low placenta, so confirmed c-sec on 2 dec, which is 8 days from now!!!After confirm with gynae, I now having very weird feeling... Maybe was hoping to be able to go natural delivery... I still cannot get the mindset the I will be seeing and holding my little girl in 8days time.... Lol~~
Sze Sze, welcome to be 2 Dec EDD.
Excited for u! Have u prepared for c sect stuff? For instance red dates instead of 14 days u need to fully consume 28 days. Certain herbal stuff u need to double cos longer usage due to c sect.. Also massage only after 2 weeks or more can be done.


MamaDT ,
Wah 2-3 times poo I already think its too much liao but u 5times??! I also got lots constipation cos double my iron intake due to lack of iron.

Momopeachgirl ,
If I wasn't induced ill go w/o epidural. I also want to avoid c sect cos my iron low and c sect lose more blood. Ultimately will follow the sequence. No induced - baby heart rate ok

Induced- baby stressed or poo inside. - laughing gas.. If cannot tahan only epidural

C-sect. - epidural


Momo... Haha I wish my baby comes out in dec and with my doc in town... Haha my gynae will be away between 6-10 dec... :( yes poo alot n wanting to poo feelings these days.. Go washroom till my feet feel so tiring lor... Haha I don't like the feeling yah haha :p n coz of the contraction pains and the poo matters, my mum and mil are both very excited. They keep asking me to go walk more, and I told them walking too much everyday = deliver soon... Then they say the faster the better. Lol they can't wait le.... Haha

Beenies, how big is your cot? Heehee just wondering coz u are having twins right? :) when ur babies come out, think their sleeping pattern will b very cute and sweet heehee :)
I think a little alcohol one time is fine :)


Lovepixie, yes I think u can understand my feeling of pooing too much! Hahahhaa I am taking iron pills as well due to lack of iron too and I can still poo so much! My negative feeling abt sitting on toilet bowl is increasing each day... And i feel tt making a trip to the washroom is even more unworthy when there isnt any poo but got poo feeeling Hahaha felt cheated... :p


Jia you for our 1st batch of dec mummies- Allele, Lovepixie and Sze Sze!!!! Remember to share ur birth story!! Very excited! Can't wait to read ur stories!!! haha :)


Beeenies ,

Slather em on. U r having twins. Just make sure it got enough coverage. Third tri is the most important time to apply correctly. Previously I just slap the oil on n rush to office. Now I take my time to apply knead my thighs where the most problem is on.
Oh yea I saw my hub's friend had long fong twins and the baby cot is 2 separate one. Mama take care of son n dad take care of daughter. Both separate sleep and they jokingly said see need separate sleep wor. And also jokingly told us breast feed got a special technique called football hold. So cute. One arm each baby at each nen nen.

Hi MamaDT

I'm not worried. No signs of contraction yet ha ha. My mum said all her kids more than 40 weeks perhaps its genetics? I do really need pray for smooth delivery cos first time mom and I dowan be swayed by making unwise decision at the spur of moment.


Mamadt! I'm also having like those Tummyache cramps, so Xin ku! I got a cot and a playpen for one each but my hubs say since they still small might be able to sleep in the cot tog. More sturdy.

Lovepixie, okie will try to be abit more hardworking hee


Hi mummies

Had a scare last night. I thought water broke. Wet wet discharge but not a lot. Pelvic pain but not in waves. Told hubby n mil they insist its time. I still wanna wait cos I got phobia nurse put hand inside check dilation. Turns out go hospital no dilation n no contraction no water break. It's just normal light yellow discharge with no smell haiz.
And did ctg for the second time this week. Dunno why ctg probe baby to be more active. Was discharged n asked to go home. Doc need not come too. I felt very violated during dilation check T_T *cries*

Mreow Mreow

Hi mummies

Had a scare last night. I thought water broke. Wet wet discharge but not a lot. Pelvic pain but not in waves. Told hubby n mil they insist its time. I still wanna wait cos I got phobia nurse put hand inside check dilation. Turns out go hospital no dilation n no contraction no water break. It's just normal light yellow discharge with no smell haiz.
And did ctg for the second time this week. Dunno why ctg probe baby to be more active. Was discharged n asked to go home. Doc need not come too. I felt very violated during dilation check T_T *cries*

Your time could be very near!

Increase in Vaginal discharges can signal that labour will come soon!!

Does the check hurt?
Haiz, I guess o choice we all have to go through..

I rather the female nurse than my male gynae.. ahahaha

Mreow Mreow

Lovepixie, yes I think u can understand my feeling of pooing too much! Hahahhaa I am taking iron pills as well due to lack of iron too and I can still poo so much! My negative feeling abt sitting on toilet bowl is increasing each day... And i feel tt making a trip to the washroom is even more unworthy when there isnt any poo but got poo feeeling Hahaha felt cheated... :p

U got the poo feeling but no poo come out!
haha... scaryyy..

and the pain feeling u described is quite intense too..
u said it radiates from top then to pelvic then to back...
Hmm, u better watch the signs babe!!

My doc say i might deliver in early dec,
U and 1 are juz 1 day apart so its possible that u deliver early dec too gal!!

but For me i dont have such pains that u have..
So i dont think Early Dec is time for me..
I guess when i do feel the pain, its either im really going into labour or i still have many more weeks to go!

MOMOpeachgal & MAMAdt,
Happy 37 weeeeeeks!!
Happy Full-Term!!!
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Mreow Mreow

It happens to me too! I started to clear these white dried milk duct-blocking things like one month back on both of my nipples. I guess our hormones started to warm up the milk glands in our breasts for feeding purpose.

Allele, means u can see openings on both nipples?
somesort like crack?

My mum keeeep stressing the importance of clearing our nipple tips cuz she said when the milk comes but the nipple duct is blocked, it'd hurt like maddd...

Somehow i dunno how to distinguish between blocked nipple and OK nipple...

Becuz we've all not breastfed before, how to know afer cleaning nipple that nipple is clean or still have to clean some more?
U get what i mean?
Dunno how to explain....
hahahha :p

I read that we have to clean our nipples now to remove debris but how does one know that its debris and not jus our nipple bits/skin?


Mreow Mreow,

I felt sicker when nurse put rubber gloves n lubricant and put whole hand check inside. Sumore she can't find the cervix opening. Wah horrible horrible. Today I feel sicker. Vomiting my breakfast n lunch then I dare not eat n go to nap till now. I drank some isotonic to keep my self hydrated and take some sweet mango. No mood to walk or eat. :(
MIL ask me to evening walk around the house later said easier to give birth if walk. I lazy. Walk around mall I can la. haha cos got aircond. Today I sweat like a horse. Keep wanting cold ribena with lime. XD
Abt the nipple blockage I think can lightly scrub the tip using soap ( I'm using soap with exfoliating properties )
I'm quite worried abt the darkening of nipple and also some dark spots on thighs n breast. I use soap to lightly scrub them and apply some stretch mark cream Plagentra or VCO. Now I'm addicted to apply VCO hahaha.

Mreow Mreow

Mreow Mreow,

I felt sicker when nurse put rubber gloves n lubricant and put whole hand check inside. Sumore she can't find the cervix opening. Wah horrible horrible. Today I feel sicker. Vomiting my breakfast n lunch then I dare not eat n go to nap till now. I drank some isotonic to keep my self hydrated and take some sweet mango. No mood to walk or eat. :(
MIL ask me to evening walk around the house later said easier to give birth if walk. I lazy. Walk around mall I can la. haha cos got aircond. Today I sweat like a horse. Keep wanting cold ribena with lime. XD
Abt the nipple blockage I think can lightly scrub the tip using soap ( I'm using soap with exfoliating properties )
I'm quite worried abt the darkening of nipple and also some dark spots on thighs n breast. I use soap to lightly scrub them and apply some stretch mark cream Plagentra or VCO. Now I'm addicted to apply VCO hahaha.

i love to walk in malls too! enjoy the aircon! :)

Hmm, lovepixie, do u think that labour is coming soon for u?

So far i read that nausea and vomiting are one of the signs too....

My cervix not checked yet..
Hope my Doc doesnt do it on tues when i have my checkup...
Hi mummies!

I have been missing for some days but no yah.. have not give birth yet... hehe. Just that I seldom log on to computer and wanted to type using the phone but keep procrastinating as I thought easier to switch on the computer and type and ended up didnt switch on. :p

Wow Sze Sze you'll be seeing your baby very soon! Maybe you'll be the next one?

Mreow Mreow, I also have the white white thing u described and my mum told me before to scrub away else it'll be blocked when milk comes in. But i can only scrape off slightly with my fingers... not really alot. I dunno how to really clean it thoroughy... hopefully it wont block the milk from coming out. My nipple skin also looks red and soft at some parts... worried it will be sore when i start breastfeeding... :(

My gynae didnt check my cervix when i was 37 weeks... thankfully... and I used to take progestrone around week 33 but stoped since week 36. Nowadays dont really feel the crampy feeling but whenever i woke up in the middle of the night, i would feel the cramp feeling with a bloated bladder. Felt much better after i empty my bladder...

Lovepixie and mamaDT, if i were you i would be darn anxious! Actually nowadays really wish baby would come out soon... still got one more week to my maternity leave... cant wait... feeling hot and heavy but again, i somehow think baby would be healthier if he comes out after week 38? Is it true or as long as full term le would be ok? Anyway not for me to decide als... hehe.... i let baby come out naturally... When i think about what i did 2 weeks ago and it just went pass like that... so in about 2 weeks + time baby would be out! Thinking about it makes me feel it's gonna be very fast! Haha.... seeing so many babies pop in my facebook ... can't imagine this is going to happen to me soon... like dunno real or not... hahah....

this shall be the most exciting thread in 2012 mtb at this time... hehe... jia you wor!!


Hey mummies,

Lovepixie, what a scare for u... Hope u are feeling better :) take few small sips of orange juice if u feel nauseous, it helps :) and take some biscuits or crackers.

Mreow Mreow, happy week 37!! Yup I don't mind deliver in early dec as long as it is natural and in dec I am happy... Mad me... Lol
Will keep myself alert next week onwards haha this week, I think if there's any pain, I will just go lie on bed and sleep and think nthg Abt delivering till following day then see how :)
As for the nipple thing, remember I mentioned mine was like "cracked" and dry and yellowish white color for the dry bits awhile ago? I showed to my gynae and she said might b colostrum and best not to touch it...

Cherry Blossom, how are u feeling lately? As long as bb is week 36 onwards, considered full term and can safely come out le :) I feel heavy too and my leg seriously cannot tahan the pressure, walk awhile only I feel like resting already heehee :p
agree with u, it's finally our turn to bombard this forum - the 2012 dec mummies... Wahahhaa

Momopeachgal, happy week 37 as well! :)

Anyone has any idea what color is mucus discharge? Because that is a sign too.. Lol but dunno how it is like...

I saw a pic of Christmas honey baked ham these few days and I keep pointing to my whole family I wanna have it during Christmas confinement wahahhahahaa yum yum!
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Hi MamaDT
Thanks for the info and advice drinking orange juice

As I went to emergency room for my 'false alarm' *embarassed* the nurse said that usually discharge is yellower n creamy but if amniotic water leak it will feel warm like peeing on pants and the diff is you can't control it like u control pee.
Yesterday on the way to hospital I was so scared I didn't do kegel exercise and I keep squeezing for last minute exercise and maybe that makes the yellow discharge more.

Hi Mreow Mreow.
I know the feeling of dun wan doc to check cervix. Don't worry if baby is not engaged yet in the scan I think gynae won't check. My last thurs appointment is like that. I still hope my baby come out dec. haha yesterday was 24 and I thought 24 is good date cos easier to remember cos exactly one month before mine or 25 th oso good cos my bday, marriage registration, wedding on bride side and groom side follow the sequence of 24,25,26,27,28 hahaha


Thanks Lovepixie for the description of the discharge... Hmmmm I think it's hard for me to identify on the discharge as I have quite a lot of creamy super light yellow discharge sometimes, it's enough to change panty liner that kind...
But thanks for explaining :) I will keep a better lookout next week onwards :)

Have a good evening babe :)


Thanks Lovepixie! Where to find such uncle selling young and green coconuts? Hmm
Hi MamaDT

Sorry it took so long to reply this as I browse thru old forum post n realise that I didn't see some post cos I m using my iPhone app to read mummysg haha lazy cos laptop on belly is not a good idea..

I suddenly remembered food court at east coast park got a stall sell. Also if I'm not mistaken old airport road food court got sell?